True Dota 2 - 7.07c Morphling

7.07c Morphling

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 11:38 AM PST

Has anyone been playing Morphling in the new meta? Since the changes to his 3rd skill (attribute shift) and ultimate he feels very strong, from laning stage through to late game.

Sustaining in lane is easy if you bring ten tangos and attribute shift to maximize the healing done to yourself. Lane domination after a few levels becomes pretty easy, specifically with aquila you can get 100 base damage, sustain through harass with wand and tangoes and deny basically every creep. I've been racking upwards of 25-30 denies by the ten min mark playing morphling, you only really need a support for the first couple of levels and your aquila after which you should be set to dominate the lane.

His new ultimate makes you a bizzare rubick type hero where you can make insane plays. One that I recall is copying earthshaker, using his 2nd skill and morphing back to crit with it, however since you have great agility, the damage is insane on it. Another one is riki, with your naturally high agility and tendency to build stat items, you become a stronger riki (albeit without an ultimate) since you inherit the passive as well. There's just too many plays your can make the flexibility is insane on this skill.

I've been winning generally, but most of my games but this is scrub tier games in unranked (estimated MMR ~3.3k).

For those who don't know how to maximize healing as morph, shifting to strength essentially gives you +20hp for whatever health you're currently at. This means that if you're at 400/800 and you morphed 10 str, you would be at 600/1000. Keep in mind however if you morphed ten agi, it would subtract that from your current and total health pool, so if you morphed 10 agi, you would be at 200/600 health.

You can use this to your advantage to tank a lot of damage by morphing to strength, going down to say 300/3000 from full. Now if you had 600 total health morphed back to full agility, a full morph back to agility brings you to 1/600 and now you can put points in strength to heal back up so you could go from 1/600 to 900/1500 healing 600 of your health. This allows you to cleverly use regen items - morph all the way down to agility and then consume the consumables, upon which begin morphing strength to where you would like to be.

submitted by /u/ColickingSeahorse
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Meepo questions.

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 10:28 AM PST

  1. What's the best way to save a dying clone in a teamfight? Give all units attack command and then manually select it and send it to the fountain or check the icons on the top left to figure out which control group meepo is getting low and use its hotkey instead?

  2. Each clone to a different control group to maximize efficiency or groups of two are fine?

  3. Is the damage/utility of one more clone from scepter better than using that item slot for a stat item? Almost no one is getting scepter on dotabuff's "guides".

  4. What's the best use of the first lvl 3 clone? Stacking, jungling, runes, ganking or just use it in your own lane?

Also link me meepo guides that are still useful in 7.07.

submitted by /u/jinfanshaw
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directional movement without right-clicking?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 02:08 PM PST

Alt+Rightclick movement is incredibly useful to face proper directions in narrow positions, especially with Mirana's Leap, Shadowfriend's Razes, Slark's Pounce and Forcestaffs.

Is it possible to move with clicking one button at a spot withot right-clicking? For example i click on "G" and then my hero moves direct to the point where my cursor is?

submitted by /u/meepoArcana
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Clinkz in 7.07

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 06:58 PM PST

I posted this in /dota2 in response to someone claiming he was buffed, I feel he was nerfed into the ground. How are you guys playing Clinkz in the new patch?

-Agility gain lowered from 3.3 to 2.6.

-hp and damage gained from ultimate lowered. When used on a large creep this is 110 hp and 11 damage.

-Strafe was reworked. In 7.06 with 1 skill point it gave 130 atk speed for 4 seconds with the duration scaling up per lvl. The new strafe gives 80 atk speed (which scales up with more ranks and higher than old strafe). It now lasts for 3 seconds across all skill levels. Clinkz also ignores the damage of the next three projectiles that target him. After these three instances of damage the strafe buff is removed.

While this may seem like a side grade, clinkz used to go 1/4/4 build as this gives him the most mobility for pick offs during the early mid game when he is strongest. Now to have the same burst damage capability you need 3 points in strafe. Which means his mobility is hurt a lot, now you cant escape after a successful gank nearly as easily. While strafe may give more attack speed at higher levels it still gets removed very quickly if youre against ranged carrys and supports. Who was clinkz good against in 7.06? Squishy (often ranged) heroes. So this is a MASSIVE nerf.


Skeleton walk scales 15/25/35/45% increased movespeed. 20/25/30/35 duration and 20/19/18/17 cd. It scales extremely well. With it having almost 100% uptime at the higher levels. When ganking with a clinkz you want to pop out of invis with at most 3 seconds left on the cd so you can use it to escape afterwards. The fewer rankes in skeleton walk the smaller your gank window is. I think this is what has hurt clinkz so much. The changes just made all his gank windows extremely tight.

submitted by /u/Mnightcamel
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Power treads vs Battlefury as AM first item

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 11:06 AM PST

There are 2 most common options for AM early build:

  1. Brown boots and ring of health into power treads and then battlefury.

  2. Brown boots and ring of health into battlefury and then power treads.

I usually go for PT first because I feel like additional stats and AS let me clear jungle camps between creep waves. But I often see other people (including pro players) go for BF first.

So, how should I decide what to build first, PT or BF first?

submitted by /u/Kumagor0
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Battlefury on Slark?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 08:31 PM PST

Why is this catching on? Slark has good waveclear, flash farming with his Dark pact and he's more of a ganking hero. Yet i still see this item being bought by pros like EE. Is it just the recent price change that makes it strong?

submitted by /u/pueblo_suck
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Why make Epicenter go on cooldown when interrupted or canceled?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 05:58 PM PST

Not that Sand King really need a buff, but would he really be too good if Epicenter did not go on cooldown when interrupted or canceled? It just seems unnecessarily punitive as is, especially since other similar big teamfight ults that don''t take effect until the channel is finished--such as Shadow Fiend's or Pangolier's--can be canceled or interrupted with no consequence. Edit: I understand the difference between cast point and channel time. I apologize for not making that clearer. I'm curious if there is a balance reason as to why epicenter is has a channel instead of a cast point.

submitted by /u/moregano18
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How dumb is mjollnir on AM?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 12:15 AM PST

If anyone remembers, when 7.00 came out people were experimenting with mjollnir on AM, because attack speed worked with illusions so there was better synergy with the item.

From my own experience (and watching streamers try it), the build was not reliable because unless you had a linkens, you didn't have the mana to sustain blinking around the map and using manta.

While I haven't done the exact calculations, I'd imagine with the new mana regen changes you could replace the battlefury with mjollnir and not have any mana problems mid-late game (at the very least a clarity in the backpack will solve any issues).

When 7.00 came out I felt like the mjollnir build was much better against certain high-agi carries such as tblade, PL, or PA. While I haven't tried it this patch yet does anyone else think it can be viable?

submitted by /u/Mario_GOATmers
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Pulling as a position 5

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 11:14 PM PST

I have 2 questions regarding about pulling the safe lane.

1) Should you always stack the easy camp before you pull? I always hear from my teammates and my friends that I should always pull a stacked easy camp so that creep wave always die. But I can achieve the same thing by double pulling the hard camp over, so I'm not really sure what to do

2) What should I do if the offlaner chooses to contest my pull? ie, I am a support like cm/rahsta and a clock/slardar comes to my pull camps. Should I try to fight back and protect the camps? Or should I try to avoid fighting him so I don't risk getting myself killed?

Any input would be helpful, thanks

submitted by /u/kupa707
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Why does Moon Shard have such a huge winrate?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 04:10 AM PST

It's the item with the highest winrate in the game, apart from the special cases like Aegis, Divine Rapier and Gem.

This doesn't make sense to me. It's not particularly expensive - 4000.

submitted by /u/icheyne
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Request for 1437 To Analyse Liquid

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 11:29 PM PST

I'm Requesting 1437 to Analyse Liquids games in Ti like this analysis he did of IG vs OG.

submitted by /u/TheShadowHawk_
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spamming 1 hero advice

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 04:26 PM PST

I know a lot of people probably would not recommend it, but I want to try spamming a single hero for a while to improve on other aspects of the game rather than trying to constantly learn new heroes. I am very low elo (~1k) and only have about 200 games played. I really want to play a hero that can decently play multiple roles so I do not have to worry about not getting a certain role. Also, a hero that has mechanics that would be useful knowing for playing other heroes would be a bonus. Not really interested in heroes that are considered easy mmr, just trying to get better at the game.

submitted by /u/123abcxyz0
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