Heroes of the Storm - [Online harassment] Why Blizzard should never step away from introducing voice chat

[Online harassment] Why Blizzard should never step away from introducing voice chat

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 09:08 AM PST

Hi there,

please don't judge just because of the title. If you are really interessted in this topic, go ahead and finish reading and judge afterwards.

u/stephoddish said on her Twitter account, it would be a bad move by Blizzard to introduce voice communication because of potential harassments towards minorities (women, transgender and others). This post is NOT about calling her out or trying to harm her. Many of us like her content on twitch and watch her on regular basis. She searched the publicity with her opinion about voice chat and the public has the right to answer even if a part of the public does not agree with everything she said.

We ALL agree that being harassed is something terrible and people who suffer from it do not have to "just take the hit". If you get harassed, you have all rights to fight back or to make them stop. On that topic, nobody disagrees with Steph.

On the other hand she says "don't introduce a new feature, because it will lead to less people of minorities in HotS".

I just want to show why that argument is wrong, without ANY anger or hate whatsoever but I just can't let that stand without saying the complete opposite.

Remember the first days of video games being streamed? Remember the days when Twitch.tv got introduced? If not, imagine somebody came up with close to the same words Steph wrote on her Twitter about Blizz' voice chat:

"Don't make this platform because minorities can potentially be harrased by their viewers. They could also feel forced to use a facecam too. If they dont use one they might have less viewers than a streamer with a facecam. Their intentions not to use a facecam could be based on them being part of a minority, not fitting the female role model, not being male, being black or whatever reason. A lower viewership means less income. That could lead to them feeling oppressed by the majority and eventually stepping away from Twitch entirerly. A platform like Twitch forces minorities to reveal themselves to potential harassers, or be handicapped at game play or in their privacy. Sexism is ubiquitous on the internet. There are innumerable stories of women being harassed over overwatch's voice chat. People with accents are often targeted. Those who do not use a facecam are targeted by their viewers, who may start arguing about how a streamer might look like. They might assume their gender, skin colour or appearance. Many women and other minorities choose to stream and many do it with a camera too to help fight for their right to exist in the gaming world. Thank you. This activism is inspiring and productive, but it is not a battle you should be forced to fight. Using Twitch and especially Twitch with a facecam without feeling anxious or being harassed is a masculine privilege. Providing a streaming platform will make an already male-dominated gaming/streamin world even more so, and undoubtedly drive women and other minorities away from gaming/Twitch. Women and minorities should not be forced to choose between an income as a streamer or freedom from harassment."

If you read Stephs Twitter posts you will recognize that I used most parts of it and only replaced "voice comm" with "Twtich" and "facecam". You can find her initial Twitter post that I loosley copied here: https://twitter.com/FerociouslyS/status/928338859007471616

You see where we are going?

If we start avoiding new inventions just because they could be used by bad people to harass minorities, we should be really really careful. If we follow that path, we should think about banning Twitch, Twitch chat, banning Facebook, banning Twitter, banning books, banning all future upcoming inventions who are based on good intentions but can be missused by bad people.

My conclusion: Not the invention is bad but those people who harass are bad. Sadly you can't change this stupid and bad minority who harass others. You only can try to punish them for their actions if they are violating and harassing others. If anything, then we should ask Blizzard what they are planning to do about online harassment within their games. In terms of chat there already is the optoin to report them but in terms of voice chat there might be a bigger problem that should be adressed. If you can punish people who harass others in voice chat - do it! Nobody has to listen to that and nobody has to "take those hits". We ALL agree upon that!

What I will NEVER EVER support is baning inventions who were made with good intentions to improve something and lead to a better game/world/whatsoever just because people can missuse those things against minorities. The overall cause of an invention is good? Do it! It will create a better game or world. It can be missused? Punish those who do! Bad people will missuse EVERYTHING to harm others - it does not matter how much you try to make them stop. But you DO can punish them for doing it and make everybody know, that if they do it, they will face consequences.

I hope everybody who thought it is a good idea to ban new inventions will be convinced by this example about Twitch. You also can replace twitch with whatever new invention is coming up next that possible can be abused to harass.

Have a nice day and please report harassment and toxicity.

submitted by /u/twitchpolice
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League of Legends has introduced a new progression system that is just like HotS except worse in every way imaginable

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 11:58 AM PST

League of Legends has entered pre-season and has implemented a new currency system that is just like HotS except garbage.

Imagine if instead of just getting skins from lootboxes, you got "shard" of the skin that you then had to spend gold on to unlock. Then imagine you had no daily quest, and also didn't get gold after matches. You only get gold from disenchanting shards that you don't want.

You guys got it good over here.

Sincerely: League player venting.

submitted by /u/Hudre
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Team Liquid - Heroes Update: Blumbi & Darkmok Released

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 01:05 PM PST

WTB Announcer: Deckard Cain

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 07:18 AM PST

I'm sure this was already asked for; I'd love to see a Deckard Cain announcer. Stay awhile and listen!

submitted by /u/happytime-_-
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NA Rosterpocalypse LEAKED secret info

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 01:48 PM PST

R20: Glaurung and Prismaticism out, Daneski and Kure in

TF: Daneski and Kure out, Lutano and Yoda in

TS: Fury and Cauthon out, Fan and Glaurung in

GFE: Fan, K1pro, Kingcaff out, likely Bkid Bige and Fury in

SSG: TalkingTrees and TigerJK out, last 2 spots likely Tomster and either Cauthon/Prismaticism/Jschritte

SSS: Yoda and Srey out, likely Leonblack Zuna in

LagF: Disbanding

submitted by /u/zzzzzzzzzzzzz33
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Why isn't the Cow King a hero?

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 10:37 AM PST

Diablo 2 Cow level boss. I would buy this hero the second he was released.

submitted by /u/TheFightingPony
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HTC Esports: South Korea's Vulnerability--Heroes of the Storm

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 12:21 PM PST

We need a Leoric Announcer! Start of the game quote: "Show those peasants their place!"

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 04:22 PM PST

Heroes of the Storm quote: "Bow before your king"

Upon killing an enemy: "Betrayer slain"

All enemies killed: "Kneel peasants"

Cmon Blizzard, we know you can do it.

submitted by /u/umcs_cubrick
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Hope you guys appreciate what you have.

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 11:20 AM PST

I play two mobas. League of Legends and HotS. I play league to test myself competitively and play with my friends (who won't play anything else for some reason), and I play HotS to relax.

League just changed their reward system to something remarkably similar to HotS. You can now have infinite levels and you get a chest when you level up. The thing is - these chests are now the only source of free currency in the game. No quests, no reward for winning a game beyond more XP to level up. Overnight, League has become a grindfest of the first order and it makes me sick. Probably won't stop playing, I still want to play with my friends, but this will probably push me to try HotS' ranked mode.

I dunno. I'm just... arrgh.

submitted by /u/RockCrystal
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Blizzard, it's time. Give us 24/7 ARAM Mode.

Posted: 08 Nov 2017 11:46 PM PST

Blizzard finally gave us Unranked Draft last year.

Please give us 24/7 ARAM Mode. It's by far my FAVORITE brawl.

When ARAM is the brawl, I don't play QM, Unranked, HL, TL, Bots. Nothing. I play only ARAM. All day, everyday.

Please just give this to me, and I will uninstall and/or sell every game I own and play nothing but HOTS.

submitted by /u/FranzVz
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Does anyone get counter-picked as much as The Butcher?

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 08:10 AM PST

Something I've noticed, when there is a Greymane, Valla or whoever, the draft continues as normal.

But when a Butcher is drafted, suddenly it's Artanis, Lili, Johanna, every single time.

I dunno, I've never seen so many people react and counterpick one hero so regularly.

It's kinda funny.

submitted by /u/Laser_Gunns
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Today 3 years ago, Azmodan and Tassadar broke the game.

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 08:13 PM PST

I Guess I'm Gonna Push... [Song]

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 04:24 PM PST

Will there be a special portrait for leveling Genji and Hanzo to 15?

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 03:08 AM PST

Similar to the yin/yang Chen/Lili portrait or the forsaken portrait for Stitches and Slyvy, will the Shimada Brothers be getting the same treatment?

submitted by /u/gkane19
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Personal MMR Adjustment: How it will be designed and what you can do to have the most out of it.

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 05:51 AM PST

I am a data analyst. Everything I will explain how such a system works is just my prediction about how I think it will be designed based on my knowledge about one or two things how you approach such problems. I can be offcourse completely wrong.

It will be most likely an inductive machine learning alghorithm.

For every hero values for different data variables will be collected (I have read on reddit something about 20 per hero?). This variables could be something like: Root/Silence Time, Absorbed Damage, Kills after using a Stun Ability, EXP collected, Death-Time, etc.

Maybe they get creative and also count advanced things like the time you where near your enemies or teammates. Or how long you where absent from them at different given times of the game (early, mid, late).

Inductive machine learning means, that there is no predefinition about how these variables should be achieved as a result to approve the level of individual skill. This is important to understand. So there is not someone at Blizz who says: "Hey for Muradin, we will count the stun-time, but not so much the Death-Time, because we believe it is the best." Nope.

So how can it be decided how a "skilled" player performs? How can someone tell what values of the 20 variables are important for skill-measurement and what can be ignored? The machine simply looks at a huge amount of data gathered by recorded matches. And they look for correlations between wins, losses and the outcome of the variables for specific heroes. There are several methods to do that in the maschine learning field. It is also the most standard question in the data business world. So pretty common.

For example. If a high Arthas Root time is very often seen together with a higher winrate it will be considered as a key-variable. If there is a low dependency between a high amount of camps an Arthas took and his winrate, then it will also get lower impact on the measurement of individual skill. Then more data points are added to the scheme: what is the MMR the player is in, what is his region, and what is his performance in relation the average of his peer group. If the player is clearly above the peer group within his variable (lets say Arthas Root Time) and the model knows that Root time has a high correlation to winrate, then he will get even more personal positive MMR adjustment. If he is just average, he will not.

This means the model to measure what is good and bad performance builds up itself and it will be a lot more precise as any human could think out of his mind with limited subjective opinions. And by the way such machine learning usually finds correlations no one would be able to think of. And on the other site, usually highly expected correlations turn out to be just irrelevant in reality to the surprise of the involved people.

Another good thing with this machine learning approach is (and thats why I am sure they will use it) is that it will allways learn and be adjust itself with each new day and patch. It will just update the data on a daily basis and will catch new meta behaviour etc. Also this pace of beeing up-to-date is something a human on its own would not be able to keep up with.

But machine learning approach has also has a downsite and still a lot dependency on human intelligence that controlls it. For example there are hidden dependencies. If you count Arthas root time for example, it is too simple. You need to count his root time for specific talents differently (that influence the root time) and also you need to consider that a longer game will cause longer potential root time, and more deathes of Arthas will decrease the potential root time. So you need a variable of something like a more complex formular for each data point you measure. Also you may have noticed that his deathes influence his root time but deathes will most likely be a data point itself and also influence many other data points (halo-effect). This means some game behaviour will be inflating the algorithm and truly independent data variables are not easily to identify and kept clean from each other. I am especially sure that my example "deathes" will have a highly influx on the outcome of your personal MMR adjustment no matter how hard the data-engineers will try keep this variable independent from other variables, there will allways be a kind of dependency background-noise that bleeds between the data points.

But thats okay, If you play good - you play good and even an partly flawed non perfect machine learning algorithm will be able to catch your performance because of two main reasons:

  1. I expect the quality of blizz data engineering to be high. because working with advanced data in a digital company is almost second nature today.

  2. Flaws in the system will be overshined by clear prediction variables. You cannot just "game" the algorithm. If everyone hears "Hey spam Arthas Root time to get positive adjustment" and then everyone spams Arthas Root Time but without winning as much as before, the system will immediately recognize and adjust it, just because it allways will recalculate the dependencies day-by-day. And Root time will be less and less have an influence, because people spam it without much sense. See the connection? This is also something a human design on its own would be to slow to keep up with.


  • The system is not based on the subjective predictions and opinions by blizzard employees about what kind of variable should be the most or less influence to your personal MMR adjustment. It is a machine learning algo and this means it is very objective. Thats why they also wont say us what the most influence points are, because they will allways change. The only thing they decide is what variables the look for.

  • The system will be keep up with meta and skill-changes in real-time without delay.

  • You cannot "game" the system by spamming specific hero behaviour, as it will automaticly detect and adjust such behavious that do not increase the winrate. This is even a by-product and not that hard to achieve for the algo.

  • Some variables will have a direct and indirect outcome to your personal MMR even if data engineers try to adress them it will be most likely hard for them to do it with 100% perfection. I expect your amount of deathes-downtimes to be an absoluty major influence point followed by the amount of skillshots you landed. Because both of this input-variables to your game will cause a huge chain of other dependencies that end up in measuring other data points.

  • I may be completely wrong with my complete post. I am just a data analyst who explains what is technically possible today with using the actual market standards of applied machine learning and I personaly look so much forward to it.


submitted by /u/arneleadk
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I just can't see Sharpened Shurikens as a Level 20 talent

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 09:21 AM PST

Sharpened Shurikens could be put at level 13 instead of Shingan and I wouldn't notice any difference. This talent is more like a band-aid for a team that forgot waveclear, and it isn't even that effective. Shurikens just don't deal that much damage and doesn't deal focused damage well.

My solution: Sharpened Shurikens narrows the arc at which Shurikens are thrown and allows Shurikens to pierce. This way, it's the ultimate talent for Shurikens - more focus fire and better accuracy.

submitted by /u/Trensicourt
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Music of the Storm Chapter 1: The Battle Begins

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 05:48 AM PST

The Dust Has Settled: What We Learned from HGC Finals

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 06:55 AM PST

Can launch screen audio be disabled?

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 10:02 AM PST

Junkrat's laugh is starting to get annoying AF.

submitted by /u/ErrantGazelle
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Malthael the Hedgehog

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 11:45 AM PST

Stolen from /vg/
Text so post doesn't get removed automod pls.
og coldsteel

submitted by /u/Ganreon
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Blizzard please fix--you're ruining the best hero in the game

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 07:42 PM PST

When you get a sick Graviton :]

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 11:06 AM PST

Received incorrect reward for HGC cheer program, second time this has happened, twitch doing absolutely nothing after weeks of emailing them - not even a single human response. Buyer beware!

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 03:36 PM PST

So I cheered 11,000 bits during this HGC event


and I did not receive the correct reward for 11,000 bits cheered.

I should receive "Emote Pack - In Memoriam", which I claimed, but instead I received "Emote Pack - Sweet Phrases" which is the 13,000 bits cheered reward. Note that I only cheered 11,000 bits.

So I didn't get the reward I was working for and cheered all those bits for.

I mailed twitch support twice more than a week ago, using two different fields,

and a week later I get an automated response about in game loot, etc. An absolutely irrelevant response.

I had an issue with the cheer rewards before and it was an absolutely terrible experience getting them to fix it.

Now it seems impossible, so I basically wasted $110 worth of bits for an emote pack (don't judge) which I did not get and seems will be impossible for me to get now (because it is already "claimed") even if I cheer more bits.

I would be absolutely happy if a twitch support could just for the love of good just fix this issue.

It is impossible to reach a human being on twitch or get anyone to actually comprehend the issue let alone fix it.

submitted by /u/EverydayFunHotS
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Let's Be Leaders | re: Voice Comms

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 06:42 PM PST

I've been thinking about extra ways that I could suggest to Blizzard to incentivize people to make an effort to be a positive influence on others while in-game, but I've come to realize that isn't necessary.

We need to take it upon ourselves to be leaders.

To set a good example, be a "bro", look out for each other, not tolerate bullying, etcetera. With the advent of Voice Comms, this is going to be the future of this community: Solidarity.

I realize this isn't going to appeal to everyone, and that's fine. You do you. But I'd like to call on everyone who might be interested in strengthening our little corner of the internet to make an effort. An effort to shut down targeted toxicity and be an ally to those it may be aimed at. Use your voice to support your teammates and use your reports to help them be heard.

This is going to sound corny and I almost don't want to write it but...

We have the chance to be leaders. We have the chance to be Guardians of the Nexus. To make it a better place. An inclusive place. A place where you know to leave that shit at the door if you come from a game where harassment is the norm. No thanks, we don't want any.


TLDR; Be good to one another. Report assholes.

submitted by /u/muskoka83
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Ragnaros makes me happy

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 03:44 PM PST

I only play to blow off some steam from other MOBAS but damn if ragnaros makes me happy whenever i play him, i'm a WoW fan so i played him for some games and damn it feels great. Molten core in the middle of a teamfight around a fort makes me really feel like a raidboss swatting away weaklings who don't bother to dodge my spells. His personality is also great you can tell he's having a great time being made of fire and being very angry, some people are drama queens about being corrupted by old monstrous entities but he's all like fuck yeah let's burn everything up. To top if off he's a great teamplayer giving needed positive feedback to the healers who get him back into the fight ("I will remember your deeds, healer."). Next time you get a ragnaros on your team don't see him as an evil elemental of fire but as a lovable goofball who wants to have a party and spread flames everywhere

submitted by /u/Murloo
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