Guild Wars 2 - Raid 5 Kill Thread!

Raid 5 Kill Thread!

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 09:18 AM PST

Let the race begin, share your boss kills here! Spoilers in the comments.

Banned guilds from the race:

  • None

World First

You may make a separate thread in the subreddit only if you're the world's first kill for any of the bosses (don't mention the boss' name in the title, mention the number). Non world first clear threads will be removed, comment in this thread with your non world first clears.

Events between bosses not counted, but you can post them in this thread.

First boss | Challenge Mote

Last boss | Challenge Mote

  • n/a | n/a

Other Important Links (You can also click the mentor icon on the top left under the subreddit's header)

submitted by /u/poopeepoo
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Mounts at 2,000 gems are not OK Anet.

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 09:20 AM PST

For a limited time, the new Resplendent Avialan raptor mount skin is available in the Style category of the Gem Store for 2,000 gems.

Just because everyone was busy with Anet's genius idea of Mount Loot Boxes, it doesn't mean Mount skins at 2,000 gems are acceptable. Sell us the skins at 800 gems like outfits. And for the record, bundles are not OK either when you don't have the choice to buy the items separately.



Your advertisers and Marketing Team

submitted by /u/Ceraunos
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Living World Season 4: "Daybreak" devs here – ask us anything!

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 02:01 PM PST

Hi everyone,

With today's release we are excited to unveil the first episode of our newest season of Living World! Starting today you'll be able to explore a brand new open world zone in Elona, you'll get a glimpse of the events during the rise of Palawa Joko in the Fractals, gather your friends for a new challenging raid that lets you journey into the Underworld, enjoy a new section for "keys" in the wallet freeing up some of your inventory space, and more! As has been our tradition, members from various teams that support the live game are here to answer your questions. Thanks for joining us here today and enjoy "Daybreak"!

Here's who's with us today:

-Living World Team - Morgan Brown, Heather Conover, Andrew Gray, Nicholas Hernandez, Andrew McLeod, Linsey Murdock, Dara Potocska, Ester Sauter, Kirk Williford

-Narrative Team - Tom Abernathy, Eve Eschenbacher, Jessica Price, Bobby Stein

-Fractals Team - Ben Arnold

-Raids Team - Byron Miller, Jason Reynolds

-Tech Design - Sean Conroy

-Legendary Weapon Design - Matt Pennebaker

-Sound Team - Drew Cady

As with previous AMAs here are our ground rules. We're here to chat with you about the new content and the new season of Living World. We will not discuss or reveal features or items that are currently in development. And please respect that many of your fellow players may not have finished the episode yet, so please spoiler tags appropriately.

Finally, we are all excited that you joined us this afternoon. This is the first episode of a new season of Living World and the start of a new journey for all of us together. Once again, thank you for all of your support and for being part of such an amazing community!


Edit: Thank you everyone who came out and helped us celebrate this release! This wraps up the Episode 1 AMA. As always some of us will still be answering questions for a bit longer. Thank you for being such an awesome community and we'll see you in game!

submitted by /u/mikezadorojny
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Game Release Notes - November 28, 2017

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 09:11 AM PST

When you realize how op is Sohothin

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 08:46 AM PST

New Legendary Focus : The Binding of Ipos

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 09:34 AM PST

Mike O'Brien's Response to the 2,000 Gem Store Mount Skin Prices

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 05:45 PM PST

"Hi, As I wrote in my previous response, it's been a wonderful challenge to support all Living World and Live content development for a game of this size, for five years and counting, purely through the sale of optional microtransactions. We laid out our guiding principles for GW2 microtransactions in March 2012 and we've held true to them ever since. My motivation is to continue to stay true to those principles while also continuing to fund Live content development. I recently apologized for our missteps with the Mount Adoption License. Still, mount skins are purely cosmetic, thus in many ways an ideal embodiment of our goal to support the game with optional microtransactions.

Most of us have two relationships with the GW2 gem store. One relationship is that of a customer: we purchase things when we want them for ourselves and agree with how they're bundled and priced. Another relationship is that of an interested party: we know that ArenaNet funds Live development through the sale of gems for cash, and we enjoy playing new content like today's release, so we hope that the gem store does well enough to keep supporting content development. We might say, "I wouldn't buy that!", but if enough people buy it that it supports ongoing Live development, we're still happy.

Mount skins are style items, and style items have some unique challenges. They're subject to individual taste, so except for the very flashiest items, individual style items will have limited sales. Also, GW2 isn't setup to support an enjoyable experience of browsing through a large catalog of style items, so players tend not to do that. What our data shows is that higher-priced flashy individual items can work, and lower-average-price-per-item bundles can work, but lower-priced individual items generally don't generate meaningful revenue to support the game. And the whole point of these items is to support the game.

GW2 is a content-rich online world with no monthly fee, so it's a great overall value, with microtransactions doing the heavy lifting of funding continued development of the game. It shouldn't also be our goal to have the lowest-priced microtransactions. In that case, the only logical outcome would be that we could afford to make less content than other developers, and I think that's not what any of us are looking for. I love our current pace of content development and I hope we can support it for a long time to come. We're all in this together. It's obvious in your posts that you're thoughtful and motivated to see the game do well. You balance between loving the game and not always agreeing with how gem store items are bundled or priced. That's fair. We have a commerce team that lives that dilemma every day. We're all doing our best for the long-term health of the game.

Thank you all for your passion, and again, thank you for your continued support of Live development. ~ MO"

submitted by /u/darksora2323
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With 5 years now past, here's a message from a veteran player to all you veteran players who's still out there.

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 05:19 AM PST

Remember that time when you had difficulty with an event and someone helps you and you tell yourself, wow that guys good!

the time when you're just walking and you see some lovely RP going around and you just read through it and time just disappeared.

that moment when you see someone with that shiny bling sword or those fiery daggers that made you go, i am gonna make those badass shinies one day.

when youre just chilling about and you see a beautiful character and you try to comprehend how much time they spent in the character creation screen and just be amazed on how much effort they put into making their character look good.

moments when youre levelling and you see people fight, people throw silly comments, and people just helping people around map, say or party chat. And you laugh or you try to pitch in to learn more about the game, or just be silent and absorb all the info you can get.

you are that person to someone now. we all have made an impact to someone now as a community no matter how assholish things can get. Theres still someone out there who will be helpful and inspiring to someone.

thanks everyone for being one of the best communities in gaming.

<3except you HOTM. jk

submitted by /u/Ekserowan
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[Data-Mining] Upcoming features from the November 28 patch

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 09:46 AM PST

Hello everybody,

Today we've got 3 updates for the price of one. Two things I want to share:

  • I have left out some mini pets and armor/weapon rewards from this post because story spoilers
  • Gemstore banner images have returned!


Edit: That's about it for today! I'll probably add the spoiler skins and minis later.

Gemstore Banners

Loading Screens


Item Description
Mount Skin
[&AgHzTQEAAA==] Resplendent Avialan
[&C0gAAAA=] First Follower Desmina Outfit
1896624_0638 Answer the call of the Underworld with the new First Follower Desmina Outfit!
[&AgH9TgEAAA==] Choya Finisher
1896625_0405 A choya pinata comes down to finish off your opponent.
Mini Pets
[&AgE2UAEA] Mini Sayida
[&AgGuTwEA] Mini Tar Elemental
[&AgEnTwEA] Mini Adolescent Aurene
[&AgE8UAEA] Mini Desmina
[&AgFVUQEA] Mini Branded Wyvern
[&AgGjTgEA] Mini Broken King
Dye Kit
[&AgGTUAEAAA==] Elonian Landscape Dye Kit
1896624_0278 Elonian Landscape Dye Kit now available!
[&AgEmUAEA] Highland Dye
[&AgEGUAEA] Mesa Dye
1896624_0729 Oasis Dye
[&AgFJUAEA] Ruin Dye
[&AgGBUAEA] Sandstorm Dye [»]
[&AgG6TgEA] Sulfur Dye
Astral Weapons
1862778_0063 Astral Apparatus
1862781_0777 Astral Avenger
1862780_1002 Astral Beacon
1862781_0496 Astral Cannon
1862778_0471 Astral Cleaver
1862780_0987 Astral Disk
1862784_0316 Astral Harbinger
1862782_0896 Astral Khopesh
1862783_0333 Astral Knobkerrie
1862780_0090 Astral Longbow
1862782_0793 Astral Orrery
1825766_0773 Astral Razor
1862781_0696 Astral Revolver
1862781_0564 Astral Scepter
1862780_0293 Astral Short Bow
1862782_0497 Astral Spire
Stellar Weapons
1862781_0398 Stellar Apparatus
1862782_0286 Stellar Avenger
1862783_0125 Stellar Beacon
1862780_0804 Stellar Cannon
1862778_0890 Stellar Cleaver
1862778_0017 Stellar Disk
1862779_0874 Stellar Harbinger
1862778_0234 Stellar Khopesh
1862780_0796 Stellar Knobkerrie
1862778_0516 Stellar Longbow
1862783_1014 Stellar Orrery
1862783_0985 Stellar Razor
1862781_0908 Stellar Revolver
1862782_0265 Stellar Scepter
1862781_0195 Stellar Short Bow
1862783_0618 Stellar Spire
1825757_0486 Corsair Turban Box
[&CpweAAA=] Light Corsair Turban
[&CsEeAAA=] Medium Corsair Turban
[&CqQeAAA=] Heavy Corsair Turban
Legendary Focus
[&CuMeAAA=] The Binding of Ipos
[&CqoeAAA=] Ars Goetia
[&CrQeAAA=] The True Name
[&CrEeAAA=] Mark of the Unnamed
1701553_0704 In the Mystic Forge, combine a Gift of the Oasis, a Gift of the Highlands, a Gift of the Riverlands, and a Gift of the Desolation to create a Gift of the Desert, used in crafting legendary weapons.
1701553_0226 In the Mystic Forge, combine a Spirit of the Raptor, a Spirit of the Springer, a Spirit of the Jackal, and a Spirit of the Skimmer to create a Gift of the Rider.
1711443_0307 In the Mystic Forge, combine a Gift of the Desert, a Gift of the Rider, a Bloodstone Shard, and 250 Funerary Incenses to create the Gift of Desert Mastery.
1701553_0282 Use artificing to refine into Shards of the Dark Arts, used to craft the legendary focus precursor Ars Goetia.
1701553_0573 Used to craft the legendary focus precursor Ars Goetia. Combine in the Mystic Forge with Mystic Runestones, a Gift of Energy, and a Gift of the Mists to create the Gift of Ipos.
1701553_0581 Recipe: Ars Goetia
1701553_1010 Recipe: The True Name
[&CsYeAAA=] Asef's Brew
[&CtQeAAA=] Barud's Blunderbuss
[&CtAeAAA=] Darkspear
[&CqEeAAA=] Randa's Eviscerator
[&CukeAAA=] Sunscythe
[&CrYeAAA=] Sunspear
[&CqUeAAA=] The Voice in the Void
[&CrceAAA=] The Ender of All
[&CskeAAA=] Oblivion
[&CtYeAAA=] Sledge of the Red Witch
[&CuUeAAA=] Flesh and Sinew
[&CuYeAAA=] Final Death
[&AgHRTgEA] Superior Rune of the Stars
[&AgGaUAEA] Superior Sigil of the Stars
1716723_0440 Volatile Magic
1825755_0129 Train the Volatile Magic Resonance Mastery to gain ability to collect volatile magic.
1701550_0475 Kralkatite Ore
1773903_0834 Can be traded with vendors in the Domain of Istan, used for crafting, or consumed for Volatile Magic.
[&AgEZUQEA] Brandstone Node
[&AgF8TwEA] Istan Portal Scroll
1716723_0039 Double-click to teleport to the Chalon Docks in the Domain of Istan. This item cannot be used while in combat.
[&AgGYTgEA] Season 4 Portal Tome
1773904_0158 Store living world portal scrolls inside of this tome.
1716723_0043 Istani Empowerment
1716723_0576 Permanently gain 10 bonus experience while in Istan. Stacks up to 3 times.
1716723_0676 Permanently gain bonus karma while killing foes in the Domain of Istan. Stacks up to 3 times.
[&AgHGTwEA] Endless Awakened Archer Tonic
1773903_0505 Combat Tonic: Double-click to transform into an Awakened or return to normal.
1862778_0494 Miniature Joko Bust (for Personal Worship)
1862782_0760 Miniature Majestic Joko (for Personal Worship)
1862779_0008 Hanging Standard of King Joko
1862779_0010 Statue of Joko the Majestic
1862783_0313 Can be placed in the Mystic Forge along with other bookmaking materials to create a Meditation Logbook.
1862784_0114 Become one with the Mists and gain the following: • The "Fractal Champion" title • 5 agony resistance, 2 increased outgoing damage, and 25 health per second in fractals for every character in your account • 1 additional fractal encryption and bag of fractal relics from the final chest in every fractal Level 3 of 4—Effects stack with previous level.
1877043_0936 Account Augmentations
1862783_0853 Every character in your account permanently gains 5 agony resistance in fractals. Level 1 out of 4.
1825766_0752 Permanently gain an extra Writ of Tyrian Mastery from the final chest in every fractal. Level 1 out of 4.
1862778_0817 Permanently gain bonus karma from the final chest of every fractal. Level 3 out of 4.
1877044_0517 You must have at least Fractal Empowerment 2, Karmic Retribution 2, and Agony Impedance 2 to purchase Mist Attunement.
1877044_0897 You must have a Personal Fractal Level of 100 to purchase Agony Impedance.
1862780_0477 Celestial Infusion (Red)
1862779_0548 Mystical +5 Agony Infusion
1862778_0867 Mystical +7 Agony Infusion
1862779_0014 Mystical +9 Agony Infusion
1862781_0189 Spiteful +5 Agony Infusion
1862780_0185 Spiteful +7 Agony Infusion
1862781_0942 Spiteful +9 Agony Infusion
1877043_0049 Keys
1877043_0656 You have acquired an item that can be used to open locked chests! To see how many you have, open the Wallet panel from your inventory.
1862780_0631 Your soul has dissipated. You are dead.
1877043_0713 A high-quality ax.
submitted by /u/that_shaman
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That art is freaking perfect! [spoilers]

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 03:11 PM PST


Posted: 28 Nov 2017 09:13 AM PST

Praise Joko!

submitted by /u/ScienceQ_A
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Did he just throw spears at me?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 11:02 AM PST

When you are an adult but children are bigger than you.

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 12:00 PM PST

[New raid spoilers] The definition of "playing the UI"

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 02:35 PM PST

Resplendent Avian Raptor Skin (2000 gems)

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 09:29 AM PST

The new meta event is great

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 01:59 PM PST

Just the title. I missed some good old open world zerg content. Could be more challenging, but even then, it's a pretty fun farm, with satisfying visuals, nice fights, fair schedule, and good rewards.

ArenaNet, if you're reading this, please consider revisiting PoF maps and adding something similar to them as well!

submitted by /u/Lon-ami
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11/28 Release Mirage Axe Bug Fix

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 11:38 AM PST

New Fractal Rewards - Account Augmentations and more

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 09:53 AM PST

Four new permanent, account-wide augmentations (buffs) were added to the Fractal rewards today. Each augmentation has 4 tiers. I didn't test to see if higher tiers are more expensive.

Vendor window

Fractal Empowerment - Permanently gain an extra Writ of Tyria Mastery from the final chest in every fractal.

Karmic Retribution - Permanently gain bonus karma from the final chest in every fractal.

Agony Impedance - Every character in your account permanently gains 5 agony resistance in fractals.

The Mist Attunement augmentation is a little different: You need to have unlocked at least Tier 2 in the other 3 augmentations in order to purchase it. Vendor price is hidden until you fulfill that requirement; Price here, courtesy of /u/Birkiedoc.

Mist Attunement:

  • The "Fractal Savant" title
  • 5 Agony Resistance, 1% increased outgoing damage, and 10 health per second in fractals for every character in your account.
  • 1 additional fractal encryption and bag of fractal relics from the final chest in every fractal.

Vendor NPC dialogue suggests that each of its four tiers will have a unique title.

From the patch notes:

"Added equipment bags that can be purchased with blade shards to Bling-9009 after completing the harbinger's challenge in the Nightmare fractal. Purchases are limited to five per day."

The equipment bags cost 100 Blade Shards each, limited to 5 purchases per day. From the 5 I bought, they each gave 1 piece of Masterwork each. I'm assuming they give a chance of Rare/Exotic or maybe rarely Ascended considering the price and the pre-requisite of clearing CM Nightmare.


  • Obsidian Shards had their price reduced to 30 relics + 96c.
  • Mystic Clovers have a price of [150 Relics + 1 Mystic Coin + 1 Ecto + 2 Spirit Shards], and are limited to 2 per day.
  • Stat-selectable Ascended Amulet/Accessory/Ring (infused) have a price of [100 Pristine Relics + 2 Integrated Fractal Matrices].
submitted by /u/Shmako
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This game :') (Bitterfrost Frontier)

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 02:42 AM PST

We got our key-ring

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 09:24 AM PST

From the patch-notes

A new Keys category has been added to the wallet, and it contains a currency version of several existing items. These items can be consumed to convert them into the new currencies. Content that once required these items to be in a player's inventory will now check for the currency instead. This change affects the following items:

Zephyrite Lockpicks Bandit Skeleton Keys Pact Crowbars Exalted Keys Vials of Chak Acid Machetes Trader's Keys 

Edit: Looks like this

submitted by /u/Presac
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Patch is 1040MB (give or take a few MB), a lot of ppl ask every big patch so thought i should pay attention.

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 09:31 AM PST

New Elonian Landscape Dye Kit

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 09:39 AM PST

[Raid Spoiler] An Ancient Spirit

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 10:03 AM PST

Hard to hear, but her flute plays when she vanishes. What a nice callback.

submitted by /u/Shiiyouagain
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Escort Jenna

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 07:35 AM PST

[Spoiler] I was pleasantly intrigued by this detail in LS4!

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 02:59 PM PST

"Nornvember" is ending soon, here's an artwork of my Norn lady I did a while back!

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 01:50 AM PST

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