Destiny - Daily Questions [2017-11-19]

Daily Questions [2017-11-19]

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 05:00 AM PST

Welcome to the Daily Questions thread! Do you have a Destiny related question that needs answering? Can't find it anywhere else on the web? Well You're in luck! Simply ask your question down below, and the knowledgeable community of /r/DestinyTheGame will answer it to the best of their abilities!

Be sure to read the New Players Guide, the Destiny FAQ, or use the search in the top right before submitting a question, as it could have already been answered. Also be sure to check the thread itself.

Be sure to sort by new to see the latest questions!


  • Absolutely no down talking. You were all new to Destiny once, so there's no need to belittle anyone just because you might know more.

  • All hateful comments that derail conversation will be removed. This thread is a place of learning, so keep it civil.

You can find the full Daily Thread schedule here.

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Anyone else feel like D2 should have a Court of Oryx/Archon’s Forge type activity?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 07:20 AM PST

I remember being able to kick back and relax with some Archon's Forge after a long night of raiding. These areas were so cool and I'm sad that D2 didn't capitalize on them. At least one of the patrol areas should have one

submitted by /u/owenfabula
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Hitting a vent directly as it's closing on Injection Rig with a Pulse Grenade will continue to damage it after it closes.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 06:44 AM PST

#1 Issue: No Real Patches Until DLC. (This Needs to be Repeated Over and Over)

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 08:00 PM PST

I love this game. But I am tired of playing an outdated version of Destiny 2. We all know, deep down, that the patch is coming and the tweaks have already been made. They're just being held back for DLC.

I have become used to constantly evolving games.

On Xbox/PS4, I don't want to play the Mida/Uriel meta for three months (September 6th - December 5th). It was obviously going to get tweaked either through buffs to other guns or nerfs within a week of the game being out. Why haven't console hand cannons gotten tweaked yet? Why haven't pulse rifles other than Vigilance Wing been adjusted?

By refusing to tweak, we don't get to see what the next set of problems to think about and solve would be. Not until a huge overhaul that will introduce its own issues.

It was also super obvious that some subclasses were subpar, and that there is virtually no parity across grenades.

I'm sure we all have our own laundry list of "Duh" patchnotes that we shouldn't have to wait three months for.

I honestly feel like I'm playing an outdated version of Destiny 2, and the only reason I don't have today's version is because Bungie doesn't want to pay Sony/Microsoft to put the patch out until they can bundle it with a DLC.

Bungie, please, frequent small balance tweaks as needed, with big overhauls at DLC/expansion levels. I'm not saying overhaul the meta every other week, but you should trial SMALL tweaks before you do the big overblown quarterly changes that everyone learned to despise with Destiny 1.

Rest of the Destiny Stuff I've written about:

submitted by /u/Nosism
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I feel like Kinetic weapon mods should have more of a point.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 08:57 AM PST

+5 kinetic damage does literally nothing except increase your epeen level. At least with the energy weapon mods it's useful for different enemy types. Kinetic mods should do other things like affect reload speed or class abilities so they're not completely pointless.

submitted by /u/doobtacular
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Is it just me or are the Events (faction rally, clarion call, IB) not interesting/unique enough to keep you returning?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 10:59 AM PST

They all feel so lame. Grind for tokens. Grind for more tokens. Grind for XP and cosmetics. There's nothing to pull people back in for these things.

Why not make it so that each Faction Rally the factions are selling an amazing new exotic faction weapon, and instead of having to just grind for tokens the factions require you to go on a story quest that's similar to the Subclass missions. Make it full of lore and make it so you have to kill a couple hundred enemies, let's say 100 enemies of each race, over the course of the week, and every time you kill 100 of each race you get a "head of a vandal" or "head of a thrall" and bringing these back to the faction unlocks the ability to buy weapon right then and there. Then the winning weapon could be a legendary that is a new type of weapon we've never seen before like a gun that shoots mini pulse grenades lol!

I don't know guys these events all feel so boring. What do you think?

submitted by /u/Ninja-Pups
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Mans Not Hot

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 07:55 AM PST

Two plus two is four, minus one that's three, quick maths

Everyday on LFG, need threes

See your girl at the farm, that girl is a uckers

When my gun went quack-quack-quack, bad guys were ducking

Hold tight, Asnee, he's got the pumpy

Half my fireteam, have got the raid shotty

Theres traps, traps, traps on the road, and Devrims cold tea

Its Tetley, My teams there with me

On the road shooting my foes, with my bros

You man thought I froze, I see a warlock, I pose

If they aint with it I go

Hah, look at your ghost

What? You dickhead! I said look at your ghost


I tell them man's not hot, I tell them man's not hot

The vanguard said, "Take off your chestplate"

I said, "Cayde, man's not hot"

I tell them man's not hot, I tell them man's not hot

The vanguard said, "Take off your chestplate"

I said, "Cayde, man's not hot"


Hop out the four-door, checking my fours, theres one, two, three and four

Looking down the corridor, this game is 4 v 4

And its still gonna end in a draw

Let him know, When I see him,

I'm gonna shoot his jaw

Take man's ship by force, Take tokens by force

Your team knows theres no remorse

No mercy, Of course

You horse

Ah, yo, boom, ah


My gun goes skrrrahh, pap, pap, ka-ka-ka

Skidiki-pap-pap, and a pu-pu-pudrrrr-boom

Skya, du-du-ku-ku-dun-dun

Poom, poom, you dun know


I tell them man's not hot, I tell them man's not hot

The vanguard said, "Take off your chestplate"

I said, "Cayde, man's not hot"

I tell them man's not hot, I tell them man's not hot

The vanguard said, "Take off your chestplate"

I said, "Cayde, man's not hot"

submitted by /u/LondonDude123
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Bungie I want to be able to play this game for more than 1 or 2 days in a week.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 02:22 AM PST

I know this has probably been said 1 million times, but I am sick of it. The only thing we can do is our powerful gear quests, which altogether take around maybe 2-3 hours on each character, that is horrible. I paid £45 this game and I really want more out of it. I think the gameplay is really good and it is one of the only things keeping me coming back.

submitted by /u/_Avinash_
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I completed the Raid yesterday and it was one of the most fun times I've ever had while gaming

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 09:55 AM PST

Reading this sub, I thought the raid would we very tedious and annoying but it was super fun to play through and of the best time in games. We were stuck and the Gauntlet for quite a long time but eventually got it and just trying was super fun because my group was just so nice. It was the first time I completed the raid because I felt it was hard to get a raid going without experience because a lot of people want people who have completed the raid 7 times. So it was very nice form the guys who wanted to quide people through the raid and being patent and chill the whole time. We just kept making jokes the whole time and just having a good time. It didn't matter if we wiped we would just try again without anyone getting angry, we would just make jokes if someone died which made it so much nicer. It was just really good to not have the pressure, "I shall not fail" while playing.

So a shoutout who made the raid experience so good; Valy, Levaitan, Cromy, Shadowz and Hypokrit! Thank you so much!

EDIT: I don't know if this interests people but as far as time sake: We started at 9PM and beat Calus at 1.30 AM, so it took us 4,5 hours.

submitted by /u/kapiteinkiller
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Striker can't be sucked

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 05:33 AM PST

When you forget what is your job, but you remember, and there is still time to fix it :)

My POV :


teammate's POV :


By the way, we finished him in that phase :) I recommend watching the videos with the sound to hear everyone's reactions.

submitted by /u/Theavor
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The real endgame is waiting for the game to be improved.

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 02:35 PM PST

Destiny 2 has a long way to go before it's at the quality level of it's predecessor, some of the needed changes are small but others need complete system overhauls(in my opinion). The game needs a large degree of changes, and that will of course take quite some time. Potentially this could take well over a year, maybe years...It's possible it's 2 years before this game is actually better than Destiny 1, but by that time Destiny 3 could very well be just around the corner. The direction they took with Destiny 2 has left me with not a lot of trust Destiny 3 will "finally" be the game we've been waiting for. Just feels like we're just going to be in playing this constant 'catch up game' with Destiny until it just dies out :(

I have so much love and passion for Destiny it seriously bums me out to say all this, but I'm just tired of waiting to only wait some more...If you're loving Destiny 2 that's great, I'm not here to knock your feelings or opinions, just want to express how I'm feeling towards Destiny currently.


submitted by /u/chem9dog
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Posted: 19 Nov 2017 06:20 AM PST

Seriously though, in a AAA-game dev company, how did nobody say "Oh shouldnt we see what the D1 live team are doing and maybe put some of their stuff into D2"

You broke/removed a lot of the live teams work in D2, and they are coming in to fix it. DO NOT repeat that mistake for D3.

submitted by /u/LondonDude123
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Why hold an XP based event if there's a soft cap?

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 04:10 PM PST

Makes no sense that you can hit a cap in half the time now with the XP event going on.

submitted by /u/truxeled
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TIL "Sagira" means "Little One"

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 02:40 AM PST

Osiris' Ghost is called "Sagira". Sagira is an egyptian name and means "little one".

Not even a Guardian as serious as Osiris stops calling his Ghost little.

Just an interesting thing for you guys.

Edit: Additional info from u/Sherrif-Douchebag:

"Sagira" is actually the female of 'sagir' "Sagir" refers to a small or little male (our ghost) "Sagira" refers to small or little female (Asher's and Osiris's ghosts) But these are only if used as adjectives; Osiris uses it as a name. We could call our ghost "Sagir" though or "Noor Sagir" (Little light)

submitted by /u/KnutSkywalker
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Why can't we have regular patches? More frequent QoL updates and fixes would be great.

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 07:46 PM PST

Just about to make my hunter and i'm wondering if i'm gonna even recover my health or if i'm gonna have to wait until the DLC drops for the patch.

I'm no developer but in comparison to Destiny, Overwatch makes it rain patches. Bungie, why can't we have nice things?

submitted by /u/ThisUserWasTaken
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I know about the XP soft cap, but this is ridiculous...

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 10:20 AM PST

After playing for ~5 hours this week and doing around 15 public events... I get this.

C'mon Bungie. Tweak the normal XP numbers and the weekly boost if you really want people to earn less after a set amount of play time. I shouldn't get lied to by the UI-- and so blatantly at that.

submitted by /u/LoafersOfNigget
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Fighting lion is viable with ward of dawn

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 05:55 AM PST

TIL that the Gjallerhorn is based on the the Norse god Heimdall's horn Gjallar, which signaled the start of Ragnarok, the Norse apocalypse

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 08:24 AM PST

The worst part about being 1 item away from 305, that item being a bond so exotic grind doesn't help, and being 1 item away for three weeks, is that in another 2 weeks, it won't even matter.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 02:23 AM PST

It's so exhausting grinding for milestones every week when I am 1 Warlock Bond away from being 305. Please fix the RNG or something its actually ridiculous and not a great feeling.

submitted by /u/NotAnADC
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I happily bought the D2 season pass because I never played anything but D1.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 04:31 AM PST

I've since bought Titanfall 2, Diablo 3, Overwatch, Halo 5, Far Cry, Fallout 4 and Tomb Raider in an attempt to scratch that D1 itch.

Forgot I could still play D1, whoops.

submitted by /u/desperaterobots
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Still amazed we cannot replay whatever mission or strike we want like in Destiny 1 !!!

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 03:03 PM PST

Not being able to pick whatever story mission or strike is seriously the only thing keeping me from going back to Destiny 2 at this point.

I loved the feature in Destiny 1 and preordered 2 figuring it was the same way so imagine my dissapointment when I found out that is not the case.

Will we only be able to play the Curse of Osiris missions 3 times outside of Meditations as well?

Will not be buying any DLC or anything else for Destiny 2 until this feature that should have been in the game from the beginning is added back in!

submitted by /u/jesbro123
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A theory of how expansion I and II are related to each other.

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 10:38 PM PST

At the end of The D2 campaign, The Traveler awakens, creating a pulse of light that extends far past our solar system and reaching the edge of the galaxy. This awakens forces that are implied to be the true darkness and sets in motion a chain of events that could possibly see the end of guardians. We know a gate is activated by the light pulsed by The Traveler's awakening, Vex from all timelines are spilling out from it.

In the cinematic, we see Osiris walking through a simulation of VoG, undetected by The Vex. He opens a gate and peers through it, seeing a dark future, at this point The Vex begin to see Sagira's light and become cognizant of Osiris' presence. This is the moment the Traveler awoke, The Vex can now simulate light and now Osiris is trapped in a simulation.

Guardians had one edge against the Vex and it was their inability to understand light that kept them from simulating guardians and predicting their actions. Having lost that edge, guardians are even more vulnerable against the Vex. I'm assuming we rescue Osiris and he becomes the Speaker. The only things at this point that the Vex cannot understand are the Warminds.

Rasputin's Arecibo adventure reveals his possible spiteful nature towards humans and now he's become something of a hermit, protecting only himself, rather aggressively now. With SIVA at his disposal, he's the only advantage we have against The Vex. Both of which were brought into existence by Clovis Bray. We come into contact with a Bray family member (either Elsie or Ana...most likely Ana as she is actually mentioned in D2).

The Bray person is releluctant to help, possibly using Rasputin to remain undetected, buy eventually helps us out. We're sent on a long adventure to forcibly change Rasputin's mind to help us, fighting against frames and SIVA constructs. Rasputin eventually becomes friendly and augments guardians with SIVA, thus making us more resistant to the Vex simulations.

In short, I predict SIVA gear at the very least. Possibly SIVA subclasses.

submitted by /u/sorox123
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I have three characters. My Vault is full. Any new item means deleting a previously earned one. I now have no motivation to do new activities.

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 02:45 PM PST

Why should I run the Iron Banner when any gear gained will force me to get rid of stuff I've previously earned? Same for every other game mode. What's the carrot? All I'm seeing is a stick.

submitted by /u/rougegoat
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Why do I not keep the same fire team while doing strikes?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 10:49 AM PST

In D1, occasionally you'd get a really good fire team and end up doing a bunch of consecutive strikes. I noticed now I never do consecutive strikes w/ the same people. Not really sure why they'd change this, unless it's to expose me to as many potential friends as possible?

submitted by /u/Gsm_united028
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