Pokémon GO - Finally!! I met three Legendary Beast at The Burned Tower in real life, maybe HO-OH will appear later xD

Finally!! I met three Legendary Beast at The Burned Tower in real life, maybe HO-OH will appear later xD

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 04:34 PM PST

Someone in my city brought Pokeball Macarons to the Ex-Raid today!

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 01:29 PM PST

[Screenshot] So finally Piloswine found his own gym!

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 03:38 AM PST

Man, wife, and 2 girls at the gym

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 04:40 PM PST


My wife, my stepson, and another at the gym tonight.

submitted by /u/partzman2
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[Photo] Today, it's been exactly one month. Since October 11, new Portals have not been transferred into Pokemon Go anymore. This is what my suburban town looks like in Ingress Vs. Go

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 10:57 AM PST

This weedle is in a gym that has no service, and has officially been in long enough to have a negative day counter

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 07:21 PM PST

Pikachu's Crystal Ball

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 01:19 PM PST

[Photo]The majestic Articuno in it's natural habitat!

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 12:12 AM PST

Hanke - New features announced next week

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 11:25 AM PST

Short summary on a recent interview from Niantic's dear leader.


I'm trying really hard not to sarc on what the features might be. Turkey hatted pikachu isn't it? I failed.

submitted by /u/WarnID
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So a local group just failed an EX raid because only 5 people were there...

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 11:18 AM PST

How does this happen? It occurred at a gym where I remember doing a raid where we had to split into 2 groups because we had too many people.

submitted by /u/ajd121
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[Discussion] EX Raid Failure

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 03:09 AM PST

Our town had an EX Raid failure this morning due to not enough people being invited. There were only 5 people in total (3 from our raid chat & another with 2 accounts on 1 phone), which unsurprisingly wasn't enough to take Mewtwo out. To our knowledge, this was the total number of invites sent out, there were no invitees in our raid group that couldn't make it.

We had an EX Raid a month ago where we had around 30 people, so it's not like there aren't enough players in town, it's just that 90% of us weren't invited.

The raid we think the invites were based on had around 10 participants from our group, which is about average attendance for us, but only generated 3 invites.

This isn't meant as a moan, but more as bewilderment. What is the point of setting up a super rare raid without inviting enough people to successfully complete it?

submitted by /u/MumSaysImCool
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Why are people so keen for PvP?

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 01:16 AM PST

Let's be honest, the battle system in Go sucks. The only strategy is pick the best Pokémon within a given type, and taptaptap. While I think the simplicity is a strength for gyms/raids (it means everyone can play without spending ages learning about it). I can see it getting very boring very fast within PvP.

The fact is Pokémon already has an extremely in depth PvP within the main games, if people are so keen why not just play that?

submitted by /u/mamamia1001
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Would you like there to be a daily reward system for holding gyms?

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 05:59 AM PST

Aside from getting 50 coins (That's even if your Pokemon comes back the next day) There really isn't anything exciting about holding down a gym except for the raid bonus you get.

I was thinking players can get rewarded just like we get rewarded for spinning stops and catching Pokemon. Perhaps we can get a stardust reward system like Day 1: 500 Stardust, Day 2: 1,000 Stardust, Day 3: 1,500 stardust, etc.

That's at least my main idea for a daily reward for holding down gyms what else would you guys like to see if they were to introduce a daily reward system?

submitted by /u/PlayfulTitan18
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[Question] Public city park Gym turned to pokestop yesterday...

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 04:29 PM PST

So odd and unexpected thing happened yesterday I'm none to happy about. One of our local city parks used to have a gym at the play area and a stop on the picnic area. This park is small-ish, not in high traffic area, lots of street parking, usually doesn't get a lot of folks there at the same time but was very convenient for people in my neck of the woods.

Yesterday I noticed that the picnic pokestop was gone, the play area gym was converted to a stop and moved to the dead center of the park. We can't seem to figure out why this would have happened. This gym wasn't super active for raids but was used more than some others we have at the airport or completely off a trail in a nature park. I can't imagine anyone would have reported this one; we're not aware of any issues with this gym especially when we have several other gyms still around where the owners are not happy about folks loitering or parking on their property.

My running guess would be something about Niantic not wanting park as a gym since most others around are stops only... :( Anyone know for sure or seen this elsewhere before?

submitted by /u/JustiBear
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Apple Watch 3 w/watchOS 4.1, Never loads anymore. I’ve uninstalled pogo from watch via the Watch app 3 times, same result. I’ve removed pogo from Phone and reinstalled to watch - still broke. I suspect this is not a pogo problem but actually and Apple problem as another 3rd party acts same way.

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 06:36 AM PST

[Idea] Regular raid pass can be used to help EX raids...

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 02:37 PM PST

Seems like there are multiple EX raid gyms/towns with very limited number of people invited. With people's unpredictable schedule...etc, getting enough people to these EX raids can be impossible.

Maybe allow people with regular daily raid pass or premium pass to "help" the people with EX invites. Still give them the raid rewards (rare candies, golden razz, those "awesome" revives...etc), but just won't be able to attempt to catch Mewtwo afterwards?

I'll be down for rewards alone. So to actually give people at these smaller EX raids a chance and get some raid rewards... win win in my mind.


submitted by /u/LoLowLowe
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[Question] Gym Badge Glitch

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 12:10 PM PST


Haven't seen this small glitch mentioned yet. May have just missed it. Some gym badge icons seem to be replaced with Fairy, Dark and Grass medal icons. Pokemon that were in the gyms at the time were not of those types. Not game-breaking in any way, but anyone else had this?

submitted by /u/Jomifo
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Soloing alakazam

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 07:16 PM PST

So i have checked pokebattler... it says i should succeed.. however i have 0 idea what " monte carlo gold simulation " means.

Earlier today i was sitting in the freezing cold for 25 minutes trying to solo alakazam, and he had a nano mm of health left but i COULD NOT do it. Since i was freezing so freaking bad and since i continued raiding for 12 more hours, i can not remember what moveset he had.

My team was 2 tyranitars and some other mon i cant remember, but i ended up spending ALL my stardust and larvitar candy evolving and almost maxing out another 96 iv tyranitar. I now sit with this team: Tyranitar 94 IV, 3502 CP / Tyranitar 96 IV 3497 CP / Tyranitar 85 IV 3141 CP..All of them with bite crunch. And a machamp 94 IV 2700 CP.

This is where the real questions begin, and why i ask you interactive trainers, should i just tank and hope my 4 first mon are enough, or should i dodge? Should i use the tyrannitars fast moves only, since crunch takes a lot of time to deploy and i risk getting smacked with whatever charged move alakazam has?

Ever since i managed to solo machamp, soloing hard bosses has become my new love in this game. When you guys showed how much you loved soloing too it really sparked my passion to a new level, i mean i was out raiding for 12 freaking hours in 1 celsius windy snowy rainy norwegian weather so im quite stoked about the game again :D

Sorry if my post is badly edited, im not to skilled with editing and stuff

submitted by /u/poebro
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Joining a raid half way through with the Pokemon code system?

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 06:32 PM PST

Ok so tonight at a Suicune raid me and my group were half way through when another player comes up and asks if we are doing the raid and if he can join in. We told him we are half way through battling and he replied with "what was the code?" We looked at each other like what are you talking about once a raid starts you cant just join. He precedes to tell us that if he has the 3 pokemon code he can jump in and fight with us. No one in our group has ever heard about this and we are all on top of PoGo related things inside the game.

So has anyone hear of this and or have tried and it worked? If so this could be a game changer and if not the guy is just pulling our legs but i figured this would be the place to ask and get an answer.

submitted by /u/YarecnaV89
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[Idea] New berries

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 06:48 AM PST

Hypothetical examples:

CATCHING: (Names can obviously vary)

Wepear Berry - Doubles Stardust on Pokémon capture

Durin Berry - Doubles XP on Pokémon capture


Bluk Berry - Restores double (or triple) motivation on a Pokémon


Oran Berry - Heals 10hp

Sitrus Berry - Heals 30hp (Making them useful, but not as useful as Potions. Should probably be the rarer berries)

Personally, I mostly feed my berries to Pokémon in Gyms so I can level-up my Gym Badges. And I think it'd be nice to have a few more different types of berries, not for any significant change, but just added variety (cos variety is the spice of life).

Curious what y'all think. (EDIT for formatting)

submitted by /u/IllBeDARNd
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Got off to a rocky start with this little guy

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 01:36 AM PST

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