Smite - Garden Queen Aphrodite

Garden Queen Aphrodite

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 12:04 PM PST

Fineokay: How to play losing matchups

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 05:53 PM PST

60% Ability Lifesteal in Adventures. (6 Soul Eaters)

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 03:48 PM PST

When your support game is so strong that you have more assists than your team has kills

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 03:31 PM PST

Unnecessary Athena/Shen buff

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 01:44 PM PST

Hear me out.

Would it not make sense to have taunt abilities prevent crit for the duration?

If you think about it, taunting is provoking your opponent to attack you out of reaction or emotion. In order to obtain a critical strike you need concentration and precision. I'm not saying this should be implemented but it is just something to mull over.


submitted by /u/Redpandamatrix
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ThorDG can fly

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 09:48 AM PST

Halloween Chest

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 06:29 PM PST

I just wanna hear others' opinions but I just rolled the 400-gem Halloween chest, keep in mind four hundred. Rolled it and got hype as fuck cause I thought I got the Jack the Reaper Thanatos skin but was the avatar. Does anybody else think it's total bs that there are avatars in a 400 gem chest?

submitted by /u/eehamster7
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My primal Ganesha fanart

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 09:41 AM PST

With the new adventure, remember not to be a dick against people playing poorly.

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 06:49 AM PST

With the adventure, Hi-rez gives 0 fucks about level and elo, a 160 can get paired with a 14.
That means that you need to help the newer players. Be nice, and tell them tips instead of BMing. Its a win/win for you both cause they will usually listen to you.

submitted by /u/Noaan
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Turning a gank around in the best way possible.

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 05:13 PM PST

Some more Nike Harbringer codes

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 05:58 PM PST

Here is a link i found for those of you who missed the last nike harbringer codes, enjoy

submitted by /u/Lompoc_Gaming
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How do you turn up Voicepacks? Turn everything down except max volume? Or?

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 11:33 AM PST

Aphracadabra fanart

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 07:57 PM PST

Adventure Patch 4.21 – Act 1 Guide

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 03:58 PM PST

This is a guide based of my experiences and tips and tricks I've learned from other posts.

As to who am I to advise you one what you should do? Hell, I'm a pretty average player who was tired of seeing no guides for the live version, tired of trying to explain tactics to every random till I found the perfect group. As guides have been released they have either missed information I found important or where too long for the average joe to pay attention to. My group is currently taking a day break but are in act 2 on Surtur wiping at 5% with the full intention of killing him when we next play. Now let's get going! As the starting place for the adventure Act 1 has the simplest mechanics and requires the least thought about team comp. In this guide I will provide a quick TLDR section for those who just want the important information and then another longer section including some of the tricks you can do and some help for people just starting off.

TLDR: The Frozen Gate - Send your fastest player with the bomb to the left or right side along the ice paths. The rest of your group defends vs small waves of enemies with one mini boss at the end. Do this twice for each side. After the last wave has been killed a final pack spawns towards the bridge, bring the melee to the archer and AoE.

Draugr (3 Phases) 1st phase (100% to 66%) - Tank boss in middle of boat to avoid slimes spawning next to him and step on slimes, if they touch him he heals. In ALL phases avoid stacking as 3 or he does AoE for high damage. 2nd Phase (66% to 33%) - Boss disappears and 4 fingers appear. Watching out for waves lower each finger to 5-10% and wait for middle wave. After middle wave passes kill all fingers simultaneously (700 dmg to all players) and heal before cinematic. 3rd Phase (33% to 0%) - Boss reappears, same as 1st phase where you step on slimes however at ~7500 HP he runs to middle and does Hades ult. As he runs try get to the front of the boat. After ult keep hitting till he dies.

In-depth guide This part of the guide is more suited to people starting off with no items or looking for tips to speed runs up.

Quick reminder: Dying is bad, -2% dmg and -5% HP per death. There are situations where you have no health, no HP5 or MP5 and your healer can't give you anything where suiciding into a HAZARD is ok but avoid it if you can.

There are 6 kinds of mini boss: Spirit Wolf – Does leaping bite attack which does a bleed and knocks back which can knock you off the edge, easy to side step as soon as he aggros. Harpy Matron – Does a wind gust which will usually knock you off when on a platform. Easy to avoid when you know the animation or just bait them into an area where you can't be knocked off. Frozen warrior – One of the hardest to fight early game with no mobility as the ice spikes do a lot of damage, easy to dodge by just running away forward in the same direction he faces or using a dash past him. Speed camp – This guy does a fair bit of damage and that's it, you can kite him if necessary but in the end, kill him. He is only found in the small cave to the right after the 1st wind bridge. Corrupted Warrior – He summons 3 melee minions roughly every 10 seconds. Just AoE and burn him down. Corrupted Archer – Easy to ignore till he starts shooting ice shards at you for a surprising amount of damage. Bring any melee over to him and AoE while focusing this bugger.

There are 3 kinds of hazard in the 1st act: Ice – This is pretty straight forward however you still people mess up, you cant change your direction when on ice (without a dash/leap) and will continue moving at a speed based on your move speed till you collide with an object or fall of the map. Just make sure you are moving onto the ice in the direction you want to land (preferably to dry land) and you'll be fine. Wind bridges – Oh boy, this is amazingly the biggest killer in the adventure. Ever been killed by wind? It's super embarrassing! So far I can't determine if the wind has a particular pattern so if you have no mobility skills then I suggest you wait until the wind is just about to die down then move and hope your Hel is ready with a cleanse (her 2) if it picks up. Floating bridges – This is a simple concept and usually only 1 person has to cross anyway. As you run across the tiles they will start to fall, eventually respawning. Don't stop till you get to the other side and try go 1 at a time if more of you cross.

Speed tips At the 1st wind bridge you can bait the enemies on the other side by sending one player over the bridge and them dashing back or waiting for a break in the wind. With no XP or gold from kills this just speeds up runs. At the 1st floating bridge just have 1 member run across it as the rest of the party deals with the pack just next to it. Once that member reaches the side with the mobs, wait for the bridge to respawn and run back baiting the mobs to their death. Simples!

2nd wind bridge - Once each party member steps on one of the circles the ice blocks shatter revealing a bunch of mobs. Nuke the elite archer on your side then run to the left corner wall and deal with the rest of the mobs on your side. The rest of the mobs on the other side will just be blown off by the wind bridge.

The Frozen Gate - Congratulations you've made it to your 1st real challenge! Send either your fastest player or the one with an ability capable of skipping some of the path with the bomb to the left or right side along the ice paths. The rest of your group defends vs small waves of enemies with one to two mini bosses at the end. I found it useful sticking together by the entrance to the path your partner took so the mobs funnel towards you for easy AoE. Do this twice for each side, I like to do one side twice then the other side twice so there's no confusion. After the last wave has been killed a final pack spawns towards the bridge containing a Corrupted Warrior and Corrupted Archer, bring the melee to the archer and AoE. Well done, you are rewarded with a random Tier 1 item. If you have little to no items, then this can be a good place to stop with f6 however I hate giving up so I'll bash my head against the mobs till the boss to get my gold and familiarise myself with the bosses mechanics.

The Frozen lake - Early you should pull packs of mobs one at a time but later you can pull all you can from the right side of the dry snow over to the chest and AoE them down. Early you want to run back to the closest side to the exit of the Frozen Gate and then run onto the ice towards the dry ice on the other side, kill the mobs there then run towards the tunnel. Later on a speed tip is to go to where the chest was and run at the far right ice pillar, hopefully bouncing onto the snow by the tunnel and AoE any mobs aggroed. The gate before the boat there is a summoner here, fight him next to the wall directly adjacent to the right of the door. When he and the other mobs die the door opens with a mass of mobs and 2 elite archers spawn, 1 with the mob and the other behind the ice bock to the left. Ignore the left elite archer and AoE the mobs that come through the door including the other elite archer. Continue to ignore the other archer and run to the boat, just before the boat there is a healing circle.

Draugr (3 Phases) This guy won't be easy to kill and usually requires a good team or good coordination via VGS or voice coms; However, he is worth it, you complete a quest and you can get a Tier 2 item or in a rare case I've seen a Tier 3 drop. (Asi is somehow a Tier 2 and is staple in a hunter build for this) 1st phase (100% to 66%) - Tank boss in middle of boat to avoid slimes spawning next to him and step on slimes, if they touch him he heals. In ALL phases avoid stacking as 3 or he does AoE for high damage. I like to get the group in a triangle where each person ONLY steps on the slimes on their side. Rotate aggro as necessary to heal up but remember to avoid stacking as 3. Heal before cinematic. 2nd Phase (66% to 33%) - Boss disappears and 4 fingers appear. Waves come from either side one at a time, each wave covers the entire boat with only 1 safe place, back, middle or front. Watching out for waves lower each finger to 5-10% and wait for a MIDDLE wave. After middle wave passes kill all fingers simultaneously (700 dmg to all players) and heal before cinematic. 3rd Phase (33% to 0%) - Boss reappears, same as 1st phase where you step on slimes however at ~7500 HP he runs to middle and does Hades ult. As he runs try get to the front of the boat. I like to make sure we tank him in the middle but towards the front of the boat to make it easier to get to the front of the boat. After the ult is over keep hitting till he dies. If geared enough with enough life steal an ADC can actually stay in the ult and out heal it.

That's it, Act 1 is complete! Pat yourself on your back because Act 2 will require a lot of blood, a decent amount of sweat and even a few tears. Good luck and keep on at it. If you're still stuck on Act 2 in the next day or two then check for my Act 2 guide which should be done soon.

Here is my God Selection Guide and my Collection of helpful posts, some of which taught me some of this stuff.

Edit: fixed some formatting errors, Still looking to get bullet points to work with paragraphs.

submitted by /u/SchtumZ
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Ranked Conquest stats from the first 3 days of 4.21

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 08:04 AM PST

All the +/- bits are the changes from 4.20.


  • win, pick and ban rates
  • most picked items and actives
  • ability/in hand damage
  • damage taken/damage mitigated
  • god counters

let me know if there's anything else you want on there and i'll put it on the to-do list if it's possible

Ullr pick/ban rate up 43%
Janus pick/ban rate up 22%
Anubis has the 2nd highest win rate..?

To do:
add 4.20 stats. i've put them on for now
split between below plat and above plat

submitted by /u/gesscu
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You can have multiple Soul Eaters in the adventure gamemode!

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 11:56 AM PST

When your soul eater evolves you can select the unevolved version and equip it. The Ah muzen bee healing was so good!. I bet you could do this with Lonos mask too although it wouldn't be as good.

Edit: heres a pic for some proof

submitted by /u/Unyuhoo
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Level 10 clan added several leaders??

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 06:42 PM PST

So I have a full level 10 clan and after last patch, several new members were marked as leader in addition to myself. I can't kick or remove any of them. This is kind of a problem because of any of them realized, they could do something like disband the clan we've worked on for over a year.

submitted by /u/masoninsicily
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Have You Ever Done Duo as a Pair of Redheads?

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 03:20 PM PST

It's truly a work of Art!

submitted by /u/Preform_Perform
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Add Notification when someone enters your custom lobby

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 04:59 PM PST

In case you didn't know, you will get notifications when certain happen in Smite, even if you have Smite minimized. For instance, if you are browsing Reddit and someone invites you to a party, an Apollo card will pop up in the bottom right of your screen (and make a noise) saying that you have been invited to a party. Same with when your match is ready, and when the game has started. But I think it would be great if when someone joined your custom lobby, it would make a notification as well. There have been many times when I have created a custom lobby looking to do some casual 1v1, and once creating the lobby I watch some youtube or something. However, I have to check back on Smite every 30 seconds to see if someone has joined my lobby. If I got a notification, I wouldn't need to do that. And while we are at it, maybe a way to customize that notification? Like how loud it is, when it happens (like if it happens when someone invites to a party or not), and maybe add some new ones, like when someone invites you to a custom, or when someone sends you a friend request. I know this is a very minor change, but I thought it would be really nice to have, especially for those 100 people that actually play customs.

submitted by /u/Amf3000
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Dealing with Izanami?

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 09:39 PM PST

So I just played a ranked game as Hou Yi going against Izanami. Now as we all know Izanami has insane lane clear but can be shut down pretty easily. Unfortunately with my team, no rotations came to my lane to help against the Izanami. She would simply clear lane then steal my camps and because of my bad level 4 lane clear there wasn't much I could do without a team behind me (I only died to her once but she was 4 levels ahead). Unfortunately this lead to lots of bm and yelling at me to join teamfights when I needed to farm (My team was initiating these fights). We ended up losing obviously and I got quite a bit of harassment for it. My question is how can I deal with a game like this in the future? Is there any good way to counter Izanami early game without relying on teammates to gank? Also in this situation should I actually be fighting in these team fights or farming? Thanks.

submitted by /u/Scar_of_Talon
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Surrendering question. (Slight rant included)

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 05:59 PM PST

Quick question, why is it that surrendering isn't a majority vote? I was in a game where my team was at 50 deaths and 9 kills. All because two people wouldn't just end it all... I understand the chance of a comeback but, being 30 mins in and 10k gold behind the energy and fun that had been drained from my now soulless body just doesn't seem worth it. Thoughts?

Edit: To clarify I'm talking about Conquest.

submitted by /u/kronasaur
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Remove Diamonds and Rubies from non-bundle drop table!

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 05:34 AM PST

So a friend and I don't have the gems to drop on the bundle, we managed to farm up to hard mode though even paying 6k gold for epics.

But now we're getting terrible luck, only rubies and diamonds from the Draugr chest.

Hirez, you made the same mistake with Trials of Hercules. Remove them from the drop table for players who don't own the bundle.

It honestly feels like you're just saying "let me waste 20 min of your time then if you won't give us money. Repeatedly."

submitted by /u/LeonJKV
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Was stuck in Ullr Stance unable to change... wasn't able to buy/sell items or auto attack/use abilities

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 09:25 AM PST

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