Learn Dota 2 - Learning to deal with frustration/tilt in game

Learning to deal with frustration/tilt in game

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 09:51 AM PST

In game tilt is an experience nearly everyone has had over the course of their DotA career. Sometimes it is an explosion of anger at your personal or teammate's missplay. Other times it resembles a slowly bubbling cauldron of rage simmering over a fire stoked by small words or actions until the feeling peaks in toxic boiling over onto anyone and everyone.

Tilt, at its core, is just a strong state of negative emotion that grips a person, usually in high pressure situations. People in a state of tilt experience symptoms like tunnel vision, loss of rational thinking, shifting of blame (victim mentality) and losing touch with intuition. I've played and coached a lot of sports in my life and experienced all sorts of tilt. Over the years of competition I have come up with a number of steps that I can take to reduce tilt and so I figured I would share them. It should be pretty clear from usual symptoms of tilt that understanding and getting this issue under control can do a world of good for your game.

First I will describe each stage of tilt and then list a few processes you can go through to cope better.

Step 1: Inception

You make a bad play, miss a last hit or fail a gank and get a flash of anger at yourself or another player. Maybe you type something in chat, banging the keys a bit harder than they need to be hit. You curse or clench your jaw tightly to express your frustration.


At this point in the tilt cycle you are still functioning relatively normally. You should still be able to consciously choose what you put your attention on. For most people this means focusing on the negatives in an attempt to prevent them from happening again. This usually leads to distraction from the actual task at hand and further mistakes.

Instead, pick some general concept and put your attention on doing that to the best of your ability. The trick here is not to be too specific, it was specifics that got you to this state in the first place. For example: If I am dying more often than usual, a commonly frustrating experience, I will try to focus on my general positioning or map movement. Asking yourself what your movement is accomplishing is a good way to take your mind off that failed gank mid. When you get angry, your rational brain literally turns off and catching the anger at oncoming tilt at this stage make it easier to turn it back on.

Step 2: The Rising Tide

A second negative event happens. Suddenly you feel that familiar tightness in your stomach or chest. You lean closer to your screen and grip your mouse tighter, determined not to let it happen again. You feel tension and extra pressure to make up for your previous mistakes. You begin to ask yourself why this always happens to you. You wonder if anything you do will make a difference. Maybe you try to distract yourself from the game by doing something else during down time. You are "triggered."


This as step 3 are fairly similar in that both involve significant physical feelings of the anger or tilt. Becoming aware of these feelings in your body is critical to being able to redirect what is about to happen to you. Once you are feeling the anger in your body it means you are on the edge of the downward spiral. The cool thing is that because you feel it in your body it is now easier to monitor. The most common thing people do at this stage is to take a deep breath. This is almost instinctual since during a fit of anger the adrenal response causes you to take shallower and shorter breaths.

A deep long breath can help ease some tension in the body. More importantly though, is what is going on in your brain. A long deep breath is great but if you are still thinking about the mistake or triggering moment you aren't making much progress. A simple concept to introduce is something that yoga uses a lot. During your breath, visualize and feel the air being drawn through your nose and down to the lower part of your lungs (your stomach area should be expanding with this breath). Keep your attention on the air as you breath out and visualize sending the tension with it.

Step 3: The Cresting Wave

You experience a third negative and now there is actual pressure inside you. You are angry. You begin looking for a target to take it out on, a keyboard, a mouse, your desk or another player in game. You feel a wave of energy in your body and angrily try to refocus with thoughts like "I'm not fucking losing" or "come on, I'm better than this." You decide that the next enemy you see in game you are going to "fucking destroy." You begin to feel that all your teammates are idiots that you must carry to victory. It's me against the world. Any sense of being in control is gone of the game's outcome is gone.


Much like step 2 you are literally feeling this building explosion of violent energy in your body. Don't lose hope yet! Because of how physical the sensation is we are still going to focus on the body. At this point your mind is very fixated on this negative emotion so starting with breathing we need to refocus. Another side effective of intensity, pressure or anger is the defense response we get in our body. For humans this usually looks like shrugged or hunched shoulders and a forward head posture like this

Here is where the body can have a very powerful effect. What works for me is to try and expand my posture as much as possible. If you can stand up for a second after a death then do it. You can also expand your upper body by reaching high and wide with your arms and spreading your fingers fully for example:.

Do this while breathing deeply and you are sure to feel a tightness in your chest. After a few of these "blooming breaths" the pressure should be a bit less. If you cannot get up from your game for even a second you can still try expand your posture by drawing your shoulder blades down and back.

It is also important to find a way alter your perspective on the game that is creating this tilted state. This sometimes means turning the game into a game. If your cores are constantly dying maybe you decide to create the perfect counter gank and only sit behind them to save or turn a fight. If the source of tilt is a toxic team I find muting them but continuing to communicate to be extremely effective. This way you still get to tell them what you are doing but because they cannot respond, it feels like they are listening to you even if they aren't. If things start to go well often they will come around.

Step 4: The Flood

You snap. Whether it be from another negative circumstance or just simply reaching a boiling point. You begin angrily using voice communication or chat to berate other players. You begin to take pleasure in making other players feel stupid or wrong. You feed on purpose. Your main thought is, "these guys don't deserve to win" or "we fucking lost," and you mean it. Your body is tense with rage and in extreme cases you throw something or pound your hand on the desk. Maybe you even realize that you are being ridiculous but it's too late to stop and it feels good to be releasing your anger. You decide to "beat" your opinion into your teammates.

Step 5: Aftermath

You feel like you just woke up. You notice you are breathing heavily. You feel expended or tired. You feel shame for your outburst and lack of control. The good feelings you had while expressing your rage are gone. Maybe you don't want to play anymore or maybe you feel like you have to get into the next game to win back the loss you just experienced.


I am grouping steps 4 and 5 together because the number one thing to do here is taking a break. It doesn't need to be long but completely removing yourself from the situation is the easiest way for your mind and body to settle from their heightened state. Go get some water or food, step outside for a moment or do some stretches. (my favorite set of stretches only takes 3 minutes to go through) Stretching your abdominals, hip flexors thoracic spine and pectorals are the big ones here. As we are seated these muscles naturally get contracted and especially during a bout of tilt will become clenched tightly.


Remember, anger or tilt is both a mental and physical experience and unfortunately has a positive feedback loop built in. When you explode in anger it feels good to release the buildup of pressure which makes it easier to repeat this cycle. Dealing with tilt is not a one day solution. You will need to build new habits and hopefully some of the step by step solutions I wrote about will help.

Thank you for reading. I created this post over a year ago and it was well received but I am noticing a lot of questions about dealing with frustrating games in this sub recently and decided to repurpose the information.

For more information and solutions you can also check out this video I created on the subject of tilt and communication in game.

submitted by /u/pvgna_DC
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Finally 3k!

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 01:43 PM PST

It finally happened - I broke the fortune force field of 3k matchmaking points. Proof.

Now is the best time to thank you all for your wonderful advice, tips, guides, feedback, and the occasional roasting, that you gave me over my time here. Recently I was asking about how to not suck as Lion, and as you can see from the last match, I control him pretty well now-thanks to you.

And yeah, I realize that the difference between 2.9k and 3k is minimal, but it's still an achievement for me, and I'm proud of it, even though I'm still a massive scrub ;D

If there was anything I learned over my climb, it's that a healthy mental attitude matters a lot. Not just "staying positive", because Lord knows there's some matches that are absolutely impossible for that, but keeping yourself afloat, and not succumbing to the madness that infests the pubs everywhere.
The last game on that list there, I had a roaming Earthshaker whose only communication method was screaming in Russian at us - after failing to get a kill or two, he proceeded to ignore our fights completely, enemy LC continued snowballing, and all hope seemed lost, even our Juggernaut, whom I babysat, called GG. But I stayed afloat because I muted the ES instantly, I focused on warding everything, and when the time was right, we smoked and killed their heroes several times, wrestling the advantage to our side. I got a Blink, others got their items, and we kept our advantage til the end, winning the match with megas.

And my point is, shittiness is inevitable, so you have to learn how to deal with it. Stay calm, have a plan, and never, ever, flame your teammates-at least until the post-game chat.

Really, thank you all so much - you've made this little scrub feel a whole lot better about himself ;D

submitted by /u/Jefrejtor
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The new way to play Tiny?

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 02:32 AM PST

Just watched some dreamleague from last night, Complexity, DC, and EG all picked Tiny safelane carry and maxed tree (his E) first, getting a 1-1-4 build. The creativity just blew my mind, and it makes so much sense! A free battle fury at like minute 7! What are your thoughts?

Also they all went the same build. Aquila, Treads, S+Y into shadowblade and AC. Think it's great as every stage either gives him agility or just flat armour, bar his mobility item.

Definitely gonna try it out!

submitted by /u/KappaLion
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Storm spirit Lvl 25 talent.

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 05:42 PM PST

Hi guys I've been spamming the shiz out of storm lately and have gotten to 3K. Is it safe to say that the 500 auto remnant is the autopick for his lvl 25 talent? Or am I just underestimating the counter part?

submitted by /u/NichDota
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What is your behavior score?

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 12:49 PM PST

They changed it. I am wondering if its good-normal-poor or normal-poor or what.

submitted by /u/ABrickADayMakesABuil
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Question on Oracle's ult

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 08:40 AM PST

If you cast fates edict on a target - granting them 100% magic resist - just before false promise ends, will it nullify all magic damage they took during false promise?

submitted by /u/Ace_InTheSleeve
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Ember Spirit

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 02:06 PM PST

Is he viable mid lane or not?

submitted by /u/Lexanko
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Survey About Dota 2 Behavior (Research Proposal Assignment)

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 05:46 PM PST

(Serious) [RANT] I need help improving

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 02:24 PM PST

I've been playing Dota 2 since 2013, and I play unranked 90% of games. I am currently around 800 MMR and I can't be able to climb out of this crap tier of MMR.

You're probably going to tell me to get more last hits, die less, and push more. However, these aren't necessarily the problem.

I get 40-50 CS by 10 minutes and buy the correct items. However, this is the problems I face:

1: 99% of the time the matches are 2v1v2 dual lanes. The support or the other carry in my lane will fight for last hits, meaning I can't get any last hits at all, and end up with 10 CS at 10 minutes.

2: My team will give up after the enemy has 2 kills at 15 minutes into the game, and they will afk in base and we lose.

3: Once the enemy has a few kills, my team will continue to feed and mid is level 16 by 20 minutes and the highest on our team is level 10.

I feel as if I cannot climb out of this MMR whatever I do, and by the time I get my core items as a carry, the enemy has already been snowballing.

You will probably tell me to play support if my team has 4 cores, but in this bracket, I can't rely on the carries to do a good enough job at farming, and they will simply curse at me when I go to pull the creep wave.

I feel as If i don't know what to do anymore, even when I go to gank mid, my team will simply not co operate to kill them, and getting to play mid without somebody taking it is impossible.

Could someone please critisize what I am doing poorly so that I can improve?

Dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/110696638

submitted by /u/Rogurzz
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Am I really this bad?

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 01:08 PM PST

192 estimated mmr? Well I mean I'm just playing dota for fun, but am I really in 0.71% ? Please tell me esimated mmr needs more games or something :D



submitted by /u/mrkhokho
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What did I do wrong in this game?

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 12:02 PM PST

I was SB, as far as I know we should have harassed legion more early on. I don't know how to link games, i only have the ID. 3558668706. If someone would tell me how to link those then I will update it.

submitted by /u/OmniscientShadow
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Treads on Invoker?

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 09:56 AM PST

Hey! When is the optimal time for Treads on Invoker?

I was thinking it's the same as when you want to utilize Alacrity in lane, so when you have a roaming ganker who can synergize with snap, or when you are playing against someone with right click damage output, but low disables.

Not sure though, thanks!

submitted by /u/genewashy
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Chaos Knight build advices

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 09:54 AM PST

I enjoy climbing mmr using ck, and since i am in the low 2k bracket it turns out to be successful most of the times. However i use everytime the same build, treads mordiggian s&y and bkb; most of the times by the time i get bkb i have already got enough advantage to win the game. I get manta style sometimes when i have to dispel or dodge stuff, tarrasque/skadi when the game gets into late but l feel like i am forgetting some important item and i would like some help thanks.

Also i usually get late phantasm, at level 11 and 12 so i can start fighting with it at lvl 2, usually that is the power spike that ensures the early advantage.

I am quite sure i do something wrong, maybe stuff like that works at my skill level but i would like some advice anyway. In general i feel a lack of mana most of the times and the farm is quite slow, but i don't like getting a Echo sabre or a battlefury to balance those problems.

submitted by /u/erpuge
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Safelane offlane swap

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 03:42 AM PST

Sometimes in pro games I see safelane carry being put in offlane while offlane hero being put in safelane. What determines this swap? If they did swap for better lane match up why the opponent sometimes do not react to it by swapping accordingly?

submitted by /u/potatoduck93
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Looking for people to play with me and my friends who have 1k+ mmr

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 08:08 AM PST

Low standards because we are all below 1k



submitted by /u/OmniscientShadow
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Why do people go blink dagger on ck guys?

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 08:39 PM PST

I'm really confused as reality rift's illusion pull has a max aoe doesn't it?

submitted by /u/nelsonnyan2001
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There is no team in Axe

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 02:22 AM PST

Not too many games on him compared to others but safe to say im decent on this hero. Planning on spamming my red axe-wielding friend here to 4k. I think he's pretty good in this meta. His talents got a nice buff this patch. Really great in the early game. If itemized correctly he can also scale into a huge damage dealer. Trying to help anyone with any questions regarding Axe. so ask away.

Also : https://www.dotabuff.com/players/301758433

submitted by /u/logic-97
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When to pick these tinker skill builds?

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 09:01 PM PST

  1. 2-2-4-1

  2. 4-4-0-1

Few days ago I saw #1 build with high win rate on dotabuff. Yesterday it was build #2. Can anyone enlighten me?

submitted by /u/cymphonyyc4
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