Posted: 29 Nov 2017 05:01 AM PST







submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Random rolls were never the problem. Lots of shitty and useless perks that randomly rolled were the problem.

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 09:54 AM PST

Random rolls are a great thing. They provide diversity and uniqueness that makes our gear really feel like it's ours. Do you know what's not great? Guerrilla Fighter, Take a Knee, Exhumed, Rescue Mag, and Oiled Frame. How many guns did you have that were ruined by 1 or 2 terrible perks? How many Eyaslunas that rolled with Surrounded instead of Rangefinder? How many Grasps that rolled with Secret Round instead of Counterbalance? The problem with D1's RNG was that there was WAYYY too many terrible perks. Hell 1/5th of the perks were just useless. They should have never removed random rolls but instead got rid of those terrible 20% of perks. Spray and Play, Hand Loaded, and Army of One should be the worst available.

87% Upvote rate is wayyy higher than I anticipated for something that was supposedly so widely hated as random rolls were thought to be.

submitted by /u/turns31
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Just to be clear Bungie, I didn't buy Destiny 1 or 2 to play PvP

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 01:26 AM PST

WHY, you removed primary, special and heavy for PvP balance is beyond me. I don't understand why you can't balance the two separately since after all, you are a AAA Game. Rocket launchers outclass anything else in that slot it's unbelievable. Ill miss my nights of raids where I can snipe AND rocket a boss. Sure, elemental primaries is cool and everything. BUT SINCE THERE'S NO MODIFIERS ON STRIKES ANYMORE I GUESS IT DOESN'T MATTER.

sigh. I wanted to become Legend. But I'm just the same as everyone else.

Edit: I know others did purchase Destiny 2 for PvP. I was saying my friends I personally did not.

submitted by /u/RMEffinger
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State of the Subreddit - The Tipping Point

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 07:00 AM PST

State of the Subreddit

Hi everyone! Welcome to our monthly bi-monthly semi-annual State of the Subreddit. As a modteam, we typically use these to introduce any new rules, propose changes to rules or our methods, cover any upcoming events, and generally solicit your feedback on the administration of the subreddit and how it might be changed or improved.

Please note, this is NOT the State of the Game. It's fairly evident from the last few months that our community has varying opinions on Destiny 2, how it might be improved, and what the direction of the game should be going forward. These have been the primary points of discussion here in DTG for weeks, and it's not our job to control what you all want to talk about.

That being said, we do agree with most of you that the current state of the sub from day-to-day is typically not a pleasant one. While commentary, criticism, complaints, and suggestions have been hallmarks of this community from day one, there has been a large uptick recently in low-effort bandwagoning, reposting, circlejerking, and outright hostility directed at users or players. These things are unproductive and they undermine the subreddit experience for the vast majority of subscribers, particularly those who are legitimately interested in the game, playing it, and talking about it.

Below you will find some notes on a few things, as well as a few changes we are contemplating as a team to help mitigate these problems without full and outright censorship of people's opinions and feedback. That is not an avenue we have any interest in pursuing. As subscribers, it's your contributions, creations, and content which drive the direction of this community; it's your questions, discussions, and suggestions which voice the opinion of this community; it's your SGAs, guides, testing and reporting which inform the other members of this community about the game.

We do not have the power to change the game, but we do have the power to define and exhibit ourselves as passionate, dedicated, caring players who have come together in pursuit of a shared interest. This is what we've always been about- through thick and thin, through drought and Flood swarm, through Mythoclast and heavy ammo, through blink and shotguns...our community goes beyond the game, it always has, and it always will.

So let's get to it!

Please remember: we are explicitly asking for your feedback, suggestions, and comments, whether on the below or in general. We use these discussions to supplement our own throughout the decision-making process.

Reminder About Civility - we're all on the same team!

  • Please stop treating other subscribers like shit just because they disagree with you or have a different opinion on the game, an announcement, a post, another comment, this subreddit, other subreddits, autorifles, game development, froyo flavors, PUBG TPP vs FPP, turkey stuffing vs oven stuffing, etc., etc. It is neither appropriate, nor acceptable to insult or personally attack other users here.

  • Please stop threatening or disparaging individuals regardless of their role in the community or the game. Posting or commenting that specific people should be fired, or be met with violence or harassment is reprehensible and reflects poorly on this community. Let's all really try to keep in mind that despite how much it may mean to many of us, we are still talking about a consumer product with the sole purpose of entertaining its customers.

  • "He started it" doesn't even work for kindergarten teachers, let alone this modteam. If you find yourself on the precipice or in the midst of a conversation that's devolved into name-calling, threats, "kill yourself" or other similarly childish behavior, the report button and or modmail are preferable to responding in kind. Thanks very much for your cooperation!

Team Proposal: Bungie Plz Revamp

Current process, held over from D1, requires "...3 examples (with links) of recent submissions (with at least 1 being in the past month), and at least 1 being between 3-6 months, that have been well received (hundreds of upvotes on the front page of the sub - ex. 300+ upvotes)."

Proposed change(s)

  • Timeframe from "over the course of six months" to "over the course of five days". In other words, the range of time from the first post to the most recent post can be as little as five days, compared to the previous minimum of three months.

  • At the time it's added, the modteam will post a Megathread announcing addition of the topic to the Bungie Plz list. Unless and until something effects a material change to the situation (e.g., a hotfix or Bungie announcement) further posts concerning the topic will be redirected to this thread.

  • The Bungie Plz Megathreads will be linked on the wiki, and will include: (1) username of the person who submitted it OR that it was a "modteam consensus" addition (these are very rare); (2) date approved by modteam as well as our modmail discussion if relevant; (3) all examples/posts used for the submission; (4) copy/paste of the criteria used.

  • Upon the start of a new season, any changes implemented which address an item on the Bungie Plz wiki will precipitate its removal from the list.

Stimulus --> Response (reposts, low-effort complaints, dear john bungo, and more!)

As a team, we have been seeing and receiving frequent requests to "step in" or "moderate the [negativity/salt/shitposts/complaints/nostalgia/whining]." This is not so simple a task on our part, as we don't believe it ethical, productive, or fair to the community to outright remove individual opinions about the current state of the game.

However, most reasonable people would probably agree the state of constant repetitiveness, vapid negativity, karmawhoring and circlejerking is seriously undermining any semblance of an enjoyable subreddit for a large portion of the subscriber base.

Here are what we believe to be some of the most egregious, recurring issues as well as our proposed action(s) for your consideration:

comment replies as new posts: many users seem to be neglecting the purpose and function of comment sections in favor of starting new threads with their personal take or answer to an existing, front page post.

  • This is not how reddit works, and it comes off as ignorant, selfish, or passive aggressive at best. If you want to express your opinion or contribute to the discussion about a front page post, use the comment section of that post.

  • We have been removing these at times, but will be cracking down much harder going forward.

personal narrative as a loophole for reposting: adding a backstory about your D1 playtime, friends list, faithfulness, brand loyalty, etc., in order to repost a near carbon-copy complaint/criticism/"suggestion" from the front page.

  • Personal narratives do not add to the actual substance of these posts, and will no longer be used by the modteam as a factor for propping up a post's distinctiveness.

  • In other words, adding details about your personal experience will not preclude removal of a post if the substance matches that of one or more discussions from the last day or so.

generic, low-effort, word-salad "discussion" posts: no one here is a stranger to these, and the modteam is not stupid- we see people adding a paragraph or two of tripe to try and bypass the "low effort" standard or Bungie Plz wiki.

  • Vague complaints about "no endgame/incentive/worthwhile loot" or how the playerbase is "dying" are not contributing anything to this sub or the discussion about Destiny 2 as a whole.

  • If you have a novel idea, suggestion, or comparison to make then flesh it out and ensure it will facilitate a legitimate discussion as opposed to a circlejerk about how much bungo sucks now.

  • Disguising the same repeated complaints under nostalgia for D1 is similarly low-effort and disingenuous. Make a detailed analysis, draw an insightful comparison of specific mechanics, regale us with an entertaining tale of woe or adventure, but for the love of Cayde please stop with the "I can't be the only one who played D1 for 8000 hours and don't like D2."

DAE, or Am I the Only One??? lazy, clickbait titles designed to garner agreement upvotes are making this place resemble /r/circlejerk a bit too much at times.

  • Unless you're brand new to this subreddit, we know that you know that you aren't the only one. There is no merit to pretending like you don't know other people have gripes with the game. Spend a few minutes to think of a title that describes what you are trying to discuss or point out in your post.

  • Under most circumstances, these titles will be treated as clickbait going forward.

DEAR BUNGIE: when the entire front page consists of angry letters, suggestions, and rants directed at a singular entity, everyone else is an uninterested party.

  • This subreddit is a community filled with players, content creators, lurkers, marketers, members of the media, academics, people who are confused by mobile apps and can't find "unsubscribe", and many many more.

  • Theoretically, Bungie cannot comprise more than 0.2% of this subscriber base at the most (750 employees / 478,000 subscribers = 0.00157). Please try to keep this in mind before rushing to post yet another "Dear Bungie" thread repeating the same advice, suggestions, or criticisms consistently found throughout the front page.

Team Proposal: "Focused Feedback" or Consolidated Community Complaints and Criticisms

While reposted discussions are the bane of some users' existences, the value of feedback for Bungie, Activision, and anyone else who might be browsing here cannot be denied. Video games are evolving, and we are seeing more and more similarities to SAAS with each new title or sequel. In that regard, we had an idea that might double as beneficial to the subscribers AND to anyone who may be looking for and evaluating community feedback about Destiny 2.

  1. Once per week, we would take a common issue about the game which has been discussed frequently on the sub over the last few months and establish the equivalent of a Megathread for that specific topic, called "Focused Feedback". We would link as many relevant posts regarding the subject as we can find or as time warrants.

  2. During the week it's active, this specific topic would be temporarily retired and posts about it would be redirected to the Focused Feedback thread (this is similar to how Bungie Plz functions).

  3. After that week, the topic is un-retired and returns to normal, subject to our other rules regarding Bungie Plz, Rule 2, etc. A new topic is chosen.

We believe this would provide the following benefits to the sub: consolidates feedback concerning specific issues/topics; refreshes players on potentially old issues which they may have new thoughts on after playing more; brings light back to issues/requests without drowning out other content; provides an avenue for new subscribers or players to chime in with their thoughts.

The End

Not a lot to say in conclusion. We appreciate those of you sticking it out during this time- veterans of the sub will know it's certainly not the first, or even the twentieth time the overall attitude around here might be described as "grumpy".

But as we stated at the start, this community transcends the game itself and we should continue trying to maintain an atmosphere that is conducive to insightful discussion, sharing, and informing others about Destiny. We welcome your ideas, thoughts, comments, questions, and feedback on how that can be done.

Have a great day!

submitted by /u/K_Lobstah
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Even if Bungie actually reveals some changes in the right direction today, remember to stay calm and provide level headed feedback

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 05:05 AM PST

As many of us said during the past few days, this Blog today is a make or break thing for Bungie. It is really good to see that they seem to be leaving their regular path to actually talk about important stuff and give us the feedback we wanted all along. DeeJ is doing an amazing job on Twitter and the community loves this open communication even though no actual content has been revealed at this point.

Even if Bungie actually talks about some good changes today, I think it is important to not praise them too much, as a lot of us did over the past couple of years. I'm not saying that you're not allowed to get excited or anything, but remaining calm and providing feedback is what we should be doing.

This sub always seems to be in a state of one of two extremes. They either praise Bungie for their work, or they hate about everything in the game. Let's try to give them the feedback they need to further improve Destiny 2 so it might become a game all of us can enjoy again.

submitted by /u/-Snickers-
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Hidden Juggler mechanic ruins the benefits of 2 primaries in PVE. Also, why is there a Hidden Juggler mechanic?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 07:47 AM PST

So one of the few major benefits of having our current weapons system is that we can now really build out our high ammo count guns for different ranges. The combo of Scout/SMG, Auto/Scout, HC/Scout, Pulse/Sidearm, etc are cover differing ranges effectively in PVE. The issue is that, due to the Juggler mechanic restricting ammo drops to the gun you are not using... the whole plan goes to hell.

Using my longer ranged weapon on a regular basis would then force me into using my shorter ranged weapon at an suboptimal range, or run into a dangerous situation in order to use it effectively. So now the majority of my weapon choices come down to 2 primaries that cover the mid range because I never know if I'll have enough ammo to use specialized range weapons.

If the current weapon model that is going to be in for the longer term, the ammo economy needs to be adjusted to allow for a greater depth of weapon loadouts.

submitted by /u/thought8
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Remember to make corporate lives miserable, not DeeJ’s. He’s a great dude and an actual friend of the community.

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 07:34 AM PST

PSA: He's the messenger don't shoot him. Aim higher up the decision making chain.

Edit: Because it's been misconstrued - don't make anyone's lives miserable. That was hyperbole. Please remember to keep a rational discussion open with Bungie's public faces and not focus on some or two people who were not involved all that heavily in the actual game decisions. That is all:)

submitted by /u/H4cKtiCal
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Whatever happens today thank you guys for being my internet family for the last 4 years.

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 03:51 AM PST

Without DTG I wouldve been a solo player who had never run a raid, or done trials, or experienced the glory of a 6 man fireteam in Iron Banner. I never would have found the great friends I've made in my clans or found my current clan at all. Thank you guys for this awesome community, I know weve been salty but it's only because we want to add our own flavor to this great game. Good luck Bungie, hopefully we can get another good 4 years out of D2!

Edit. If anyone here is also on /r/NBA this feels like when I was waiting for KD's free agency decision.

submitted by /u/rowdyrc123
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Having a stream dedicated to Q&A (and other topics) weekly/monthly would go a long way to preventing community backlash like this in the future

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 06:35 AM PST

As we've all seen the community backlash has mainly stopped for now with Bungie being open and transparent for a change. An idea which I think would work great to prevent further backlash is having a scheduled weekly/fortnightly/monthly community stream with player submitted questions and suggestions, as well as other community spotlight features and having other developers from the team on to talk about the game.

It works great for games like old school RuneScape currently and that could be a good template to follow with additional changes made. I think it would be a positive and welcome change for the community and would suit Destiny perfectly.

submitted by /u/midkelts
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Deej - "I'm shooting for an afternoon deadline. That's about the time when we F5 on Thursdays, for context in your time zone."

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 10:11 AM PST

Can we please get a north marker for the radar?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 11:06 AM PST

It's confusing and annoying to get around the world maps without one

submitted by /u/RangiNZ
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I made some art. Hoping that the Bungie goes back to the original weapons load out from D1.

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 08:17 AM PST

One Thing Is Clear In All The Subreddit Salt: People WANT The Game To Succeed

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 01:04 PM PST

Obviously most Destiny feelings right now are negative ones, but it is natural for a game to fade away after a little while whether because of flaws in the game or just gradual growing disinterest. What is not natural or common is the level of sustained passion people have poured into talking about the game despite its problems. It isn't just Destiny 2, either. During content droughts and balancing issues and economy problems, people stayed engaged with Destiny 1 and the feedback, while sometimes very critical, never strayed from trying to make the game the best we thought it could be.

Bungie, Deej, Luke, whomever: you have an uncommonly loyal fan base, as evidenced by the fact that people aren't just quietly leaving but rather are pleading for the game to be improved and for a reason to keep playing. That's really cool. People want the game to succeed.

But the second chances aren't bottomless.

submitted by /u/offensive_loons_fan
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There is a high concentration of (valid) salt in this sub. Let me highlight one of the great parts of Destiny 2...the skyboxes.

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 10:58 AM PST

This is not meant to reduce the complaints or issues with Destiny 2 at all. As a heavy PvP player who loved Destiny 1 to death, I personally have been very frustrated with Destiny 2 since console launch. My way of coping with stress that I don't have any control over is usually distraction or chilling out. With Destiny 2, I've really been enjoying the art direction. Destiny skyboxes (horizon, environment design) are some of the best I've ever seen from any game. I'm really thankful for them, so I created a video about them.

WAIT: Before clicking this link, if you have not finished the game and don't want some locations spoiled for this game, you may want to move on.

Note: I do not monetize my videos, but if you find this video has ads, it's from the copyright holder of the music. I can't really avoid those ads, so please accept my apologies for the ads. I hate ads

In this video, I spent a bunch of time looking for exotic locations (no drops necessary) to sit down and just observe. I visited every planet and just walked around looking for the beauty in the Destiny 2 world. And hot damn, did I find it. Here are some of the things I noticed:

  • The Traveler is really well designed from an aesthetic point of view.
  • The Io skybox is amazing. I wasn't expecting that from Io, since it's my least favorite destination. But Io turned out to be my favorite clip after creating a time-lapse for it.
  • The EDZ has really accurate-looking forests. I live in the Pacific Northwest (70 miles from Bungie Studios, coincidentally) and I have to say, the EDZ forests look like my backyard, geographically speaking.
  • Despite being a really boring place to grind, Titan has a really detailed environment. There are colony structures in the distance and the Solarium is really cool, although it didn't make it into the video.
  • I accidentally spent too much time on Nessus. It has so many diverse locations, like the forests, caves, vex chasms, and Fallen lairs. I have a ton more footage than what's in the video. Maybe I'll make another one later. I really love the view of the Leviathan sucking up the rocks in the sky.

Anyway, I hope this helped chill you out and step back from the salt for a moment. I really hope Bungie comes up with something sane for the endgame soon. I've played since beta and have come to rely on Destiny as a constant source of fun. If Destiny died out for me with D2, that would just suck. As it is, I think I'm gonna take a little break.

EDIT: IO IS NOT A PLANET. Mea culpa. Also, I forgot to mention, the video looks better with a larger screen and sounds better with headphones. I didn't do any EQ because I figured the artist did, but the speakers do matter (a little bit) for this song.

EDIT1: Fixed a mistaken comment about the Leviathan in the sky of Titan. That view was on Nessus.

submitted by /u/backanbusy
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In agreement with the rest, bring back as much of D1 into D2 as possible. Do this and win Bungie

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 05:07 AM PST

Title really says it all. Incorporate the old weapon slots back to how we liked it (primary, secondary, heavy), have a gunsmith type vendor who sells weekly weapons to try out, bounties should return to get players to have SOMETHING to play for, random rolls on weapons would be a step above and beyond awesome, and of course ranked pvp would be an eye catcher. Not to mention private matches which we have patiently been waiting for. You announce these things and I know myself and my circle of friends would be excited about the Destiny franchise once again. We shall see....

submitted by /u/HotCupofNasty
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Dismantle Eververse Shader for Bright Dust if you can't afford Salty or Spicy Ramen this week

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 09:52 AM PST

I was missing 700 BD to afford the "Salty" emote. Then I realized you can just dismantle some of the hideous Eververse shaders for Bright Dust. I made the remaining BD by dismantling shaders and can now go happy into Season 2. Of course, this also applys to Sparrows and ships from Bright Engrams.

Don't buy Bright Engrams in panic because the season ends, just dismantle shaders you wouldn't use anyway! :)

Edit: 1 legendary Shader gives between 7 and 14 Bright Dust.

submitted by /u/KnutSkywalker
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To Luke Smith: Your "Golf Bag" analogy before D2's release was great, but once D2 was released I felt like I was playing with only 3 clubs. Details inside.

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 04:29 AM PST

Without linking the exact quote, prior to D2's release Luke Smith mentioned how he wanted us to put thought into our PvE loadouts before a difficult activity. This was part of their reasoning for locked PvE loadouts.


Let me describe briefly something that I loved about D1...


...every week I would read the "weekly reset" post and see what the nightfall and heroic strike modifiers were. Let's say the SIVA version of Taniks for example. Awesome strike, but man that solar burn is going to hurt! During my breaks at work I'd think about how I was going to tackle that activity, and I'd whip out the Ishtar Commander app on my phone and begin theorycrafting a build that would be both fun AND impactful to help my fireteam defeat this challenge.


Hmm...Solar burn chest for sure, I've got like 5 of those with different stats and perks in my vault thankfully! Oh look, catapult is on too. I'm going to make it rain solar 'nades all over those Vandal Snipers! I'll run the Simmering Flames Titan subclass perk.

Gloves with Grenade throw distance. Check.

Discipline/Strength Helmet with "inverse shadow" to get that simmering flames buff up faster. Check.

Boots with Shotgun Ammo to pair up with Invective. Check.

Auto Rifle with "Grenadier" perk for even MOAR Grenade spam! Check

Skorri's Artifact, since I won't be supering hardly at all. Check.

Armamentarium for an extra grenade, with solar burn protection. Check.


Ok, now let's throw on some sexy orange Chroma, this sweet shader and it's ready to go!


I must have had about 20 or more "sets" in my Ishtar Commander app. Destiny 1's PvE just had more depth. I by no means want to go back to random perk rolls on weapons or armor, and I fully support Bungie's decision to remove that RNG. Random stat rolls however, may be a decent compromise. But, something about our lack of choices in Destiny 2 just doesn't excite me about how to play my Guardian like it did in D1.


Instead of tackling this long par 5 hole with my bag of 15 different clubs (D1), I feel like I went out to a par 3 course with only my Driver, putter and pitching wedge (D2).


So what do I think would add more choice back to the player?


Mod System expansion.

Give us more options that make meaningful changes to how we play our guardian. The current mods are okay, but with ability cooldowns as long as they are in D2 compared to D1, they don't quite feel impactful to our playstyle yet.


Beef up our Exotics, especially for PvE.

The current Exotics really don't add much power to our Guardian, aside from a few. We assume PvP had some influence here, but if you can alter them to bring more pain and suffering to minions of the darkness again, that would be great.


New Nightfall/Strike Modifiers that add power to both our Guardians and the darkness

I think you saw the community really liked the D2 modifier that reduced ability cooldowns. Spamming grenades and class abilities again made me feel like my D1 Simmering Flames build was back in force, but that's the only modifier so far that's come close to making me feel "much more powerful." If I win, I want to win awesomely. If I die, I want to go down in a blaze of glory!


Expand our subclass trees

Pretty self explanatory. We would love more choices!


That's it for now. The community has even more suggestions, even if some are laced with salt. I'm looking forward to what the new blog shows for our future.

Edit: all you PGA players in this thread are savage. I'm a bad golfer with a wicked right slice. Maybe I need a driver to hit it 150 yards!

Also thanks for clarifying you're only allowed 14 clubs. Good to know when I step out on the green again.

submitted by /u/DayOneTitan
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Destiny 2 Console Hand Cannon Issues in 2 Clips

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 09:15 AM PST

Clip 1 - Ghost bullets Clip 2 - Flinch/Bloom

RNG shouldn't determine the outcome of a gunfight. We want consistency. The "god roll" hand cannons we sought for in D1 were perks that gave us that.

Weapon stats show that hand cannon usage rates are the worst on console and the best on PC according to

Iron Banner - PlayStation -

Iron Banner - PC -

Trials of the Nine - PlayStation -

Trials of the Nine - PC -

Pulse rifles need attention too.

submitted by /u/Opnomonous
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NEW D2 Free Trial Information From Personal Experience

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 12:36 PM PST

What you can expect from the Trial version of Destiny 2 right now from my personal experience

New Things:

  • You get the "Welcoming Party Buff" when joining a trial player
    • Allows everyone in the Fireteam to receive bonus XP
  • You start out with "A Guardian Rises" Emblem (Common) -IMAGE-
    • You CANNOT keep this emblem after purchasing the full game (It immediately equips the default class emblem instead and disappears)
  • You can allow others to receive the "Mentor of Light" Emblem (Legendary) -IMAGE-
    • Tracks Number of Campaign Missions or Crucible Matches completed with a Trial Player In Your Fireteam
    • Complete A Campaign Mission or Crucible Match With A Trial Player to Unlock
    • You Cannot Receive the "Mentor Of Light" Emblem as a Trial Player (Even While Helping Another Trial Player)

Main Points:

  • 2 Full Locations to Explore (EDZ and Titan)
  • You can openly explore both destinations by walking, including Lost Sectors
    • Those territories have enemies that will be significantly above your power level and most can instantly kill you in one hit
  • Level Cap of 8 (NOT 7)
  • Access to PVP Quickplay
  • Access to The Farm social space
  • Vault
  • Emotes
  • Collections
  • 1 Exotic Armor Piece (Your Choice From 3)
  • Customize and Create 3 Characters
  • Unlimited Playtime
  • Access to Public Events
  • Access to Lost Sectors
  • 3 Side-Adventures
  • 3 Fast Travel Locations
  • 8 NPCs and a bird (Louis)
  • Acquire Glimmer, Tokens, Planetary Materials, Gunsmith Parts, and Legendary Shards
  • Questline Completion up to Nessus
  • Join a Clan
  • You Can Achieve Around Power Level 96. (Highest I could reach)
  • 3 Subclasses (1 For Each Class) with all Abilities (Except Additional Super Upgrades)
  • You Can Inspect Players and Send Friend Requests
  • You Can Play the Trial WITHOUT Xbox Live Gold and PS Plus (However you cannot launch PVP)

EDZ Breakdown:

  • 1 Fast Travel Location (Trostland)
  • 3 Public Event Location Spawns That Are Tracked (All Public Events Still Spawn)
    • You can find them at the Winding Cove, Outskirts, and Trostland
  • 1 Adventure
    • Poor Reception (Power 20)
  • NPC Devrim Kay will accept tokens/materials for packages (You cannot collect packages until level 20)
  • Devrim will Sell Weapons/Armor

Titan Breakdown:

  • 2 Fast Travel Locations (Siren's Watch and The Rig)
  • 2 Public Event Location Spawns That Are Tracked
    • You can find them at The Rig and Siren's Watch
  • 2 Adventures
    • Bad Neighbors (Power 60) and Thief of Thieves (Power 60)
  • NPC Sloane will accept tokens/materials for packages (You cannot collect packages until level 20)
  • Sloane will Sell Weapons/Armor

The Farm Breakdown:

  • NPCs: Lord Shaxx, Hawthorne (and Louis), Cryptarch (Tyra Karn), Eververse (Tess Everis), Postmaster (Darbi 55-30), and Gunsmith (Arcite 99-40)
  • You Can Buy Weapons/Armor from Hawthorne and Gunsmith for Glimmer
  • Working Vault, Postmaster, Cryptarch
  • You can complete activities in the farm for sentry ranks and play soccer

Clan Breakdown:

  • You Can Join A Clan
  • You Can Earn Clan XP
  • You Can Acquire A Clan Banner

Cosmetic Breakdown:

  • EDZ Ghost Shell (From Questline)
  • You can Collect Emblems (You are locked from equipping any)
  • You get the starter ship (You cannot get any others)
  • Equip Emotes (You can obtain the default emotes from your collections tab in the vault)
  • Uncommon, Common, Rare, Exotic Gear

Things You Can't Do:

  • You cannot equip Emblems
  • You cannot collect Ships
  • You cannot collect Ghost Shells
  • No Sparrows
  • No Auras
  • No Legendaries
  • No Exotic Weapons
  • No Shaders
  • No Ornaments
  • No Weekly Milestones
  • No Factions
  • No Bright Engrams (Bought or Earned)
  • No Mods
  • No Patrols
  • No Strikes
  • No Competitive PVP Playlist
  • No Raids
  • No Infusion
  • You Cannot Receive the "Mentor Of Light" Emblem
  • No Additional Subclasses

Other Information:

  • You can get a second subclass relic from public events (after charging you cannot start the mission)
  • Left with 3 milestones that cannot be completed (PVP, Questline, Second Subclass)
  • Eververse is locked until level 20
  • You can earn legendary packages from vendors but all Reputation packages require level 20 to collect
  • You can get a rare weapon (at least 1 from a quest)
  • You can get gunsmith materials (from dismantling a rare or exotic)
  • You can get the well rested buff (couldn't use it for some reason)
  • You can unlock clan rewards, but you cannot receive clan rewards because it requires level 20
  • You can skip cutscenes after the opening cutscene
  • I received a blue engram to decode from Tyra Karn from a lost sector while helping a trial player
  • You can get legendary shards by dismantling your exotic
  • A trial player will not have access to the full version if D2 was downloaded by an account that owns the full version (PC)
  • A D2 trial version downloaded by a trial player is not playable by an account that owns the full version (PC)
  • Progress Carries Over if you purchase the game


Questions I Am Working On Answers For:


submitted by /u/pastuleo23
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List of how much Bright dust you're gonna get when dismantling Eververse stuff.

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 11:28 AM PST

Since it's the last week of S1 and people might be on the fence on dismantling and purchasing with bright dust I thought I'd shamelessly refer to a post i made a month or so ago to help people decide whether it's worth it or not for them - To prevent regret of dismantling if you don't hit the required amount of dust (Looking at you 3250 emotes!)

Here you go!

E: And I will still update the post if you have any new findings, just let me know! I haven't been able to see anything new as of yet.

submitted by /u/OOpiumBear
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D2's Customization Feels So Restricted

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 04:00 AM PST

I feel like customization in D2 is way too restrictive. There are so many factors that go into why, but I want to go over the big ones.

1) Shaders being consumable, given a price tag to apply, and hidden behind loot boxes kills what they used to be. Before, we used to be able to swap armor without having to worry about being mismatched, or swap shaders without having to worry about having enough of the shaders themselves or glimmer. It takes away the freedom of customization.

2) Everything is dumbed-down. Subclasses have only two trees to pick from, everyone's weapons are the same, and there's no uniqueness to armor anymore. What's the point in farming for the Raid armor when it's functionally the same as every other Mobility piece? You're never truly unique in this game.

3) The current loadout system limits who you are as a character in-game. In D1, you could rock an Auto Rifle, Shotgun, and Sword to be the ultimate close-quarters badass. Now, you can choose between two Primaries and a "Power" weapon. There is no real archetypes you can make for yourself anymore. And with Special weapons now considered "Power" weapons, many weapon types are hardly seen anymore.

4) What's the point in collecting shaders, armor, weapons, etc. when you don't have the space to store them all? I held onto every Legendary and Exotic I could to experiment with later, but my vault was full before I hit 305. And now, I have to sacrifice more stuff to make room for Season 2 stuff.

5) Which sucks, because I won't be able to obtain ANYTHING I'm about to get rid of ever again, because after Season 1 ends, they're being removed. It creates a scarcity scare, where I want to get it before it's gone forever. But at the same time, it's like, why did I even bother with collecting in Season 1, and why should I bother with collecting in Season 2, because the exact same thing is going to happen with Season 3.

submitted by /u/AlphaSSB
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Any one else feel like it's High Noon?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 04:59 AM PST

Bungie and the community stand in the middle of a dust filled town, about 50 paces apart from each other. Both have hands hovering over their holsters. Some tumbleweeds roll across our path as we wait for Bungie to make the first move. Media outlets stand along the sidelines waiting in eager anticipation to see how this goes down.


submitted by /u/Karthas_TGG
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Yo Bungie can we get PC Achievements?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 08:21 AM PST

All the vanilla Destiny games had them. Destiny 2 in console has them, so why not on PC?

I (and I hope a few others) really enjoy going out of the way to do tasks. They provide a slight incentive, for me at least, to keep returning to your game. Might give some players a reason to even care about completing Prestige at least once.

submitted by /u/EnazAF
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D2 heavy spawn makes you selfish and dislike your own teammates.

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 12:50 PM PST

In D1 if your teammates are around you everybody gets heavy. You can dance with each other while waiting and when you get your ammo, you go kill people, together.

In D2 you play selfish to get heavy and they punch you or shoulder charge you so you can't get ammo. It's not good for team morale and makes you dislike working with your teammates.

That's my experience with the new heavy system and why I don't like it. But that's just me. I don't know if others feel the same.

submitted by /u/inno_func
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IGN takes a look at the new PVP maps in Curse Of Osiris

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 12:07 PM PST

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