World of Warcraft - Midweek Mending - Your Weekly Healing Thread

Midweek Mending - Your Weekly Healing Thread

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 02:08 AM PST

Weekly healing thread.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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So I decided to try out the fake pickpocket macro for fun... to my surprise, people still were falling for it.

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 07:31 AM PST

Don't forget you can purchase artifact power in Dalaran.

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 11:11 AM PST

You can only get 3 of these items per week, but when you use them after you kill a boss, you receive an extra token granting artifact power!

submitted by /u/Trapziki
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My paladin-healer interactions in a nutshell.

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 02:05 AM PST

Today's Headline in the Dalaran Times

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 08:51 AM PST

So this 2-hand sword dropped from Aggramar today

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 01:03 PM PST

Your crusade is over, BROTHER.

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 05:04 AM PST

[Spoiler] The end of Legion

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 10:06 AM PST

As someone who has full cleared each mythic raid tier, now more than ever I am having hard time getting invited to M+ groups.

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 07:09 AM PST

This morning I was looking to complete my +15 because apparently that is the highest M+ you need for the max weekly chest reward. I wanted to push my own key. So I sat in the LFG for about 30 minutes and not a single person queued for my dungeon. Apparently no one likes CoEN.

So since no one was wanting to join my group, I thought I would just join a group. About an hour passes and many declines later, I asked someone that declined me what was the reason for not inviting me. They simply told me "Your M+ score is too low"

Since when does M+ represent the skill of a player? I don't do much 5 man content, I simply do the one max M+ for weekly chest and that's it. Even linking my M-Kil'jaeden kill achieve doesn't get me an invite.

Anyway.. Thanks for the reading my rant. I'm just so tired of this mentality that ILVL/M+ score/ect ect determines player skill.

submitted by /u/TheOMB
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[Spoilers] Jumping of from Sargeras Swordhilt. Longest fall in WoW?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 09:22 AM PST

Argus and Argus as seen from Argus's platform

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 01:42 PM PST

[Spoiler] Proof that Anduin is the bad guy of BfA (Antorus Spoilers)

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 04:17 AM PST

TIL: You can ride your mammoth trough Stormwind's canals

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 10:10 AM PST

Meanwhile, in Ahn'qiraj...

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 01:49 AM PST

Let the upgrading begin

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 08:18 AM PST

If Legion had an anime opening

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 09:07 PM PST

[Spoilers] Quick! Sylvanas needs me to Burn Teldrassil!

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 01:38 PM PST

My metal cover of Invincible/Arthas, My Son

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 06:12 AM PST

Found some old god infested planets in the skybox after you defeat Argus.

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 10:44 PM PST

Technically True

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 02:11 PM PST

Dear Blizzard, please remember that "Horde vs. Alliance" doesn't always have to mean "Orcs vs. Humans"

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 07:24 AM PST

The thing is, it's never "Horde vs. Alliance". It's always "Orcs vs. Humans", because those are the only themes we ever see.

I know people always focus on "but it's the World of Warcraft, what do you expect?", but I would counter by saying "exactly; I signed up for the World of Warcraft".

There was always something awesome about going to these locations, many of which you felt had been there for hundreds of years, or at least generations, where a culture existed. You had Human and Orc cultures, yes, but also Dwarven and Elven -- two different kinds at that -- not to mention precious little Tauren culture.

Now, I think it's awesome that the new Allied Races are getting their cultural "Heritage Armor" sets, and even better that they require actually playing them (as opposed to race-changing your max-level toons). Admittedly, though, I'm a little worried these new races may steal the spotlight from existing races who never got their time to shine (namely, Tauren and Draenei, because Highmountain Tauren and Lightforged Draenei have virtually the same cultures, but are "upgrades").

I've still wanted to see more Gnomish and Goblin culture, or more of the absolutely stunning Gilnean architecture (seriously; can Greymane Manor become a capital, or at least have the Worgen build up Duskwood a little?). I also would love to see a "Tauren dungeon", perhaps some spiritual rite of passage or something.

Now, as I said, don't get me wrong; I think it's awesome we may see more cultural focus with the Allied Race quests. But just don't forget, while Humans and Orcs may represent the bulk of their respective factions, that doesn't mean the other races are absolved of their own cultures.

submitted by /u/Jcorb
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the real world will never live up to this

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 11:04 AM PST

Every weapon is a hunter weapon

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 02:11 PM PST

FOR THE HORDE! by xofks12

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 01:15 PM PST

When your guild had not enough people willing for mythic progression, but Antorus kicks in...

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 10:14 AM PST

The Raid History World First Timeline

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 10:28 AM PST

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