True Dota 2 - Magic Damage Shadow Fiend [7.07c], first impressions

Magic Damage Shadow Fiend [7.07c], first impressions

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 10:00 AM PST

I played the "Magic Damage Shadow Fiend"-build (or whatever you want to call it) the last couple of days. About ~10 games in unranked. Although the smurf I played on was 4k, the games were unfortunately only ~3.5k avg with the highest enemies between 3.8k and 4k, so even I myself take my observations and impressions with a grain of salt.

In 7.07 and 7.07c, Shadow Fiend's Raze was changed: The damage was reduced from 100/175/250/325 to 90/160/230/300 but a stack-counter was added, meaning that an enemy that got razed has an internal counter that increases based on how many razes hit him in the past 8 seconds. For each stack, the next raze hits for 80 (60 -> 80 with 7.07 -> 7.07c).

The other thing that got changed where his talents:

  • Level 10: +10% Spell Amplification or +20 Attack Speed
  • Level 15: Presence of the Dark Lord icon.png Presence of the Dark Lord Affects Building or +40 Movement Speed
  • Level 20: +150 Shadowraze Damage or +20% Evasion
  • Level 25: 40% Cooldown Reduction or +3 Damage Per soul

Magic SF

I went for these talents as soon as they were available: %10 Spell Amplification, +40 Movement Speed, +150 Shadowraze Damage, 40% Cooldown Reduction

Items: Aquilla, Brown Boots, Bottle, Wand in the most convenient order. Then Blink Dagger, Euls, Boots of Travel, Aghs, BKB if needed, Octarine, refresher Orb or Etheral Blade.


The magic build doesn't change a lot here. The raze change means that you can't kill a full HP ranged creep with a lvl 4 raze anymore, the damage is not enough. With the spell amp on level 10 it's possible again but then it doesn't matter too much anymore because you double raze the wave anyway.

However, the raze change is doing some work in the laning stage. I could heavily punish a lot of opponents because it's hard to estimate the incoming damage of a 2nd or 3rd raze due to the stacks, and oftentimes it ends up being enough to kill the opponent. I turned some ganks on me into double kills. The input lag got reduced recently and 7.07 lowered the cast time of shadow raze from 0.67 to 0.55 - it's all not that much but it adds up and is definitely noticable in my opinion and leads to kills that you couldn't have gotten 1-2 years ago.

The usage of raze also feels different compared to some time ago; back then you would try to utilize razes to get CS+harass on an opponent, now I rather want to have an aggressive posture, CS by right clicks and punish with double razes when my opponent is out of position. Especially against Invokers (very slow hero) I get a lot of kills in the lane by literally just walking towards them or chasing them and killing them with 2 razes and 1-2 right clicks.

Mid and Late game

With the talents, BoTs, Dagger and Euls you're extremely fast, permanently 516 movement speed. Without some good catch it's close to impossible to get caught and killed as SF. So I'm running around the map, double-raze wave to push waves and find pick-offs with the Dagger-Euls-Ult combo. It kills every opponent if you don't mess up the timing.

Back in the days this build falls off at some point. Now with the talents, the 150 bonus dmg on shadow raze at level 20 is a small power spike that makes you stronger in teamfights. So you're not right-clicking opponents that much but instead you kite around a lot, try to build raze stacks, nuke enmies down, chase with your 516ms + dagger and possibly lock enemies who want to escape down with euls. If the game allows it you can use the Euls+Ult combo to burst the enemy carry, however this can go wrong when you don't have a BKB or there are BKB piercing spells that disrupt channels (WW ult, Abyssal, Bashes, Pudge Hook/Ult) and then you usually just die. So if there is not the chance to do that, just find a good place to ult so enemies are slowed down and you can more easily chase and build up raze stacks.

With lvl 25's cooldown reduction and octarine core you have a 45s cd on ult, 4.5s cd on each raze and a 20s cd on Boots of Travels. This makes SF an enormous split-pushing hero. You TP to a lane, raze 2 waves, raze 2 camps, potentially kill an opponent who shows up to defend or to push back the wave, then you TP to another lane, repeat. This enables you to play a very fast game with a lot of big-distance rotations which is a playstyle I personally like a lot.

remaining thoughts

  • I played a lot of SF in previous patches and practiced couple of things like triple-razing an opponent without moving (yes, you can do that) or the proper chain of mouse and keyboard klicks to kill someone with Dagger, Euls and Ult. So with a build (the magic sf build) that plays around these things you should have praticed razes yourself. Every missed raze can be a bad fuck-up that kills you

  • The better you are with razes, the more kills you will get. You get your dagger around 10 minutes and that's the moment where you can get a lot of kills everywhere on the map if you know the range of your razes, meaning that you dagger to the right position and tripple raze him

  • I got away with a lot of stuff and capitalized on a lot of positioning mistakes both in lane as well as teamfights. Some of these mistakes don't happen to 4k players and most of them don't happen to 5k players, so if you're in that bracket you have to be more careful

  • You're not an objective hitter anymore (compared to the right-click build), so your split pushing usually ends after razing away the wave, after that you should make sure to be in a teamfight if a teamfight is about to happen

  • Very annoying to play against heroes like Axe, Pudge, WW, i.e. heroes that can counter initiate

Build is really fun and has potential, try it out, hf.

submitted by /u/anotherdotathrowaway
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Soul Ring Spectre?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 05:24 AM PST

The new Soul Ring seems pretty good on Spectre in the games I tried it in.
You get a lot of hp for cheap and it solves your early mana issues.
Reminder that Urn only gives you 40hp these days. Soul Ring is very similiar stat wise than the old urn (double gauntlets).
Soul Ring also speeds up your farm quite a bit because you can just spam your dagger now to farm.
Yes the Urn active is pretty useful on Spectre, but I think it doesn't justify buying an item that gives only as much stats as a Magic Wand.
What do you guys think?

submitted by /u/Nitronn
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Why is Aquila "core" on Sniper?

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 07:10 PM PST

It just feels like the mana regen is wasted on him. He doesn't really have mana issues, even if you spam shrapnel. Never understood why Aquila is listed on so many Sniper guides

submitted by /u/Ace_InTheSleeve
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How is sniper in 7.07c?

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 05:54 PM PST

After many patches where sniper was pretty irrelevant since the 6.83 days, he has risen up in last few patches with the introduction of dragon lance and hurricane pike, but after a major change of talents to several heroes, two new heroes, and several new items, how is sniper this patch? Busted, weak, moderate?

submitted by /u/AmbyValkrine
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Playstyle advice ?

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 08:22 PM PST

So I'm at around 3k (fluctuations between 2.8-3.1 lately) and I'm beginning to have issues (I was 1.5 ish before, so noticable gain).

I'm wondering if it's better to try to go with the flow with meta heroes and all that jazz, like only play OP stuff and hope to ride the waves of buffs to random things, or if it's better / more consistent to stick to a personal playstyle. (for example, say you're really comfortable on a hero that isn't a top tier contender for the patch, but meh, on one that is, and both could fit the draft , is it better to use the top tier one and hope the heroes ability itself compensates, or use the "weaker" hero that you're a stronger player on)

One of the things I've noticed about my playstyle personally is that I feel more comfortable in games where it's not a straight stomp from my team, not saying I play badly in those, just that like, when I'm ahead, my mentality makes it hard to try to take advantage of it because I think about things defensively if that makes sense ? Like say I have an opportunity to push , I'll want to, and know I need to, but have trouble committing to it sometimes because I think of how they could stop it if they reacted the way I feel I would if the roles were reversed. Yet when I'm behind, I'm less anxious and more calm about it, like I know likely mistakes people could make that we could exploit to make a comeback , etc.

It's hard to explain exactly what I mean, but basically I'm asking is it better to try to play to the strengths of the meta, or to the strengths of yourself as a player if your goal is to improve at the game as a whole, not a specific MMR number.

submitted by /u/HailCthulhu
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How do I lane against a PA?

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 08:22 PM PST

I honestly don't know what to do against PA dagger spam. I buy a magic wand first thing, but it doesn't even help against how much damage it deals. She just keeps spamming the dagger until she gets crits and then jumps in on you. What do you do against this?

submitted by /u/ThealtenHeinder
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Looking for Midlane practice partner

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 09:25 PM PST

looking for 4k+ person to practice the mid matchup with. Im 5.0 k mid player who wants to just practice 1v1 mid a bunch of times. pm me if interested

submitted by /u/Faronel
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Does lotus orb reflect rupture?

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 05:33 PM PST

It didn't in my last turbo mode game, am I missing something? *He had linkins, my bad

submitted by /u/TritiumH3
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Luna Glaives need buff?

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 06:10 PM PST

Does anyone think that the glaives Luna uses and the damage reduction per hit is a bit too much. It's like, mid game her 2nd hit is what her normal hits would have been early game which by this point are easily healable, and then you obviously drop off the longer the game goes on. I think the damage reduction should be scaled at each level of the skill tbh.

submitted by /u/Yekaterinapetrovna
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