Heroes of the Storm - Gold Club World Championship 2017 - Survival Guide (27-nov to 10-dec)

Gold Club World Championship 2017 - Survival Guide (27-nov to 10-dec)

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 02:43 AM PST

HEROES OF THE STORM Gold Club World Championship 2017 - SURVIVAL GUIDE

Teams from around the world will battle it out offline in Beijing, China. 8 HGC teams of the best players will play in a standard round-robin Group Phase (Bo2) from 27 November to 3 December. The top four teams will occupy the winner bracket (semi-finals) of the double elimination playoffs (Bo5) while the bottom four will occupy the loser side of the bracket.



English Main Stream

Liquipedia info

Master League info

Blizzard announcement


Date: November 27 - December 10

Prize pool: Total $300,000 USD

1st $80,000

2nd $70,000

3rd $50,000

4th $40,000

5th-6th $20,000

7th-8th $10,000



Team Region Wins/Losses
Super Perfect Team China 0/2
CE China 1/1
Beyond the Game China 0/2
Fnatic Europe 1/1
Team Dignitas Europe 1/1
Ballistix Korea 2/0
KSV Black Korea 1/1
Roll20 Esports North America 2/0



Date CET - PCT - CST Match Results Video
Monday November 27 11:00 - 02:00 - 18:00 SPT vs R20 0-2 Twitch
... 12:30 - 03:30 - 19:30 CE vs DIG 1-1 Twitch
... 14:00 - 05:00 - 21:00 BTG vs BLX 0-2 Twitch
... 15:30 - 06:30 - 22:30 KSVB vs FNC 1-1 Twitch
Tuesday November 28 11:00 - 02:00- 18:00 KSVB vs SPT 0-0 X
... 12:30 - 03:30 - 19:30 FNC vs BTG 0-0 X
... 14:00 - 05:00 - 21:00 BLX vs CE 0-0 X
... 15:30 - 06:30 - 22:30 DIG vs R20 0-0 X
Wednesday November 29 11:00 - 02:00 - 18:00 SPT vs CE 0-0 X
... 12:30 - 03:30 - 19:30 BTG vs R20 0-0 X
... 14:00 - 05:00 - 21:00 KSVB vs DIG 0-0 X
... 15:30 - 06:30 - 22:30 FNC vs BLX 0-0 X
Thursday November 30 11:00 - 02:00 - 18:00 SPT vs BTG 0-0 X
... 12:30 - 03:30 - 19:30 KSVB vs CE 0-0 X
... 14:00 - 05:00 - 21:00 FNC vs R20 0-0 X
... 15:30 - 06:30 - 22:30 BLX vs DIG 0-0 X
Friday December 1 11:00 - 02:00 - 18:00 SPT vs BLX 0-0 X
... 12:30 - 03:30 - 19:30 DIG vs FNC 0-0 X
... 14:00 - 05:00 - 21:00 R20 vs KSVB 0-0 X
... 15:30 - 06:30 - 22:30 CE vs BTG 0-0 X
Saturday December 2 11:00 - 02:00 - 18:00 SPT vs DIG 0-0 X
... 12:30 - 03:30 - 19:30 R20 vs BLX 0-0 X
... 14:00 - 05:00 - 21:00 CE vs FNC 0-0 X
... 15:30 - 06:30 - 22:30 BTG vs KSVB 0-0 X
Sunday December 3 11:00 - 02:00 - 18:00 FNC vs SPT 0-0 X
... 12:30 - 03:30 - 19:30 BLX vs KSVB 0-0 X
... 14:00 - 05:00 - 21:00 DIG vs BTG 0-0 X
... 15:30 - 06:30 - 22:30 R20 vs CE 0-0 X


Playoff schedule is to be determined.



  • New! Blog : What we learned day 1 of GCWC by Trentesports (Blog)
  • Updated! Info : Team ELO rating and prediction by DBSmiley (Heroes Hearth blog) and day 1 updated odds (Twitter)
  • Discussion : Absence of promotion of GCWC in Blizzard Launcher by /u/Naldax1313 (Reddit)
  • Official : GCWC 2017 Hype trailer (Youtube)
  • Info : Tournament preview by Psalm (Tempostorm.com)




English: GCWC Twitch         Casting by: Gillyweed, Khaldor, Grubby and Dreadnaught

Korean: BlizzheroesKR

Russian: Qp3r

French: MilleniumTV



submitted by /u/Boukev
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Developer Insights: Double Support Team Compositions

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 03:31 PM PST

Heroes Of The Storm Balance Patch Notes — November 29, 2017

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 11:04 AM PST

Requesting Developer Insights on the Support Slaughter...

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 12:36 PM PST

There aren't any in the patch notes. I think this is gonna have some big implications...

EDIT: Here it is: http://us.battle.net/heroes/en/blog/21273600/developer-insights-double-support-team-compositions-11-27-2017

submitted by /u/cyclecube
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A New Look for Stealth in Heroes of the Storm

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 10:28 AM PST

The satisfaction of healing in this game is not matched in any other MOBA I have played

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 06:48 AM PST

Maybe it is just me but healing in this game is just so satisfying. I have never been much of a healer in mobas due to it being so boring and unrewarding most of the time, but in hots it really feels impactful and you can really turn the tides of battle with some well timed healing and utility usage. It is honestly for me one of the biggest reasons I enjoy playing the game.

EDIT: Apparently I cursed everyone. RIP

submitted by /u/TheBlackJoker
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The Real Nerf to the Double Support Meta Was Making Every Player Read 12 Pages of Support Nerfs.

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 02:37 PM PST

I mean, they were basically just 5% down across the board (except Starfall?), but the perceived strength of supports is definitely going down by more than 5%.

submitted by /u/somezeroesandothers
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I Don't Play Support For You

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 05:07 PM PST

Dear Blizzard and confused non-supports wondering why supports are upset about these changes,

I don't play support for you.

There is an impression that supports are selfless do-gooders who are here to fill because nobody else will. This is false.

I play support to be an impact. I play support to enhance my teammates. I play support to do the job that needs to be done.

When I get a dart on a fleeing Zeratul and secure their death? That's why I play support. When I dragon nuke a losing melee fight into a winning fight? That's why I play support. When I ultra-heal our dying frontliner, drop an unholy amount of shields on them, then jump in with double lightning bond to scure the kill on whatever POS that absolutely needs to die? That's why I play support.

I don't play support to just sit around and be reliant on my teammates 100% of the time. I'm not playing Mercy here, I'm not a precious little angel that needs to be protected. Lets get this clear: I'm not relying on you, you're reliant on me.

I'm here to be an active, strong, participant in the fight. Whether that is making someone who should've died, not die, or someone that shouldn't have died, die really painfully, that's why I play support.

With these changes, Blizz thinks we're all going to stick around with support because we're selfless little cookies who just want to help the team out in whatever way we can. That's not true. We're here to have fun.

At no point am I ever going to be interested in filling a weakened support slot, condemning me to a boring game where I play a passive, uninteresting role, while Genji gets to fuck around for an entire match and Sonya gets to whirlwind her problems away.

Blizzard keeps saying they care about the "hero fantasy" but from these patch notes and dev update it's clear they haven't even began to understand why people play these heroes. They could've nerfed hypercarries, they could've added self healing, they could've done a lot of things but instead they decided to ruin HOTS for an entire group of players, making this as entertaining as your average League match where you get to coin-starve for 50 minutes while big daddy carries have fun.

You're upset about double support meta? After these changes, you'll be desperate to find anyone wanting to play support in the first place.


A (soon to be former) support main

submitted by /u/ChosenCharacter
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Performance Matchmaking explained - Talk with Heroes Lead Designer Travis McGeathy

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 08:01 AM PST

Best Hammer change on the PTR right now

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 12:05 PM PST

Finally she is normal sized like she is supposed to be! :) Thanks Blizzard for realistic models, now only if you could make Commandeer Odin 'life-like' as well.

submitted by /u/TerryWoodini
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Can Abathur's mule be some zerg drone and Malfurion's scouting drone something more fit with his fantasy?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 08:26 AM PST

As title says - Abathur's mule (which i highly doubt will be removed even with the ammunition changes) is a terran-ish unit which doesn't fit his fantasy at all. Maybe some zerg drone can repair the structures. For malfurion an owl or whatever other bird or magical thingy (lightbulb of elune? lol)

submitted by /u/wipecraft
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GFE & SSG Rosters

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 04:16 PM PST

CN Production

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 04:08 AM PST

Instead of complaining about the nerfs, why not just wait and try it out for yourself when it hits

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 06:44 PM PST

The frustration regarding the nerfs is understandable. However, this isn't the first balance change that Blizzard has done that reddit didn't approve of. If it's a terrible change after they gather enough data, then I'm sure Blizzard will recognize it and revert/buff the ones in need of one. Understand that these people do balancing for a living, as opposed to us, who plays the game for fun. I've seen a lot of posts on this subreddit about Blizzard listening to the community. So why don't you guys relax and see what the meta will develop to after the changes hit and post afterwards?

submitted by /u/diulaylomoo
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Mewnfare on support nerfs

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 02:40 PM PST

One year ago, Merryday made the case that supports were heal slaves (post included). It may be time to shackle back up.

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 11:48 AM PST

One year ago, Merryday's thoughts on the state of supports was posted on this subreddit.

Since then, 2017 has largely been the year of supports, both in terms of new releases, reworks, and meta shifts. Supports, over this last year, have become more impactful, more specialised in how they deliver aid to their team, and, increasingly, teams are bringing at least 1.5 of them to high level games.

The rest is about to be history. Support nerfs across the board might do nothing but undo the support meta. Perhaps we will still have an impact solo. Maybe we won't be heal slaves. But it's important to understand how we got to where we were up until this patch, because we don't want to go back to how we were a year ago. It was really, really tiresome.

I'm actually withholding judgement, but I'm not so optimistic. I'm especially upset that supports who are clearly struggling in some way, whether winrate (Alexstrasza) or talent diversity (Ana) still saw substantial nerfs. True, Alex' healing numbers weren't reduced directly, but the health nerf is an indirect Q nerf. Ana's non-dart builds still suck. Auriel's E talents are still largely not worth picking. The list goes on. No attempts to redress these issues in the balance patch. It's not encouraging.

submitted by /u/norsesforcourses
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Fun Fact: It takes 4422 stacks of the talent 'Reservoir of Hope' for Auriel to one-shot the training dummy (100,000 hp) using Ray of Light's talent 'Searing Light'

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 06:01 PM PST

Escape from Braxis [WR] - 4:21 - Live video w/ comms

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 10:29 AM PST

How about a Culling of Stratholme PVE brawl?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 11:17 PM PST

Lets get some more lore in these PVE brawls.

submitted by /u/RareCandyRx
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Describe a HotS ultimate and I'll rate it /10. I've never played HotS before.

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 04:00 AM PST

Have ~7 years of MOBA experience in DotA 2 and League. Never touched HotS. Hit me

submitted by /u/Viminia7
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For those in Gold and below - a smurf’s perspective

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 06:25 AM PST

So I got silenced on my main for a bit more than a week and decided to make a smurf. Not much to say about the silence, I'm not "toxic" imo, but I am very critical (of myself too), sarcastic and normally a shot caller in a team, which makes purposeful ignorance even more tilting. I have successfully complained and got a silence overturned before, but this time just couldn't be bothered again ¯\(ツ)/¯. The system doesn't work properly, but everyone knows that. Anyway, that's not what this thread is about.

I wanted to get a smurf for a while, just out of curiosity to see what it's like there, but the grind was off-putting. In the past I asked a few random Silver/Bronze people if they let me play on their account, maybe good for them too, watch replays and see if anything can help them become better. But they were adamant I'll steal their account for some reason 😄.

So being unable to play ranked for so long due to silence, and kind of being burned out from the grind too, I thought I'll make a smurf. I made one, and with the help of the Brawl got it up to level 46 so far. I played a lot of Brawl, but some QM too. Here's what I've noticed (in non-brawl games):

I will skip the usual no merks/fights on uneven talents/soaking etc.

  • people don't pick up globes. Like, they can take a tribute, be half health, and just walk away from the globe; same when passing a lane. Just kill the mage, quick and free top up.

  • people dive for globes. This time it's the other way around, players diving for globes under tower fire, or vs enemy. Always think - will I lose more health if I risk getting it vs. just ignoring. I've seen people get killed for it, pretty funny.

  • no one brawls in the middle. But that's probably for the best on this level.

  • no one likes to group. Everyone kind of does their own thing, then half the team shows up to an objective. When team is winning hard and it's time to roll as 5 and push/pick off, people don't understand that. Always one or two players straying off to do irrelevant shit. Who knows why. I finally got to experience the fabled "keep is down, enemy only have Malf alive, level 18 and we're semi-healthy? TIME FOR SOME SIEGE GIANTS!"

  • team fights look like this: "guys, everyone pick a target and just whack on them". Muradin chasing Medic, KT desperately trying to get away from Sonya, Valeera waiting in a bush until someone gets to 1/3 hp, Valla meleeing Artanis, and Rehgar soaking bot. It's proper hilarious, on the right hero I often 1v5 in the chaos.

  • no respect or understanding of what abilities are actually for. ETC is a great example of this. Concepts like holding abilities (not sliding to follow up on Valeera's stun), timing (just W them all out of Jaina's blizzard because W came off CD) or stacking. Abilities are used because they're off cooldown, that's it. Jaina using W on minions when they're in line, then E them, then Q the remaining ones is a common sight.

  • no functioning B keys. No one backs, ever. People would rather die first to Nova (there's alway a stealthy here 😄), then back. Getting health and mana? Pfft, what a waste of time, lemme just clear this wave on their side of the map 20 minutes into the game. Nova just shot me, but then ran away. What could go wrong? This is actually startling. People on higher ranks B asap if there's some downtime, and they can efficiently replenish health, preserving well for fights. But here, I don't think some people even know what B does.

  • pings. No one talks (apart from sometimes telling everyone "gg" and "god you suck"), and no one pings. Maybe it's too much APM, not sure, but I haven't seen a single ping from anyone in a while.

  • people have no understanding of threat levels. You're Valla and Valeera in a lane vs Diablo and Artanis. You won't do anything useful at all there as Valeera, when bot has solo pushing Sylv. But she'll stay and try to burst Artanis, and die, over and over again. It's as if the lane you pick at start is the one you stay in until you die, no rotations allowed. Or yesterday a pre-16 Diablo walking past a lane with Valla and an Arthas a bit further back. You will not kill her, you have literally 0 kill threat on Valla in an open lane. But hey, you're big, she's small, abilities are off cooldown, so let's go. Q in, get rooted by Arthas, Valla vaults away, Arthas slows, Valla shoots, Diablo dies. This happens all the time.

  • no respect for quest talents. To be fair, I've seen this ignored all the way to Masters. Just standing in Zul'Jin's AA and W, or KT's Q, or on lower levels feeding Butch from minute 1. The concept of feeding stacks is completely absent.

  • giving up on gank too early. Many ganks would be a success if assassins would just AA a bit after spell rotation. On ETC I saw it so many times, I slide, I time W, I bodyblock, but Valla has already given up three seconds into the gank and went back to towers. Maybe they don't expect effective bodyblock, not sure. But many ganks failed due to this.

  • overcommitting to a gank. That annoying solo push Sylv down bot? It's level 3 and now is the time to group up as 5, leave all lanes and go take her down. Past lvl 20? Nah, let them push. Those camps tho.

Overall, this is of course to be expected. The vast majority of these guys are new and learning. But I have met a few 2000 games people there, that still do all that, but because they're lvl 400 and I'm lvl 12 they start the game with "ffs why am I playing with so low ppl", and proceed to do all of the above 😄.

These are all small things, but they amount to a massive difference. My silence wears off tomorrow, and the new patch hits, so I'll probably abandon this smurf for some time, but it was an interesting and often entertaining insight.

submitted by /u/jisusdonmov
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No mention of GCWC on the launcher?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 06:22 AM PST

I find it a bit odd that Blizz is not advertizing this tournament at all. For people who don't follow social medias, there is pretty much no way they would be aware this is taking place.

I mean it's not very often that the best teams in the world are competing on the same stage.

Anyway go FNC!

submitted by /u/Naldax1313
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2017 has been the year of supports. Plot : twist, let's murder all the supports at once

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 11:23 AM PST

Winter is coming.

Edit : rip my title. Plot : twist, now that's some solid grammar.

submitted by /u/Leolio_
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What We Learned: Day 1 of GCWC

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 11:21 AM PST

Update PTR 2.29.3

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 10:49 AM PST

I thought this PTR patch would include those boxes with units information

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 07:08 PM PST

In the blizzcon panel, they said that the only thing about it is that they didnt find any place to put it.

(If you are wondering which box am talking about http://wow.zamimg.com/uploads/screenshots/normal/673364.jpg )

submitted by /u/Astroghath
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