True Dota 2 - I want to play mid

I want to play mid

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 05:40 AM PST

I have always played offlane at this point in my dota career but I want to be more greedy and play some mid what are some heroes I can start to spam in the 4k bracket?

submitted by /u/Reydota1
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Farming Principles/ Mentality during first 15 mins

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 07:17 AM PST

Hey fellow Dota 2 nerds,

One thing I am having a hard time balancing is knowing when to shove the wave, and keeping it under tower to prevent farm from going to the offlaner during the first 15 or so minutes of the game. I usually try to read the situation, but I am not so good at identifying whether or not pressuring the tower is enabling the offlaner to have some easy experience and farm. Is this all contextual to the matchup? Or is there some common signs to look for?

submitted by /u/BIGMIKE6969
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Strong dual offlanes this patch?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 10:32 AM PST

What are some strong dual offlanes this patch that can go in and contest the enemy safe lane for last hits and farm? Is there any pattern for the types of heroes you'd use in a dual offlane versus a solo offlane?

I'm guessing Lich is still strong in the offlane this patch. Beyond that, maybe heroes with high armor and base regen? Stuff like ogre, Nyx, PL...

submitted by /u/ak1247
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What are best ways to improve offline without playing games?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 01:12 PM PST

For the next 5 weeks I probably won't be able to be online and play match making, so are there any games in arcade I can download or something I can do to keep training since normal games are out of question.

submitted by /u/bravo_six
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Requesting Coaching/Team tips

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 11:37 AM PST

A group of friends and I are looking to form a team (for fun, nothing professional) and I was looking for some guidance or insight on the best way we can work on improving as a team. For some background, I am (or was, haven't calibrated the new rank yet) a 4.2k solo mmr player while my other 4 friends range from 3-3.5k.

There are a lot of guides here, and elsewhere on the web, that offer a lot of insight on individual improvement (most seem to be focused on improving in solo ranked with 4 randos). While individual improvement is obviously a part of our improvement as a team, I was also wondering if anyone had any insight on how we could work on things that are not individual skill.

We often find that when we play together as a group of 5, we are not on the same page, coordination is lacking, and we are often aimless in terms of overarching strategy. This is after a couple years of playing together, albeit in casual pub games. Our individual skills improve over time but consistently we underperform as a team. There seems to be so much emphasis on most Dota resources on individual technical details and micro (which I completely acknowledge is EXTREMELY important and probably most important until TI levels of play) but a complete void of guidance in terms of of actual teamwork and communication skills during the game. We would like to supplement the individual growth with the growth as a team.

A couple examples of areas I think are worth discussing or learning about: what sort of decisions do captains make in game? Is this limited to broad rotations and farming patterns or should it extend to split second decisions as well? To what extent should the captain micromanage the players in lanes? Teams have their opening lanes and movements planned out, but how far into a game should a team plan specific movements (i.e. push offlane tower at 8 minutes with 4 players)? Are there resources that focus on making the right Team decisions (as opposed to individual decisions that so many guides focus on)? Does anyone have any insight or resource that focuses on these aspects?

submitted by /u/FabledChop
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Current State of Naga Siren

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 07:04 PM PST

With a pub pick rate that's even lower than Chen's, Naga seems to be in an unpopular spot. What came this patch that made her go down? Aside from being in an odd spot for carrying where going non-Radiance doesn't always work out, her supporting skill lies primarily in Ensnare until she acquires a blink for song. The recent buff to agi gain for her helped her win rate a bit, but she still is sunken in the bottom of the ocean.

submitted by /u/PingusDerf
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