Elder Scrolls Online - TFW your first character gets to this point... (no crown items used in the process...)

TFW your first character gets to this point... (no crown items used in the process...)

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 12:21 PM PST

Yet another blocked off ruin on Vvardenfell

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 07:52 PM PST

Oh my god.

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 03:21 PM PST

Zos.. since cyrodill is broken this week...

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 03:23 PM PST

How about you give us a week of double AP considering cyrodill is unplayable without having to restart our game. I think Battlegrounds is fun and a good alternative to the cyrodill situation, BUT I also hate playing your trash grab bag playlist. All I want to do is play regular deathmatch with my squad, I hate objective gamemodes... On a serious note please fix cyrodill and give us double AP when the loading screen issue is fixed.

submitted by /u/Coolkid78
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[Combustion] Stamina Dragonknight PvE Build - Clockwork City ESO by FeaR Turbo

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 06:26 PM PST

This is one version of the stamina dragonknight that MC will be using this patch. https://youtu.be/r2mov8c4mkw

All written info is @ Website: http://fearturbo.com/combustion/

Dagger Trait Testing: https://youtu.be/9rQg0T2eXZE

WM and Standard Testing: https://imgur.com/spbvPTq https://imgur.com/65NQfWC

https://twitter.com/FeaRTurbo https://www.twitch.tv/fearturbo

submitted by /u/FeaRTurbo
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Starting a Healer- Seeking Advice

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 08:01 PM PST

Hello everyone. I'm fairly new to ESO [PC] and I want to dedicate to a healer character. I have Morrowind and I am leaning towards a Warden healer? Is this comparable to other healer type classes or should I reconsider?

Also, can anyone provide a good reference for healer builds. Obviously, starter builds would be nice. My initial focus will be in PvE. Thanks so much for any and all advice!

submitted by /u/SleazyJeans
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WIP mag dk build for pvp,pve.

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 08:06 PM PST

Some have been asking about it so I thought I would just post it. Probably already known build but im posting it for those who are curious.Pretty easy to use and not a slouch in pvp either. Might not look good but I'm on my phone typing this out. The mundus is the mage. I use witchmothers brew for food. Still messing with it but I reckon when I'm done should have about 40k magicka. 2k magicka recovery. And around 3k+ spell damage buffed. With 50+% spell crit.

[Frontbar]DW-julianos swords crusher and fire damage enchanted. [Backbar]julionos lightning staff weapon damage enchant. Inferno staff for pvp. 2pc grothdar 5pc burning spellweave. (Jewelry) 3pc julianos. (5pc with swords)

All passives including vampire undaunted and mages guild.

[PvP skills] FB-flame lash, burning embers, stone giant, inner light, inferno BB-coagulating blood,harness magicka, destructive touch, reflective scales, molten armaments. [PvE skills] FB-flame lash, burning embers, engulfing flames, inner light, inferno BB-burning talons harness magicka, elemental blockade, eruption, molten armaments.

[CP](based on my cp) 100-arcanist 56-tenacity 23-tumbling 64-elemental expert, 18-elfborn, 22-spell erosion 75-thaumaturge. 30-spell shield, 50-hardy, 50-elemental defender, 23-bastion, 27-quick recovery.

submitted by /u/Xxhash
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New player, haven't left Morrowind yet... Should I?

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 12:47 PM PST

I didn't realize that in owning Morrowind it would dump me right out into Vvardenfell on a fresh character, so the entirety of my 1-10 thus far has been hanging out with Dark Elves and beating up a lot of kagouti. Am I doing anything WRONG per se by just doing Vivec's and everyone's quests? I was always a huge fan of Morrowind back in the day, so it's been a great nostalgia trip, but if I'm gimping myself by not branching out I want to know.

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/screwymaverick
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Quests from chosen deity...

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 11:38 AM PST

I'm sitting here playing ESO finishing up the questline in wrothgar and I had to do a quest where I had to kill a bunch of werewolf in a cave for some silver hand group or something. As a werewolf I begin to think... It would be nice if you could choose a deity to follow and receive Quest from that deity. So for example as a werewolf I could receive Quest or bounties from Hircine or if your vampire you can receive direct Quest from Molag Bal depending on if you do a certain quest line or some sort of achievement that allows you to receive this direct link to that deity. I was just thinking how much more immersion that would add in the game and would add a little bit of extra fun too. You can even have the NPC's in the game respond to you in certain ways depending on your choice of quest , who your chosen deity is, and the outcome of the quest with different choices.

submitted by /u/Fockewulf8
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[XBOX] Obscure Load Times

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 08:02 PM PST

The past few days i have been having insane load times, to the point where i just have to restart the game. I dont know what end this problem is coming from, but all i know is nothing has changed with my internet since it started happening. I dont want to keep having to restart the game because the load times are endless. Any suggestions on what i should do to fix this problem? Thanks.

submitted by /u/TK0140
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I am almost lvl CP200. What should I be doing now to become stronger?

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 03:28 AM PST

My build: altmer sorcerer, bow, light armour. Bow lvl 50, light armour crafting lvl 50, almost lvl cp160 gear, just need more mats. Other crafting levels 40-45. 9 traits researched on my light gear, almost there with medium and heavy.

Some questions: - is there a max level for the baddies (CP160 perhaps)? I am annoyed by the level restrictions being removed as I loved the feeling of being able to decimate the lower levelled bad guys. - should I change my weapon focus? (Is this more difficult now that all creatures are scaled to my level?) - should I change my armour focus?

Will I become stronger as I continue to level or will the creatures continue to level with me? I hope not.

Thanks for any advice.

submitted by /u/heropedmeintoit
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[Discussion] Note; not doing end game. But are Sorcer Tanks decent?

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 03:15 AM PST

Yeah, so I love my Dark Elf Sorcerer. He's a beast. Also a big fan of 4 man dungs too. I'm 37? So I get grouped with inexperienced players often. Some of the "Tanks" I doubt even have a taunt assigned.

Anyway, In a pinch(often), or when I pull aggro(often..) I've been somewhat lucky with keeping myself alive solely with my clanfear heals and evading/blocking decently enough. Anyway, I picked up a few pieces of gear, leveled both Empowered Ward and Annulment. I've been using one or the other with my DPS setup and they do a good job keeping me up. I have most of the mana regen talents in light armor.. So my resource management is excellent. I believe I'm 5(health)35(Magika) or so.. I've played around with the frost staff(I Have all but 1 of the destro staff abilities). Seems decent? But I have yet to really try grouping with it...

Im thinking 2x "mana" shields for 6K+ HP, with no cool down... Each takes about 7% of my mana, while I regen a few % per sec.. I was thinking the Holy Fire skill for a true taunt+ the frost staff.. I don't see an issue holding threat. The addition shield provided by the frost staff heavy is solid too, 1k or so on that. The clanfear 33% heal. I was thinking about topping off the build with say, lightning form? I have a tiny health pool, but if I stick to my rotation and pay attention - It's 15k+(15k or so with the shields) along with the clan fear heal..

Anyone try anything like this? End game opinions are welcome too. Pretty sure I'm gonna try this when I get home, but i'm an inexperienced ESO player. So please chime in.

PS: I have google, but there's a landfill of outdated information out there. So yeah.

TL;DR: Bored at work. Carry on haha(sorc tank?)

submitted by /u/Darkyano
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What other set should I wear with mad tinkerer?

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 03:09 AM PST

I'm a Magicka dps and I'm using the Lich and Julianos but I want to change it so that all my armour is livewire and then make up another set out of jewelry and weapons so what other set would be good that I can get jewelry and weapons for?

submitted by /u/Artentics
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[PC] A question re: potions and buffs

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 01:37 AM PST

What do you prefer, getting your buffs via popping potions or getting them via armor/abilities?

submitted by /u/kylerjalen
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MagSorc Build

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 07:34 PM PST

So I'm starting to get back into the game after probably a year long hiatus. The last time I played was right around when One Tamriel dropped I think, and I haven't really been keeping up with the patches since then so I don't know what changes have been made. What is the go-to sorc build right now? I'm running 5 pc julianos, skoria, and 5 pc elegance which I bet is really outdated. I know pets are popular, but I've never liked using pets really, so I was wondering what are the best pet and non-pet sorc builds rn. Any help would be greatly appreciated

submitted by /u/Floppy_Frank
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Magicka Sorcerer: Force Pulse vs Crushing Shock

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 04:47 PM PST

Alcasts Clockwork City Mystic build states to use force pulse on your rotation, however in many veteran trials I've DPS in my groups are recommending Crushing Shock.

submitted by /u/GoingUpInFlamez
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a new path for ESO guilds

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 01:15 AM PST

i came up with an revolutionary idea for the guilds in game. what if the guards in every city and town had th same ability as those in the pvp maps. that 1 time a months guilds can compete for control of an entire city giving the guards thier tabbards and the guild that owns it gets a discount from the merchants and of course would be visible on the map.

this would give the idea of joining and building guilds a real purpose other than a fancy tabbard

your thoughts people?

submitted by /u/guardian_ops
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Can I play wth a friend who has the Morrowind edition if I just have the base game?

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 03:24 PM PST

Topic really. My friend recently bought Morrowind,but I don't have that version. Outside of the morrowind stuff, can we still play together?

submitted by /u/KouNurasaka
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Asylum Builds

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 01:22 PM PST


Are the weapons that drop in normal AS any good?

I have a charged inferno staff and was thinking 5 Juli 3 Willpower 2 monster.

I also have a defending bow.

submitted by /u/a_Rowdy_a
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[Guide] Im looking for a build that represents the Norse God of thunder "Thor"

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 04:22 PM PST

I want to make a build using the idea of the norse god Thor. A Mighty warrior (Stam Based 2-hand) that uses magic of the storm to obliterate his foes and make himself stronger. Anyone have any suggestions as to a build or at least where to start?

submitted by /u/CDiggums
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[PS4] Quick newbie question

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 07:53 PM PST

Is it viable to play a Dragon Knight with heavy armor and two handed weapons? I always choose warrior types in fantasy based games and would love to play this game in the same sort of style.

submitted by /u/jsevenfive
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Posted: 11 Nov 2017 11:21 PM PST

Hey folks,

My Stamblade has finally broken CP160. I am a TH and Bow user. Haven't mastered DW yet as I love the DMG Shield with Brawler on TH.

Anyway, what advice would you give for my build with regards to Armour (Medium) and the traits and enchantments attached?

Also weapon choice with traits and enchantments?

I will need to find someone to craft it all for me but will reward the handsomely with gold!

Thanks Tamriel!

submitted by /u/hugoDBM
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Need advice for PvP Warden Healer (Battlegrounds)

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 03:13 PM PST

I just got into PvP, and I'm running a warden healer / support character. I need some general advice on armor and strategy. Currently, I'm setup primarily to heal and buff with little to no real dps. I've only been doing battlegrounds because my goal is to level up assault / support trees quickly and this seems to give me the most amount of AP. Here's what I'm running:

Warden (Breton) w/ 5 piece Necropotence (3 jewelry / 1 staff / light shoulder) and 5 piece Seducer ( 1 heavy / 4 light) + 1 monster helm (Grothdar)

I'm running resto on both bars.

Bar 1 is Enchanted Growth, Corrupting Pollen, Healing Springs, Mage Light (the anti-gank version) Blue Betty, Enchanted Forest

Bar 2 is Leeching Vines, Nature's Grasp, Rapid Regen, Mist Form (Flex), Ice Fortress, Northern Storm

In the bar 2 flex, I'll sometimes slot cliff racer or Deceptive Predator. I do reasonably well supporting my team, healing, and surviving. Mist form is great for not dying, and Nature's grasp is a good way for me to get to my team mate. My issue is doing damage. 1 on 1, I can't kill anyone, so I just keep healing until help arrives. As a healer, doing PuG battlegrounds on PS4, is this generally whats expected of healers when they queue, or do most 4 man teams queue as dps? I've done reasonably well on a variety of game types but I'm looking for advice from other Warden PvP healers.

Also, I'm not sure how to change this, but I always queue up into non-CP (my character is currently CP 610). Any advice would be appreciated, or suggested builds / gear. I was thinking about changing my 5 Seducer to all heavy so I'd have 1 light / 1 med / 5 heavy to help with not dying, but I'm not sure if this makes sense. Currently running 5 light, 1 med, 1 heavy. I'm also considering swapping to Argonian as I've seen some builds that make use of their great resource management, but I doubt those difference would make a difference because I'm so new to PvP.

submitted by /u/havoc235
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