Diablo - Blizzcon exclusive Diablo 3 Demo Details

Blizzcon exclusive Diablo 3 Demo Details

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 11:56 AM PDT

Got a chance to play the show flow demo.

It's a unique rift that has Diablo greet you along the way, throwing multiple bosses along the way. Skeleton King, Butcher, ice and fire Urzael, etc with a final battle similar to Uber Diablo with a twist that you face the "first" Diablo which is a new model.

Upon completion we got a Diablo 3 Necromancer class logo patch. Don't know if we get all classes or just necro.

Nothing new at first glance but only got one play with the DH. The DH had Marauder set, but didn't get the chance to check if there was anything different with the build or items/skills/UI.

I'll try to come back and update this with classes, sets and anything else I can find or if there are more patches for classes.

submitted by /u/HerpDerpenberg
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Second year in a row that Diablo isn't talked about during the opening ceremony

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 12:18 PM PDT

How does that make you feel?

Personally, I'm pissed off, and I'm sad that Blizzard seems to be dropping the ball on one of my favorite franchises.

submitted by /u/Yazoolol
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Transmogs, come get your weapon transmogs!!! NA, SC, I'll be on all night to share a bunch of weapon transmogs with whomever needs them.

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 04:46 PM PDT

NEW EDIT (as of 9:20 PM PDT, 11/3/17): I am taking an hiatus from the trading for the night. I will be available tomorrow afternoon though, so you can still message me, comment in here, or add me in-game, and we can set up a time for me to share with you. It's been fun, I met a lot of cool people, and hopefully made a couple of ya happy. Stay safe out there (especially if you play HC!).

Here's a screenshot that shows everything I've got. And here's a screenshot of everything in list form, ordered from top to bottom, left to right from the in-game SS.

My ID is SamuelAdams#1868, and I'll be hanging out in the Cosmetics Farming or Rainbow Goblin Hunt community chats, huntin' for them damn rainbow wings.

NOTE: I will only bring people into my party if you comment here first with your IGN (or PM it to me, if you're worried about privacy). Just to try and help minimize the chance that someone steals any. I would be very annoyed if I had to farm any more of these.

I'll be online for quite a few hours, so if I don't respond right away, I'm probably just afk for a couple of minutes.

I can also give Power Levels (SC or HC), and any Campaign checkpoints (also HC or SC).

EDIT: Terribly sorry to those of you who have requested an invite, but have not posted in the thread. There is literally nothing I can do to prevent getting these things stolen (or worse, salvaged!). My only line of "defense" was requiring you to have a post history on here. That way, you could be shamed/shunned if you were to Mogjack me. Either in the various communities in-game, or I'd follow you around here on Reddit and tell everyone what you did! lol Again, sorry, but that's my only rule, must have a post history on Reddit. I'll gladly help you farm for them though! I need to get them all on Hardcore anyway.

submitted by /u/HouAngelesDodgeStros
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BlizzCon 2017 Opening Ceremony

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 10:08 AM PDT

updated List for all items with their Itemlevel and required Level

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 06:00 AM PDT

Greetings Nephalem,

while the Season starts soontm i updated my list of items from last season.

It is mobile-friendly, sortable and probably more polished than the last one (well that wasn't hard).

/u/bagstone was also so kind to make some space to host it on his website, thanks for that ;)


If you find anything weird, off or have questions, feel free to ask.


Edit1: for the season start, these two spreadsheets are very useful for the "challange rift bloodshards":

Thanks for all the feedback ;) i'm looking into some filter options right now (thanks for the idea /u/dasbif and /u/JustanotherdrunknOrc). Something like filter by name or level (both) wouldn't be that big of a problem, but some sort of level range or class-filter needs a bit more adjustment.

submitted by /u/Hurric4n
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[#BETA] The Curse of Tristram (delayed) but in much better shape! It's coming...

Posted: 02 Nov 2017 11:46 PM PDT

Which wuzard build such I use to farm paragons?

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 07:08 PM PDT

I assume farming paragons is done with speedruns. I'm not much of a teamplayer, so I'm gonna be playing solo. Which wizard build should I use to farm paragons?( I will augment this build). Fuczzang told me that I should use vyr+chantodo but his English isn't very good so I'm not sure he understood the question.

submitted by /u/maddotaplayer222
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Looking for act V waypoint [NA]

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 05:24 PM PDT

Hey I'm trying to unlock trag wings, looking to see if somebody could give me the act 5 starting waypoint in campaign.. that'd be awesome thanks.


submitted by /u/Galaxeh
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It's a sad Blizzcon when the biggest Diablo news are a couple of skins for Overwatch :(

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 06:36 PM PDT


submitted by /u/ashn0d
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[D3ShowerThoughts] What if I had all followers with unity and arcstones?

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 11:18 AM PDT

I'm thinking this could be best implemented with a monk. Draw enemies close with cyclone, arcs deal damage, 3/4th damage reduction. I'm going to try this just for fun. Ideas for best items to collect to boost? Tasker and Theo? Are followers considered pets?

submitted by /u/ahddib
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Blizzard games are treated like platforms - how about Diablo?

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 09:56 PM PDT

It wasn't Diablo's year but we know that Diablo project is going on behind the scenes. What kind of conclusions we can make concerning it?

It seems that Blizzard prefers keeping their current games as platforms - even WoW from 2004 keeps getting expansions even though it didn't look good even back in 2004. It's easy to see why: why risk the huge playerbase with WoW2 as they can keep updating game motor with new expansions.

How about Diablo? Yes, Diablo doesn't have microtransactions or monthly fee, but still, will they really just design it from the scratch or are they going to update D3 while adding microtransactions? They already made in-game shop which would be odd if it was only for Necromancer.

Yes, D3 have disappointed a lot of fans but in the same time, the potential playerbase to buy a D3 installment is huge when marketed wisely.

Do you think it will be a new Diablo game from a same genre or a new game from the different genre or simply D3 being updated? I know D3 seems too old but on the other hand, Blizzard has its completely own time bubble.

submitted by /u/ToBeRuined
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Visual Effects of the Necromancer Panel Overview

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 09:26 PM PDT

Which dps for 4player speedfarming?

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 05:25 PM PDT

So there are currently various builds that are actually quite fast. WOL monk, multishot DH, ...

They all clear t13 pretty fast on their own, but which class puts out some serious damage in a 4 player game ?

I like to play in a group at all times, but in the past when i mained monk i always felt useless (as a dps at least) when speedfarming some rifts. Manald/Archon Wizard last season was pretty fun though cause you actually were killing things pretty fast even with 4 players. So my question is which of the speedfarming builds puts out the most damage ?

submitted by /u/pseudolf
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Does the armory regard items on alt characters?

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 03:46 PM PDT

If I have a loadout saved with Char A., which includes a ring socketed bane of the powerful gem, and a loadout with Char B, with that same gem, but socketed in an amulet, would the armory make the switch between characters?

submitted by /u/eehoe
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Blizzard Social Group for Diablo... ?

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 01:56 PM PDT

Since it was again presented on Blizzcon I am wondering if there is a group already for Diablo in the Social Tab of the Blizzard App... ? I could not find anything via Google and just do not want to start one without knowing ;) It would be maybe great to set one up for the reddit, way easier for people to find each other, make new friends and group up for games especially with the new Season around the corner! http://www.wowhead.com/news=274321/social-tab-in-blizzard-battle-net-desktop-app-available-for-eu

submitted by /u/Boonatix
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Diablo Movie - Director and Casting

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 02:08 PM PDT

Of course I want to see a Diablo movie, but realizing these game movies usually aren't as good as Superhero movies.

So, say if there are QUALITY studio(The one that made Wonder Woman for instance), producers, that it will have a plot taken straight from Diablo's lore and mythology(without deviating too far from it, everything stay true to the original source).

Say you have all those in place. Which director, and actors, actresses do you want to see cast?

submitted by /u/DragonFireDon
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S12 barb GR question

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 09:07 AM PDT

Is there a place in group GR's for NON-support barbarian? I'm not talking leaderboard pushing levels but maybe 70-100 speed's if that's doable. Or is it just way outclassed by other damage dealers?

submitted by /u/GreenGamer001
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Akkhan/Invoker V2.0 "MELEE BOMBER" GR100 Clear Crusader Build (2.6.1)

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 07:08 AM PDT

Is there still anyway to get the Diablo Virtual items from BlizzCon 2016?

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 11:28 AM PDT

Really want it, but sadly last year I was broke and couldn't afford $40 easily. This year I can. Is there any hope to still get last years contents?

submitted by /u/DragonFireDon
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