League of Legends - Monday Megathread! Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged!

Monday Megathread! Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged!

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 06:35 PM PST

Welcome to the latest Monday Megathread, where you the community get to ask your questions and share your knowledge.

This is an opportunity for the more experienced LoL players here to share some of your wisdom with those with less expertise. This thread will be a weekly safehaven for those "noobish" questions you may have been too scared to ask for fear of downvotes, but also can be a great place for in depth discussion if you so wish. So, don't hold back, get your game related questions ready and post away, and hopefully someone can answer them!

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Please sort this post by new, so that you can see the newer, unanswered questions.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Cloud9 Acquires Svenskeren for League of Legends

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 10:01 AM PST

FlyQuest Announces Flame as their top laner!

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 01:03 PM PST


As per rumors and sources, Flame has been announced as their top laner! Should be exciting to see whether or not the rest of the rumors are true but this is a pretty nice pickup from them.

submitted by /u/korean_namja
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Tean Liquid LoL | Welcome Olleh - LCS Starting Roster

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 02:00 PM PST

Team SoloMid | Thank you, Svenskeren

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 10:01 AM PST

CLG's bot lane is the product of Rush Hour

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 09:37 AM PST

Stixxay - mentored by Aphro, Bio - mentored by Doublelift, closest we are going to get to the old Rush Hour on a team.

submitted by /u/hiImPotter
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Doublelift's kind words for Svenskeren

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 02:18 PM PST

Ignar and Trick join bbq Olivers

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 07:02 AM PST

Key fragments are getting rarer and rarer.

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 04:43 AM PST

I'm lucky to even open a chest, very lucky to open two, during one month. Key fragments were rare before, now they feel even rarer after the BE update. I've gone from getting a good amount of key fragments some months ago to just forgetting they actually exist. I'm Honor 5 and been for a long time, but it doesn't seem to change anything from being Honor 3. A quick google search, or even better, a search on this subreddit, shows I'm not the only one having much less drops after the preseason update. I usually play the same champions so I'm not stacking boxes anymore, but I have a few just sitting there since a long time, and it's even worse when you manage to open one after ages and you get a champion shard you already own, giving you not only few BE but also gifting you that awesome feeling of "I know, my dear skin that has been sitting there for ages, you'll have to wait some more time before being unlocked."

I'd like to hear if anyone else is also receiving less drops than ever.

submitted by /u/zork824
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Why you shouldn't be suprised if Zoe kills you

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 04:51 AM PST

Zoe is a burst damage champion.

There's a whole "pressed R" meme with Syndra, who's less mechanically intensive. Syndra's stun goes through minions. Her damage can get behind minions too. Her R doesn't care and it's not a skillshot to combine with her Q. Syndra also has decent waveclear.

And yet, because Zoe just came out and some people have broken fingers and can't dodge her sleep by staying behind creeps will find a way to complain that she does a lot of damage.

News break: Zoe is a burst mage just like Syndra. If you die too fast, think about how fast you're also dying to other mages instead of whining about a new champion that has to fulfill even more conditions to kill you.

submitted by /u/Me_ADC_Me_SMASH
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You know what would happen if instead of Zoe, LUX was a new champion?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 10:09 AM PST

"Riot really? Instakill burst AND utility?"

"You literally press Q E R and kill someone from miles away"

"Did she really need a shield TOO?"

"Im tired of her range and utility, it makes no sense."

"I just got one shot by a burst mage. Riot!??!"

EDIT: "20 SECONDS CD ON A 1000+ DAMAGING AOE LONG RANGE ULT???? R I O T????????????????????"

EDIT: Some people are missing the catch here. im NOT comparing Lux and Zoe, they are 2 different champions. If Lux was a new champion, and you was to see her for the first time, you'd be caught off guard, just like you're right now, and you'd whine that she is OP because you're not able to understand a new mechanic.

You are pissed right now because Zoe is a new champion, not because she is OP or UP. You're NOT able to tell if she is OP or UP YET.

You can change that with Vladimir, Sona, WHATEVER OLD CHAMPION, POINT BEEING: "You are gettign caught off guard, because you're NOT used to Zoe YET."

TL;DR: Grow some fingers.

submitted by /u/H2Stickman
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Medic will cast the EU LCS 2018

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 10:06 AM PST


"An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but if the doctor's this cute, forget the fruit. Pleased to be bringing my gorgeous visage to the EU LCS in 2018!"

I love you RIOT EU <3

submitted by /u/NewStart4
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'Official' Emote BM Tier List

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 07:37 AM PST

Reddit Front Page Reward:

Due to how popular this post got I have added a brand new emote that Riot should add into the game that takes a little bit of something from all of hour fav emotes. Riot Pls.

Due to the influx of emotes I figured it would be fitting to sort them into tiers of BM/Tilt inducing range. Not every emote will be listed as most of them end up being in the D range but the ones that are above and beyond will certainly get special treatment.

S Tier: Holds only one emote at any given time


The one and only best BM emote goes to M'Pengu his smug little fact with his tiny tophat deserves the number one spot in BMing history. Zed just one shot you and he pulls this smug fuck out you are gonna be more tilted than the dramatic drop in preorder numbers of SW:BF2

A Tier: Not as good as the S tier emote but worthy of a high mention.


I kept her out on purpose it was all according to Keikaku, also +5 Vaynespotting points.

Thumbs up:

Failed flash? Thumbs up. Missed Ashe arrow? Thumbs up. Very versatile and is also given to everyone for free what a great emote.

Nice Try:

Would be ranked in S tier if Lux's laugh played alongside it but for now it remains as just Lux's smug face, worthy of A tier.

Does Not Compute:

Due to popularity Blitz has moved up two whole tiers on the reasoning that he is a '?' ping that enemies can see.

B Tier: Works if you are on an emote budget or don't want to get caught Bming as often as others a worthy substitute.

Catch me if you can:

Jinx sticking her tongue out at you after you fail a dive or see a Singed running away at the tiniest sliver of health, very tilting but could be better.


A solid emote for when your enemy misses their Malphite Ult and then has to run away. (Small Note: If you have Syndra this Emote goes up to A tier for when you bind it to R and one shot AD's)

Tham Kench:

The perfect mastery for playing a tank. Play Sion, Kench, Ornn ect. and walk in with 6k health spamming this emote as the mere <2k health mortals cower in your presence. Let them know that their puny attacks merely makes you grin.

C Tier: Very Sub optimal BM emotes but still not the bottom of the barrel try to get a higher tier emote if you wish to start your salt mining business.


Amumu's crying can be pretty tilting in certain matchup's most fitting would probably be trying to play a Bruiser in Preason, sadly he gets put in C tier as I think the goal of these is to BM the enemy, not yourself for wanting to pick Darius in champ select.

Happy To See You:

The less cool Penguin, but still a penguin none the less.

Surrender @ 20

The White Flag to rule them all solid when you are playing disco Nunu or Running it down mid as Draven after giving first blood to a Jinx.

D Tier: The Rest

Honorable Mentions: A new tier I made up to show off emotes that don't quite bring the tilt but are amazing in their own right for one reason or another.

Something Something Gems:

I mean look I am straight as Ashe's arrow but if Taric did this hair flip in my presence I am not saying I am opposed to experimenting....It's not weird.....Emote is great.

This is my List so far comment on where you think other emotes should go or if some emotes should be demoted or promoted this is the current baseline.

submitted by /u/Arxeon
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2018 EU LCS Roster: Nisqy

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 01:01 PM PST

10 hour pen drawing of Aurelion Sol and Taric

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 09:52 AM PST

https://imgur.com/eE1zHcx A concept piece I came up with friends, had a lot of fun doing it.

more of my art https://www.instagram.com/mantrecou/

submitted by /u/Mantrecou
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FlyQuest announce Anda as their new jungler!

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 02:24 PM PST


After having Liquid buy his contract from Immortals, Anda will be joining Fly as their jungler next split!

That completes FlyQuest's roster, having:

  • Flame in the Top lane
  • Anda in the jungle
  • Fly in the mid lane
  • WildTurtle as ad-carry
  • and Stunt as their support
submitted by /u/_dwib
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OniviaHighlights will no longer be posting KeSPA Cup highlights

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 07:51 AM PST

Hey Guys The ones who are following Kespa Cup I have bad news for you. Today we received copyright strike from Korean Esport association, so we removed all existing Kespa Cup highlights from Onivia channel and we will not be uploading any additional highlights as well. Last year we did not have any problems with Kespa Cup content.

See you all at All Stars.

submitted by /u/OniviaHighlights
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59year old LS sub asked about hashinshin

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 02:42 PM PST

Now that Svenskeren joined C9, G2 Jankos is becoming a very likely possibility

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 10:25 AM PST

All the NA LCS rosters are completed aside Clutch Gaming, but they're rumored to have Lira and Febiven as imports.

Get hyped

submitted by /u/Scatter5D
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TL Olleh Teased on Team Liquid's Twitter

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 12:31 PM PST


Today is Olleh's 23rd birthday, and Team Liquid LoL page tweeted out two birthday cakes.

Olleh will likely be announced today to join the Team Liquid roster later today, as they also did little emoji tweets to announce Xmithe, Pobelter, and Doublelift.

Glad to see Olleh land on a great looking team with familiar faces!

submitted by /u/Hammershank
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I don't think people who say Zoe is as bad as old Nidalee remember how cancerous nid used to be...

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 05:44 AM PST

Recently i see a lot of people comparing zoe to old nidalee and I don't think these people really remember how unpleasant it was to face nidalee. Nidalee had no mana dash escapes plus her passive ms on practically no cooldown whereas zoe has no escapes. Nidalee had half hp heals every 3 seconds whereas zoe has no sustain and the only way zoe can do as much damage is with the bonus damage from sleep, but after you get hit by that it's incredibly easy to just walk behind a minion/teammate or just qss/cleanse the stun and lose the bonus damage. Not to mention the hitbox for zoe q is tiny compared to nidalee spear even after they nerfed her hitbox.

submitted by /u/MrRupo
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[Cosplay] I cosplayed as Star Guardian Ahri

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 06:13 AM PST

I really wanted to share this with you guys so I hope some of you like it. If you have any questions about how anything was made please ask!

Cosplay Here!

Edit: Another Photo

submitted by /u/FidgetingFox
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Idea: show dmg negated by ninja tabi/merc tabs in post game

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 04:05 AM PST

As i argued with my adc that it might be a good idea to buy ninja tabi vs vayne,zed,darius and reksai, i came to the idea that it might be usefull to show how much dmg was/would've been negated by just buying those boots for this game.

Could also show how much less cc'd you were because of merc tabs.

This might not only show some players the value of those options but also shows if your choice was right this game.

What are your thoughts?

Edit: goin afk for some hours straight to frontpage, hi mom! Jokes aside, love the discussion, and the fact that some ppl like the idea!

submitted by /u/FelsbadmanGG
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Right now playing as or against Zoe, she doesn't feel like high skillcap champion. You land E, you kill people.

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 11:16 PM PST

In my recent low-mid diamond games atleast. If you fight against her in jungle, she lands one E over wall and deletes your carry with one Q. That's literally all there is to it. Am I the only one?

submitted by /u/RS_Kin0
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11/27 PBE Update

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 12:08 PM PST

Holding the CTRL key and pressing the up and down arrows on your keyboard change the clients resolution.

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 06:18 AM PST

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