Smite - 4.23 "Rally to Rome" Patch Notes Discussion

4.23 "Rally to Rome" Patch Notes Discussion

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 12:42 PM PST

Rally where? Rally here!

New Skins and Emotes:

Skin Obtain
Defiant Bellona Odyssey
Abyssal Knight Ares
Order and Chaos Hel Odyssey
Badlands Vulcan Odyssey
Discorida Masteries Normal
Hel Masteries Normal
Vulcan Masteries Normal

Bug Fixes:


Jade Emperor's Crown:

  • Jade Emperor's Crown provides a huge spike in defense from Physical Damage dealers early, especially those that rely on scaling values. With it being both good against those building power and those with high base values, we wanted to better define the item's purpose. We are reducing the self protections this item provides, putting the emphasis on the aura effect it brings to the team."

    • Reduced Physical Protection from 60 to 50.

Gladiator's Shield

  • "Gladiator's Shield has been a staple for Warrior's this season, and after multiple balance adjustments it has been brought much closer in its power level to other items. In this patch we want to bring it down only slightly to ensure diversity in Warrior builds."

    • Reduced Physical Protection from 35 to 30

The Executioner

  • "Similar to Gladiator's Shield for Warriors, The Executioner has been a core item in most Hunter builds, whether they are working towards Power, Critical Damage, or On-hit effects. We are reducing the Physical Power it provides to nudge it more in line with other options for Hunters."

    • Reduced Physical Power from 35 to 30.

Devourer's Gauntlet

  • "Devourer's Gauntlets is a powerful item that provides some of the highest cost to stat ratios out there once fully stacked. Historically this item has been on a razor's edge for balance with tweaks quickly pushing it in and out of the core builds of Hunters. Rather than adjust multiple aspects of this item, we are just increasing the cost slightly and pushing back how quickly hunters will be able to begin powering up this item."

    • Increased Cost from 2000 to 2100

Hydra's Lament

  • "Assassins that are more damage oriented have been pushed out in favor of tankier options. While nerfs to items like Titan's Bane helped bring Warrior and Hunter damage into a more fair spot, they did affect Assassins as a side result. Nerfs to items like Gladiator's Shield and Jade Emperor's Crown will also help in this regard, but we want to bring up the overall power of being aggressive with Assassins. Hydra's Lament is a strong boost to Assassins who can weave basic attacks in between their abilities. Assassins who benefit from this item will get an extra punch that will help them burst down squishy Mages and Hunters more effectively."

    • Increased Bonus Basic Attack Damage from 30% to 40%.

Jotunn's Wrath

  • "Jotunn's Wrath is getting a cost reduction which will help ability based Assassins to become more threatening quicker. While Warriors can make use of this level of Cooldown Reduction the need to sacrifice a tankier item to fit this in will push them in a more offensive or defensive choice; which is a serious tradeoff and creates healthy choices for that class."

    • Reduced Cost from 2450 to 2350.



  • "Awilix is receiving slight tweaks to the ranges of both Moonlight Charge and Gravity Surge. While listed as a 65 range ability, Moonlight Charge was actually reaching distances of 73. This allowed it to damage and knockup players well outside of its targeter and outside of the range of Gravity Surge. While fixing this we could pull Moonlight Charge back to a range of 65, but this would be a large nerf to a character in a mostly solid spot. Moonlight Charge is instead being reduced from 73 units to 70 units and getting a targeter that properly matches. Gravity Surge is getting a slight increase to allow it to connect with any player that gets knocked up by Moonlight Charge, as well as offsetting the small nerf of reducing the range of Moonlight Charge."

  • Moonlight Charge

    • Fixed an issue where this ability went further than the targeter suggested (~73 range rather than the intended 65 range). Increased range of this ability from 65 to 70.
  • Gravity Surge

    • Increased range of this ability from 70 to 75.


  • "Camazotz has been struggling ever since we adjusted the damage of Vampire Bats and the power bonus from Screech. At the time his dominance warranted the nerfs, but through the recent patches it seems like they were a bit too potent. We are reverting the change made to Screech, allowing Camazotz players to benefit from a more powerful echo buff on all of his abilities."

  • Screech

    • Increased Physical Power buff from catching the Echo from 10/15/20/25/30 to 20/25/30/35/40.


  • "Discordia has been causing chaos and strife on the Battleground, much to the distaste of the other gods. After watching her initial release, her overall damage and performance is slightly above what we would expect for a character like Discordia. We are reducing the scaling on Strife to lower her late-game burst potential."

  • Strife

    • Reduced Magical Power scaling from 70% to 60%.


  • "Fafnir has a large impact at the highest levels of play, but often struggles to make an impact at other levels of play. High level players are able to use Coerce for game changing plays. Buffing the correct targets at the correct time enables teams to push down objectives at a very quick rate. By increasing the cooldown and reducing the Attack Speed buff teams will have more opportunity to invade a team that is benefiting from Coerce by providing more windows when it is down."

  • Coerce

    • Increased Cooldown from 15s to 16s.
    • Changed Attack Speed buff from 10/20/30/40/50% to 15/20/25/30/35%.


  • "Everyone's favorite noodle is in a pretty rough spot statistically. His abilities have great potential for farm and damage, and he is always useful to a team with his objective secure, so we looked to give him a slight buff that is more directed around feel. Kukulkan's size and flying style of walking makes him feel like he is moving painfully slow, so we are increasing his base movement speed to help him rotate through the conquest map and make him all-around feel better to play."

  • Base Stats

    • Increased Base Movement Speed from 350 to 355.


  • "Medusa has been on the lower end of hunters, having a hard time exerting pressure when it comes to boxing. We are increasing the base damage of Viper Shot to better allow her to box and reward players who can consistently land their Viper Shots."

  • Viper Shot

    • Increased Base Damage from 10/15/20/25/30 to 15/20/25/30/35.


  • "Ra's performance stats have been continually declining through the second half of Season 4. The god definitely brings unique tools to the table in his abilities to heal his entire team and snipe enemy players from long range. However, his damage output is an at all time low so we are increasing his lowest damaging ability. This ability creates a good amount of risk if Ra wants to use it aggressively, and will give Ra players more flexibility in their play style and give them higher damage potential."

  • Divine Light

    • Increased Base Damage from 60/100/140/180/220 to 70/120/170/220/270.
    • Increased Magical Power from 40% to 55%.
    • Reduced Mana Cost from 60/70/80/90/100 to 60/65/70/75/80.


  • "Susano has undergone many changes to his damage potential and mobility. After the last round of adjustments his frustration has gone way down, but so has his overall performance. We are bringing back some of his damage with an increase to Wind Siphon base damage."

  • Wind Siphon

    • Increased Base Damage from 60/75/90/105/120 to 80/105/130/155/180.
submitted by /u/beatlesboy67
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How to get your teamates to chat with you!

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 09:47 AM PST

Let's face it (this is about Zhong Kui)

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 04:48 PM PST

Its likely that he he will getting his updated masteries the last out of everyone left. When he does, it likely won't come with a skin; it'll be just his masteries and they'll be done with him for another two or three years.

Zhong Kui barely exists for Hi-Rez, unfortunately it doesn't seem like that'll change.

submitted by /u/Orions1stDagger
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HirezDrybear goes through the (mockup) process of designing a new Smite good

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 07:31 AM PST

Aphrodite sketch

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 04:00 PM PST

Nemesis Mastery Fanart

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 06:37 PM PST

appearently jungle pratice has a hidden feature

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 11:33 AM PST

Muting some on in game should stop you from hearing their pings

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 07:27 PM PST

I've been playing SMITE since beta and for the first time ever I've had to mute my game because 2 players were pinging the entire game.

They we're spamming VGS and laugh emote via macros so I muted. They then proceed to ping for the next 8-ish minutes, taking turns for when their pings were on cooldown.

This is fucking stupid and needs to be addressed

submitted by /u/Madlazyboy09
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You can't buy Triumphant chests after the game, if you had no empty slots.

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 09:21 AM PST

"There was a problem with your purchase request." message is shown instead.

And it's been like this for two patches now. This is not okay. Fix it!

submitted by /u/SolitaryVictor
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4.23 Patch Notes - Spoils!

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 07:02 AM PST

Patch Notes will happen at 4PM EST (10PM CET). Watch on Twitch and YouTube

As always: Please refrain from sharing any leaked content which doesn't come from the official Smite social media, HiRez employees or related officials. It goes against the purpose of this thread and it can cause problems. Thank you.

Fenrir's Law: Datamining is always in flux, never final and often doesn't tell the truth. For the sake of avoiding misinformation, especially since it can't predict release dates: Datamining will not be included, except when said content is spoiled.

Complete Patch Notes and PTS Infos for 4.23 "Rally to Rome" are here!

The Good Stuff - Newest first!

Early Teasers - Content which hasn't been fully revealed yet or is up for speculation.

PLEASE REMEMBER FOR THIS ODYSSEY PATCH (THIS ONE WILL BE THE LAST): HIREZ WILL ONLY RELEASE UNLOCKS AND REWARDS PER PANTHEON (3 ITEMS AND 1 REWARD). That means even if you have sufficient odyssey points for rewards further down the road, they won't be released until their respective patches.

  • Bellona Skin (Odyssey Item) - Early Teasers

    • The card art for this skin has been datamined.
  • Order and Chaos Hel (Odyssey Reward) - Early Teasers

    • This skin will unlock at 73500 Odyssey Points (21 Levels).
    • There are several concepts of this skin strewn across the internet.
    • The card art for this skin has been datamined.
  • Ra is seeing a buff this patch - Twitter - Imgur

    • Judging by the meme, this might be a damage buff for his 2nd ability.
  • Vulcan Skin (Odyssey Item) - Early Teasers

    • The card art for this skin has been datamined.
  • Mastery Skin updates for this patch

    • Hel's updated mastery skins are confirmed for this patch - Twitter
    • Vulcan's updated mastery skins might be coming this patch, at least Chuk thinks they're coming now - Disregard that, Vulcan's masteries are already in the game (they were not mentioned on patch notes)
  • The "Salty" global emote will release this patch as an Odyssey Item.

Miscellaneous Info and other (unconfirmed) spoils for future patches

  • Future skin plans - Powered by Chuktm
    • There might be a complete D&D-themed skin set in the future (we already have a rogue and a paladin ) - Twitter
    • There are plans for a corgi-themed skin for Agni in the distant future - Twitter
    • A "pretty crazy" skin for Sol is "coming up" - Twitter

This is a WIP, please post anything that I left out. Don't forget your source links!

submitted by /u/Floofington
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[SPOILERS] Hel, Bellona, Ares & Vulcan Card Arts Datamined for 4.23

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 11:55 AM PST

Smite Bundle will be available for Playstation Plus members starting Dec 12 to Jan 9th for free(check comments for details)

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 08:51 AM PST

So the Anubis Odyssey Quest....

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 06:45 PM PST

I'm stuck on it now and I can't abandon it. Is there anyway to work around this?

Going to be difficult to complete the Oddysey if I'm burning my days until they patch him back in.

submitted by /u/Blueberiez
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What is the dumbest thing you've been BM'd for in game?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 11:26 PM PST

I just completed a Conq match where I went really well as Fenrir jungle and about 20 minutes in Skadi on the enemy team started laugh spamming me when I died, so I returned the favour like the responsible adult I am.

Anyways, game ends with us losing as our solo DC'd and I get a message from the Skadi asking why I laughed at them. I explain why and they said I wasn't a good player because I was ganking all the time.. Ok. I explained the role of a jungler and that if the enemy team doesn't buy wards or beads and push too far ahead that that's their fault.

"Ganking is dishonourable"

Ok buddy.

So anyway, do you have any similar stories? Ganesha mains, any of you been reported for feeding etc?

submitted by /u/FenrisianFang84
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Nox Needs the “You Think Darkness is Your Ally?” Speech from Tom Hardy’s Bane as a Voiceline

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 04:50 PM PST

You can't argue against this sorry I don't make the rules

submitted by /u/snapdragonbias
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What employees designed what gods?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 10:04 AM PST

Who designed who? For example, Drybear made Rat, Fish made Ravana, etc

Is there a place to see a list of gods and who made them?

submitted by /u/DeathNinja93
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My ideas for Ah puch in season 5 (this won't ever happen btw just somethings I thought would be cool)

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 07:22 PM PST

So we all know the frustrations of playing/playing against Ah Puch? Currently, he's just a character neither you or the enemy team wants to see, hes boring, has no place in the meta, and is pretty one dimensional with his abilities. The only abilities that are unique are his 2 and 3, his others, blah. Personally I think its about time with an Ah Puch partial kit redo.

I want to focus mainly on his ultimate and his passive as i believe these 2 abilities are what makes or breaks most characters in any moba.

Lets look at his current ultimate:

Ultimate - Empty the Crypts

Ah Puch unleashes an army of Wraiths from the Ninth Hell that swarm forward and deal damage to enemies they collide with.

Now this sounds like it would be a cool ability right? Nah, its just a big ass square with corpses that don't have a particular pattern when moving, and the area can just be walked out of most of the time. Its neither fun, interactive, or unique for both the player or the opponent of Ah Puch. That's where my idea for a new ultimate came in.

Ultimate - Revenging Despair

Ah Puch summons a corpse in the target area. The corpse has its own stats that scale with some of Ah Puch's.(think leagues Annie's ultimate) The corpse interacts with Ah Puch's other abilities and attacks whomever is either: Attacking Ah Puch Ah Puch is attacking Targeted by Fleeting breath Cooldown: 95s Cost:100 Mana

I believe this would be an awesome ultimate to have for a character of his design, being able conjure an undead minion to serve him

Now his passive, i think a few smaller adjustments:

Passive - Hollow Ground

Ah Puch is closely attuned with the dead and may exhume corpses at his will. When walking over a decaying corpse, Ah Puch lowers the cooldown of Undead Surge and Corpse Explosion by 2s, restores 5% of his maximum Health and 3% of his maximum Mana.

His passive, eh ok, but i believe it can be more played around the corpses, My idea

Passive - Hollow Ground

Ah Puch is closely attuned with the dead and may exhume corpses at his will. When walking over a decaying corpse, Ah Puch lowers the cooldown of Undead Surge and Corpse Explosion by 1s, & restores 4% of his maximum Health and Mana. Ah Puch also gets 9% Movement speed when he's near a corpse. Radius: 20

I believe this change can allow him more choices to either use his corpses to heal himself up or to leave some out for some more survivability, lowering the cd reduction of his abilities when picking up the corpses also reduces the frustration of playing against a mindless ability spamming Ah Puch, and gives both the Ah Puch player and his opponent some more room to play.

submitted by /u/Skingtons
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Towers trying to say something?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 10:49 AM PST

Give this dance to Zhong kui pleaaasse!!

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 04:43 PM PST

Seeing as there's so much hate in the world (and online.) would anyone like to be friends?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 11:12 AM PST

I'm kinda sick of having people feeding, leaving and being trolls, toxic, ect...

Also the lack of teamwork/coms.

Anyone want to team up? Nothing serious just have some good competitive play and help each other get better.

EU or NA


Pm me

submitted by /u/jsc319
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Potential to Interview a HiRez Employee?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 06:46 AM PST

Hey all,

I'm a long time Smite fan who has to do some interviews for a course I'm taking. Basically, I'm to interview individuals who are making a living in fields that I am interested in.

I've already interviewed some easier-to-find individuals in the fields of psychology, criminology, writing, etc., but I would also like to interview someone who works in the gaming industry.

I haven't browsed this sub in quite some time but I do remember seeing a couple posts similar to this in the past which led to a successful interaction between the OP and a HiRez employee.

Anyway, the interview wouldn't take long and would be done through messaging, not through Skype or anything.

Hopefully a HiRez employee is able to help me out, but if not, does anyone else have recommendations for getting in contact with someone in the field more easily?


submitted by /u/GoOnKaz
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T button crashes are back

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 12:56 AM PST

Over the past few weeks, I have crashed when pressing the T button randomly. Unlike before (season 2 I believe it was) when the crashes would just close the game and the unreal crash report thing would pop up, now my computer just seems to turn into a black screen forcing me to either sign out of my computer or restarting it. Also can confirm that it's not just me, others I play with have reported it happening as well.

submitted by /u/Laxus777
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Fafnir Pimp skin concept any1?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 09:49 PM PST

Spagetti Chef sylvanus

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 08:37 AM PST

I think it is clear hi-rez hasn't shown interest in this theme for vulcan so why not sylv?.

Model: noodle grover and chef sylv

Basic: meatballs that splash sauce

1: plate of spagetti (placable) red wavey effects (indicating scent) around, root standard noodle grab

2: spagetti noodles fly out and follow allies and enemies

3: grabs then makes a slurp sound effect

4: a collender upside down with steaming water coming out

submitted by /u/Wobawasalreadytaken
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Anubis Odyssey Quest

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 09:18 PM PST

So I took the odyssey quest to play a game as Anubis and then when I got in game I realized that Anubis is bugged/taken out of the game. Could I get someone to reset my quest so I can take a different one? When should Anubis be fixed?

submitted by /u/xlbushidolx
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Highlight of my favorite pro game

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 12:30 PM PST

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