Civilization - I've found an ancient relic ..

I've found an ancient relic ..

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 11:37 AM PST

Civilization V on sale for $7.49 for base or $12.27 for complete

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 01:54 PM PST

Ah, this would be a good spot for a Holy Site Distr- Oh wait...

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 01:10 PM PST

Sean Bean's voice overs suck

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 07:24 AM PST

I'm sure I'm late to the party with this, I just got Civ 6 with the recent 50% off sale. The game is nice although I like 4 and 5 better so far; what bothers me is the loss of that "sense of wonder and achievement" whenever I hear Sean Bean speak. It's not his fault, he does his lines well, they're just bad lines. I feel like they really phoned it in with this edition in regards to the words spoken after each tech is researched. I guess I'm done ranting. Also can anyone tell me how to make sure if a resource tile is improved already or not when you have tile yields off, I used to be able to tell in previous versions of Civ because the cattle looked very different from the corralled cattle, for instance, but I am having a hard time. I have to sit there and scroll the mouse to the tile and then wait 3 seconds for a popup that tells me, it's a pain. Anyway that's what I think of Civ 6 after 1 play through.

submitted by /u/halfwaymysandwich
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Just a typical cultural victory by Ethiopia in Vox populi mod

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 07:10 AM PST

Am Cleopatra, declared a protectorate war on John Curtin for attacking Auckland. Haven't taken a single city, but Gandhi denounces me for war mongering. Why?

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 09:02 AM PST

I'll try to explain a little. I'm playing on Warlord difficulty on Epic, playing as Cleopatra, and I set the game so that you can ONLY win by Domination victory, and there is not set number of turns. I'm currently at turn 293.

Peter the Great and Gandhi declared a joint war on me (Gandhi is right below me and is close to my borders. Peter is on the other side of the continent near a city I founded when my scout captured a barbarian settler). Anyways, Gandhi sent some troops to my border, but I've been playing it slow and trying to eclipse everyone in terms of tech. I put a bunch of swordsmen and pikemen at my border and was able to stop Ghandi's elephant attacks before they even got close to a city. He asked for peace and I accepted.

Then, right after this, John Curtin travels to the continent and settles on the coast, bordering one of my cities (is there a way I can ask AI to not settle near me?). He declares war on Auckland, a CS I am suzerain of. Meanwhile Peter becomes suzerian of Valletta (directly below Auckland), so I dispatch two musket men to Auckland in order to wave off Valletta's troops from Auckland, who is now fighting a two front war.

I finally get Diplomatic Service civic so I declare a protectorate war on Curtin as he is very close to laying siege on Auckland. I kill his units with my ranged units and he retreats the rest of his forces back into his colonies on the coast. I haven't even entered his borders or attacked his city, but Gandhi denounces me as a warmonger. In all the time I also haven't engaged Peter aside from shooting at his scouts from my city center or by killing Valletta troops invading Auckland (didn't lay siege to Auckland either).

So, what did I do wrong? Is it a glitch maybe? Because Gandhi has the Peacekeeper agenda (which I assumed I was fulfilling), and the Protectorate Casus Belli says I don't get a warmonger penalty. What gives?

If it makes a difference, here are some mods installed: 8 ages of pace 8 ages of war AI+ CIVIGraphs Community Quick User Interface Start Location Fixer Stop Steamrolling City States Farms++ Current Time of Day Tundra Farms

submitted by /u/creepybookshelf
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Empires Gate

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 03:25 PM PST

Top unique improvements

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 08:14 AM PST

God tier: (basically, the dlc.)

Kampungs: Holy crap. Indonesia can basically build water petras in every city.

Outback Steakhouses: I would say they can build petras in every city but they can also stack WITH petra! The tile porn is unreal.

Paradise thingy: Chateus but better in every way... gives so much stuff that it doesn't even matter that it gives no food.

Ripoff egyptians: don't have the Nubia dlc but they look like they give everything...

Balanced tier:

Mission: Spain's improvement is actually pretty good. Lots of yields for a normally shit civ.

Shit tier: (basically, the vanilla civs)

Sphinx: great yield but they are held back by the nature of Egyptian cities. They have limited space when crowded near a river and most of the extra land should be used for food.

Stepwell: Eh. Just build a farm triangle. Maybe ok in early game.

Ziggurat: Nice to have early game but later on their yields fall behind so they should be replaced.

Kurgan: Nice to have one or two for some early faith, but it doesn't really fit with a domination only civ.

Great Wall: Feels like a waste of space. The huge tourism boost later on is pretty satisfying, but not worth the loss of farmland at all.

Chateux: You can't build them anywhere basically. Their yield is pretty bad too.

Yeah I think the vanilla civs (Except for spain) need buff to their improvements to make them as cool as the dlc.

submitted by /u/DesmondDuck
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Looking to get back into Civ. Civ VI or Civ V, what are people playing?

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 10:16 AM PST

I'm still a fairly active player of Civ IV, but I've got some new hardware being delivered in the next week. I'd like to up my game a little. I tried a demo of V and found it interesting to say the least (coming from VI). I'll likely download a demo of VI and try it out.

Just looking for general thoughts and opinions on the series. Cost is not a consideration in this decision.

Also, how will VI run on an 8th gen i5, 8GB, SSD with Intel graphics?

submitted by /u/hugh_wanstenau
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You can’t put a price on beauty

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 05:08 PM PST

If I tended to enjoy being expansionist... what's the best Civ to play? (Civ5)

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 07:49 PM PST

I have Polynesia to be my favorite so far just for the fact they can take to the water immediately and find the best spots to settle.

Trying to beat harder and harder difficulties. Thanks for your help!

submitted by /u/brlynde
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Civ 6 Mod Recommendations?

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 07:21 PM PST

I've played a lot of Civ 6 and I have a few mods including 8 ages of pace and CQUI, but what other mods would you recommend to supplement the core gameplay?

Also, I haven't played with every civ yet. Which civ should I play next?

submitted by /u/RezzInfernal
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Viewing Allied Spies

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 10:03 AM PST

Is this a feature or a bug in the Fall update? I can see allied Civ's spies... including one in my own capital. Anybody else notice this?

submitted by /u/Professor_Plum_28
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City state bonus porn (VI)

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 10:02 AM PST

City state bonuses can be quite OP, and i get the impression they are kind of overlooked in the sub. Got lucky as Kongo (Emperor, no mods) spawned next to three cultural city states. Early on i slacked at recruiting great people, but still managed to recruit 46 of them, i think it's possible to reach 100% and more CS bonus. But it wasn't my main aim of the game earlier. The screen is from 1 turn after my cultural victory. The fireworks are coming, kind of late doe.

What's your best yield from a CS bonus? Also general CS thread.

EDIT: here's the screen

Messed it up somehow at submitting.

submitted by /u/tdpl24
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*Industrialization intensifies*

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 06:39 PM PST

Religious Units can no longer create Escort Formation with Military Units post-Fall Patch

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 04:53 AM PST

An effective technique pre-patch: escorting your Religious Units prevents it from being attacked (in a Theological Combat). This is especially useful in defending against enemy religious invasions, where your units (e.g., Inquisitors) can attack proactively safely, because you know the result from precognition, and can heal safely on or adjacent to a Holy site if your Religious Units' health gets low. The patch nullifies this tactic, because Religious Units now walk on a separate plane.

This change also brings a (perhaps surprising) side-effect: Religious Units cannot enjoy Jong's movement benefit, because Jong only benefits those in formation with it, which Religious Units can't.

submitted by /u/Huxing
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If the barbarians were a civ, what would they be like??

Posted: 08 Nov 2017 11:53 PM PST

Just a random thought. Who would their leader be? What would their UA/UU be? What would their agenda be like?

submitted by /u/AlliedLens
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Anyone want a Civ 6 CD Key? I bought on G2A and its region locked and they wont refund.

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 05:02 PM PST

Sorry, if you are in the following regions it wont work...

Warning! Sid Meier's Civilization VI (Civ 6) is region locked and it CANNOT be activated and played in the following countries: Asia/Pacific Region, Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Brunei Darussalam, Bolivia, Brazil, Bhutan, Canada, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Chile, China, Colombia, Christmas Island, Ecuador, Falkland Islands (Malvinas), French Guiana, Guyana, Hong Kong, Indonesia, British Indian Ocean Territory, Japan, Cambodia, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Mongolia, Macau, Maldives, Mexico, Malaysia, Nepal, New Zealand, Peru, Philippines, Pakistan, Paraguay, Singapore, Suriname, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Taiwan, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela, Vietnam.

submitted by /u/nandoschips
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S3rgeus's Wheel of Time Mod

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 12:33 PM PST

Any update on this?

submitted by /u/Quietstorm1989
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[Civ VI] Which civs get better the longer the game length?

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 09:59 AM PST

I loved playing marathon games as Songhai in Civ V. Just clear barbarians, get massive amounts of gold. I'm fairly new to Civ VI (10ish hours played), loving it so far, but wondering which civs might get better as you go from standard to epic to marathon?

submitted by /u/Steephin
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[Civ VI] What DLC civ would you consider to be a must have?

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 03:33 PM PST

I have some extra cash laying around and would like to try on of the new Civs. There's not really any particular victory type I always go for.

submitted by /u/GreatWhite000
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