Heroes of the Storm - MFPallytime is raising money today for Arnold Palmer Children's Hospital

MFPallytime is raising money today for Arnold Palmer Children's Hospital

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 12:17 PM PST

HeroStorm ep 31: Within Arms Length

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 07:05 AM PST

Roll20 esports : Glau/Prismat out, Daneski/Kure to join.

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 11:28 AM PST

Alexstrasza is the 3rd hero since Greymane with alternative set of abilites. None of three have it displayed on their store pages.

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 03:05 AM PST

I did not even count D.Va. Cmon Blizz.

UPD: some older heroes could also use an store page update:

— Tychus: Commandeer Odin

— Abathur: Symbiote

— TLV: move descriptions of each viking's trait into main trait ("Viking's Hoard") and put there basic abilities learned through talents (not sure about this one, might be confusing)

UPD: yes, alt set abilites are mentioned under description of main set ability. Yet we have correctly done store pages for Greymane and Cho'Gall.

UPD: noticed description of Alexstrasza's Dragonqueen does not include increasing auto attack range to 9.0 and reducing attack speed by 20%.

submitted by /u/macrosdxc
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Alexstraza/Hanzo cinematic contains Nexus clues

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 01:00 PM PST

"One thing we'd like to start doing more—and you saw this a little bit in the Alexstraza/Hanzo cinematic we had—is actually looking a little more about what the Nexus is," Dabiri said. "What is our world, what are the events that will unfold within our world, how these different characters play a part in those events, and introducing new characters that are purely born from within the Nexus ... The Alexstrasza of cinematic just kind of hinted at that with the ending there, but you'll see more of that in the future."


submitted by /u/wearcasts
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It would be neat if your selected load-out voice line is played in draft when you select the hero, instead of the generic line. That way atleast you get to hear it sometimes?

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 02:23 PM PST

Showerthought I guess :D

submitted by /u/Ownzalot
[link] [comments]

Sportbilly leaving Diamond Skin

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 12:49 PM PST

HGC Oracle - Episode 6

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 01:28 PM PST

This is how some people report in HotS

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 10:25 AM PST

Ethernal leaving Diamond Skin

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 12:31 PM PST

POLIK and GrandPkt released from Zealots

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 09:16 AM PST

Cris to join Dignitas?

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 12:36 PM PST

I am Varian (Titanium Parody)

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 12:55 PM PST

Who Is: Diablo, the Lord of Terror? A Diablo Lore Post

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 08:44 AM PST

"Eat your vegetables and brush after every meal!"

-Diablo, backwards, in Diablo I

Hello, and welcome to another massive Diablo lore post. Today, we cover our titular character, Big Red himself, Al'Diabolos. Al'Diabolos, better known as Diablo, is the most important character in the series of obvious reasons: he's the one that ties every last thing that happens on Sanctuary together. His insanely complex plan actually works, and it nearly results in the apocalypse. Now, because this character is such a key lore topic, I won't be able to cover everything in one post. Instead, this week the lore will cover up to the end of Diablo II, where base skin Diablo takes his appearance from. If need be, quotes and skins will also get their own post on Monday. Then, next week, we will cover the Prime Evil Diablo skin, which should be much shorter on lore since it will specifically cover everything inbetween II and III, as well as what occurs in Diablo III itself, as well as all the changed quotes that skin has. All good, no issues? Great, let's dive in. Again, fair warning, you're entering a very long post that may be filled with a bit more detail than need be, but, well, the point of these lore posts is to cover the character entirely. I can try to give a tl;dr if someone asks, but it really isn't feasible for a character like this.

As always, all previous Lore Posts for each franchise can be found here

Tathamet and the Eternal Conflict

Originally, the universe only housed a single being: Anu, the Diamond Warrior, the sum of all things. It was both good and evil, light and dark, perfect counterbalance in everything. Yet, seeking purity of form, Anu cast all evil out from itself. Unbeknownst to it, however, this evil could never be destroyed, nor could it remain formless. Eventually, it coalesced into a seven-headed dragon called Tathamet, the Prime Evil, which breathed death and destruction and became the origin for all things we know as vile. Trapped together in this small, unformed universe, Anu and Tathamet battled each other for ages untold, unable to gain advantage or even truly rest, until millennia later they killed each other, all their energy drained from constant war. Their deaths caused such an explosion of power that the universe formed from their destruction.

Each of their corpses would create one half of the Eternal Conflict. While Anu's spine spiraled upwards, creating the High Heavens, its resonance periodically forming the angels, Tathamet's burnt carcass plunged into the dark depths. From this husk the Burning Hells were formed, and each of its seven heads created one of the Great Evils. Its four weaker heads created the Lesser Evils: Andariel, the Maiden of Anguish; her "twin" Duriel, the Lord of Pain; Belial, the Lord of Lies; and Azmodan, the Lord of Sin. On the other hand, its three dominant heads formed the Prime Evils: first Mephisto, Lord of Hatred; then Baal, Lord of Destruction; and finally, Diablo, the Lord of Terror. The three brothers took command over the legions of Hell, while their own realms continually powered each other like a perfect energy alchemy machine. This is what allowed them to rule over the Lesser Evils, who did not empower each other in the same way. These seven aspects of evil would rule the demons that dug themselves out of Tathamet's rotting flesh against the angels in what came to be known as the Eternal Conflict.

The Eternal Conflict was (and I guess technically still is) a war between the forces of Heaven and the hordes of Hell over the Eye of Anu, better known as the Worldstone, which lay at the heart of the universe where Anu and Tathamet killed each other (known as Pandemonium). The Worldstone was extremely important because, as it has been said, "the side that possessed it could alter reality and create life and worlds almost without restriction." When in the hands of the angels, they'd create worlds of perfection and order, while the demons would create worlds of war and chaos when they held its power. While the Worldstone would change hands constantly, and neither side could long have the upper hand, Tyrael himself stated that the only reason the angels weren't annihilated was because the Prime Evils could never work together without fighting each other. The most notable instance of this is the Fifth Battle of the Diamond Gates, which occurred at the crescendo of a period of time where the Prime Evils worked together in perfect unison. At the Diamond Gates, they nearly were able to destroy the entrance of Heaven and burn down that realm, but believing they had already won, they began to argue on who got what spoils. There, at the verge of victory in the Eternal Conflict, Diablo turned once more on his brothers in order to become the only ruler of Heaven and Hell, his armies of terror clashing with those of hatred and destruction. Taking advantage of the resulting infighting of the legions of Hell, Tyrael's lieutenant Izual rushed to defend the gates, beating back the demon hordes and saving Heaven from certain doom.

In this environment of war, rivalries would begin to form. Of course, every angel hated every demon with a passion, and vice versa, but certain battles would mark specific entities as bitter opponents. While Azmodan and his forces often plagued Tyrael, Diablo most notably came into conflict with Imperius, the Archangel of Valor. They came to know each other very well, in a way like Batman and Joker, and in one such standstill battle between them, Diablo noted Imperius's rage and questioned if the archangel feared that his brethren saw him as an angel of wrath instead. Imperius, naturally, taunted back that he feared nothing, and with the help of the rest of the Angiris Council, they defeated the Lord of Terror. Auriel suggested capturing the demon, for killing him would only allow him to resurrect later, but Imperius slew Diablo out of rage, believing demons could only be dealt with blood. This frustrated Auriel and Tyrael, and in his final breaths for that life, Diablo mocked the supposed unity of the Angiris Council. Of course, I can't do this all justice with words, so if you'd like to see the video of this interaction (as well as all five Archangels in battle), this video in the style of the Call of Kel'Thuzad trailer should do the trick.

The Sin War

Eventually, the Eternal Conflict came to a sudden halt when the Worldstone went missing. Unknown to either Heaven or Hell, the rogue angel Inarius and rogue demon Lilith had stolen it away to create a world for them and their followers to escape the war, a realm known as Sanctuary. The offspring of these angel-demon mixings were known as the nephalem, beings of great strength that brought fear to their parents. In short, as I covered this in my first ever lore post here, all of these rogue angels and demons, save for Inarius, were killed by Lilith when talks of eradicating the nephalem came to be, and Lilith herself was banished by Inarius after he found out what she had done. Inarius then used the Worldstone to diminish the powers of the nephalem, turning them into the humans we know today. While things were ok, the humans knew they had power taken from them, and set to work finding a way to regain their birthright. As part of this, the Vizjerei Mage Clan took to summoning demons in exchange for power, alerting Hell of Sanctuary's presence.

As Diablo was the first of the Great Evils to learn of Sanctuary, he brought the information of this world, filled with powerful potential servants, to his brothers (but not to the Lesser Evils. This is important later). This put the Prime Evils at an advantage over Heaven, for they did not yet know of Sanctuary. Therefore, seeing humanity as a way to tip the Eternal Conflict to demonic favor, they decided to silently corrupt this new race into a loyal, powerful army. To do this, they started planting whispers into the minds of mortals, which spread into a religion known as the Triune, which worshipped three supposedly benevolent spirits. Humorously, the Prime Evils each created alter egos that were directly opposite of their realms when making these spirits. Thus, Diablo became known as Dialon, the Spirit of Determination, while Mephisto and Baal became Mefis and Bala, the Spirits of Love and Creation, respectively.

The Triune spread rapidly throughout the populated Eastern continent of ancient Sanctuary, with only the highest ranking members of it knowing the truth that the religion was a demonic cult (and these important members took pleasure in performing vile acts on unsuspecting initiates). As it grew in popularity, Inarius discovered its existence and quickly realized that it was the work of the Prime Evils. He feared for both his safety and the safety of the mortals, who he had come to love, should either Hell get its way with Sanctuary or if Heaven should discover the realm's existence. Thus, to counter the Triune, Inarius disguised himself as the Prophet and founded the Cathedral of Light, another religion that became very popular in the eastern continent. These two orders came into religious war with each other in what was known as the Sin War.

There's not much important to say about the Sin War involving Diablo until its end roughly 3000 years before the Darkening of Tristram. At that point in time, a second wave of nephalem, called the Edyrem, rose up under the command of Uldyssian ul-Diomed. The Edyrem had resolved to destroy both the Triune and the Cathedral of Light, with the Triune being wiped out first. Finally seeing the Edyrem as a threat, Diablo went to Inarius directly. While Diablo was quite pleased to see Inarius was scared of the Lord of Terror, he was much less pleased to also see Inarius knew Diablo was in trouble thanks to Uldyssian. Diablo offered a pact with Inarius, that they would work together to destroy the Edyrem so as to continue their own war over which faction would control humanity. Although Inarius was originally against such an alliance, he agreed to it upon Diablo reminding him that he had worked with demons like Lilith in the past.

Now no longer having to concern himself with attacks by Inarius, Diablo came to Uldyssian himself after the nephalem had almost drowned in a river. There, Diablo offered to help Uldyssian destroy the Cathedral of Light, remarking that if Inarius, a rogue angel, saw the true power of humanity under its nephalem lineage as dangerous and sinful, Heaven itself would waste no time in destroying Sanctuary. With Diablo's help, Hell could back Uldyssian in a war against the angels when they did come, keeping Sanctuary safe and allowing humanity to join him in ruling the Heavens after conquering it. Uldyssian refused and fought Diablo. Before Diablo could make Uldyssian flee in fear by using his powers of terror, Uldyssian made a mirror of ice using the river water he had nearly drowned in. Upon seeing his reflection, Diablo became subject to all the fears he had that he never knew existed, and for the first and only time ever known, Diablo was scared and ran from the battle.

The Dark Exile

Eventually, the Sin War ended in ways that don't really pertain to Diablo, with an important pact formed between the angels and demons that agreed to keep Sanctuary neutral in the Eternal Conflict, and that neither the High Heavens or Burning Hells would interfere in the affairs of humanity. For the most part, this was followed by both sides, with one notable exception involving Diablo being his interference with the city of Ureh long ago. I'm not really going to go into it, because the plot point it was supposed to develop became cut from Diablo III as they could not find a way to fit Ureh into the game nicely, but I'll do a quick overview. Ureh was a great city in Sanctuary that was notable for fearing nothing. Naturally, this caught the ire of Diablo, who tried to corrupt it as usual but failed thanks to the power of the city's mages. Eventually, Diablo instead took a new strategy, disguising himself as an angel and stating that Heaven would save Ureh from Diablo's influence by transporting it to Heaven itself. All they needed to do was find the way there via a portal. In reality, the portal would lead them into the Burning Hells themselves, and through that portal Hell could once again invade Sanctuary. It eventually failed, and a sorcerer named Gregus instead transported Ureh into Limbo. The original plan for Ureh was to have Diablo figure out a way to return Ureh back to the mortal plane, which would allow it to still be a gateway for Hell to invade Sanctuary, but as I said, Blizzard couldn't figure out how to fit it into Diablo III so the resolution to Ureh got cut from the game, and at this point I don't really consider it much of any lore at all. How Diablo attacks the city is extremely out of character for him, given that he feels more victory from making opponents feel fear than he does from actually conquering them, and...yeah, moving on, this stuff isn't really important. It's just dropped plots from 2002 that will likely never be resolved now.

So, remember how earlier I mentioned that the Prime Evils didn't tell the Lesser Evils about Sanctuary? Well, now that the entirety of Hell knew about humanity's existence, they were none too pleased with the brothers. Azmodan and Belial felt that the Primes were way too focused on how to corrupt humanity than they were on the Eternal Conflict, which was much more important since the angels have been their mortal enemies for as long as they've known. Sort of like going "We're supposed to be studying for university and you're writing Diablo lore posts instead are you fucking stupid?" (don't worry I'm actually doing fine in uni, all As and Bs so far, I'm not shirking my duties for this stuff). They thought the Primes were afraid of Heaven, and that humans were a waste of time since they were an "inferior species". So, convincing Andariel and Duriel to join their cause, Azmodan and Belial rallied the vast majority of the forces of Hell and took over the realm, exiling the Prime Evils to Sanctuary. This wasn't without cost for the Burning Hells, as one third of all their demons were killed by the Prime Evils before they were banished, but it mattered not to Azmodan. He believed that the Evils were trapped on the mortal realm forever, and as a bonus, their presence there would probably force the angels to focus on Sanctuary, leaving the Diamond Gates free to be attacked once more by Hell

...Or at least, all of that above is how Azmodan and Belial see the Dark Exile. In truth, this had all been a plan made by Diablo and his brothers. As the treaty from the Sin War prevented either Heaven or Hell from interacting with Sanctuary in terms of the Eternal Conflict, the Prime Evils' status as rulers of Hell kept them forced into inaction. But, if they were banished from Hell and forced into being residents of Sanctuary, they no longer applied to the pact. It's all very demonic lawyer loophole stuff, but the fact is it worked. While devising this plan, Izual, now secretly defected from Tyrael and helping the Prime Evils, told them of the soulstones, which could be used to corrupt the Worldstone. By corrupting the Worldstone, humanity could then be corrupted, turning them into the army loyal to Hell they had desired for so long.

Once on Sanctuary, the Prime Evils wreaked havoc on the world, plunging it into an age of chaos never before experienced beforehand. For decades, the Primes used their powers of possession to force nations into petty wars with each other and men to kill each other for the stupidest slights. The impact of this evil can still be felt 300 years later when looking at the animals of Sanctuary. So many of them have become corrupted monsters, ready to attack travelers without warning, making everything outside the urban centers of the world inhospitable. Eventually, Tyrael noticed that the demons had been transforming the realm into almost a second Hell, but he dared not bring up their presence to the Angiris Council, for humanity had only barely been saved from eradication by the High Heavens the last time the Prime Evils corrupted them. Instead, Izual came to Tyrael at this point and told him of how the soulstones could be used to trap the Prime Evils, preventing them from doing any more harm. Of course, Izual had told the Primes exactly how to corrupt the soulstones so they could enact their final plan on the Worldstone, but his master did not know that. In any case, the archangel took these three soulstones and banded together a small number of mages (somewhere from seven to twelve) into the Horadrim, led by Tal Rasha and tasked to capture the Prime Evils in these soulstones. First, Mephisto was captured in the sapphire soulstone at a city in Kehjistan. The resulting battle caused the death of countless civilians, and in order to prevent such a tragedy from ever occurring again, the Horadrim vowed to never try to subdue a Prime Evil in a populated area again. Still, they gave the sapphire soulstone to the Zakarum Order, which was small at the time, and moved on to hunt down the remaining two Prime Evils.

When Diablo and Baal crossed the Twin Seas to the western continent, the Horadrim followed suit. There, Baal was split from Diablo at Lut Gholein, in the deserts of Aranoch. The Horadrim waited patiently for three days until Baal fled from Lut Gholein. Still, the Horadrim caught up to him in the wasteland and survived his explosive destruction of the desert. However, despite subduing him, Baal had managed to shatter the Amber Soulstone (which was actually pretty bad for Baal since the plan was to use the soulstones to corrupt the Worldstone, but he broke his. I guess that's what happens when you're the Lord of Destruction, you just screw up everything). Unable to keep him contained within the soulstone as it was, Zoltun Kulle came up with the idea that a pure heart could be used as a surrogate soulstone, but whoever kept Baal would be forced to battle him within their soul for all eternity (or until, quite realistically, Baal possessed them) while being locked away from the rest of the world. Tal Rasha volunteered for this burden, and Tyrael shoved the soulstone's shard into his heart before locking him away within one of the largest tombs of Aranoch.

With only Diablo left to go, Jered Cain became the leader of the Horadrim, who tracked down the Lord of Terror for nearly a decade. Finally, in the distant western kingdom of Khanduras, they imprisoned Diablo within the Crimson Soulstone after a battle that nearly killed the mage order. Hiding the stone within a labyrinth-like cave near the Talsande River, Tyrael commended the Horadrim for their efforts, but noted that Diablo's soulstone would have to be guarded for all time lest he break free once more. In order to keep it safe, the warrior mages built a small monastery over the caves he was trapped within, transforming the Horadrim from a small band into a large society of academics. Finally, all three Prime Evils were trapped.

The Darkening of Tristram

And now, finally, after way too long, I can talked solely about Diablo for a bit instead of all three Prime Evils.

Alright, so two hundred years after Diablo's imprisonment, he sensed that his freedom was close approaching. Mephisto, who had already managed to corrupt his soulstone and take over the Zakarum Church, had tasked Archbishop Lazarus with freeing Diablo. In order to do this, Lazarus used the faith and Leoric to get to his prison, stating that Leoric needed to be king of Khanduras. There, Tristram, one of the towns that developed around the Horadric monastery, would be his capital, secretly allowing Lazarus easy access to the Lord of Terror. Once they arrived, Diablo used nightmares to possess Lazarus, guiding him with terror through the labyrinth to his soulstone, where the archbishop shattered it. Once free, Diablo made Lazarus his minion and told him of all the plans of the Prime Evils (how much of this Lazarus already knew from Mephisto is unknown) before searching for a soul to possess in order to recover the strength that had been sapped from him. Finding Leoric's soul to be the strongest, Diablo possessed the king, beginning his process of warping the man into evil.

Of course, by picking a strong soul, Diablo had to contend with the virtue in that soul to take over completely. Leoric sensed that something had possessed him, but told nobody of his condition out of belief that his devotion to Zakarum would drive it out of him without the need of priests. This didn't work, and all the honor Leoric previously had was burnt away by the demon. Lazarus attempted to hide Leoric's condition, but the changes in the king's soul were too obvious to cover. Eventually, in order to rid the royal court of Tristram from prying eyes, Lazarus convinced the Black King to go to war with Westmarch, sending all of the knights of Tristram to battle and all the priests and advisors as diplomatic envoys. Nearly all of them died in this war.

With the court emptied, Diablo quickened the process to completely possess Leoric, but found that a small part of the king's soul still stayed pure despite the Prime Evil's best efforts. Frustrated with this years-long ordeal with Leoric, Diablo left his soul and searched instead for a young, innocent soul that he could instantly destroy and possess fully. Partly because it was one of the closest souls to him, and partly to get revenge on the strong king that fought his possession for so many years, Diablo chose to possess the younger of Leoric's two sons, Albrecht.

Tasking Lazarus to bring him Albrecht, the boy was dragged into the labyrinth under the Tristram Cathedral (which had been built by Leoric on top of where the Horadric monastery once stood) by the archbishop, where Diablo easily took over the child. Upon his possession, Albrecht instantly felt pain and fire coursing through his veins while Diablo's laughter drowned out his own internal voice. Hungering for torture after being starved of it for so long by Leoric, Diablo took advantage of the boy's nightmares and gave them life. Albrecht stared as every single supposed "monster" he had ever seen, every fear he had ever had, every skeletal corpse of a Horadric scribe he had ever seen came to life around him, bursting from the walls, a cacophony of madness that instantly shattered his mind, warping the very world around him as the Burning Hells began to merge with Sanctuary within these caves. At the same time, Albrecht began transforming, growing larger, eyes aflame, spikes erupting from his flesh and two massive, curved horns jutting out from his skull. Albrecht was no more. Diablo had once again taken his true form. With his power fast returning as he fed on the fears of those above him, Diablo would once again walk the mortal realm, free Mephisto and Baal, and use their power to corrupt humanity into their servants before retaking Hell for their own. In this way, they would destroy Heaven, win the Eternal Conflict, and rule over all creation.

And perhaps Diablo would have easily gained this victory, had a trio of heroes not intervened. Aidan, a great warrior and the elder son of Leoric, alongside a rogue from the Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye named Moreina and a sorcerer from the Vizjerei Mage Clan named Jazreth, went into what had become the fiery maw of Hell to save Tristram from the evils that had plagued it. They fought many monsters that resided within the caverns, including The Butcher, a now-Skeleton King Leoric, and Archbishop Lazarus, until they finally reached what Aidan called "the threshold of Hell itself" where Diablo lay waiting. Determined to save Albrecht, who everyone thought had simply gone missing at the same time as this chaos, the heroes managed to slay Diablo in a battle that was not just physical but also mental against all the fears they had ever felt. However, in death Diablo had the last laugh: as the warrior removed the Crimson Soulstone from Diablo, his corpse dissolved into that of Albrecht's, revealing to Aidan that he had just killed his beloved brother by killing Diablo. Horrified by seeing Albrecht's corpse materialize from Diablo's, things only became worse for Aidan when he saw that Diablo's soulstone had been shattered by Lazarus, preventing the Lord of Terror's reimprisonment. Believing he was strong enough to contain the Prime Evil, Aidan shoved the remains of the soulstone into his forehead, where he instantly felt Diablo's presence attacking him. But, in the end, it did work. Diablo was contained once more. The ending cinematic for Diablo I covers this, if you want to watch it.

The Dark Wanderer

Just as his father before him, Aidan could not control Diablo's essence. His personality changed, turning into an isolated man that shunned the company of others. Only the witch Adria ever seemed to comfort the prince, and they spent many nights together (resulting in Adria getting pregnant with Aidan's daughter, Leah). One day, after revealing to Deckard Cain all that he had experienced under the Cathedral in his final moments of having somewhat-free will, Aidan left Tristram. Diablo had taken almost-complete control of the prince in the middle of talking to Deckard (though in a subtle enough way that Cain thought Aidan was only mindlessly rambling as a result of the tortures he experienced). Cain would only realize weeks later, when demons overtook Tristram once more to kill any potential heroes from following Aidan, that the warrior's incoherence had indicated Diablo's presence within him. It had been Diablo's plan all along to lure the mightiest adventurers to slay him and his relatively weak host, allowing him to possess their stronger, more-perfect form and use it to free his brothers to the east.

Heading east, Diablo, now under the guise of the Dark Wanderer, passed through the Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye, which had become corrupted by demons under Andariel's service. It was revealed that Andariel, alongside Duriel, had realized that the Primes would return to the Burning Hells and reclaim it, so it would be best to get on their good side. Therefore, Andariel and her forces would keep adventurers from following Diablo eastward. After leaving the Sisterhood, the Dark Wanderer would next arrive at a tavern, which he would once again destroy with a swarm of demons). Only a vagrant named Marius would survive, and as a result, he decided to follow Aidan east. Heading towards the port of Lut Gholein, the Wanderer told Marius of his past, revealing that there was still a part of Aidan left within Diablo's possession. Arriving, they made camp and fell asleep, where Marius received visions of the Horadrim binding Baal to Tal Rasha. Upon awaking, the Wanderer stood over Marius, claiming he had seen his brother. Marius could only assume he meant the mage he had seen.

The next day, the two arrived at the Tomb of Tal Rasha. Upon arriving, Aidan's form became more increasingly like Diablo's, stripping away what little humanity was left in the Wanderer. Eventually, the pair arrived at the Binding Stone, where Tal Rasha had been chained. The Horadrim was barely left, almost completely overtaken by Baal, and Diablo moved to free his brother. Here, however, Tyrael arrived to prevent him from liberating Baal. During their battle, Baal manipulated Marius into removing the amber soulstone from Tal Rasha's chest, showing a vision of Tal Rasha begging Marius to do so. Thinking that the brother they were seeking was Tal Rasha, Marius complied, fully freeing Baal and erasing all that was left of the mage. With two Prime Evils now facing him, Tyrael telepathically commanded Marius to flee with Baal's soulstone to the Burning Hells and shatter it on the Hellforge, which would forever banish Baal's spirit. Now Tyrael was chained to the Binding Stone while Diablo and Baal, disguised in their respective human forms, sailed to Kurast, the capital of Kehjistan at the time.

Upon arriving to the temple of Travincal at Kurast, the brothers saw that Mephisto had already corrupted the Zakarum Church. Quickly sending the few remaining uncorrupted left fleeing by using Diablo's power over terror (as well as causing others to kill each other using Baal's powers), Mephisto was freed and possessed the leader of the Zakarum, Sankekur. Finally, after three hundred years, the Prime Evils were reunited. Preparing to re-enter the Burning Hells to reclaim it and take vengeance against Azmodan and Belial (who, while the plan was to get exiled, the Primes did not appreciate the two of them taking over their place as rulers of Hell), and to do so they intended to finally corrupt the Worldstone to enslave humanity, forming an army of nephalem to take back Hell with. They opened a portal to Hell, during which Diablo burnt away the physical form of Aidan and assumed his demonic visage. Now fully rejuvenated, Diablo entered the portal to find the legions of Hell still loyal to the Prime Evils. This final cutscene from Diablo II shows what I just described, for a last time.

While freeing the Prime Evils, however, a group of heroes had been following Aidan's trail. Having saved Deckard Cain from imprisonment by the demons at Tristram, this group (which included Xul, Cassia, and Isendra) had proceeded to slay Andariel and Duriel (who had been stationed at Tal Rasha's Tomb by Belial) as well as freed Tyrael from the Binding Stone. Upon arriving at the portal to Hell, the adventurers defeated Mephisto, who had stayed in Travincal to guard the portal, bound him to the Sapphire Soulstone once more, and entered the portal to defeat Diablo.

Upon entering, they found that the portal led not directly to Hell, but Pandemonium Fortress (which had been constructed by the orders of Tyrael long ago, during the heyday of the Eternal Conflict, to protect the Worldstone). Once getting there, Tyrael warned the heroes that he would not be able to help them on their quest, lest the Angiris Council learn the truth of what was occurring and destroy humanity. Instead, he told them of the Hellforge, which lay in the Realm of Destruction. At the forge was the Anvil of Annihilation, where anything destroyed there would forever be removed to the Black Abyss. While the demons used this to destroy angelic armaments, it could also be used to destroy the soulstones, assuming the essences of the Prime Evils were captured by them once more, and banish the demon lords from reality forever. After shattering Mephisto's soulstone, the heroes continued onward into Diablo's Chaos Sanctuary, where they managed to defeat him. Pulling the Crimson Soulstone from his corpse, they trapped his essence within it once more, transforming his husk into the corpse of Aidan. To honor the dead prince, the adventurers ceremonially wrapped his corpse and threw it into the fires surrounding them (which if you ask me sounds like a terrible way to honor someone. "You tried to be a hero and got screwed for it, let us remember the good man you once were by damning you to the infernos of Hell!"). Afterwards, the exhausted heroes shattered Diablo's soulstone at the anvil, where an unearthly scream echoed throughout Hell before his essence was swallowed by the Black Abyss. Perhaps, in that void, even he would feel fear.

So, this became an exceptionally long post! I do apologize that much of it feels more like a history of all the Prime Evils rather than just Diablo himself, but it is hard to separate what he does from what his brothers do before the third game. Because funny enough, despite the series being named after him, his only appearance in the first game is as the final boss, and in the second game he's stuck in Aidan until the fourth (and final base) act. With Diablo III, the Lord of Terror got the most screen time he's ever had. In any case, I'll be covering his Abilities, Quotes, and Skins on a separate post Monday (which I apologize for, since this will result in five straight days of lore posts, but I don't have another option to do it this week), and then the remaining lore of Diablo, which will be a bit more individually Diablo compared to this post, and all of Prime Evil Diablo's quotes on a Prime Evil Diablo lore post next Saturday. Thank you so much for reading, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask!

Since some people have been asking for sources in previous threads, I'll also quickly mention the ones I use. Aside from the games themselves (obviously), the vast majority of it comes from the Book of Cain, while the parts involving the possession of Leoric and Albrecht come from the Diablo I manual, which is free online and can be found by just searching "diablo manual". However, as nearly all the story involved in that has been covered between this post and my Leoric post from last week, there will not be much more for you to read from there. While not used in this post, the Book of Tyrael is also a pretty consistent lore source, as it was used last week for the discussion of Zakarum in Leoric's post, used to talk about some aspects of Barbarian culture in Sonya's post, and will be used somewhat for Prime Evil Diablo's lore post next week. While there are some novels for the Diablo series, the more modern ones end up having very little lore to work with for these lore posts, since they focus on characters created specifically for that story, and the older ones are typically not...all that...enjoyable to read, and typically have very little relevant lore for the modern day (after all, the whole Ureh story set up by The Kingdom of Shadow was completely abandoned for Diablo III, and a lot of the Sin War trilogy has been changed by the summaries given by the Book of Cain). Heck, the last time Diablo even got a novel was in 2014, so really, the only real sources for lore outside of the games are the Books of Cain and Tyrael if you're looking for ones that relate to HotS characters, alongside the free manuals and the games themselves.

submitted by /u/Golblin
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thats how you write a report message, by chu8

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 02:17 AM PST

Mega kill

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 07:41 PM PST

6 person mosh pit, probably the best play of my life

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 09:29 PM PST

6 person mosh

I am a gold player scrub, who loves playing tanks/bruisers. We did an unranked draft game and they went with 3 specialists on Infernal Shrines. We were struggling to keep up with wave clear, and then I hit this 6 person mosh. It was easily the most satisfying moment of playing E.T.C. ever.

submitted by /u/hex337
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If you think about it...

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 07:12 PM PST

...every distance in the game is exactly one Stukov arm long.

submitted by /u/zedudedaniel
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Dreadnaught on ESL's Player vs. Player

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 09:26 AM PST

Divine Palm + Falling Sword = Stealth Jo

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 11:02 AM PST


I was the Kharazim. Looks like Palm and Sword at the same time caused Johanna's model to disappear. Although Sword wasn't actually used, and then using it brought her back. Afterwards, Jo had no visible health/mana bars for the remainder of the match.

submitted by /u/spatula48
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WTB Announcer: Peon

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 11:00 PM PST

This went well before, so let's try it again! I would also love a peon announcer! "Work complete!"

submitted by /u/happytime-_-
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When hots doesnt like you

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 05:14 PM PST

This is probably a Diablo's devastating charge bug. When u look at the death recap, you can see that diablo took almost 90% of the Muradin's health and devastating charge procs multiple times.

Fullspeed: https://gfycat.com/gifs/detail/ExemplaryShorttermArizonaalligatorlizard

Slowmo: https://gfycat.com/gifs/detail/AlienatedScrawnyArmadillo

Death recap: https://ctrlv.cz/shots/2017/11/12/N4m3.png

submitted by /u/Oxeoshots
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Upcoming heroes news with Lead Designer Travis McGeary!

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 08:35 PM PST

Heroes of the Storm: WP and Funny Moments #137

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 09:59 AM PST

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