League of Legends - Patch 7.23 Bug Megathread

Patch 7.23 Bug Megathread

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 08:37 AM PST

Greetings Summoners!

With every new patch Riot introduces to balance out champions and items there are some unforeseen issues that creep up and cause disruption during gameplay. We have noticed that these issues which eventually get fixed clutter up the subreddit immediately following the patch.

We want to avoid this by having a single Megathread which will be posted after every patch so that you guys can report the various issues in one place. This allows Riot to easily keep track of the bugs by providing a central hub and also allows other users to confirm that they might have encountered.

Note only bugs caused by the 7.23 Patch should be reported below.

Pre-requisites to be noted before reporting a bug

  1. A bug must be accompanied with a screenshot or a video. This provides credibility to your report.

  2. Steps to recreate the bugs can be submitted if possible. This helps rioters recreate the bug and helps them find the cause behind it.

  3. The bug must have been caused by the latest patch.

Format when reporting a Bug: When reporting a bug, please provide as much information as you can about your computer.

Server: The server you encountered the bug (NA, EUW, EUNE, TR, RU, BR, LAS, LAN etc)

Type of Bug: Client Bug, In Game Bug etc

Description: Describe what was the bug that occoured.

Video / Screenshot: Insert screenshot (F12 in game) or Video of the bug occouring.

Steps to reproduce: Provide the steps necessary if someone else had to reproduce the bug.

Expected result: What should have been the result when you follow the steps mentioned above.

Observed result: What was the result you obtained when you followed the steps mentioned above.

Reproduction rate: If you try to recreate the bug how successful are you in causing it to occur? (1/10 : Occurs once every 10 tries, 5/10 : Occurs 5 times out of 10, 10/10 : Happens every single time)

System specs: Processor, Video card, Ram, HDD/SSD, everything you can provide, even drivers.

Example Bug:

Server: EUW

Type of Bug: In Game Bug etc

Description: Zeds R(Death mark) Does not apply secondary damage

Insert Video / Screenshot of the incident

Reproduction rate: 2/10 (happened 2 out of 10 times)

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Launch a game after selecting Zed as your champion.

  2. Attempt to use death mark.

  3. Observe the result.

Expected result: The damage should apply after a short delay, amplified by damage dealth during the effect.

Observed result: The damage will not apply properly.

• System Specs: Intel i5 Processor, Windows 7, Nvidia Graphics card (insert model number) etc.

If you don't know how to format comments on reddit Click here

- **Server:** - **Type of Bug:** - **Description:** - **Video / Screenshot:** - **Steps to reproduce:** - **Expected result:** - **Observed result:** - **Reproduction rate:** - **System specs:** 

Copy paste the above code and fill in your details.

From this megathread the list of bugs will not be summarized and put up up in the main body of the thread, however note that rioters will be going through the comments.

submitted by /u/hey_its_griff
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SKT Faker: "It might be because we're still in the preseason, but Zoe seems pretty unbalanced right now"

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 09:55 AM PST

TSM Reginald: new roster, why he made changes, how TSM isn't just an NA team, expectations for 2018

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 12:02 PM PST

Peanut on signing with Longzhu - "The Longzhu Coach called me 4 minutes after I announced FA, and drove to arrive at my house 40 minutes later"

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 01:09 AM PST

Source: OSEN's Interview with Peanut

OSEN has published an interesting interview with Peanut, where Peanut talks about the series of events that has led him to sign up with Longzhu. We all know that Peanut signed with Longzhu, to the joy of many LCK fans; but this is the first time that we got a glimpse of the events that led to Longzhu Peanut.

At 4 minutes past midnight on 20th, Hirai, the Longzhu coach, confirmed that Peanut is a FA and called Peanut straight away to strike a deal. He continued to drive to Goyang, Ilsan, to finalize the contract 40 mintues past midnight. It was a lightning fast deal.

Longzhu Gaming and Hirai's dedication moved Wang Ho 'Peanut' Han's heart. Wang Ho said "When it was suddenly decided on 19th that I won't be re-signing with SKT, I waited for 21st to come. When 21st came, Kang Dong Hoon Coach was the first person that contacted me. When I met Coach, I could truly feel his honesty and his need. I thank Longzhu for contacting me before anyone else did. I want to return the favor with good performance"

Hirai, Longzhu's current coach, is known for his knacking ability to win sponsors and acquire top players. Here we see a glimps of Hirai's talent; he is so dedicated and alert that he would drive 40 minutes to a players house in the middle of the night to strike a deal.

This also reminds me of the time when Kkoma ran to the SKT team house to stop Peanut drunk streaming. Kinda goes to show the level of dedication Korean coaches have to their job and the team.

submitted by /u/AshleyKang
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2018 Splyce EU LCS Roster: Odoamne

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 11:28 AM PST

Remove Death Recap, and replace it with Damage Chat.

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 04:11 AM PST

Basically the concept is as follows. Just outright remove death recap from the game.

Then replace it with a 2nd chat box that we can toggle to that indicates all damage we are receiving and dealing just like in some MMO's and other games.

Basically that the game doesn't have to randomly grab a "@!#$" load of data just before you die and figure out what happened. It's constantly calculating and populating the chat with what is going on to and from you.

Proof of concept for the chat.

Rengar Auto attack Dealt 58 AD Damage to (minion) Gromp (1:40) Gromp Auto Dealt 10000 AP Damage to Rengar (1:41) Rengar (Q) "ability name" Dealth 110 AD damage to X etc etc.

You get the point. Basically if the system works like this players at anytime can be like let me check what happened that team fight. Oh ok I took X damage from Zoe, I took X damage from Trist and I took X to = my full HP bar. Wow looks like I need X.

Later on we can even get fancy and add things like Jana Shielded for X, or naut cc'd for X in there.

Anyways just my thoughts for it... anyone else have any thoughts?

EDIT 1 : (formatting/newideas)

So a lot of people love the idea and some hate it. There seems to be almost like a 70-30 split of like either it's too much data or it's perfect. So a concept to fix that would be the following.

Players can have the ability to disable the chat all together. This would target mainly players who are looking to get the most fps out of a game or players who already have a general idea of what will be killing them in game.

Next one is there should be a "Simplified" Death Chat, where basically it just shows you the Total AP and AD damage you took the last idk 5 seconds? So people who don't want all the info can be like oh ok I took 2385 AP damage that fight.

Last one is the current proposed one the "Advanced" one. This will show everything, damage you dealt, who did what to you etc etc. To attempt to make the advanced one a bit cleaner it would be nice to have the ability to organise/sort through it via doing things like. Show only damage dealt, show only damage taken, show only champion damage, show only ability damage, show only cc, etc etc. Stuff like that.

Anyways just some more thoughts on how to improve the Death Recap, hoping this gets some tracking as I love all the little data in a game when I play.

submitted by /u/MrRise
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$teve offered Imaqtpie a spot on Team Liquid

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 05:42 AM PST

Crown: 'I wasn't satisfied with my performance at Worlds'

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 11:07 AM PST

[Interview] SKT Bengi: "kkOma called for me, and I responded. That's how I became a coach"

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 05:41 AM PST

UOL just released a guessing game that pretty much confirms that their new toplaner is WhiteKnight

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 10:06 AM PST

So, UOL's facebook page just posted this. Basically the silhouette was cut form this picture, taken from the lol gamepedia article of White Knight.

submitted by /u/PM_UR_DIRTY_COSPLAY
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Why do people think that C9 did a bad job with signing Sven but they dont mention CLG?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 07:38 AM PST

Reignover, who actually had a much worse year than Svenskeren, but i see no one talking about him. A lot of people will argue with "but Reignover has proven himself during the last couple of years" well so did Sven. His 2016 Worlds performance was amazing and we all know what he can do. Same goes for Reignover, they both had a rough year but we all know what they can do.

submitted by /u/Solobolo98
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Bruisers do not have a Keystone

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 11:07 AM PST

Hashinshin has been complaining a lot about how weak bruisers are this preseason, and I tend to agree with his basic points relating to that. Champions like Jax, Darius, Camille, Irelia, Kled, Aatrox, Renekton, and Fiora all feel like they lack a keystone that really works for them. Press the attack has basically been what they all resort to, but thats getting nerfed now and none of these champs were doing well with press the attack besides maybe Irelia (51% wr) to begin with. I think Riot should add a keystone to the game at some point that helps address this issue. Bruisers are my favorite class of champions by a mile, and it sucks that I feel so crappy in lane to things like Teemo, Panth, Ornn, Maokai.

submitted by /u/FThePack
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GBM joins SuperMassive eSports

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 08:03 AM PST

C9 Svenskeren + C9 Jensen

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 09:13 AM PST

I can't believe people are flaming C9 for their decision about getting Svenskeren. Just think about the Jensen+Svenskeren mid gang comobs. Oh loord

submitted by /u/BRKTeyza
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11/29 PBE Update: Santa Draven Splash Art, Snowdown 2017 Login Theme

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 11:24 AM PST

Longzhu Gaming vs. Jin Air Green Wings / KeSPA Cup 2017 - Quarterfinals / Post-Match Discussion

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 06:54 AM PST


Official page | EsportsWikis | Event VODs | New to LoL
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Jin Air Green Wings 1-2 Longzhu Gaming

JAG | Wiki Page | Best.gg | Website | Twitter | Facebook
LZ | Wiki Page | Best.gg | Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube


Winner: Longzhu Gaming in 34m
Game Breakdown

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
JAG taliyah jayce sejuani elise gangplank 59.9k 11 3 O4
LZ ornn ezreal xerath leona blitzcrank 69.7k 16 8 I1 I2 B3
JAG 11-16-28 vs 16-11-35 LZ
SoHwan shen 3 6-4-4 TOP 4-1-7 3 gnar Khan
UmTi jarvan iv 1 1-4-9 JNG 3-2-8 4 shyvana Peanut
Yaharong ryze 2 1-2-3 MID 7-2-7 1 azir Bdd
Teddy jhin 2 3-3-3 ADC 0-3-2 2 varus PraY
SnowFlower trundle 3 0-3-9 SUP 2-3-11 1 miss fortune GorillA


Winner: Jin Air Green Wings in 44m
Game Breakdown

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
LZ xerath jhin shen rumble maokai 77.5k 9 2 I1 B8
JAG ezreal ornn azir tahmkench braum 86.7k 19 11 H2 C3 M4 B5 M6 E7
LZ 9-19-23 vs 19-9-43 JAG
Khan jayce 1 1-5-2 TOP 3-1-8 3 sion SoHwan
Peanut sejuani 2 0-3-8 JNG 0-0-13 1 jarvan iv UmTi
Bdd ryze 3 4-4-3 MID 6-2-5 4 taliyah Yaharong
PraY varus 2 3-4-4 ADC 10-2-4 1 miss fortune Teddy
GorillA taric 3 1-3-6 SUP 0-4-13 2 leona SnowFlower


Winner: Longzhu Gaming in 28m
Game Breakdown

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
LZ jhin xerath sion maokai shen 59.5k 18 9 C1 O3 B4
JAG ezreal ornn sejuani shyvana elise 43.2k 4 0 M2
LZ 18-4-37 vs 4-18-8 JAG
Khan jayce 1 4-2-4 TOP 0-2-2 4 rumble SoHwan
Peanut lee sin 3 3-0-10 JNG 1-5-2 1 jarvan iv UmTi
Bdd azir 2 3-2-9 MID 1-5-1 2 taliyah Yaharong
PraY varus 2 7-0-3 ADC 2-3-1 1 miss fortune Teddy
GorillA alistar 3 1-0-11 SUP 0-3-2 3 braum SnowFlower

This thread was created by the Post-Match Team.

submitted by /u/AshleyKang
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SKT PoohManDu: "Effort is an earnest player that has great synergy with the team"

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 05:49 AM PST

I'm getting tired of the lore updates changing grey, unique characters into evil bitches.

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 10:03 AM PST

First, Vayne goes from a force that seeks out and destroys evil, to some bitch that hates people who use magic. (Vayne is Malygos confirmed)

Then, Varus goes from a desperate guardian who sacrificed himself to bring justice on the people who slaughtered his people, to a carbon copy of Thresh except that he's a darkin. Also he's basically Rhaast.

Now, Morgana is going from being forsaken for defying the laws of her people, an iconic example of free will vs oppressively strict law, to being an evil bitch that is just pure evil.

If Riot wants more 100% evil characters and fewer grey characters, fine, but they need to be creating new characters with that kind of lore, not ruining old characters. I realize these are only the short summaries of their lore and it will be expanded on, but no amount of expanding can change the fact that these good/grey characters are now just pure evil, and a lot of people are not happy with that.

I just don't understand why they are shifting unique characters into evil characters that are similar to other champions already in League.

submitted by /u/ThatDogIsAGoodDog
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SK Telecom T1 vs. Griffin / KeSPA Cup 2017 - Quarterfinals / Post-Match Discussion

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 03:36 AM PST


Official page | EsportsWikis | Event VODs | New to LoL
Join the discussion in the subreddit Discord via the invite link in the sidebar!

Griffin 1-2 SK Telecom T1

FIN | Wiki Page
SKT | Wiki Page | Best.gg | Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube


Winner: SK Telecom T1 in 42m
Game Breakdown

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
FIN ryze shen alistar leona tahmkench 70.2k 7 2 M2
SKT ornn ezreal azir gragas jarvan iv 87.3k 13 11 M1 B3 C4 B5 E6
FIN 7-13-17 vs 13-7-32 SKT
Sword jayce 2 3-4-2 TOP 1-2-6 4 maokai Untara
Tarzan elise 3 2-1-4 JNG 2-1-10 2 sejuani Blank
Rather xerath 2 1-0-5 MID 4-1-4 1 taliyah Faker
Viper miss fortune 1 1-3-3 ADC 4-2-6 1 varus Bang
Lehends taric 3 0-5-3 SUP 2-1-6 3 blitzcrank Effort


Winner: Griffin in 63m
Game Breakdown

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
FIN ryze taliyah alistar leona maokai 111.2k 23 8 O3 B4
SKT ornn ezreal azir blitzcrank varus 123.2k 18 7 C1 C2 O5 B6 E7 B8 E9 B10 B11 E12
FIN 23-18-45 vs 18-23-40 SKT
Sword jayce 2 4-8-11 TOP 8-6-3 4 camille Untara
Tarzan jarvan iv 2 4-2-12 JNG 3-3-13 1 sejuani Blank
Rather corki 3 4-5-6 MID 3-6-8 3 orianna Faker
Viper jhin 3 6-1-6 ADC 2-3-8 1 ashe Bang
Lehends miss fortune 1 5-2-10 SUP 2-5-8 2 xerath Effort


Winner: SK Telecom T1 in 47m
Game Breakdown

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
FIN alistar ryze taliyah leona blitzcrank 86.9k 16 6 I1 H3 E11
SKT ornn ezreal jarvan iv gragas varus 92.6k 17 11 I2 B4 O5 B6 M7 B8 E9 B10
FIN 18-17-41 vs 17-18-35 SKT
Sword jayce 2 4-5-6 TOP 3-4-3 3 maokai Untara
Tarzan shyvana 3 3-3-9 JNG 3-3-6 1 sejuani Blank
Rather xerath 2 2-3-7 MID 8-6-4 1 azir Faker
Viper jhin 3 7-1-8 ADC 2-2-10 2 ashe Bang
Lehends miss fortune 1 2-5-11 SUP 1-3-12 4 karma Wolf

This thread was created by the Post-Match Team.

submitted by /u/adz0r
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Ally (blue) versus Enemy (red) skill clarity has dropped

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 06:56 AM PST

From what I understand clarity is a big priority (at least in writing) to Riot. I've noticed more and more recently that deciphering a friendly ally skill from a malicious enemy skill has become blurred for some spells and abilities in the game.

I know it's preseason and some of these things will probably be addressed, but the first time I saw a Ghost Poro I was very confused as to whether or not it was friendly. For some reason a friendly Ghost Poro has a red aura.. shouldn't it have a blue aura if it is was dropped by a team member?

I noticed in a clip for Zoe's E (this was viewed through the player's perspective) had neither a blue OR a red tint to it. (https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/7g712c/1128_pbe_update/dqhcd10/)

I feel like these examples aren't the only cases of this happening and in the heat of a game being able to quickly decipher whether a spell is friendly or not is critical.

submitted by /u/valorthatsjustmean
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Zven about Doublelift on his stream

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 12:56 PM PST

EU talent list by Blumigan (coach for Royal Bandits, previously with @DPGaming, @NiPGaming, @FNATIC @GiantsGamingENG @NatusVincere & @BJKEsports)

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 12:12 PM PST

It's nice to see that someone from pro scene decided to create his talent list.


Honestly I think this list isn't that far from mine created yesterday. The biggest differences are on adc position which was really problematic for me as I am not coach or analyst and it's always really hard to judge botlane. To be honenst I didn't add Sheriff to my list because I was sure he and Caedrel were officialy signed by H2k. I also compeletly forget about Bwipo on toplane and after rethinking it would also add Icebeasto for toplane and Abbedagge for midlane.

The list also contains some UK scene talents which maybe personally I undervalue.

PS. Blumigan decided also to order his list by talent level.

submitted by /u/wisakoy
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Steve Arhancet on Team Liquid’s NA LCS franchise application, signing Doublelift to a 3 year deal

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 08:42 AM PST

Understanding Taliyah: 50+ Walls Examples and Tactics - In-depth discussion on ganking, teamfighting, objective-control and other strategies.

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 08:08 AM PST

We can't remake the match due to the Biscuit Delivery Rune

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 06:11 PM PST

So, I had a game where our support was AFK for a while. After 3 minutes, she was still not moving, so we decided to remake. But the game didn't show an option to remake and I was curious about it. When I checked the scoreboard, she had a biscuit from her runes "The Biscuit Delivery", and that's probably why we can't remake the match. (I don't know if other peeps also had this kind of situation.)

P.S. We still played it and stayed cool about it. Our support even came back after 30 minutes in the match. I felt like we don't even need him but yeah, we're not toxic about it because we were winning the match and somehow she was good for baiting out the enemy and kill them.

This is the match, if it's relevant. https://matchhistory.ph.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/PH/853287416/97985128?tab=overview

submitted by /u/jianshuu
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What champs have you always hated since you first played against them

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 06:19 AM PST

For me it's Ryze. I started playing when Ryze top was pretty common and I absolutely hated the champ, also because I could never do any good IF I played him. I still hate Ryze (mid) nowadays. Ryze is literally the only champ I can remember hating to play against. Nothing comes close (maybe Leblanc)

submitted by /u/youngfuture7
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