Learn Dota 2 - How do you deal with Visage in the low 5k bracket?

How do you deal with Visage in the low 5k bracket?

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 06:26 PM PST

Hey everyone,

Lately I've been really struggling to deal with visage. I'm primarily a roaming support player but this hero just gives me so much trouble when he's mid. If I try to camp mid and make his life hell, I feel like he just comes online regardless as soon as he has solar crest and birds. If I ignore him he just comes online that much faster. He's hard to focus in teamfights because of how strong gravekeeper's cloak is, and he is able to completely shred through buildings if he's not in the fight. What am I missing here, how do I shut down this obnoxious hero? I have only around a 35% winrate against him since 7.06. If the player is even remotely competent with him I just feel like he's one of the strongest heroes in the entire game, which makes sense because he's the third highest winrate in 5k+ but I feel like there has to be something I can do better to win more against him.

submitted by /u/NayruDota2
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How should tiny be played in 7.07c?

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 01:12 PM PST

A few days after the new tiny rework came out, I became interested in learning to play the hero. Without any torte de lini builds to start off on, I set out to play bots over and over again until I found something that worked well. After a few games, I started focusing on tree grab because it made laning and farming so much easier than the avalanche + toss build. Tree grab allowed for me to dominate lanes because it made last hitting and harassing easy, even in a solo lane or against ranged heroes. With the new patch, tree grab's damage has been reduced substantially in the early game and grow's damage has been reduced by 50% in the late game. Considering the tree grab build worked because of tiny's natural damage and the constant 30% damage increase of the tree, is a build focusing on tree grab still viable in 7.07c now that its weaker in the early game?

submitted by /u/Alphaweasel
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How could I have won this game as Jug?

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 01:49 PM PST

ID 3569582901

Had a great lane, however mid game we started failing. One obvious issue with me is that I was having a hard time clearing creeps to make space to omnislash (should've gotten BF), and tried ulting a few times with failure. Another thing, my PA had to go do something else yet the other team kept unpausing when we tried pausing, so we were essentially down a man for a little bit. What could I or my team have done to win? What did I or my team do wrong that led us to failure? Did the enemy team just have a better draft?

submitted by /u/Gutsy_
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Play anti mage differently?

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 05:09 PM PST

I love the idea of anti mage (I hate mage type heroes in mobas), but i can't stand his gameplay. Farming a BF then farming some more...I don't find that entertaining.

I understand why BF is such a good item, but is there any other way to play AM? Or is BF the only viable choice.

submitted by /u/Justice_Hero
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Advice in pub games vs carry that is really good at farming but very hard to kill?

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 05:00 PM PST

E.G. Jugg, AM.

These two usually take 2-3 people to literally sit around and wait for a gank opportunity. That's not only rare and hard in a pub game, but i'm not even sure if it's worth. The other problem is just 5 manning doesn't work if that one hero can out push our team b/c of the other 4 that will defend.


Here's a particular game. ID 3569919312..... I'm razor, I win my lane but i'm not sure what to do with it here. We couldn't five man and push. Nor did it feel like we could kill the Jugg. Am i just fucked from the pick or is there something i can do?

submitted by /u/Babybean1201
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How do you play razor ?

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 05:53 AM PST

I've recently remembered the hero exists and have about 0 games with him atm. How is he played ? Any strats that may work better at low mmr (around 2-3k) ? Is he good this patch ?

submitted by /u/Crocoduck1
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How do you play Io?

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 08:29 PM PST

So I'm a noob trying all heroes. Recently, I tried Io and well... I felt just completely fcking useless. I never felt that useless on a hero before and I played almost all of them so far. Even the harder ones like Earth Spirit or Meepo, I played decently for my skill level.

So what do I do as Io in the laning phase? In teamfights?

How and when do I use Relocate and Overcharge?

How do you "aim" the spirits?

How to not feel like you're nonexistent in the game? :D Don't get me wrong: I'm sure the hero is sick but I need halp!

submitted by /u/Belphegor24
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PA Mid , Weaver mid ?

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 07:46 AM PST

Good or bad ?

submitted by /u/Lexanko
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Is Linken's Still a Must on Morphling?

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 02:31 AM PST

Or can I just skip it and buy Ethereal after Hurricane Pike instead?

submitted by /u/iwanthidan
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Question about my build and itemisation as Windranger (mid) this game.

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 08:12 AM PST

Title says it all. I want to know what my mistakes are. My biggest issue right know is understanding when to lane and when to roam as the mid.

Match id: 3569144135

submitted by /u/TheWardenShadowsong
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how do you learn io when your teammates are really low level?

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 10:59 PM PST

i really like the musical ball of light but its difficult to practice it in low level unranked pubs when my teammates don't even know how it works, is there some playstyle i can use to be more effective on my own?


suggests making veil and from the dudes videos it sounds like he can make more of an impact as io now because of the spirit damage talent but im not sure exactly how to do this.

Should i just wait till i climb in mmr to get better teammates? Should i just practice more? I had slightly better results spamming the spirits with the use of soul ring which i didn't do before but the game was still decided by how well my teammates played more than i would like : ( i guess thats the fate of someone who plays io.

submitted by /u/-VwO-
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Do players have a different MMR number accordingly to the region they play?

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 06:05 AM PST

I am asking because of this post:


So I assume an account have different MMRs accordingly to the region? How can I change my region or see my other regions MMR?

submitted by /u/fot1
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Core morphling skill build?

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 09:06 PM PST

How do I skill core morphling in this patch? What do talents do I get? Should I get +10 agility or +300 waveform range?

submitted by /u/arkarc123
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How to come back from a hard lane

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 01:51 AM PST

Recently started playing again and calibrated at 2.8k mmr and always end up solo safelane with a jungler. 2v1 safelane usually ends up with me not getting enough farm and no one willing to rotate down to help. How do I handle a difficult lane such as this and still get enough farm to carry reliably.

submitted by /u/xlOREOlx
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How do you deal with loss streaks?

Posted: 17 Nov 2017 09:47 PM PST

This is my dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/32089486

I don't know if I'm correct, but I'm sure my win rate is far lower than most people.

I am doing something to lose consistently. This is despite knowing a lot about the game and what should be done. I find often that I lose a game or two, then enter a spiral.

Then it seems like I'm countered in lane - I choose mid and I get my lane ganked. I choose support and the core doesn't work with me, or I can't support well enough, or my hero choice is wrong. Or something...

Help me, please. I just wanna win some games :(

I watch the Day9 series. I understand about aggro, about item choice, about magic types, about split pushing. I try to do all these things, but it seems nothing works.

submitted by /u/CentralConflict
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So my Solo MMR has risen from 1.8k to 3.5k and now I’m aiming to get to 4k before the next MMR system releases

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 12:15 AM PST

So yeah basically that. I'm looking for tips to improve my versatilty on roles. The reason being is because the only role I've ever known and spent so much time developing in was the position 1 carry role. I play occassional mids like Broodmother, Shadow Fiend, Invoker, Tinker, Storm Spirit but still I just don't get the midlane playstyle. Usually what I'd do as an Invoker or SF is lane equilibrium until I get like level 8 (6-8 on Invoker and just 8 for SF). I out last hit almost anyone I've ever faced as a midlaner which basically means I also out deny every creep of mine. In 1 out of 3 games I am like level 9 at 8 mins compared to the enemy's level 4-5 at 8 mins. But I just don't know how to deal with ganks. Usually there are these heroes I encounter that basically tower dive me with supports and I can't help but die then inb4 random teammate says feeder mid. But I basically won my lane. Just not my itemization. My problem as a midlane is, I don't know when to push my lane nor when to equalize it considering mid is actually so easy to equalize in terms of creeps compared to the safelane which I very much am used to

My problem as a support is I am too gank reliant on exp and gold. Idk what I can do if there isn't anywhere to roam nor Idk what I should be doing if I had ganks failed because my teammate apparently didn't respond to my setups

My problem as an offlane is when I meet equally skilled carries as I am (although seldomly happens because most idiots I encounter on the enemy team in most games actually push the lane my advantage). But I also have problems dealing with a trilane. Idk what to do considering that I need exp for the first few minutes and their supports come at me from the trees. The only offlaners I've ever played that I could withstand trilanes are just plain Broodmother, Nature's Prophet, and Undying. Rest I seriously have no idea of how to go about.

So basically I'm just asking how to deal with early game issues as an offlaner and scaling and anti-gank issues as the former two. I can't access Dota 2 to give replays yet bec ISP is cut off and I'm just literally on a hotspot

submitted by /u/Phenothetype
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