Pokémon GO - Newest update: 777,461,788 Pokémon caught

Newest update: 777,461,788 Pokémon caught

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 02:21 PM PST

We need more trainers to fight the new FCC rad boss! Don’t let them repeal Net Neutrality!

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 08:01 PM PST

[Humor] The Ten People You Meet At Every Raid

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 02:55 PM PST

The 5-minute Guy: Everybody please wait, he's going to be here in 5 minutes... which is also what he said 5 minutes ago...

The Kid: The raid boss is almost dead and a little kid runs up with his mom in tow asking "have you started yet?" Everybody backs out, because cuteness kills.

The Multi: Shows up with 4 phones because what's better than raiding? Raiding the same raid 4 times. That is, until you get a perfect Raikou on your level 25 alt.

The Guy Who Pretends He's Not Playing: This guy is too cool for school and likes to stand on the other side of the street or stay in his car with the windows rolled up. He's embarrassed to play. We were all there once, just give it time.

The Slow-phone: This guy is always last into every raid. His game loading screen runs like its Summer 2016. His "GO" screen lags until the boss is already half dead.

The Superstitious Guy: Don't press "OK."

The Level 40: There is nothing this guy hasn't seen. Perfect Dragonite? He has 10. First Unown? He has 26. Lucky eggs? He deletes them.

The Casual: The guy who acts like he doesn't play that much but you run into him at every raid and every lure in the local park has his name on it. He also may have started the Boston Mystic Discord.

The General: This guy takes the game too seriously and writes tl;dr reddit posts. He makes spreadsheets to min-max every corner of the game and peer-pressures everyone else to walk-and-catch.

The Girl: She's everybody's favorite person. Even if the girl is a multi, casual, habitually late, slow-phone, superstitious, level 40 snob, 2 cool 4 school or general, everybody treats her like she's the best.

What other prototypical players do you meet at every raid?

Best Of Comments:

The Spoofer by DKimurizzy: You hated him until raids came out and now he is your best friend and savior when you need just 1 more person.

The Person Who Uses The Pokemon They Like Instead Of The Pokemon With Type Effectiveness by DrunkenCripple30

The Gym Sniper by freethrowtommy: That guy who always shows up early to flip the gym to his team color prior to the raid starting.

The Guy Who Always Plays With Sound And Music On by xfocalinx

The Over-Reactor by imapassenger1: When he catches the 'mon it's all "YES! YES! BOO-YAH! THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING 'BOUT!" and when he's missing them it's "F#$K! F#$K! F#$K! F#$K! F#$K! F#$K!"

submitted by /u/ishr5913
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At last an update on EX Raid passes!!! All details in the link

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 06:00 PM PST

How will the Net Neutrality effect our accounts????

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 02:19 PM PST

Catching some pretty woke Pokemon during this event

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 08:41 PM PST

Does anyone else feel like we need quests/NPCs/something new to do in this game

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 08:35 AM PST

I played this game daily from when I started last summer until a few weeks ago when I caught my first (and only) Suicune. I'm planning on logging on whenever the regionals get released for this event to catch a couple, but other than that, I have no desire to play the game any more. There isn't anything else for me to do and I really with there was.

I really don't care about trading. I want PvP to be cool but given how buggy the game is, it'll end up being broken/unplayable and frustrating. I don't care about the new raid bosses. I am mildly interested in Ho-Oh, but even that is draining away quickly too.

Honestly I don't think I'll come back to the game unless they introduce something brand new that gives more depth to the experience. I've had a great time so far, but I'm tired of doing the same things over, and over, and over again. We need NPCs, quests, and other things to do with our Pokémon.

Does anyone else feel this way? If you've lost motivation to play, what would bring you back?

edit: Check out /u/jetsdude mockup, this is exactly what I'm talking about

submitted by /u/Idjek
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[Idea] - If Pokestop Lures get an extended boost, why not incenses?

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 09:35 AM PST

Pokestop Lures had an extended boost for the first time during New Years Eve of 2016, so why not incenses?

Incense never had an extended boost so why not extend it?

submitted by /u/trainerElite
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[Art] Damn it, Paras...

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 01:24 AM PST

[Screenshot] butterfree benind trainer = angel wings

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 06:32 PM PST

[Art] And so, the greatest evil splashes back into action...

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 07:33 PM PST

At the rate we are going we should be able to unlock double stardust on Wednesday and Farfetch'd on Sunday!

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 05:49 AM PST

Reaching the 500M mark on Monday was huge! It did more than just unlock double XP. It shows that at this current pace we can reach 3 Billion by Sunday! Better yet the more spawns get increased we may even hit 3 Billion by Saturday! Let's keep it going everyone!

submitted by /u/PlayfulTitan18
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Idea for releasing Mew

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 12:53 PM PST

So me and one of my buddies often talk about how they're gonna release the currently unreleased legendaries (also delibird and smeargle) and we had a cool idea for Mew.

So Mew can learn any move, including transform like ditto. (theres a really cool theory about ditto and mew but thats another story). So we had the idea that when you do a legendary raid. If you catch the legendary there would be a 5% chance that legendary would turn into Mew the same way commons turn into ditto.

This would be really cool because it would make people want to do raids more. There would be some added excitement from catching. And it keeps Mew rare without making it impossible.

submitted by /u/shoeless_sean
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An Update on Raid Battles

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 05:56 PM PST

[Story] I did 1.5M XP Today.

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 01:57 PM PST

Basically what title says. I did this because I had one objective: Achieve LVL 39. And I don't have more days than this, because all this week and next one are plenty of exams.

https://imgur.com/a/hFAFW I started the day with 1.631.680XP. I did a evolution round to clean PokéStorage, with 3 terminals. When I finished the round, I went to the best park for grinding, here in my city. There are 10 stops, 24/7 lured thanks to the 6-hour lure. I played 4 hours there with Egg and going for the curve-excellent throw, which one gives you 1040XP. Meanwhile, I did 2 raids without egg. After that, I started evolving all the Pokémon I found. 2 Hours non-stop. It was really boring and exhausting, but worth it.

PS: Sorry if it's bad redacted, english isn't my maternal language.

TL;DR: I did million and a half today and I explain how.

submitted by /u/SerditoFisial
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Pokémon GO updated to version 0.83.1 for Android and 1.53.2 for iOS - Pokémon GO

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 04:18 PM PST

First Reward Tier Unlocked - Double XP Active!

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 11:19 PM PST

Super Incubators are only for whales.

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 04:00 PM PST

A whale being someone who keeps all 9 eggs incubating at all times and is not limited by money (coins), only by time.

If the above does not apply to you, then you should not be buying super incubators. They cost more and they need to be replaced more often. If you aren't buying coins regularly, you will run out of coins and you will have actually incubated FEWER eggs than you could have with regular incubators.

There is ONE perk to them for non whales: hatching more eggs during events with double XP/candy/stardust. However, even with that considered, you're still going to hatch fewer eggs, so you have to calculate how much you'd be able to hatch with your coins in the event time span.

But for the vast majority of players, super incubators offer no advantage, but rather a disadvantage, as the limiting factor for most is coins.

The idea of them might sound neat to some, and they're worth getting in bundles when the price is comparable to normal incubators, but make no mistake: they only serve to siphon more money from Niantic's primary source of income: whales.

submitted by /u/Seegtease
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Stardust awarded from raid.

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 06:32 PM PST

[Video] Bellsprout Army Destroys Suicune!

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 02:22 AM PST

This past week, we had 18 trainers come together with only Bellsprout to take down Suicune! The moveset on Suicune was Hidden Power/Hydro Pump. It was essential to get this moveset since Bellsprout is weak to Psychic attacks. This took about 3 weeks to plan and thankfully we got it first try! Hope you guys enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukNKL28AYrY

submitted by /u/luckybunzz
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First time playing again since launch

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 04:17 PM PST

My girlfriend got me to play again for the first time since about a month after it was launched in Canada, was having a coffee break at work and saw a pidgey, was like ok sure. Turns out it was a ditto! Now I'm hooked on Go again and can't stop walking around trying to find eevee candies and hatch my old eggs

submitted by /u/Eazer27
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What pokemon do you always get bad moves on?

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 09:17 PM PST

i have 3 rhydons with MudSlap and Megahorn. i also have 3 gengars with non-ghost charge moves... x)

submitted by /u/phoenix781
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Raid Battles Update

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 06:12 PM PST


We greatly appreciate all the feedback you've shared with us about the Raid Battle feature over the past few months. We've been carefully reviewing your feedback and will be making a few changes to the feature in response. These improvements will not require you to update your app, but they will impact your gameplay. Below are a few notes detailing the changes as well as a few comments from our development team:

EX Raid Battle changes EX Raid Battles will take place most commonly at Gyms found in parks and sponsored locations. Trainers with a high-level Gym Badge are more likely to be invited to EX Raid Battles taking place at that Gym. Trainers who have completed a larger number of Raid Battles are more likely to be invited to EX Raid Battles. EX Raid Battle start times now take into account popular Raid Battle times at that Gym. Trainers invited to EX Raid Battles will receive an in-game notification if the EX Raid Battle is canceled. Trainers will receive Stardust and Premium Raid Passes when an EX Raid Battle is canceled. Developer Comments: Over the course of the EX Raid Battle field test, much of the feedback we received was focused around how Trainers are chosen to participate in EX Raid Battles. When the feature first entered field-testing, the system randomly selected a set of Trainers who were eligible for the EX Raid Battle. By taking Gym Badge level and total Raid Battles completed into account, we're able to give Trainers who actively engage with the Gym where the EX Raid Battle is taking place and those who have invested more time into the Raid Battle feature a better chance of being invited to participate.

We also wanted to address some feedback we received about the timing and locations of EX Raid Battles. First, we're taking popular Raid Battle times at the Gyms where the EX Raid Battle is taking place into account to help ensure many of the people who are invited will be able to participate. The reason we decided to have EX Raid Battles primarily take place at Gyms located in parks and at sponsored locations is to ensure the locations are easily accessible to Trainers in the area. Over time, we'll explore hosting EX Raid Battles at more locations, but we want to first make sure those locations are also easily accessible.

We think each of these changes will have a positive impact on Trainers around the world. With the implementation of these features, we'll be removing the field-test label and considering this the official launch of the EX Raid Battle feature. While the EX Raid Battle field test is coming to a close, we'll continue to monitor your feedback and look to make more improvements, as we do with all Pokémon GO features.

Raid Battle changes Trainers will now receive Golden Razz Berries for completing Raid Battles. The numbers of Potions and Revives awarded to Trainers for completing a Raid Battle will decrease slightly, but the quality of Potions will increase. The likelihood of receiving Fast and Charged Technical Machines for completing a Tier 3 or higher Raid Battle has increased. Trainers will now receive Stardust for participating in a Raid Battle, whether they win or lose. Magikarp will make a triumphant return to Tier 1 Raid Battles. Developer Comments: We want Trainers to walk away from Raid Battles feeling like they've earned some amazing rewards, even if the Raid Boss flees. To help make this more of a reality, we've made adjustments to the quality of items Trainers receive after defeating a Raid Boss. The addition of Stardust rewards for participating in a Raid Battle will help Trainers continue to power up the Pokémon they need to take on even more powerful Raid Bosses.

—The Pokémon GO team

submitted by /u/ThunderBow98
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I evolved a lvl 30 eevee, because why not. Got 2500 vaporeon, how different is it from good IV vaporeons?

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 07:48 PM PST

It has an IV of 69% (hehe xD), how much real difference is there in the the damage I do with the vaporeon vs one with an IV above 90%?

submitted by /u/ArkComet
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