Patch 1.15 - Multiplayer Spotting is Now Live!

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 06:33 AM PST

Hello Hunters,

First, we want to welcome all new hunters that picked up the game during the autumn sale. Thank you very much for giving the game a go, and welcome!

Today's patch is mostly about maintenance and small game improvements. Here's some highlights:

* Spotting animals in Multiplayer will now highlight the spotted animals for all players around the spotter. We hope this will make spotting more useful when playing with other hunters and are looking forward to your feedback.

* The checks for animals getting stuck, especially at cliffs like the crater in the Medved-Taiga, have been improved. They should not simply disappear any longer.

* We had some feedback from the community that the 12-gauge shotgun could give a little bit more "bang for your buck" (pun intended!), as such the 12-Gauge Buckshot's damage has been increased per pellet and should pack a bigger punch now.

Additionally thanks to community reports the patch also features another round of fixes and improvements for missions - thank you very much for your consistent feedback and reporting!

As always, thank you very much for your feedback and let us know what you think about the latest changes. Scroll down for the full release notes.

Happy Hunting

theHunter: Call of the Wild Team



  • Multiplayer Spotting - When you spot an animal with your binoculars, all players in your proximity also see that animal highlighted in the game world.

  • Animals no longer get stuck in cliffs

  • Increased the 12-Gauge Buckshot's base damage per pellet


  • MEETING GEORGY GRANKIN - implemented a fix for a bug that was blocking people from completing the mission if they had picked up Grankin's shotgun before that objective was highlighted

  • JÄGER #4 - removed the distance requirement for this mission

  • SOMMER #7 - changed the required location from Spreeberg Castle to Spreeberg

  • DOC #9 - changed the required location from Kraken Highs to Mount Kraken and removed the weight requirement

  • HOPE #5 - changed the harvested animal from blacktail deer to whitetail deer

  • BIOLOGICAL CONTAMINANTS #2 - changed hunting location from P'yanyy Forest to Lesnye Lands

NOTE: You will not be able join multiplayer games of those running a lower version of the game, please ensure that you and the host are both up to date with patches should you have an issue.

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