True Dota 2 - Is spamming heroes a good way to climb up in rank?

Is spamming heroes a good way to climb up in rank?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 07:10 AM PST

A friend of mine spams AM. He first picks it whenever he gets the chance to do so, even if it means giving the enemy team the opportunity to counter pick him.

So, is it really a good way to climb up?

submitted by /u/ai_raiki
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Gyro in 7.07c

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 06:54 AM PST

Hey guys, I was wondering how good is gyro in the new patch? I enjoyed playing him a lot before couple changes so im wondering does anyone have any expirience playing him in pubs and are the results good? If so, how did you play him and how do you itemize him right now?

submitted by /u/turbokokot
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I have about 160 hours logged into the game and still suck

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 01:51 PM PST

This game is hard.

How can I become better?

Should I Main a hero?

I usually just play LOL because I'm such a scrub while playing Dota but I would like to be good.

I love how much more dynamic it is.

It seems like supports in this game can still carry but maybe that's just my low level.

I don't even play ranked yet.

Any tips or direction that could help me understand all the nuances of the game?

submitted by /u/Neuromancerrr
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How has necro's build changed?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 08:35 AM PST

It seems to me like aghs is now essential because otherwise your ult is on a 120s cooldown. Its just a question of how early.
Also sadist has been heavily nerfed, has anyone calculated exactly how much less health you get for a hero kill? It makes me think heart is preferrable over shivas now.

submitted by /u/Kaiped1000
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Has anyone ranked up after receiving your badge?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 07:46 PM PST

If so, how many games did it take to go up a tier or rank?

submitted by /u/bikwho
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Chen tip to help out offlaner

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 06:08 PM PST

I've been playing/trying to learn Chen a bit recently and just realized that you can send back the ranged creep as it's reaching the lane for your offlaner. It only goes to fountain but can be enough to give them lvl 2. Kind of like a poor man's sacrifice.

Something to do while u wait for the 1:00 mark.

submitted by /u/srrygottarun
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The BS between Pudge and BKB

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 12:56 PM PST

Does anyone else find it Bullshit that you cant stop a pudge hook by using a BKB? It can basically kill most people at early level due to its pure damage and late game can become a right pain to deal with if it connects. I get that he has this problem where he is completely useless if he cant use his hook but lets be real here a second. You buy a BKB against a shadow shaman, a lion nd a crystal maiden and they literally become useless. You literally can't do anything if you get Bkb's as a crystal maiden and yet she doesn't get any mitigations to the BKB.

submitted by /u/Yekaterinapetrovna
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Is communication an important factor to winning, gaining mmr, or just simply getting better at Dota 2?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 05:56 PM PST

Yes. Without communication, u can't make specific plays, even if u type like a god, people don't look at chat. When I play, normal, ranked, whatever, I use a mic. I've started this about a month ago and found a slight increase in my gameplay, and in others. What do you think?

submitted by /u/Controled
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TA level 20 Talents question

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 07:45 PM PST

I'm not too sure I understand the "refraction dispels" talent. I assume it means that when you use refraction, you lose most negative status effects.

An example would be if you're gailed by a venomancer you just press q and it gets rid of it?

It seems that would the best use for it, because it's not like you can activate it while stunned (similar to ursa aghs)

When would this talent be worth getting? I spam TA alot at ~4k mmr.

I almost always get the meld - armor because I like blowing supports up.

Cheers guys

submitted by /u/arthur301
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Looking for analyst / tips to improve on my support role!

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 05:59 PM PST

Hi guys recently I've been playing support in this new patch and been trying to improve but I can't really see my problems clearly and will like some opinions and guidance.

The current difference I'm seeing from better supports are: - when and where I should take some farm to increase my gpm / xpm I notice there's a huge difference between lower mmr supports to higher mmr in this area. I'm trying to aim for 400gpm at the very least as a support to see myself improve

  • game impact, I'm usually quite lost when the game transitions to mid game I think.. when most have their power spikes I tend to be least impactful what should I take note of?

I recently played a game will appreciate if any experience support could point out areas I could've been more useful.

Errors I felt I made was positioning in key team fights, think it was at dire jungle near ancient I went too close and couldn't reposition to anticipate spell steal on tide/wryven causing the lost in team fight

submitted by /u/McEa5y
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Pub-friendly heroes to grind solo ranked with?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 04:49 PM PST

As the title states, who are some of your favorite heroes to play during solo queue? Why do you like those heroes, and how do you play them? I am still learning this patch so I'm not really sure who is in the meta, but that's not that important. I'm asking about personal preference. Any position, really. Ideally, I am looking for heroes that don't require a ton of coordination from your team (I'm pretty low-ranked, still calibrating) but can still be effective.

Personally, I like offlane heroes a lot. I haven't played too much of this patch but offlane does seem quite a bit harder. I tend to find myself picking Underlord a lot these days. He's tanky, offers a lot of utility with his item build, and he's a strong pusher.

submitted by /u/soulpapa
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Is anyone willing to teach me how to climb faster than I am?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 06:19 PM PST

I'm around 700 mmr right now, but when I first started, I was around 1.2k. I completely screwed up, losing about 10 games when I first started ranked, and got stuck in bad tiers and games. I have been watching videos, comments, even asking my friends, yet after almost 4-5 months, I'm still under 1k. Any help, advice, or free coaching is welcome!

submitted by /u/Controled
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[Question]How to play around pubs that are good at doing rotations?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 04:24 PM PST

In the title, pretty much my question.

Been having a pretty bad losing streak recently (~7 games lost consecutively). Recently broke the loss streak, but only with pretty meme heroes like Veno and with better teammates. (only hero that I can get modest cs w/ at 10 min, around ~40(I know that's really bad but given how bad I usually am at last hitting it feels like a win for me))

One thing I've noticed about the games that I've been playing are the facts that I'm not too good at last hitting and the fact that I (usually) don't play aggressive enough. But a lot of teams I'm against in unranked are good at rotating.

tl;dr How to play around players that are good at doing rotations?

submitted by /u/490A
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