Pokémon GO - I'm helping ��

I'm helping ��

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 02:30 PM PDT

Raids should only reward us items we can't get from Pokestops

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 06:25 AM PDT

I thought the whole point of raids was to bring something different to the game not include rewards that you can get from just from Pokestops. Before the system was great you were guaranteed Golden Razz Berries and Rare Candy from doing raids. You would also have a chance to get a Fast TM or a Charged TM or even both! Sure players can use Premium passes so they can farm for more of these items, but they still have to pay 100 coins per pass. Them paying 100 coins for passes for the purpose of getting these items would be like if they were to buy them from the shop.

I just think it's annoying that half the time we aren't even rewarded for what only raids can give us. Who else agrees that they should go back to just rewarding us with berries and candy?

submitted by /u/PlayfulTitan18
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When the new legendary's name is one autocorrect away from "suicide."

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 01:29 PM PDT

My son finally got his first legendary! So happy

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 03:34 PM PDT

He's 10 years old and been playing since day 1. We're rural and for the longest time, he basically played on his own whilst out walking with us. He made it to L27.

I started playing in August this year, and made L30 since then with a Gotcha and lots of lucky eggs. But we were still only 2 players, and legendary seemed out of reach.

So today, I finally found a discord for a local raiding group, so it was arranged to head to a small town about 5 miles away at 7.15pm to go beat a Raikou which just came into rotation for us. We missed the the chance of the other legendaries sadly.

So there we are, on our first legendary raid, father and son sitting shivering in the cold outside this church (we got there early), and about 10 others rocked up from the discord, and it was super fun.

Raikou went down with over half the time remaining. And the best thing is, my son caught it!

I missed but I really didn't care because he was so happy. It would have been much worse if I'd caught Raikou and he'd missed. He was still talking about it as I tucked him into bed.

I know this game does get some flak sometimes, but tonight was just the best.

submitted by /u/harpingon
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How about Shiny Stantler for Christmas?

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 05:47 PM PDT

[Idea] Every week there should be a new small twist so that there's never a boring stale 'base' game, and always something new to strategize around and focus on like events give

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 05:53 AM PDT

The events are awesome, and a lot of us share the feeling of losing interest once they finish.

Doing events every week obviously doesn't work, but what if elements of events were distributed around every week so there was always some new facet to be focusing on and trying to strategize around, and never a boring off-period. e.g. -

  • 10-20% of spawns are from a global list of say ~10 pokemon, a distribution of different rarity tiers (but not all the same type, such as ghost, fire, etc), which is changed up each week, so each week there's something to potentially focus around for filling out your dex / building your raiding team / getting mass evolution candy / etc.

  • Some weeks there's +1 candy on all catches (or maybe +1 per evolution stage), so it's a good week to get out there using pinaps. Not quite the craziness of double candy, but it's a little twist to focus your strategy on that week and save resources for. (and buy bag space wink wink)

  • Some weeks there's +50 stardust per catch or something, encouraging more catching in general if you're low on stardust

  • Some weeks eggs start incubating with a lower distance (say 80%), hence a good time to focus on hatching a lot of eggs (and a good time for people to stock up on incubators)

  • Some weeks berries are more effective, like pinaps give an extra candy, feeding gym defenders gives greater stardust and gym badge xp - a good time to focus on more remote gyms - or something.

  • Some weeks might just give more gym badge xp in general, as per the above idea, so a good time to focus on those more remote gyms at the extreme of your walks

Basically stuff to vary up the playstyle, make no single week the same as before, give a new reason to be getting out and focusing on some sub-part of the game just like events.

edit: The 'news' tab could even be used for a basic message such as

This Week's Challenge

10% more Stardust"


This Week's Challenge

10% more Dratini spawns

submitted by /u/AnOnlineHandle
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The gym leader challenge sequel: How niantic could make money from it, what could be the rewards and how not to have always the same 6 species.

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 08:01 AM PDT

[Screenshot] Took this at our ex-raid today. Photo contest is over, but the local discord liked it, so I thought I'd share it here

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 02:15 PM PDT

[Screenshot] Witch Hat Pikachu Jumps for the Sunset

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 02:38 PM PDT

Horrible AR image quality ; I recently got the LG G6 (2017,left) that has an amazing camera but in game it’s trash :/ , on the right is my old Samsung S6 (2015) that has a slightly weaker camera but in game it’s really not bad ! Does anyone know if i could do something about it ? Thanks

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 01:41 PM PDT

The younger crowd (below driving age) would be more active if items weren't so tough to get and pokestops so stingy with items.

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 06:36 AM PDT

It's very disheartening that my younger cousins want to play but can't since they live in a suburb with no nearby stops. I live rurally but at least get a few spins here and there on errands. The times they do get to get spins they run out of poke balls quicker than it takes to get them.

And THB this is the sole reason why I haven't spent any real $$$ on PoGo since week 1.

I would propose an "item ball" system. Where you can encounter these "item balls" in the wild and they would count as a spin.

submitted by /u/Cheater87
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[Humor] Finnaly got myself an Ex pass!! Well.. Kinda..

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 01:21 PM PDT

New EX Raid Passes

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 11:34 AM PDT

Loads of people in my town (In the UK) have just got another EX Raid Pass, anyone else got one?

Edit: It's for the 11th November from 2:00PM - 2:45PM.

submitted by /u/J0RDYL33
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[Question] What makes gyms 'Rise' into tall gyms?

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 04:30 PM PDT

Simply being curious. I'm fairly certain it's decided by the total combined CP of all the defenders in the gym, but I haven't managed to find a definitive source.

I recently checked and found that a gym containing defenders with a total CP sum of 8303 was raised, while a gym with a total CP sum of 7236 was lowered. Both gyms had all 6 Defenders.

I'm assuming it's something like either 7500 or 8000 combined CP.

If anyone knows a definitive answer and can link the source it would be appreciated.

For anyone else who is also curious, now you know that the change happens sometimes between those two values. IF it is determined by CP. If anyone have found anything else that decides if a gym is raised or lowered then please share.

submitted by /u/DaoLei
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Pokemon Go Players Capture Legendary Pokemon in Honor of Deceased Friend

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 09:51 AM PDT

Multiple crashes a day, sightings disappear more than ever, Go+ connectivity issues, overall lag. Am I the only one?

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 05:05 AM PDT

I'm using the Galaxy S8, the game should work like a charm on this device. It did, but it doesn't anymore and I have a feeling the phone is not the problem.

submitted by /u/HannesVM
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Niantic acquires social startup Evertoon - this may signal a plan to add social features to Pokémon GO and Ingress

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 11:19 AM PDT

He finally caught me

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 08:19 PM PDT

[Idea] Fixing EX Raids: Lottery Gyms

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 03:30 PM PDT

The EX raid system is being hailed as a monumental failure in the eyes of both casual players and seasoned raiders alike. It is dividing raid communities and sowing bitterness for the game.

My solution? Designated Open Lottery Gyms.

Have several gyms marked out a week or two in advance as gyms that will be hosting an EX raid soon. Once these gyms are marked, any raids completed at them give you a guaranteed chance to be chosen for that gym once the lottery period closes and the draw is made. You can give yourself extra chances if you're willing to put the work in and return when another egg pops that day.

With this solution, Niantic maintains it's raid pass sales when players travel far and wide to gyms marked for an EX raid, and players have an official and viable method to confirm their chance at an EX Pass without feeling the sting of frustration that they raided the wrong section of their city, or getting a pass while on vacation. The gyms will be targeted, so sponsors will get more visits as well. Niantic gets more cash, we get actual shots at EX lotteries, and sponsors get more visits.

Everybody wins.

submitted by /u/ChaddyGibbs
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Still searching for my first shiny in GO after ~1000 ghost encounters during the event. I think the game's starting to feel bad for me...

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 10:41 AM PDT

This was taken this morning, so the Halloween event is already over. I'm happy there seems to be a Shuppet nest near my work, at least!

submitted by /u/Jetsplit
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Winter is here. Dont forget to let your dogs in and give them warm food and water to keep them healthy.

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 12:03 PM PDT

Getting tired of EX raid testing

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 07:37 PM PDT

I feel cheated. I predicted where the next EX raid would be in my area of Winston Salem, NC. The gym is a Starbucks on Stratford Rd. I intentionally did 2 raids there in the last week and a half or so to ensure an EX raid pass. However, myself and many others didn't get passes. Many folks did the same raids together and one person got the pass and the other didn't. If that's intentional, that's kind of messed up. Please address. Thanks Niantic.

submitted by /u/Pym0722
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Pokémon masters, will you help me get my master's degree?

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 03:21 AM PDT

Hey r/pokemongo! I am Jeroen Brus, and I am completing my master's degree at the university of Utrecht in the Netherlands. The aim of my thesis is to study to what extent playing Pokémon go in public space will influence the usage, feelings and perception towards public space for players of the game. The results from this study will only be used for that purpose, and the questionnaire is completely anonymous. It would help me very much if you took 5-10 minutes out of your day and filled out my questionnaire

submitted by /u/DieaHero_LoL
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Haven’t played since the original craze, want to get back into it.

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 02:28 PM PDT

To give you a time frame, about a month or two after release. What major things have happened since then? I'm level 15. Thanks!

submitted by /u/Icecubez2504
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