Smite - Software quality is now so low, the game should be back in beta...

Software quality is now so low, the game should be back in beta...

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 03:17 PM PST

The quality of the deliveries from HiRez over the last 12 months have steadily degraded to the point where we now expect new bugs in every patch. Long running problems do not get fixed and new bugs require weeks/months to get resolved when they should never have gotten through even the most useless of QA departments.

It's frankly about time that someone from HiRez addresses the real lack of quality with this years patches. Yeh great skins, adventures are cool...but not when the overall game experience suffers.

With HRX on the horizon, the focus should be on stability and polish...not on the RNG balance passes of late.

And yes...I will enjoy my 1 hour deserter for not clicking the invisible accept button for the 2nd time today.

submitted by /u/MrHayUK_MSFT
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Bringing a stray dog home with you...

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 02:06 PM PST

Belgium just announced loot boxes are gambling

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 06:53 PM PST

With this they plan to go to the EU and probably make all in game loot boxes illegal due to their gambling aspect.

Just curious since the European portion of the Smite community is pretty integral to this game. If they can loot boxes in EU how is HiRez studio going to address their chests? These clearly land under the same guidelines as to what they are trying to ban.

Would be interesting to hear some response from HiRez on this. At least an acknowledgement saying they are working to at least be ready to comply to a potential ban of their game in one of their largest communities.

submitted by /u/Jarkis138
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The BEST Fire Giant steal.

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 04:19 PM PST

With the Fenrir buffs being live, i felt the need to post this gem of a video here for any new aspiring Fenrir mains.

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 04:58 AM PST

Please keep these cards like that, even if it's not intended (hidden fp)

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 12:07 PM PST

What if we had Announcer packs for "Your tower is under attack" and such?

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 10:26 AM PST

So right now we have announcer packs for Double Kill, Triple kill, rampage, deicide etc.

But the "Your left/mid/right tower/phoenix is under attack" or "Your team has destroyed enemy..." or "Minions have spawned" as a default announcer. What if we had custom announcers for these two? (Like in Dota2. They have two seperate announcer slots.)

submitted by /u/dadnaya
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SMITE Esports WIki

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 10:54 AM PST

Hello r/Smite! As you remember, 4 months ago u/DanishDragon posted about the unfortunate issue the EsportsWikis fell into. This didnt affect only the SMITE wiki, it also resulted with LoL, CoD, Halo and a few more wikis growing outdated. The staff who worked on the wikis, however, didnt quit, and was looking for a solution. With the leadership of River, who recently won the "Unsong Heros" category in the Esports Ind. Award, who worked hard with the rest of the wikis admins (Aka MountainGoat and Unovy for the SMITE Esports Wiki) on bringing the wikis to Gamepedia! (technical details can befound here, in the lol wiki).

Since then a few editors, including me Snufflebox and Lordwhizzkid, have been working on updating the new SMITE Esports Wiki- updating rosters, filling up tournaments results and creating new players and teams pages. As much as this might look as the end of our work, quite the opposite. Its the start. This new wiki will be aimed to be for the community, by the community. I can tell you there is still alot to cover. There is still alot of missing information we would hope you could help us collect. Unfortunately with the constant need to maintain the wiki mechanically, we didnt have time to collect alot of information about some of the less mainstream regions. This is where YOU can help. You dont need to know how to add the information, simply by sharing it with editors you will be able to contribute to the wiki, and in order to keep it updated, we hope you share anything you can with us. This can include results, roster changes, dry info about players, biography and history of players and teams, interviews, articles, videos, media outlets, basically ANYTHING!

For the few pros who might read this, we would love if you share information, even personally in direct messages, so we can add more content. Essentially this wiki is there for you. To recognize your accomplishments and achivements. And in the end of the day, when you shut down SMITE, this is a place that will continue to stay and tell your story.

In case anyone wants to help the wiki and doesnt know how: here is my reddit, here is my twitter and here is my SMITE Esports Wiki. You can just message me any of it, and we will make sure it will appear on the wiki. I, personally speaking, will work on adding any information sent to me, and I hope I will have to work nonstop until Season 5.

And, as a final note: I believe I can speak for the entire SMITE Esports Wiki staff by saying we will be looking to make the wiki bigger, better, and further increase the amount of information there is in the wiki about the SMITE Esport scene. This is a new start, new oppertunity to bring back to the SMITE community something we were missing. If, infact, you want to take part as an editor, the Esports Wiki staff has a Discord server (link on the side bar in the wiki sidebar under "links"), and to join the SMITE staff, simply type "%rank smite" in the bot channel.

Here on out, I would like to say congratz to anyone who worked and contributed on the return of the SMITE Esports Wiki. And, of course, I hope you will enjoy the wiki :D

submitted by /u/CaptainMaclagman
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Small message to the guy who made the "All Available Content" button placement

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 09:55 AM PST

So in this latest patch there was a button added to the Odyssey U.I. that is an unlock for All Available Content in reference to the Odyssey. Ok that's nice for people who didn't buy everything and now want to. They can just click one button instead of several. Here's my problem though. It should be as far away from the single item unlock as possible.

Before this patch the single item was in the middle and in general people gravitate towards the right. If I had been a little less perceptive i'd currently be down a few thousand gems worth of items I didn't want, and I can imagine a lot of people accidentally buying a lot of items they didn't want.

TLDR: don't hate that the button exists, just move it to like the bottom of the odyssey item selection pillar.

Edit: For those of you wondering why I have so many gems when I don't want to buy everything. That is mostly because I end up buying my gems in bulk. I could buy everything in the Odyssey if I wanted to but I don't want everything in the Odyssey and in fact want to keep some of my gems for events that inevitably come up. Also i've already bought a decent amount of the odyssey so the total was around the total of 2-3k instead of 8k.

submitted by /u/water2770
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Crystal Geb [skin concept]

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 07:08 AM PST

This might not be a revolutionary concept but as a Geb player I'd love to see something good going on with his skins (In my opinion nothing really good happened since G.E.B.1). This Skin comes to show the natural wealth of the earth (ahm ahm Geb) and help give this awesome support the shine he needs :)


Notice his eye being the eye of Ra, and his shoulder crystals to be similar to the Egyptian obelisks. The circle on his back is me trying (unsuccessfully) to draw this:

submitted by /u/DeBearDeDude
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A story about my first Penta-Kill.

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 08:00 PM PST

Heyo guys. Sorry if this isn't exactly what you were looking to read on this subreddit today, but I am so overjoyed that I just had to do a write-up.

I've been playing Smite for quite a while now. I started playing towards the tail-end of 2012 when my cousin showed me the game randomly while I was at his house. He let me sit down and play a game as Neith against the AI and explained all the basics to me (I had never really played any sort of MOBA prior to this and had no idea what I was doing). After my first initial game, I nearly immediately dismissed it and never gave it a full try. But about a week later, I saw him playing again and I was jonesing to give it another try.

He brought his rig to my place and we started playing. I downloaded the game and checked out all the Gods, and the one I liked more than others was Poseidon. He made me start Mid-Lane and we jumped into our first game. All I remember was going 0-13, but holy SHIT was it a blast. The next game I played, I went positive, but only by a little. It was a 6-4 game for me, and I began to get used to the mechanics, the controls, and the style.

Shortly thereafter, I would buy the Ultimate God Pack and start working through each God to see which styles I liked. Then in February of the next year, I'd purchase my first skin when Poolseidon released to raise cash for the Launch Tourney prize pool. He would later become my first Diamond in the game.

Well, fast forward five years. I've currently mastered every God in the game, have multiple diamonds, and have spent waaaaay more money than I should have on a game that I love to play with my wife, best friends, and immediate family. I casually played every game mode for the past half decade and not once had I gotten a penta kill.

Until last night.

I was in an Arena game (I know, casual mode). I was queued up with a good buddy of mine and we were trying to figure out what roles we both wanted to play. I had decided to try and get in a game as an Assassin, but it was picked and instalocked. My buddy wanted to Warrior it up, but a Bellona was queued before he selected. So he said we should just both go Mage and do shenanigans. He queued up Hades (His first Diamond) and I decided to play Poseidon. As an added joke, I selected my Poolseidon skin and let my team know I planned to make our opponents "squirt".

And fuck, did I make them squirt.

It was a pinch scenario where we were rotating out of right lane after clearing their buffs and the other three teamies were advancing up the middle to catch them from the back when they responded to us clearing their buffs. I nabbed a triple with my Quacken alone, then chased them down and finished them off with a mix of my 1, 2, and 3.

As soon as I saw the triple, I was going crazy. But when I whirlpooled and waved my quadra, I saw my opportunity. Their Nemesis was the only one left, and she had just been rooted by our Arte, who stopped as soon as she saw the Quadra announcement. Maybe she was in awe? Maybe she was respectful enough to give me the Penta. Whatever it was, it worked perfectly.

I hit my 2 and immediately began swinging at the Nem, whose dash was on cooldown and whose health was about 1/2 of its total. In about four attacks, I'd have my first Penta.

I lost it. Five whole years of trying and never getting it were finally over. I started cheering and whooping as loud as I could. My wife threw a shoe at me to shut me up before I'd wake the kids. And without knowing it, I was hopping up and down out of my chair. It was awesome.

Sorry, but this story doesn't really have any reason or meaning. I was just really excited about this big achievement and really wanted to share. =)

submitted by /u/metalslug53
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When Apophis is secretly on your team

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 05:26 PM PST

200 IQ Juke

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 12:08 PM PST

What's your most disgusting confession regarding smite?

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 04:50 AM PST

Confess something that you do/or did regarding smite that disgusts you as a person.

I'll go first.

I used to play Morrigan with my sister (who mained loki) irregardless of how far ahead any other person was, I'd morph into Loki with her and we'd violate every squishy around.

submitted by /u/DemonLordIncarnated
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Sale live on Xbox. Other platforms unknown

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 06:53 PM PST

MY most disgusting confession regarding Smite (he was a new player)

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 01:29 PM PST

PC Gem Slae Live On NA Client

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 09:25 PM PST

Butt clench and APM both at risky levels

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 12:25 PM PST

Idea for Browsing Skins

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 04:15 PM PST

Just had a thought that it would be really awesome if you could use your keyboard to see the different effects for each god skin while browsing in the menu.

You'd go to the god tab, click on skins, and for each one you could hit the ability buttons and see what they look like for each skin or click to see what the autos look like. Would be a cool way to show off designs and might entice paying gamers to buy a skin!

submitted by /u/Gozii55
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Things that Season 4 thought me:

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 06:21 PM PST

*That we dont want passives that are only connected to one ability (Chronos)

*That we want passives that are connected to one ability (AoKuang)

*Even with rat rework because of different acorns means impossible balance, we can play as Hunter with slow, prot shread, more damage and lifesteal in one ability

*That buying 1700 item that heals more from abilities is better than previously 2400 item that heals less when fully stacked from abilities.

*If tanks are meta, we should nerf titans bane

*That we should fear celtic assassin

*That we should fear the buffs of next warrior or guardian who gets selected for tier 5 odyssey

What are the things that you've learned this season ?

submitted by /u/GARLlCK
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I'd like to have the option to turn off jump stamps (for other players)

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 02:37 PM PST

(how do I edit the title? I hope it doesn't look like I mean to disable it for everyone in every match I'm in or something, I mean just to not see it for myself) It ruins the aesthetic of the game for me and maybe for some others, it's actually really annoying to be honest and usually distracts me so I'd be very happy if we could have an option in the settings to just not see it please, thank you

submitted by /u/Kaselator
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Changes to Hercopolis easy mode?

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 06:20 PM PST

Is It just me or was easy mode also affected by the patch. Draugr's whirlpool now extends the entire length of the boat. The once safe spot at the helm is now in the whirlpool. Also when I got to Surtr he was doing so much damage, He hits like a mac truck.

submitted by /u/ojebussaveus
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Favorite recall animation in Smite

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 02:59 PM PST

The favorite I can think of at the moment is Chronos'. I love the way his staff acts like the second hand of a clock ticking to 12 before he teleports back to base.

I also like Nemesis' recall for a similar reason, where she returns to base just as she manages to balance her scales perfectly.

What are your favorites?

submitted by /u/ReinaBlaka
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Smite pantheons compared to the Nintendo games in Super Smash Bros. ( part 1 )

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 07:01 PM PST

This is a post for those of you who, like me, are fans of both Smash Bros and Smite. I recently realized that the pantheons have some interesting similarities with the games that are represented in the popular Nintendo crossover, so let's see if you'll agree with me.

The Greek Pantheon is Super Mario Bros.

They're the biggest, most well-known characters in the game. Everyone and their grandmas knows Zeus/Mario. They are the poster boys of the series, and a lot of people start playing the game because of them. They get a LOT of love from the producers, including many characters and other references (Conquest being based on Greek mythology in Smite/items, stages and trophies in SSB). Of course, not all those characters can be a Zeus, Athena, Hades and Apollo/Mario, Peach, Bowser and Luigi in terms of popularity. Let's be honest, there aren't as many people getting crazy about Chiron and Nike/Rosalina and Bowser Jr. But it is what it is. Most people get into mythology/videogames in general because of them and they will always hold a special place in their hearts. Those fans also will keep asking for more and more characters for them despite how stupid some of those popular ideas are, IMO (Achilles/Waluigi – sorry for their fans).

The Roman Pantheon are the Mario Sub-Series ( Donkey Kong, Yoshi and Wario )

In Smash Bros., those series are considered their own thing… Even though most of those characters started their "career" in Mario games, just like most of the Roman gods came originally from Greek myth. Yes, people will argue their series/mythology got just as popular as their origin and they are now unique enough to stand on their feet. Yes, there are characters that debuted in those sub-series instead of Mario/Greek mythology (Diddy Kong/Janus and Sylvanus). Still. Most people will consider them all part of the same family, and the games reference that constantly, with Nox calling Thanatos and Nemesis their children, Wario having an alternate costume based on his origin as Mario's rival etc.

The Norse Pantheon is The Legend of Zelda

For most of hardcore mythology/Nintendo fans, they are as important as Greek/Mario. They both involve badass warriors with swords, magic, wolves, fucked up timelines and a lot of their fans love this whole RPG/D&D vibe, and some consider it superior and more "adult" than the other series in the game. Like I said, that's mostly for hardcore fans of those things, because for the longest time it wouldn't be so common for the average citizen to recognize Thor/Link as it would be for Zeus/Mario. But that have been changing for the recent years with popular representations of those characters (the Thor films/first the Wii and Twilight Princess, and now the Nintendo Switch and Breath of the Wild).

The Egyptian Pantheon is Pokémon

Not too hard to explain, really. They also can be considered as popular as Mario/Greek, as they have a HUGE number of fans worldwide. They are both mostly represented by animal-like characters, with some direct parallels that can be made like Lucario and Anubis. For that reason, they are both super popular with furries. Welp. A lot of people grow very attached to those characters overall: when you first load a Smash game, Mario and Link are cool, but people who grew up with Pokémon may be much more interested in playing with Pikachu and Charizard instead, just like Ra and Neith in Smite, which most new players like because they are free and easy to play. Finally, both Pokémon and Egyptian mythology became insanely popular years ago because of an anime and a card game ( Yu-Gi-Oh! is the other one, for those who couldn't tell ).

The Hindu Pantheon is Metroid

Those two are… quite controversial with the fandom. They are there since the beginning, and most fans would agree they are essential to the identity of the game. Still… They will never be as popular as those I listed above, but they both have a lot of passionate fans that constantly ask for more content of this pantheon/series, since they feel they are under-represented in the game compared to others. The producers give excuses for not adding new characters (Ridley is too big/Hinduism is a huge religion and we don't want to offend its followers) which never really made a lot of sense. And to please those fans, they try to add some alternatives (another form of Samus/demons like Kumbha, Baka and Ravana that aren't gods), which are pretty cool, but aren't really what people are asking for. Unlike Smash though, Smite had the courage to add the biggest fan favorite character of the pantheon which is a gigantic purple creature (Ganesha/Ridley), so props to Hi-Rez! Take notes, Sakurai.

Hope you guys enjoyed it, I will be doing the last four pantheons soon enough. Stay tuned!

submitted by /u/dustlander
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