Learn Dota 2 - Complete 7.07 Pull Camp & Stack Timings

Complete 7.07 Pull Camp & Stack Timings

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 07:20 AM PST

What time of day does the bonus heroes reset?

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 06:03 PM PST

Was just wondering does anyone know what time do the bonus heroes reset daily? Ive had fun playing different heroes everyday so was just wondering. Thanks.

submitted by /u/Anoir_Finland
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A fun pangolier interaction

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 04:04 AM PST

With the 7.07b changes to swashbuckle, this spell now procs every a normal attack can because it works as 4 normal attacks with their damage set to the spell damage.

This allows to proc lifesteal, cleave, crits and my favorite... Ancient Apparition's chilling touch.

At lvl 1 chilling touch adds 90 damage to swashbuckle almost doubling the damage making it a 186 damage nuke instead of 96 usually.

Later on you can reach 615 damage without the swashbuckle talent.

This makes an amazing harassing tool during the laning phase for a dual offlane for example. But be careful, you need to hit only ONE target in the swashbuckle because each target will use some of your chilling touch charges, reducing your damage on the main target you wanted to harass (try not to hit creeps on the lane).

Lastly, if you want to push this and take both chilling touch and swashbuckle talent, this combo could deal 1052 damage to a single target, add the diffusal blade on pangolier and you can swashbuckle for 1212 damage (and i'm not even counting any basher hit or MKB if you really want the most damaging swashbuckle possible).

submitted by /u/Justice_Hero
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Why do people still get Manta on Medusa?

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 07:24 PM PST

I don't see it having any purpose on her. Damage wise, it's pretty bad considering the alternatives and the fact that the illusions do nothing. For the dispell, why? You're almost always tanky enough to chug through whatever is casted at you.

submitted by /u/Narwhalbaconguy
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Why am I so mediocre??

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 07:18 PM PST

I have been stuck around 2.9 - 3.2 k for 2 years. I have watched dota vods of pros and help guides galore. I cannot seem to get better. I know one of my problems is that my key board skills aren't that great (I have to look down to type) so it makes more that 3 item hotkeys difficult (can't play tinker, meepo ect...) This is my opendota account https://www.opendota.com/players/83497239. My dream is one day to be a 5-6 k player however I just don't know how to do that. I have put in 3k hours and just recently doubled down and bought a $1500 gaming computer. I just need help.

submitted by /u/SullenHarvest
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What am i doing wrong as a pos 4 and pos 5 support? Can you give me some tips?

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 07:57 AM PST

i've been losing since i started playing solo ranked, getting a few wins but, it wasnt enough to retain my mmr, can you tell me what im doing wrong in these games?

POS 4 pudge: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3551866940 POS 5 winter wyvern: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3549451738

submitted by /u/Squareoneeee
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How do i prep myself mentally for a solo game?

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 04:42 AM PST

As title. Nowadays I find myself playing only when I'm not alone. When I want to play solo, I always end up backing out because I'll be playing with 4 strangers on my team.

I mainly play pos 5 and I try to be optimistic but whenever supports get taken for granted it just causes me to lose my faith in supporting other people, and that affects my future decisions to play solo again. What should I do?

submitted by /u/evisceraze
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Why is battlefury bought more often now?

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 06:43 PM PST

I know battlefury became a bit cheaper but is that the only reason? What happened to maelstrom on heroes like juggernaut and faceless void?

submitted by /u/requiemetric
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What's the deal with javelin?

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 07:55 AM PST

Lots of people seem to be getting it on a wide variety of heroes atm. Is it really that good? If so, in what situations would picking it up be worth it? I really don't know what to make of the item just yet and I haven't really read much about it so I'd love some external input. (and maybe this thread can help others as well!)

submitted by /u/goodwarrior12345
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What is skill really mean?

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 01:51 PM PST

I'm new player, what's the meaning of skill when people talking about skilled player. What separates them between pro player? Example : what makes the best player in the world on CSGO are reflex, aiming accuracy, etc. What about Dota2 ? I can't see what makes the difference between best player and other pro players, if it's mechanical skill like last hitting then aren't all pro player have know that and i don't think it's rely on aiming skill or reflex like FPS game.

Since i'm new then i want to ask more question

1) what makes Miracle so good?

2) in TI, what the difference between the winner and the one who lose? Aren't they all know last hitting, etc. ?

Sorry for my bad english but i hope you understand :) thanks

submitted by /u/KidouYuu
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Feels like this game punishes bad play far more than it rewards good play...

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 10:02 AM PST

Maybe it is just this patch?

I don't know...almost all of my games in this patch seem to be more about which team has more bad players than good players.

I understand that this is a basic tenet of team based games, and that obviously, the team with more good players will win...but I can't escape the feeling that the negative plays of a couple people on either side seems to have a much bigger impact than the good plays of either team.

Does that make sense?

I wonder if this is just a flaw in my thinking, but I feel I'm not good enough of a player to have a greater impact than the negative impact of the poorer players on my teams. And when I am the bad player on the team, it feels like my poor contribution is more what is responsible for our loss than anything my teammates have done.

I'm not trying to blame poor skilled people for my losses (for I am for sure one of them), but I am wondering if anyone else feels that having an impact on this game is very difficult to do!

Is the game more about goading your team into making mistakes and then punishing them for it, rather than attempting to play your hero in the correct fashion?

How do you guys think about having an impact on the game? Do you punish mistakes or make good plays?

Or are these one and the same and I am missing something...

submitted by /u/CentralConflict
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Aeon Disk and Blademail interaction question

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 04:28 PM PST

Blademail is supposed to return damage before reductions so would that still work with Aeon Disk? If I recall correctly it works with Oracle's ult. I can't see why Aeon Disk would stop bmail from doing it's thing, unless it's a bug.

submitted by /u/Firex3_
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Phantom Assassin vs Huskar

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 07:22 AM PST

Can I get a few tips on playing against Huskar as PA? I feel like it's my hardest matchup when playing that hero and my team usually expects me to deal with him (usually after they already fed him Satanic and AC) and I'm not exactly sure how to do it... I know BKB is a good counter but once it's on cooldown I'm super vulnerable, raw damage items don't help much coz the lower his health the harder he is to deal with, and I don't feel like building Pipe or Silver Edge coz I hardly ever build those items on PA

submitted by /u/Sn00ker_
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Rambling about Ember in 7.07

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 02:45 PM PST

Crimson guard question

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 02:03 AM PST

Might be a stupid question but does the 50% passive block still work when you use the active of the item? Meaning that you block up to 130 (is it physical only?) damage 50% of the times and 60 damage, for the active duration. Is this how it works?

submitted by /u/TheWbarletta
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Using the Move command during Bladefury vs manually following someone

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 12:05 AM PST

I've been doing this for a lot of time now whenever I play Jugg - when I pop Q and start chasing someone, I just use the Move command which makes my hero automatically follow the target. However, watching the player perspectives of some high-level/professional players I realized nobody actually does this and most of them just manually right click on the ground to follow their target. Is there something bad/wrong/inefficient about the move command that I'm overlooking?

submitted by /u/EL3kTr1C
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Why is Mask of Madness such a common item now?

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 11:01 AM PST

Everytime I play with my friends I see cores building MoM first item. Did I miss something on the patch notes? I don't see why someone would build it every game.

submitted by /u/ShiftDota
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How do you get a group of people together to play with?

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 06:46 AM PST

Basically, I'm newish, I've played a few games, and I have a basic understanding of the roles, so what happens next is practice right? The thing is, I feel that matching with randoms makes learning that much harder. For example, someone says you suck at mid, and I'm like, alright, tell me what I'm doing wrong. And then they're like, you just suck! It isn't very informative, nor is it helpful. Of course not everyone is like that, but it would still be much more efficient to learn while playing with a steady group, who you can voice chat with, and discuss what you are doing right or wrong, without having to type in chat (can't remember if there is an in-game voice chat, but a good portion of randoms don't use mics anyways.)

submitted by /u/KuroyukiTR
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Medusa bloodstone?

Posted: 08 Nov 2017 11:10 PM PST

I was just theory crafting some things in my head and was thinking about whether or not bloodstone would be viable on Medusa?

My logic is that it would essentially be a heart for her mana shield and it could be built if damage output wasn't a priority.


submitted by /u/frailankles
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How to win against all carries?

Posted: 08 Nov 2017 07:59 PM PST

Played a few games where its a pretty standard team vs PAs, Jugs, Ursa, Troll, + Sven/Sniper/BS that sort of thing and we just get tanked to death / destroyed.

How can you win these kind of games???

submitted by /u/theEdwardJC
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Itemization for Core Vengeful Spirit, feedback welcome

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 02:41 AM PST

Spamming nothing but VS for about 200 games now. Mostly mid, but I do take safelane if there's a rightclicker mid.

The classic build is Aquila Treads MoM Pike into Satanic and Butterfly.

My question is - is there a superior build to this one, in your opinion? And why?
S&Y would be great if not for the reduced ranged effect.
Skadi is great, but expensive.
Manta is great, but mana issues prohibit the use of the item to its fullest.
BKB feels... wonky. You kind of want your enemies to target you and not the pos 1 core with your natural tankiness.
HotD is okay and it would be great if it wasn't for the lack of stats.
Mjolnir is great especially for VS's farming issues, however it makes you very vulnerable until your next tanky item.
Aghanim might be very underrated but it's difficult to fit in this item - if you're winning you aren't really making use of the item.
From the new items, the Spirit Vessel seems rather interesting(Apparently VS is its #1 user but I can attribute that more to her supporting than core pickups) but VS's farming skills are so poor I find it hard to fit in between other items. I once tried S&Y BoT and Spirit Vessel, casual permahaste... but negligible combat stats.
Lastly, there's Radiance which I only ever consider in the safelane. It's an interesting and rather unexpected item(also apparently recommended) seeing as Venge always finds herself in the thick of the fight, however she gets so easily focused down I rarely consider it.

How would you approach Core Vengeful Spirit itemization and why that way in particular?

submitted by /u/kfijatass
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