League of Legends - Monday Megathread! Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged!

Monday Megathread! Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged!

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 06:35 PM PST

Welcome to the latest Monday Megathread, where you the community get to ask your questions and share your knowledge.

This is an opportunity for the more experienced LoL players here to share some of your wisdom with those with less expertise. This thread will be a weekly safehaven for those "noobish" questions you may have been too scared to ask for fear of downvotes, but also can be a great place for in depth discussion if you so wish. So, don't hold back, get your game related questions ready and post away, and hopefully someone can answer them!

Previous threads

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Basic Mechanics explanation in our Wiki

New Player Guide by /u/The-All-Tomato

Other: Check out /r/lolstreams for all your streaming needs.

If you wish to talk about LoL in real time with other people, check out our IRC channel. Full info here --- Webchat here.

Please sort this post by new, so that you can see the newer, unanswered questions.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Sweet Game Deals | Get League of Legends (an 80$ EA experience) for free now!

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 09:24 AM PST

Hello, potential summoner! Sorry, I mean potential payer-PLAYER! Hellooooo potential player!!

Are you sick and tired of having to drop an exorbitant amount of money on an EA exclusive, just to have microtransactions shoved down your throat like an albino Yordle having his way with you? Does seeing virtual currency in your videogame make you gag and return your jewel-case collector's edition box back to mom? Look no further than the MOBA game with worldwide acclaim,

League! Of! Legends!

Drop that stinking Star Wars and play a real title! League of Legends, or LoL for short, is a massively-online battle arena. What does this mean? You play on the same map, go after the same goals and share similar moments across games, but vary your characters and role each time. But hey I heard you Star Wars people LOVE repeating the same old stories.

More than anything about the games quality execution or lenticular gameplay, the main attracting feature of League is its ability to be an EA game for FREE!

In Star Wars Battlefront 2, it takes forty hours just to unlock Darth Vader without payment. In Riot Game's brain child, you can play forty hours to unlock Zoe (our female protagonist transcends time and space, so take that Rei!) without payment. Except. It's. F-R-E-E to play. Power to the gamers.

What's it gonna be? Sacrificing your first-born to get scrap and having the added insult of no longer being able to afford a handy? Or sacrificing your first-born and then getting palmed afterwards? Wait I can word this better

NO TIME! You have to play League of Legends now, and your queue just popped. It's time go earn your sense of pride and accomplishment for a whopping 0.00 $

Albino Yordle not included. Prolonged exposure to toxicity may result in symptoms of sudden-onset tears, accusing people of wintrading, mouthbreathing and death. Do not play League of Legends if you are under the mental age of 8, but whatever, we both know you already play if that's the case. Please note I am joking about the currency system in League and am actually apathetic towards the situation, but hey leave a comment about blue essence anyways


Papaya wants to make this longer. Is it okay if Papaya makes this longer? He's going to make it longer.

Congratulations, newbie, on deciding to install League of Legends! In order to enjoy your free content, you're going to need a better understanding of how the game works. We've gotten quite the upgrade in the past few weeks.

In order to help you burn an inordinate amount of time on the Rift, I present to you the

Definitive Preseason Guide

Hello! Welcome to my guide for the beginning of season 8. In it, you can find tips on what's changed. You may have question about the changes themselves, or perhaps you simply want to avoid as much critical thinking as possible. That's okay! Not a lot of thought went into my guide, either.

What is the preseason?

Preseason is a steady stream of players that helps gets things moving. You'll know when the real season comes because there will be a burst of players and lots of noise surrounding its release. You can play in preseason but it won't yield anything down the line-unlike the season that comes after it, it really is just to build hype and anticipation around the season coming. Whenever you see a crazy change that alters the game, it is customary to exclaim, "whoa man! This has Riot's preseason all over it!" or "I can't wait to get my hands on their preseason!"

One might think playing ranked at the moment is useless. That cannot be farther from the truth (unless you added 'for that reason, everyone is super chill and plays to have fun'). You can increase your MMR, which acts kind of like a true value for how good you are. They are the power levels of League; you sit there wondering "how the hell did this guy match my ability when I'm tiers above him?" and realize it was an ass-pull by the writers to keep things interesting. That's why the silver Saiyans of universe 6 can be on par with the gold super Saiyans of universe 7. They have a high matchmaking rating.

So buckle down! Take a few deep breaths and play. Not to rank up, but to have fun and learn.

Legends tell, however...

In the darkest depths of the league community...

of those who can do both at once. I will not be teaching you how to be competitive and have fun at the same time. If you want that sort of zen euphoria go sit under a waterfall you loser.

Season 7 vs. Season 8

According to inductive reasoning, seasons follow in a Season Xn = (Xn-1 + 1) pattern. The result is that season 7 gives way to Season X = 7 + 1. Therefore, we are now in Season 8, QED.

That was unnecessarily complicated. Sorta like the old rune system. "Let's scrap it and make something completely new," Riot said. And they did, and it's all super cool! Gone are the days of sorting out your rune page like they are a meticulously detailed character sheet (my Akali was abused as a young child by her uncle and hails from a clan of werewolf clerics, also she gets 1.4 MR per level). Instead, you get to choose less runes, but each one packs a veritable punch rather than a +1% critical rate. Mobile Legends did it first. No, seriously. Riot ended up suing Mobile Legends and their developer for the rights to runes reforged.

More additions arrive in League's next season. IP, or Influence Points, moved out of the way for Blue Essence. All the rest is up in the air. Who will be the next flavor of the month? What will be the best runic combination? When will reddit find the right issue to complain about for the next three months? No idea lol I don't even play the game

Runes Reforged

Here is a table of the new runes.


Name School Description
Precision Web page says "become a legend." What does that even mean?
Press the Attack Precision A three hit passive for players scared of change.
Lethal Tempo Precision Right click more after right clicking
Fleet Footwork Precision Scoot around on the carpet in your socks to build up energy
Domination What every silver player imagines they're going to do as a DPS
Electrocute Domination "Our playerbase is scared, damn it! More Thunderlords!"
Predator Domination Close the Spacey between you and a tantalizing target
Dark Harvest Domination Become a soulsucking killer like the game itself
Summon Aery Sorcery Casts spell OwO what's this?! Pounces
Arcane Comet Sorcery Have fun forgetting this exists until you've already lost lane
Arcane Rush Sorcery As opposed to a normal rush...
Resolve eh I got nothing
Grasp of the Undying Resolve Reminds me of this Ratatoskr comic I found awhile ago
Aftershock Resolve Inspired by that time your mom fell in a Walmart
Guardian Resolve Preseason is the perfect time to try this 'trusting your team' idea
Inspiration "Outwit mere mortals..." by inspiring them? Seriously wtf
Unsealed Spellbook Inspiration Unsealed, unlike the majority of the J.F.K documents
Glacial augment Inspiration You'll warm up to it whether you want to or not.
Kleptomancy Inspiration Now I won't have to run to Hearthstone for my RNG fix!


As you can see, these runes will drastically change the way we play League. Understanding the intricacies of each will be the decisive factor between victory and defeat.

Fun Rune Ideas!

Riot has already done a few, such as Tactical Strike Jhin, Speedy Dog Hecarim and Divebomber Leona. In honor of these creative builds, here are a few of my own!

Lore Friendly Annie

Lore friendly Annie utilizes the resolve tree, to represent how the resolve of her innocence broke when her parents died.

Keystone: LF Annie runs "Grasp of the Undying," because the specters of her dead family follow the mage wherever she goes on the Rift.

Greater Rune: "Font of Life is the only such one for Annie, who fervently wishes there had been one for her dead parents.

Lesser Rune 1: In order to stay lore friendly, "conditioning" makes a lot of sense for LF Annie, as she needed to run very far away from home the night her parents died.

Lesser Rune 2: "Overgrowth" describes the moss crawling over the burnt, ruined place where Annie had grown up, before her parents died.

For her Secondary set, choose Sorcery and whatever two runes you want--they didn't help her save her dying parents, anyway.

Safe for Work Evelynn

Safe for Work Evelynn relies on the Precision tree, because everyone precisely knows why you main her.

Keystone: "Fleet footwork"--if you run fast enough, no one can notice you're under-dressed.

Greater Rune: Here we need to take "Presence of Mind." Evelynn is actually a go-getting med student in her third year, who competes in League to fund her ambitions. Nice job judging, prick.

Lesser Rune 1: Why not "Legend: Alacrity?" This is to complement Evelynn's positive attitude and love of long-term monogamous relationships.

Lesser Rune 2: Just choose "coup de grace" because Evelynn is french or something I don't know

From the Inspiration (she is so inspiring) tree, take:

  • "Celestial Body." Mmmm.

  • "Magical Footwear." Like, omigod honey, I would kill for those shoes right now.

Level Beyond 30, New HP Bars!

Are you sick and tired of being stuck at level 30? Do the HP bars make your eyes hurt? You're in luck this season! It is time to go... even... further beyond! and reach new highs. This change comes alongside an IP change. Blue Essence shall take over for IP, and instead of earning straight currency you will earn lootboxes, which contain a random reward as well as some Blue Essence!

Lootboxes? Seriously? Screw this preseason guide it's time to make some youtube bucks

Hey yo what up guys Pap here and today I have another video for you, today we're gonna be opening up sick level-up crates from Slick Champz dot ru that's slick champz, a dot, then ru. okay people let's dive right into it and open the first one

aw sweet this is a common-level shard for Poppy, now from what I heard she is like a tank and I gotta give a shoutout to her designers and the peeps over at slick champz ru for making this all possible, that's slick champz dot ru never heard of this website before today it's crazy man. I mean this champ just looks super hot, she is JRH NBR for my waist haha you know what I'm talking about let's get on to the next one



THAT'S a Thresh shard I think

oh my god it's Thresh, that's a 6300 champ and I hear he is an ABSOLUTE BEAST on the Rift, my friend got one of these and he went from bronze 2 to silver 1 in a week, this is basically a cheat code you can buy in a lootbox, I cannot believe this, slick champz ru's crates really came through here, this website I never heard before just got me a RARE CHAMP, WOOOOO let's try him out

yeah, yeah, this champ feels great, watch out you hooker, yeah ur a hooker, you got hooked by me, you can't escape dubstep ignite

Anyways I'm gonna wrap this video up cuz I'm out of shards but thanks for watching and remember the website slick champz dot ru, that's slick champz, followed by a dot no spaces, ru. Oh wait oh shit man this fake plug video just became an actual plug, you can find my account at https://www.youtube.com/papayadreaming, that's youtube followed by a dot followed by a com, followed my a forward slash followed by a papayadreaming, man is he really doing this, this is some shady stuff

The Flagship Champ of Season 8...

...Is Zoe, the Aspect of Twilight! Holds up spork. Jams spork in eye to sever my visual connection to this disappointing world.

Once upon a time, there was a thing called The Institute of War. There were a gang of summoners who took residence in it or something, and summoned 'champions' to settle their conflicts. These champions came from all walks of life and times of Valoran, and the narrative was about the bond between summoner and champion, the harnessing of potential, and the tangential personal lives of the League. This idea spawned way too many fanfic about summoners calling forth their favorite champions and forcing them to debase each other, leading to Riot going all "yamete" and gutting it. The real reason was that it was a weakly-typed lore for a game surging in popularity. Here's the rub: their replacement, Universe, has been in the works for years. Here's the other rub: it will not be finished this season, because there are 139 champs and about a fourth of those are incompatible with the rest. What didn't need to make sense before transformed into a real problem.

Storytelling is an invincible, infinite art that laughs in the face of sayings like "these two things can't ever go together." Just because you power your house with electricity, however, doesn't mean you can shoot lightning from your hands. Riot has done a commendable job reworking and tweaking their roster into characters who can enter each others' worlds. No, seriously. It is quite the feat. Even so, weaving together all of these different walks of life in a way that has one central explanation behind magic, one central hierarchy of power, and one consistent political space is hefty at best, impossible at worst. Bilgewater and the ocean. Demacia and Noxus. Piltover and Zaun. They are self-contained stories and it is extremely difficult to do crossovers. Riot is slowly attempting to pull off this proverbial backflip (like Paint the Town. Paint the Town features Piltover and Zaun, includes Yordles, and has implications of Noxian influence on the characters. Getting to the point where this is possible alone shows years of work. What I'm try to say is, relax on giving the Narrative team a lot of crud if your favorite champ has more entries on r34 than on Universe.

Okay then Zoe appears hahaha

What a mess. Wish things could go down like this

I don't understand the logic behind Zoe. Who, by all accounts, does the cutesy girl thing very well. Riot pulled it off, and in doing so made connecting all the pieces that much harder. There was no reason for an Aspect (part of the Targon lore filled with great warriors and beasts) to be an... 'ancient everchild.' So close! Everything from her body shape to the way she talks and interacts with champions feels off. Like that part of your identity-love, fear, whatever-which feels separate to everything else you are. Her role as an aspect and role as magic girl are utterly divorced.

Hopefully the Universe expands rather than implodes in season 8, and future champions go back to the trend of being a part of the universe and not being magic girls in charge of it.

Good luck and have fun, player!

submitted by /u/Papaya_Dreaming
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The best Galio use of E ever done, period.

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 10:18 AM PST

PROJECT: Hunters | Login Screen - League of Legends

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 11:23 AM PST

Yo we have a problem regarding the Graves skin

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 08:39 AM PST

So you guys might remember a while ago they updated the victorious Graves texture to add more detail to his gun https://i.imgur.com/eXPgj2g.png
Well we have a slight problem because it seems like that has been forgotten on all of his chromas https://i.imgur.com/bmVjiza.png

submitted by /u/Mexiclap
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Suggestion: Show ping before searching for a game.

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 01:35 AM PST

As some of us with awful internet know, it is frustrating to have to load into a custom game or open up a command prompt to check our ping before EVERY game. The new client absolutely needs to have a way of showing our ping, or at least an alert that your ping is high before you start a game.

submitted by /u/DragonXDT
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Low budget Sivir cosplay

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 11:51 AM PST

Cosplay made by my sister entirely made out of cardboard https://imgur.com/a/n7QIa.

submitted by /u/Noble_Iris
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Should the NA LCS introduce salary caps? - Travis Talks

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 08:00 AM PST

Malphite - The Iceberg (1500 armor oneshotting colossus)

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 05:40 AM PST

We've seen the Tank Zed and Cleaver Darius videos, and they're disgusting.

But what happens if you stack CDR on an actual tank?

The Iceberg Malphite, that's what happens. He's weak to being picked off by roaming mages, but absolutely nukes people and still functions as a physical supertank.


Resolve - Aftershock, Demolish, Conditioned, Overgrowth Sorcery - Transcendence, Ultimate Hat 

Final build:

Iceborn Gauntlet Frozen Heart Frozen Heart Frozen Heart Frozen Heart OR Thornmail OR Abyssal Mask Seraph's Embrace (build Tear early) 

Total AP:

Due to mana (Seraph): ~4000 * 0.03 = 120 AP Due to item (Seraph): 80 AP Due to excess CDR: 140 AP Total = 340 AP 

Fun facts:

Q damage = 270 + 340*0.6 = 474 Ult damage: 400 + 340 = 740 Ult cooldown (after having used it 5 times): 51 seconds Maximum Seraph shield strength: 4000 mana * 0.2 + 150 = 950 

Total armor when Granite/Seraph shield is up:

101 (base) + 8 (rune) + 465(items) * (90%(W) + 5%(rune)) = ~1119 

Total armor for 2.5 sec after using ult (due to Aftershock):

1119 + 1119*0.30 + 20 = ~1475 

Iceborn Gauntlet radius during Aftershock:

180 + (1475 - 101(base))*0.55 = 935 (roughly double the range of Flash) 

E damage during Aftershock:

200 + 1475*0.4 + 340*0.2 = ~858 

W bonus damage per autoattack during Aftershock:

75 + 340*0.1 + 1475*0.15 = ~330 

Aftershock blast damage (assuming 200 minions for Overgrowth, aka 5% health):

140 + ((2104 + 130)*1.05)*0.035 = ~223 

Wombo combo:

740(ult) + 858(E) + 330(W) + 474(Q) + 119(iceborn proc) + 223 (aftershock) = 2744 mixed damage 

So, Malphite ult-E-W's the squishiest part of the team (preferably Syndra or Orianna since they are dangerous to him), and they pop like a balloon, with Aftershock and Iceborn as AOE cherries on top.

He can then activate his 950 hp Seraph shield to ensure his passive isn't broken, and calmly saunter around in his gigantic Icy Zone, catching people with Qs and shaking off ADC shots like dandruff.

His (relatively) low health means Giant Slayer and the Cut Down rune are not effective against him, but watch out for Mortal Reminder and Kog'Maw.

EDIT: Also try this on Kassadin! Full tank frozen nuke Kassadin! He has innate MR and great synergies with CDR and max mana, so the Seraph isn't that crucial for him. Get Grasp of the Undying on Kass instead of Aftershock though.

submitted by /u/Staehr
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11/13 PBE Update

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 01:10 PM PST

TCS Fall 2017 Rosters Announced

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 10:12 PM PST

Link to screenshot

Seed # Team # Team Name Captain Player Player Player Player Sub
1 414 Team Brickz Jurãssiq SSita Rhubarbs W0WFIXZ Wintér Brickz
2 390 Team Fence OddOJ(TheOddOrange) primsai(Prismal) Coach is Beyond(Max Waldo) ablazeolive CallMeWhyin(Whyin) -
3 359 Beans for Dinner too bad for sg(Lohpally) linsanity Allorim Blaberfish2 Shøryu -
4 433 No Clue Peridot Dhokla An Obese Panda Johnsun Pyrites Hyami
5 220 Team fwii Pants are Dragon fwii Teesum sorry summoner(katevolved) Redmercy Cris
6 117 MLGB Shout MLGB Grae MLGB Clown MLGB Blade MLGB TailsJJ -
7 420 behavior check 19980611(tarzaned) ybooks takatsukisen(cloud y) baekk leagué v dog
8 442 Gweiss eSports Gweíss dog2 Dylaran Weeknd GL IM ZWAG(Zwag) always plan ahea
9 453 Stream Dream Team Imaqtpie Scarra Dyrus Shiphtur VoyBoy based yoona
10 358 Amazingly Evan MistyStumpey EvanRL rovex Dinlas(Shady) NintendudeX BukZach
11 373 Good Luck at McDonalds avi is me(Avi) Ashˉ Tawnington(Tony) cloudnguyén dayˉ(Yusui) dellzor
12 366 R u rdy for trance? Skaarlet Kledder(fresh) NJP Value julien faith in myself(trance) Hołlywood
13 380 Super Nova Esports Tactical PieCakeLord no regrets Fanatiik Soligo ArtemiÅ›
14 289 GMU + Robbybob ioan enriqué Routé FIREFLY Robbybob alix
15 194 Haikou Gollege of Economics YummiBananas Gaow Gaiy Erry JJGS(JayJ) jhEEsh Susice
16 442 DreamerZ Challenger Rip Ardent mlst lft Pozay Rodov Magerdanger Andybendy

Edit: The competition will start at 11am CST on the 18th of November over at https://twitch.tv/competeleague, and the finals will be held the following Friday 24th of November, over on Tyler1's twitch channel https://twitch.tv/loltyler1

Edit 2: Relegades have been replaced by DreamerZ Challenger.

submitted by /u/chivas604
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Is Ivern autistic?

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 07:41 PM PST

So I've been playing quite a bit of Ivern lately, and his dialogue is really cool. I've noticed a couple of things that are even more interesting as I've played him more though. Ivern says a lot of things that correlate with someone on the autistic spectrum.

From his disconnection with people, longing for isolation and lack of change, poor social abilities, quirky body language, to a strange fascination with animals and creatures. Everything screams autistic, or at least a representation of one. As someone who has an autistic brother, it's always cool to see what looks like the devs representing different people, and not in a negative or incorrect way.

submitted by /u/AmazingPablo
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Out of The Blue Team: sponsored by Airbus and coached by Steve

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 08:35 AM PST

A solution for future new champ releases on PBE

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 08:43 AM PST

I'm tired of people dodging games because they didn't get to pick the new champ. Tired of having to make a custom room titled "ZOE 1V1" and have the other guy afk when they are at a disadvantage. And to top it all off, we can't even play Zoe alone because Practice Tool and solo custom is disabled due to high traffic!

My solution: enable One for All whenever a new champion is released on PBE

Let everyone try the new champ. Ten people testing a champ in five different roles (there's always someone daring enough to try out every new champ in the jungle). Bugs can be found 10x faster. Buffs and nerfs can be tried out 10x faster. We can even get 10x more clickbait montages!!!

Also if we could get One for All for the live servers that'd also be cool, ya know.

submitted by /u/TexFalls
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Thee Mark Z: Should NA LCS introduce Salary Caps?

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 02:40 PM PST

With the release of the new skins especially the upcoming Project skins, I feel that the craftable hextech skins for 10 gemstone are low quality and can't keep up.

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 07:19 AM PST

How do you feel about it ? They should be super quality, super rare, top notch and very hard to obtain, but comparing Project Vayne with Soulstealer Vayne for example it feels like I don't even want to craft it anymore. News skins are just too good. Also an update on old Legendary skins would be pretty cool like Demonblade Tryndamere or Gentleman Chogath. They feel really really outdated comparing to the cost.

submitted by /u/NotAGoodPlayer
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The Stats for Keystones are in. An initial impression:

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 10:03 PM PST


I often do statistical analyses of League items/champions/runes etc. on my own time, usually to know before most what's sleeper overpowered (incredibly successful but uncommon), such as unusual builds/rune setups or underrated champions.

I've looked at the performance of some of the more controversial keystones and attached my impressions below. Let me know if there is anything you'd like me to add.

Summon Aery

What you'll notice first is that even the poke-oriented champions, E.G. Xerath, Ziggs, Zilean, tend to win a fair bit more with Summon Aery than with Arcane Comet.

But not only this, but many champions like Pantheon and Jhin are winning much more with Aery than with anything else.

And then the majority of Aery's actual intended users (Sona, Nami, etc.) don't even come anywhere close with any other runes as they do with Aery.

So clearly Aery is overtuned offensively. It could use some identity-sharpening. (Is it really a hybrid rune or just extra poke damage?)

Arcane Comet

Mediocre. It does fine on a fair bit of mages (49-42% range) but often underperforms compared to Aery.

The main issue with Comet is its utter lack of identity. It seems to be a poke-oriented rune in that it's a long-range extra damage proc on a moderate cooldown.

But it also seems to be a crowd-control, burst-combo mage rune, because its damage is dependent on landing, which is only guaranteed when landing a CC ability (I.E. Xerath's Stun, Lux's Binding, Syndra's Stun, Brand's Stun, etc.) but then the rune is just extra damage on a combo, which makes it fill Electrocute's niche.

But even then, they added a cooldown reduction to the rune for users who repeatedly damage enemies, which orients Arcane Comet towards champions who spam/deal DoT so they can proc it as frequently as possible.

It's apparent that Riot tried to make one keystone rune be a mediocre solution for every single mage in the game, and succeeded. No mages are succeeding nearly as often with Electrocute, with Phase Rush, etc. And they all have 'alright' performances with comet. How utterly boring for the midlane. God willing, Riot might give mages Stormraider's Surge back sometime before Preseason ends.

Speaking of Stormraider's Surge:

Phase Rush

Decent on bruisers, worse than Resolve keystones on tanks.

Absolutely fucking awful on the majority of its previous users. (All mages.)

Where you'll find winrates in the 49-54% range when looking at mages' performance with Arcane Comet and Summon Aery, you'll find that Phase Rush typically has a ~42% winrate or so on the same champions, so bad that it's similar to not taking a keystone at all on the old system for many mages.

I'm especially perplexed about this rune because when Riot polled which rune the playerbase most wanted to return, the response was overwhelmingly Stormraider's Surge - but then they took the Surge replacement away from all of the people who were requesting it...and gave it to melee bruisers/assassins.

It's still decent on some, such as Yorick, and Kha'Zix, but the closest it ever comes to being decent on a mage is its gross ~46.5% winrate on toplane Karthus. Comparitively, it has a 42.8% winrate for him midlane.

Keep in mind that Riot repeatedly insisted that we just weren't realizing how good it was on these mages. Apparently, taking a group of mages' rune, gutting its speed value, increasing its cooldown, taking away its slow resistance for non-melees, and then making it drastically more difficult to proc leads to a rune being much worse.

Who could have known, except for anyone capable of common sense or basic logical reasoning?

Okay, so Riot blundered massively with the Sorcery Keystones. But let's move on to something more interesting.

The keystone you've all been waiting for:


Strap in, because we're going deep.

In terms of actual performance/power, Kleptomancy is...

. . .

Highly overrated. I want to emphasize a particular point here, which is apparent versus actual power.

Ardent Censer and Janna both had obscene levels of power, but, much like the old MR-Aura Aegis, had their power well-hidden. It's much more subtle than the in-your-face orbital beam of Redemption, for example. So they flew under the radar. Conversely, champions which are horrendous to play against are often left very weak because of how powerful they feel when playing against them. An example could be how Leblanc will be considered stronger than Sona (because Leblanc feels like bullshit to face, and Sona's power is much more subtle) even if LB has a 48% w/r and Sona has a 54% winrate.

To the point: Kleptomancy is more like Leblanc; it feels much more powerful than it actually is.

Kleptomancy is INCREDIBLY SATISFYING, very fun to use, and very viscerally rewarding. So its users tend to freak out and think it's broken - even when it isn't actually too successful compared to many other keystone runes.

Keep in mind that Kleptomancy isn't pure RNG. It's pseudo-RNG, heavily tuned to give an approximate range of gold and certain items at certain moments in the game. So it isn't as wildly variant as you might think.

Last note: Klepto is ridiculous on a couple of champions. Sona - who's grossly overpowered anyway - and Ezreal in the ADC role, having spiked them to the top of the charts in each of their respective roles.

THAT SAID, Kleptomancy is NOT OVERPERFORMING ON GANGPLANK. It has approximately a 49.4% winrate. Would you believe that even Grasp of the Undying and Summon Aery out-perform Kleptomancy on him?

Yes, it's fun. Yes, it feels powerful. But it's very well balanced (and very well designed.) The only champion who is overpowered with the rune strictly because of the rune is Ezreal, and, given that now his JG relies entirely on his Q applying red buff, and his ADC relies entirely on his Q applying Kleptomancy, it may be that a change to Ezreal himself is in order - not the rune.

Now, something...interesting.

Glacial Augment

Is Glacial augment any good?

Most of the time, not at all. This holds true even for chasing champions you might expect it to be good on, like Gnar, for whom Glacial Augment is pretty bad. 46.76% winrate, or Tryndamere, who rocks an impressive 42.35% winrate with this keystone.

The culprit seems to be that most would-be Glacial users are...

1) are better with Klepto/Aery if they're a ranged auto-attacker looking for utility, or

2) are better with a Precision/Domination keystone if they're looking to kill enemies, or

3) are better with the busted Resolve runes if they're a tank.

HOWEVER, it's been brought to my attention that Glacial Augment has a fair bit of special cases where it's decent.

Teemo, for example, has a 51.37% winrate -- but Teemo also has a 54% winrate overall, and is much better (3-4% higher winrate) with virtually every single keystone except Lethal Tempo, so take his Glacial Augment success rate with a grain of salt.

Kayle does well with this rune toplane, which surprises me, given that the slow doesn't stack with her Q.

Ekko midlane isn't terrible with it.

And then champions like Aurelion Sol and Zilean, who can use Hextech GLP-800 and auto attack somewhat frequently alongside their spell damage, are quite successful with it.

Another noteworthy mention:

Olaf seems to be very good with this rune, but across only a tiny sample size. My best guess: He's one of the only users in the game that benefits fully from both the auto-attack slow and the active-item ice beam (from buying Righteous Glory or Randuin's Omen.)

The general conclusion here is that Riot didn't balance the rune for pure auto-attackers or pure slowing-active-item-users, but instead balanced it around the few champions who can use both. If your champion can auto frequently and also gets an active slowing item, try it out. He/she might be one of the rare success cases with this rune.

Oh, but on most champions, it's really bad. Just keep that in mind.

Next, the sleeper keystones:

Grasp of the Undying and Aftershock

Seems to be plainly overtuned. Not unlikely that Aftershock is as well.

This becomes apparent when you take a quick look at Yorick's performance with the new Keystones.

He was initially thought to be OP this patch, but what you'll notice is that his newfound high winrate _only appears when using the new Grasp of the Undying, landing him at . The only other comparable rune for him is Phase Rush, which performs well, but is also nearly 1/40th as popular (which typically means it's being used in niche cases by one tricks/mains/rune-specific counterpicks, artificially inflating its winrate.) This reminded me of how tanks seem to have become supreme in toplane again, due to suddenly and inexplicably becoming immortal by mid-game. You may know this already if you've had the misfortune of playing versus a Maokai at all this patch.

The issue is, it's unclear whether Grasp/Aftershock themselves are overpowered or the Resolve Runes in general are overpowered, inflating Grasp's/Aftershock's winrates. On Maokai, for example, both keystones give him an almost identical 53.7% winrate, which makes it hard to pinpoint the culprit.

It could be, of course, that ALL of the Resolve runes/keystones are just overtuned. Likely because, as I mentioned with Kleptomancy, subtle power often goes unchecked. It's much easier to feel the damage of Scorch than it is to appreciate the survivability of one of the 5 armor/MR runes, even if those ones are actually stronger.

So keep an eye on who can abuse these Resolve runes. In some cases, such as Riven, Aftershock performs even better than offensive keystones. Which leads us to our next analysis:

THE DOMINATION KEYSTONES (Electrocute, Predator, and Dark Harvest)

Suffice it to say that none of these runes appear to be overpowered, and in some cases, appear to be bad.

First, a look at Dark Harvest. Take a look back at my Kleptomancy analysis of actual vs. perceived power and consider how many HOLY F#$KIN MOLY DARK HARVEST QUADRUPLE ONE-SHOT videos we had leading up to Runes Reforged's release.

It's very possible that the rune having its power concentrated into a sudden, initial, often unexpected burst made the rune appear more powerful than it actually was, especially in conjunction with the PBE hype (where it was much easier to snowball and stack the rune to unrealistic levels due to the imbalanced PBE matchmaking.)

Now, that isn't all to say that Dark Harvest is bad. It performs just fine on Kha'Zix, about equally as well as Electrocute and Phase Rush on him, but then falls flat on, for example, Kayn - though this is likely because its effectiveness drops sharply when he's going Rhaast but already took Dark Harvest due to anticipating a Shadow Assassin game.

Electrocute is just about Average.

To give you an idea, it performs slightly-sub-50% on Riven, slightly-above-50% on similar champions like Jayce, and then just about 50% on Kha'Zix.

What you'll notice, however, is that, unlike Thunderlord's Decree, Electrocute seems wildly variant on mages.

Zilean, who was previously a core TLD user, wins only just under 47% of the time with Electrocute, even though it's much easier to proc on him now, as his E-slow and a bomb attaching both stack the rune now. (But he's not crying because he has plenty of other great options.)

Syndra is just awful this patch, rocking a staggering ~45% winrate. That said, Electrocute seems fine on her, just worse than Aery, which, as we know, is overpowered.

Most mages, however - Lux, Brand, Zyra etc. either have underwhelming (~48% range) success rates with Electrocute or are just clearly worse with Electrocute than with other options.

One more thing:

**Predator seems to be awful on a lot of champions, if you just go by winrates.

But often times, active items have their performance artificially deflated due to the increased skillcap associated with them. It's very likely that Predator is just fine, or very good, on many champions but its users are accidentally cancelling the channel, trying to figure out how to use it optimally, etc. so don't count it out quite yet.

Malzahar, for example, does just fine with Predator.

Alright, I'm getting tired, so I'll do one more analysis for now:

THE PRECISION KEYSTONES (Lethal Tempo, Press the Attack, Fleet Footwork)

This is likely the most well-balanced tree.

One observation that stood out to me is that Press the Attack is almost unanimously better than Lethal Tempo on every champion, though this is not always the case.

Have a look at Kog'Maw. What you'll find, shockingly, is that all of the keystones perform about equally on him - just about in the 50-51% winrate range. Twitch, by contrast, has a gross (54%) winrate with Press the attack, while being balanced with the other two keystones.

Our main man Jhin does just awfully with both Press the Attack and Lethal Tempo (unsurprisingly), slightly less awfully with Fleet Footwork, and actually performs fairly well with Arcane Comet!

Of course, Aery is still Jhin's best keystone, but as we've discussed, Aery is currently overpowered and will almost certainly have its offensive power tuned down.

Our main girl Jinx has a meh winrate with Lethal Tempo (slightly sub-49%), a fair 50% with Fleet Footwork, and a nice 51% with press the attack. I definitely didn't expect Press the Attack to outperform Lethal Tempo on auto-attack centric hypercarries like her, but here we are.


Alright, if there's anything else you'd like me to look at, let me know.

  • Off Meta Zilean
submitted by /u/bazopboomgumbochops
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Victorious Graves has been released

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 03:28 AM PST

Edit: The wardskin and the icons are out aswel!

submitted by /u/Twexter_OW
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Thank god for Riot games and it’s truly awesome employees.

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 08:19 AM PST

With the recent backlash of EA and it's shitstorm waves making its way around the redditverse it brings me happiness to realize that while Riot isn't perfect they don't outright butt blast their community. Here's to Season 8 and another good year with one of the best gaming companies.

submitted by /u/Nyxceris512
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Is there a combination of attack damage, armor and lifesteal that exactly cancels itself out?

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 05:32 AM PST

So that 2 champions could aa each other forever? Not counting full armor tanks that just regen passively...

submitted by /u/Ermellino
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Thoughts on Zoe after PBE testing

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 05:37 AM PST

First of all: super fun champ. no doubt is going to be a popular pick for a lot of people, so much you can do with all of her abilities.

BUT The E sleep spell has a serious issue. The ability is pretty difficult to dodge short range, and the sleep is a LONG hit. Hitting it from far away feels amazing and leads to some highlight reel worthy kills! but when someone is chasing you and you can simply fire the E point blank and score an easy kill, its too much.

Recommended change: make the sleep duration less for short ranged hits. just like how her Q hits like a truck if you land it from super far but doesnt do much when fired point blank, the E should feel similar in my opinion. let me know what u think!

Edit: For those of you who are curious, here are the numbers for Zoe's E

Sleepy Trouble Bubble (E) Range: 800 80 Mana 15.5/15/14.5/14/13.5 sec Cooldown

"Dropkick a bubble that deals 60/100/140/180/220 (+40% AP) magic damage, lingering as a trap if it hits nothing. The bubble's range is extended when flying over a wall. After a delay, the victim falls asleep for 2 seconds. Attacks and spell hits break sleep but deal double damage, up to 60/100/140/180/220 (+40% AP) bonus damage. When an enemy falls asleep, Sleepy Trouble Bubble's cooldown is reduced by 10/15/20/25/30%."

submitted by /u/bane898
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11 HOURS of play to get that 50lvl reward

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 06:12 AM PST

Math post.


According to announced 7.23 changes, amount of XP requred to hit 50 lvl is set to around 3500 exp, which will take you about 11h of game time.

For 51 lvl you will have to earn 2600 exp, which values for 8,5h of game time.

Considering you are playing with 50% winrate, your average games are 27 min long and have 5 min downtime between them. No FWOTD included to calculations.

quick maths

Charts with math: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nszDPS18ivnoAkjdL5ye3EaCkvzZhCXY51WDDapKRpg/edit?usp=sharing

Previous post with detailed explanations to new exp system: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/7c2gw5/new_experience_system_math_and_how_to_farm_it/

Edit: misspelling

submitted by /u/Anchelor
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getting additional mastery levels shouldn't cost blue essence, but should take more games with S ratings

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 05:12 AM PST

there are way too many people walking around with mastery 7 and stuff while it actually isn't that much of a challenge to get them, considering you need 2 or 3 S ratings to get them.
i personally think getting like 10 S ratings for your level 6 mastery should be alright, that would show that you didn't just have some lucky games and some spare BE

submitted by /u/I_love_Gordon_Ramsay
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CJ Entus is disbanding and has expired its contracts with all members.

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 12:27 AM PST

Source: https://www.facebook.com/entus.progaming/

Hello fans. As from Nov 13, we have expired our contract with the LoL team coaches and players, 'Vinylcat' Woo Chul Chae, 'Mokuza' Dae Woong Kim, 'Soul' Hyun Seok Seo, 'Racoon' Seong Ho Park, 'Winged' Tae Jin Park, 'Candy' Seung Ju Kim, 'Veritas' Kyoung Min Kim, 'Avenger' Seon Woo You and 'Pure' Jin Seon Kim. We really appreciate their dedication to our team during their time there.

Meanwhile, confusion and grief arises in Inven and other Korean communities as fans discuss if CJ Entus itself is disbanding.

This is a team where CloudTemplar, Madlife and Shy made their career. It'll be very sad to see the team walk into the history.

Some Korean fans are still hopeful that CJ might be buying Longzhu's seed - A team that has been experiencing sponsor issues and has been officially out of a sponsor since Summer 2017, which will mean that both Longzhu and CJ legacy will continue. Nothing confirmed so far.

submitted by /u/AshleyKang
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We have been roasting my friend for over 7 months because this play.

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 08:30 PM PST

The new level system also blocks part of your Summoner Icons

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 12:11 PM PST


Tried it with a few different icons and it seems to block the bottom part and the rest of the edges, overall just making your summoner icon look too big for the frame. They either need to reduce the frame size or make the Summoner Icons smaller inside the frame. Kinda sucks lol. It isnt a really a bid deal at all, but I did pay money for some of my icons so its important to me that they at least look right.

submitted by /u/bullymeplease
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