Hearthstone - Streamer Sundays Weekly Discussion

Streamer Sundays Weekly Discussion

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 04:11 PM PST

Do you enjoy watching streamers? Do you wish there was an easier way to find new up-and-coming streamers beyond the well-known, established Twitch goliaths?

Do you have a stream yourself? Are you looking to get exposure but not sure how given how Twitch displays streams and how one-shot stream promotion posts on Reddit tend to get ignored? Is anyone still reading these questions?

This thread is for you!

If you are a streamer or know of a cool, lesser-known (read: doesn't regularly pull in 1K+ viewers) streamer feel free to post the URL and a short, informative pitch about why you feel others would be interested to watch it. Why should someone watch your suggested stream rather than one of the hundreds of other streams out there?

The next great streamer might be just one comment away.


Note: I am a bot. Questions or feedback regarding this thread? Message the moderators.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Arena God ratsmah

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 09:12 AM PST

Hidden hearthstone board interaction conspiracy?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 06:00 AM PST

alright so after playing a few games I've noticed something about the Karazhan board interactions. In the top right you have to flick through the book to match the symbol to the one found underneath the barrel, then when you click on it magic happens with a small graphic and the symbols change to do it again.

After some Sherlocking I've noticed that at the beginning of the game if the symbol already matches the one by the barrel the book will always display the same two symbols after the interaction, a circle with a dot in the middle. Which when next to each other kinda look like boobs. At first I thought it was coincidence but it has happened repeatedly now and I've got a couple of picture to show as proof.

Anyone else noticed this?

Proof: https://imgur.com/a/O3Gfa

submitted by /u/Sgt_Naps
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To the CVS employee that printed my K&C photo...

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 08:07 PM PST

Every Heartstone set I print off an 8x10 picture to frame and hang on my wall. Altogether it looks pretty awesome. So far I've never had anyone at the CVS I visit comment on the content of the pictures that I have them print. However, after I got home and finally opened the envelope to frame this sets picture I saw this little note attached: https://i.imgur.com/RryNAMz.jpg

To the CVS employee who did this, thanks for being a fellow Hearthstone nerd and may the rng forever be in your favor

Edit: for those asking what the art wall looks like: https://i.imgur.com/udW9B4a.jpg I haven't taken a pic with the newest one, but here's up to KotFT

Edit 2: fine people lol, here's the full wall with K&C https://i.imgur.com/MBdHXvP.jpg

submitted by /u/GhostRabbitInaba
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Red shirt guy should get a card.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 07:23 AM PST

I assume that most of you know the infamous red shirt guy. If you don't https://youtu.be/fFnGjyPYxjM His name is Ian and he's a legend among hardcore Blizzard fans. He already has a character in WOW and since Leeroy got a card I think it would be appropriate if red shirt guy got one as well. Or at the very least a boss in an upcoming adventure. I would laugh so hard if I queue up into red shirt guy in an adventure and he owns me with lore knowledge. Brode pls.

submitted by /u/normie_McChadson
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[Hysteria] 20 Hearthstone Bugs (as of patch

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 08:11 AM PST

I turned the Overwatch Heroes into Hearthstone Hero cards!

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 07:54 PM PST

Full Album Here

I appreciate any feedback!

submitted by /u/e_la_bron
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Trump Reviews Trump Reviews Trump Reviews: Knights of the Frozen Throne

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 12:03 PM PST

bonemare in arena

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 04:25 AM PST

What a joke. Any chance this will ever be banned? Getting blown out by this card every other match gets pretty frustrating.

submitted by /u/mash_me
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The real cost of losing Adventures

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 08:39 PM PST

tl;dr: Losing adventures results in players opening up roughly 40-50 fewer packs per expansion, leading to the growing discontent we are seeing on Reddit. The following post explores the math behind this and extrapolates a few suggestions

The Problem There's been a lot of talk the last few weeks about the cost of expansions. While many posters here are attributing it to just normal pre-expansion whining, it is worth noting that we are coming up on our 4th consecutive full set. It seems to me what is happening is the natural effect of that continued pressure being put on, with little added to offset it.

Defining Gold Income We will assume that the player in question has a full collection of Classic cards, and immediately after purchasing his packs at the start of an expansion, begins saving for the next. For simplicity's sake we will assume the player does minimal to no Arena, as the results from that can vary dramatically.

The math on average quest rewards has been done and lands at somewhere around 55 gold. Say you earn on average 15g a day from wins. Exactly 15g is impossible, but some days you'll play more, some days you'll skip, we'll call this a fair average ending at the player making around 70g a day. You also get ~100 dust per week from your Classic pack from Brawl.

The Old Model Under the old model, every 8 months you pay 3500g for a new Adventure, and any remaining gold goes to the new expansion. Since it alternates, we look at an 8 month cycle.

With the rate of gold collection we calculated earlier, you have 16,800g for each cycle. You spend 3500g of that on the Adventure, leaving you with 13,300g saved plus ~3200 dust from your classic packs. This means right at the start of the expansion, you have 133 card packs, plus two legendaries of your choice.

The New Model Since you no longer have to shell out 3500g for an adventure you have 16,800g. This must now be split between two Expansions. You now instead have 8,400g per expansion, and 1600 dust from your classic packs. You only get 84 packs and 1 legendary of your choice. Effectively you are getting 63% as many packs as before, and losing a legendary out of the deal.

And that's just the purely f2p player. A player who is actually buying preorders for each expansion is going from spending 70 dollars over 8 months to 100 over 8 months, and is facing a similar deficit, ending at 134 packs per expansion.

Players paying 50 dollars for a preorder now are effectively getting as many packs per expansion as a f2p player used to get under the old model!

Conclusion Is it any wonder that players are stuck feeling like they are getting less than they are used to? Basically overall we are looking at a deficit of 1 legendary plus ~50 card packs per expansion, for players of all stripes. The true whales who are buying hundreds of packs regardless don't notice the difference. But everyone else is feeling the squeeze put on them, and that is what we see manifesting on the forums.

Now, Blizzard has acknowledged that the new model is more expensive. In response to that, we have been getting a free legendary per expansion (basically makes up the difference in the tavern brawls for the 4 months, which is nice). It still leaves a shortage of around 50 cards packs. And in response to that we've gotten... a few minor events (roughly worth ~3 packs per event, at roughly 2 events per expansion for about 6 packs). Even if you factor in the bonus card packs from launch, you've got around 10 packs. Still a shortfall of 40 packs.

Solutions How that should be fixed? This is something that has been discussed ad nauseum. There are two things I think ultimately should be done:

1) A boost to Preorder value. Adventures used to provide a better ratio of Dollars to Cards than Gold did. Where $1.00 is usually roughly 100 gold, here you got to spend $20.00 for 3500 gold. If Preorders were something like $50.00 for 70 packs, you'd still be a bit off on that ratio, but since it comes around twice as often it evens out. This helps a lot with the perceived value of your dollar, and could do a lot to encourage players to buy in.

2) A slight increase in rewards per pack, or gold generation. Simply updating the preorder value helps, but it still leaves a significant shortfall for f2p players compared to where they were. For this, we need a benefit that affects all players, helping to bring the collection in line with where they were. The two most realistic options I can see are:

a) Kibler recently suggested Dust per pack. Something along the lines of 50 dust per pack would add up to about 4000 dust for the 4 months of grinding from the player (the 84 packs previously calculated), which would more or less add up to about what was lost from the 40 packs.

The main downfall I see of this method is it also makes packs from real money worth that much more, potentially causing unforseeable economic imbalance.

b) The safer alternative is simply increasing the rate of gold acquisition. A 50% increase in gold rewards (from 40/50/60/80/100 to 60/75/90/120/150) would result in an increase in gold gain to be roughly 3600g per expansion cycle, landing us practically right on target.

submitted by /u/Sir_Oshi
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Im going to miss this tavern brawl

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 06:58 AM PST

https://imgur.com/a/6kI9L even if my rng was trash,i still enjoyed it

submitted by /u/Kekistani_oiler
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The best turn one play for every class

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 07:30 AM PST

Before K&C comes out, I wanted to figure out the best turn one play for each character, statwise. Rules: Perfect Rng Going second Standard Format Stats are counted at the start of your opponents turn. You're opponent has the best deck for your turn one play, but he doesn't help any other way.

The best turn one play with neutral cards:

I figured that most of the classes would use neutral cards in their turn one play. Starting here creates a baseline for every character. If they can't go over it, they will simply use the neutral cards.

Emerald reaver (battlecry:deal 1 damage to each hero) Coin Voodoo doctor (target hero with heal) Happy ghoul Happy ghoul Snowflipper penguin

11/9 , or 20 worth of stats. Close second goes to 2 snowflippers, wisp, 1/2 pirate (with patches) then emerald hive queen for 7/9 worth of stats.


Although cards like innervate and enchanted raven are appealing, they don't have enough value to be in the opening hand. Pirates plus mark of the lotus is the way to go, since it gives the most stats to the most minions.

1/2 pirate (patches comes out) Snowflipper penguin Snowflipper penguin Wisp Coin Mark of the lotus

10/11, or 21 worth of stats. Barely beats out neutral. Or does it?

Moonbeam your own face Voodoo doctor Happy ghoul Happy ghoul Coin Mark of the lotus

Mark providing 3/3 worth of stats is better than playing a pirate. This setup gives 11/10, or 21 worth of stats. So you can use either one to get the same result.


There are three possibilities with what to do with your mana: two timber wolfs (give your beasts 1 attack), one timber wolf and an alley cat, or a crackling razormaw. As it turns out, all combinations end up with 16 worth of stats. Hunter uses the neutral start.


Mage came closer than I thought to the neutral play. Sorcerer's apprentice (spells cost one less) to two mirror images plus two snowflipper penguins gives 17 worth of stats. Mana wyrm, coin, mirror image, two penguins and a wisp gives 16 worth of stats. These aren't better than the neutral play.


Two smugglers run and three zero drops gives 18 worth of stats. Close, but there's no way it can be improved.


This raped my mind, not gonna lie. Mind vision plus radiant elemental means you can optimize differently for every class. Let's take a look at the big ones. Stolen card: Mark of the lotus

Radiant elemental Mind vision Mind vision Power word: Shield Power word: Shield Two snowflipper penguins (drawn from shield) Mark of the lotus Mark of the lotus

You could also get a penguin from mind vision, but that gives two less stats. Overall, this setup gives 25 stats, which easily clears the neutral barrier.

Tracking doesn't work as a steal, since the best one mana card when you have a 2/7 radiant elemental is inner fire. So with two power word shields, 3 0 drops, and a inner fire, you only get 20 worth of stats.

Smuggler's run also doesn't work as a steal. Radiant elemental plus mind vision means you can only have 3 minions in your hand. 6/6 worth of buffed 0 drops means you have 21 worth of stats.

Stolen card: any single target buff The best single target buff card, statwise, is cold blood. Radiant elemental Two power word shields Two mind visions Two cold bloods Two penguins

This setup gives

submitted by /u/souris-prime
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Highmane -> Carnivorous Cube -> Play Dead = 48/46 in total stats

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 08:06 AM PST

Granted you need Highmane to survive a turn but that isn't an unreasonable condition for the combo. It also works just as well with other big deathrattles like the Bowman, Sated Threshold or Caine. Carnivorous Cube, although slow and clunky presents immense value potential. It can also be used to protect against board clears and create copies of pivotal legendaries. I can't wait to try this card out in egg warlock and death rattle hunter. I am calling it now this card will be the craziest trollden card yet.

submitted by /u/butt_shrecker
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Wild vS Data Reaper Report #5

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 09:02 AM PST


The Vicious Syndicate Team is proud to present the fifth edition of the Wild Data Reaper Report. We are happy to continue this collaboration with the class experts from R/WildHearthstone.

As always, special thanks to all those who contribute their game data to the project. This project could not succeed without the support of data contributors. The entire vS Team is eternally grateful for your assistance.

This Wild Data Report is based on five weeks and 60,000 games. In this report you will find:

  • Wild Decklists

  • Class/Archetype Distribution Over All Games

  • Class/Archetype Distribution "By Rank" Games

  • Interactive Matchup Win-Rate Chart

  • vS Power Rankings

  • Analysis/Discussion of each Class

The full article can be found at: vS Wild Data Reaper Report #5

As always, thank you all for your fantastic feedback and support. We are looking forward to all the additional content we can provide everyone.


If you still have not signed up to contribute games please visit this link to sign up. The more contributors we have the more accurate our data! More data will allow us to answer some more interesting questions.

Thank you,

The Vicious Syndicate Team

submitted by /u/ViciousSyndicate
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What board clickables did it take you an embarrassingly long time to discover?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 08:02 AM PST

I just found out that you can make a beam of red magic fly out of the Kabal house by clicking and holding on the curtain on the MSoG board. Anything that took you guys a while to find?

submitted by /u/generalmill211
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The Cost Of Hearthstone w/ Brian Kibler

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 01:13 PM PST

Overwatch is doing a 50% off Black Friday sale. Why doesn't Blizzard do anything for Hearthstone.

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 01:06 PM PST

Why not do 50% off of all packs or something, It would be a great way for new players or players that don't have a big collection to catch up.

Blizzard pls.

submitted by /u/Reave_
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Tolin's Goblet + Furnace Colossus Combo

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 05:29 AM PST


Was playing "All weapons you can fit in a deck warrior" to finish my "play 10 weapons quest", but Marin wanted to do something better.

submitted by /u/ballmot
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Constructive Criticism: Power and Responsibility

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 06:23 AM PST

With conversations about the cost of HS becoming increasingly heated, I just wanted to re-post something that I posted a few years ago on an old account: some advice on communicating effectively. I think that it holds just as true now as it did then.

So it is becoming increasingly clear that members of the Blizzard hearthstone community come here to get feedback about the game. That is great, but I feel like we as a community can do a better job of meeting them half way and making r/hearthstone a force for positive change in the game. Or, to go all Uncle Ben, now that we have Power to change the game we have a Responsibility to behave well.

I also get that a lot of people don't have a ton of experience with constructive criticism, but I think that it is a really important skill to learn in all walks of life. So I've provided a few tips that have helped me up my interpersonal relationship game. I've provided an example of what I consider constructive criticism and one of (all too common) toxic criticism, along with some tips in making your comments fit in the former category. We are a passionate, intelligent community and I think that a global improvement in our communication game will make us a real force for good in the future of this game:

Constructive Criticism: "I really enjoyed watching the Last Call Qualifier this weekend. I did have one recommendation, though: I'd like to see the commentators focus more on the high level decisions that these guys are making. Like when commentator X pointed out the difference between Druid variant Y and Z. I'd never thought about that, and it really opened my eyes. I found the stuff that commentator X said in game A less helpful, since I feel like most players watching..."

Toxic Criticism: "What a fucking joke. Another tournament ruined by shithead commentators who obviously have no idea what they are doing. Epsorts lol. Fucking devs ruining this game again." Some takeaways:

-Write as if you are looking the person you are talking about in the eye. Would you say this to their face? If not, think very carefully before posting. We want members of the Blizzard community to come here for feedback... lets meet them half way and treat them with respect.

-Provide specific examples where possible. Talking in generalities leads to people talking past each other. Example: Presidential Debates.

-Grownups don't swear. Not because it is offensive or anything like that, but because it sends clear cues that the speaker isn't to be taken seriously.

-Use the first person. Your opinion is not gospel. If you thought the Qualifier was bad, say "I didn't enjoy the Qualifier because X". Don't say "The Qualifier was bad." You don't weaken your argument by speaking precisely.

-Realize that you might be wrong, and argue so that you won't look like a monster if someone points this out.

-Call jerks out, but try to do so in a respectful way. This works surprisingly well. If people are mean to you be nice to them, and they will pay it forward. Break the cycle. and probably the most important tip:

-You don't win an argument by making someone else lose. This is the internet, and people don't win arguments on the internet. What you can do is meet people in the middle and 'get to yes'.

Now go forth and be good.

submitted by /u/Archenteron_HS
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Flavors of the Frozen Throne: Devious Druids and Haughty Hunters

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 08:36 AM PST

Hi! I've always been a sucker for flavor: Why does this card do this and that? Any lore easter eggs, or something related to the overall theme of the expansions? I'm going to explore the flavor of the most recent expansion: Knights of the Frozen Throne. By alphabetical order, we'll take 3 classes at a time. If you enjoy this, please tell me and I'll make more!


Crypt Lord: In Warcraft 3, Crypt Lords were one of the Scourge units. Crypt Lords are beefy frontline folks, and they can harden their carapace to become even beefier. As the druids seem to be leading an insect swarm this set, it makes sense that the more pests that come around, the more Crypt Lord has to protect.

Gnash: The art seems to suggest this is a Crypt Lord attacking. My guess is that the Druid has somehow learned to shapeshift into a Nerubian, gaining their hardiness and sharp claws for a limited time.

Webweave: The druids have taken a liking to insect swarms this set, and what bug more terrifying than spiders? You've summoned two spiders by removing the cocoons that have encased them. Maybe they were trapped, or maybe they're just chasing their freed prey into the battlefield.

Druid of the Swarm: Previous cards have established that druids are able to transform into different beasts, depending on their sect. As this one wants to bring a swarm of insects into the world, it makes sense she'll transform into some sort of bug: Whichever one is more useful at the moment.

Strongshell Scavenger: In these desperate times of undeath and winter, ordinary folks like the Tanuka (this guy's race) need to scavenge as many resources to survive. When the scavenger arrives into the battlefield, his allies (of the Taunting kind) fight harder to protect such a valuable ally.

Spreading Plague: Plagues are more efficient the more victims there are to spread it. As such, the more enemies, the more scarabs summoned to spread the hurt.

Fatespinner: This fine lady seems to be a Nerubian Vizier, strange spider folks that can weave webs. As such an adept webweaver, it makes sense she could weave at least two kinds: Encase the battlefield in harmful webbing, or with protecting silk. Whichever one she's asked (Secretly).

Ultimate Infestation: This infamous card seems to show the full might of the Scourge: As such, it makes sense for it to be so powerful, fitting for one of the most deadly armies in Warcraft history.

Malfurion the Pestilent: Malfurion's taken a liking to insects this set, as we've seen from other cards. He leads the infestation, summoning scarabs and spiders at will and shapeshifting into them when needed.

Hadronox: The biggest of the creepy crawlies. My theory is that Hadronox encases the minions with the most meat (those bulky Taunts) in web instead of letting them die, and/or he just eats them. When Hadronox himself dies, all his victims burst out from his stomach for Round 2. Yeesh.


Play Dead: Before Rexxar went nuts, he taught his bestial buddies how to play dead to avoid the wrath of the scourge. So convincingly, in fact, that sometimes they do things only possible when they die, like summon a bunch of spiders. Their lives were on the line, after all.

Bearshark: I believe this beautiful beastie's effect is a play on the fan-name given to the can't be targeted by spells or Hero Powers effect, 'Elusive'. 'The Elusive X' is often a way to describe some mythical beast evading capture like the Loch Ness Monster of Bigfoot. A Bearshark certainly fits that category.

Stitched Tracker: This guy I'm not too sure on. My theory is that he's looking for folks to join the Scourge. Maybe he's taken corpses and dressed them up like The Lich King and his friends? Or maybe it's the other way around. He's looking for something, anything, to help him survive the Scourge. A tragic tale, this man, either way.

Venomstrike Trap: Hunters have employed many traps to attract beasts, in this case cobras. Spotting a uncouth kerfuffle in the tundra, the cobra rushes to the area to have a juicy bite. I mean, what can a cobra eat in Northrend, anyway?

Exploding Bloatbat: This fellow seems to be a Fiery Bat with some Scourge magic/radiation pumped into him. The same type used by Abomination. As such, it hits harder and bigger, looking to infect as many targets as possible.

Corpse Widow: This scary spider makes your Deathrattle minions cheaper. But why? Maybe it encourages the little beasts, seeing their momma fight. Or perhaps it releases some of its would-be victims from their webs (aw!) or her stomach (ew) to help fight some bigger intruders.

Toxic Arrow: I'm guessing this is why Rexxar needed cobras. This poisonous arrow infects its victims with toxic powers, to be used for the benefit of the Scourge! Not sure if Rexxar or the guys who let this card be printed are more evil.

Abominable Bowman: This guy's story is pretty simple: Abominations don't really have beast friends (or best friends for that matter), right? So when he dies he just spits out a snack. Simple. Really gross, but simple.

Professor Putricide: Mad Scientist has established that scientists are all about Secrets. So the most famous of them would have to be the first Secret legendary! He's developed a concoction that lets him duplicate the hunter's traps.

Deathstalker Rexxar: Rexxar's efforts to make the Scourge great again primarily include stitching dead beasts together to form formidable soldiers. Only the little ones, though. Apparently Arthas doesn't approve of zombie T-Rex.

That's it for now. Hope you like it!

submitted by /u/BiggerWigger
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Wake up, Sheeple! Velen + Velens Chosen means...

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 08:48 AM PST


it's all clear to me now! i see the truth!

submitted by /u/cjhobbes
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Does this game actually have a casual mode?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 07:43 AM PST

Recently I stopped playing ranked mode so as to get a respite from facing an endless slog of top tier decks, and have stuck to casual mode, where I... face an endless slog of top tier decks.

Seriously, this entire morning has been nothing but Razakus Priest, Evolve Shaman, and Tempo Rogue. Can we get an official Fun and Wacky mode that's not just Tavern Brawl? Some of us are trying to play Renouncelock over here.

submitted by /u/sodapopkinski
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Top 15 Legend with Breakfast Priest!

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 12:36 PM PST

Gold count broken?

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 02:13 PM PST


Just signed into hearthstone and I've got -570? No idea how or why this has happened

edit: Just won 3 games for the 10 gold, so now I am at -560

submitted by /u/KiIIJoys
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Controls wild tournament

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 04:11 AM PST

When is it going to be held? I think that i miss it because i switched timezones. Does anyone know if there are going to be vods?

submitted by /u/Woodpecker023
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