Destiny - [D2] Weekly Reset Thread [2017-11-28]

[D2] Weekly Reset Thread [2017-11-28]

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 01:03 AM PST

Nightfall: Savathûn's Song

New Pacific Arcology Delve deep into the Hive-infested Arcology in search of missing fireteams.


  • Momentum: Health and shield regeneration are disabled while standing still. Sprint to regenerate more quickly.
  • Timewarp: Anomalies: Strange anomalies have been detected in the area. Destroy them to release temporal energy and extend the mission timer.


  • Speed Of Dark: Complete the Nightfall with at least 5 minutes remaining.
  • Unbroken: Complete the Nightfall with fewer than 3 deaths.
  • The Best Defense: Shoot down 15 of its projectiles before defeating Savathûn's Song.

Flashpoint: EDZ

Don't forget to buy the Treasure Maps from Cayde-6 as well.


  • Fury: Help Ikora use the Warmind on Io to learn more about the Almighty—and turn the tide of the war.
  • Unbroken: Find Thumos the Unbroken and take the key codes he carries—by any means necessary.
  • Payback: Time for Zavala's grand entrance—finally attacking the Red Legion base in the EDZ head-on.

Shaxx Milestone: Call to Arms

Data provided by DestinyTracker

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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The Destiny 2 Trial Version goes live today on all platforms, here is what it includes:

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 10:57 AM PST

Official Trailer

The Trial includes:

  • Campaign Mission on EDZ & Titan
  • Adventure and Explore two full worlds
  • PvP Multiplayer: Crucible Quickplay Playlist
  • Character Progression: to Level 7
  • Gameplay carries over to full game with purchase
  • Clan Functionality

Download the Trial here:

Playstation 4



More info on the official website along with links to your regional store pages

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Tomorrow's stream is called "New gear to earn". Unless officially announced by someone at Bungie, the stream has NOTHING to do with QoL or the Season 2 patch. Set your expectations appropriately.

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 07:01 AM PST

There is a lot of confusion about this, and I just wanted to put it out there. Smith/Noseworthy have not made any announcement as to when and where the Q&A about the state of the game will happen, but MANY people seem to think it's going to be on the Curse of Osiris stream tomorrow.

I'm not sure why or how this happened, but these streams were announced a month ago, and are basically hour-long commericals to market the DLC. Luke Smith said "next week" (referring to this current week now) he and Mark Noseworthy would be detailing the Season 2 changes, but he NEVER said it would be on the Curse of Osiris stream "New gear to earn" that has been scheduled for weeks.

I think a lot of people are setting themselves up to be disappointed and angry when they are not on the stream, and don't say anything. Here's hoping Smith or Noseworthy make an official announcement to clarify before this sub turns into ground zero tomorrow.

EDIT: credit to u/dedalus5150 for linking this post by Deej on

They are officially changing the stream tomorrow to a stream about the state of the game and the incoming patch!

EDIT 2: Sorry. Looks like it's going to be a blog post, not a stream.

Looks like tomorrow is going to be a HUGE day after all!

submitted by /u/vangelator
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Tomorrow's live stream has been cancelled, efforts moved to providing developer commentary on Destiny 2 via a Bungie blog.

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 12:54 PM PST

Hey, there.

Tomorrow, we had planned to conduct the final stream prior to the launch of "Curse of Osiris" to show off some of the weapons and armor the expansion includes. Instead, we are investing all our efforts into delivering some higher priority information about Destiny 2.

You'll hear from studio leadership about their assessment of Destiny all up, they'll talk about our goals for the game going forward, and you'll also learn about how we're reacting to your feedback with some game updates that will arrive in the next few weeks.

That will appear on the Bungie Blog on Wednesday. Thank you, DeeJ


Further clarification from DeeJ that there is no live stream tomorrow:

To be very clear, we are no longer planning a stream for tomorrow. Look to the blog on Wednesday for statements on what comes next.

Thank you!


submitted by /u/TheLittleMoa
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PS. Luke and Mark, if there's popular suggestions to in game fixes that won't be implemented, tell us why not instead of not addressing it at all.

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 10:17 AM PST

Tell us that the recoding would be too difficult to change at this point in time. Tell us that the production team had this differing suggestion instead. Tell us why you're sticking with tokens, etc... Even if it's brief, tell us why the studio decided against it.

You've been giving us the PR safe, silent treatment so far and it's been a complete and utter disaster. The fate of D2 and hell maybe even Bungie itself relies on your transparency and openness of this upcoming sit down.

submitted by /u/turns31
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Bungie has been put on blast by Slashdot. Looks like game developer "communication problems" are gaining traction beyond just the gaming community.

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 07:18 AM PST

The article itself is a quick explanation, as is what Slashdot normally does. "Communication Problems" is what I've started to see as the defense for these kinds of actions. Read their excerpt at the link below, though it doesn't really add anything other than visibility to the situation:

Destiny 2 Misrepresented XP Gains To Its Players Until The Developers Got Caught

Of the places I visit on the internet for my morning news, this was one of those places I never expected to see Destiny mentioned. It shows that the community is bigger and reaches further than the dev probably thinks it does. My only disappointment on this and other articles is that they aren't pointing out that it appears as if the ONLY reason Bungie responded is because the "Media" got involved.

Luke had better bring his big boy pants for his upcoming "discussion" date. A lot more people are starting to peak through the microscope at them...

Edit: Because people don't understand how slashdot works as an aggregator, here is the Ars link:

Ars Technica

submitted by /u/Finite_Reign
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XP Fiasco definitely going mainstream: Ars Technica article draws from this sub

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 07:47 AM PST

Are Technica is an extremely reputable technology generalist website. They too have drawn from the posts here in r/DtG to highlight this issue. This is important because this article now has a greater chance of being read by non-gamers.


submitted by /u/corsairmarks
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Rocket Launcher (4.82%), Sword (4.43%) vs Shotgun (1.47%), Fusion Rifle (1.11%), Sniper (0.4%) - data shows that even though shotguns or fusion rifles may have more potential for kills, the ex-Heavy Weapons still dominate the Power slot, as expected

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 08:39 AM PST

Data from here, November 28. The top 5 weapons on power slot are: 2 rocket launchers and 3 swords.

As slayerage releases his new video, we can clearly see that the distinction between special and heavy weapons is still here - "hidden" in the data from the weapons. While weapons previously categorized as Heavy dominate, the ex-Special weapons struggle, even if they're in a good spot balance-wise (Shotguns and Fusion Rifles).

We're left with a feeling that we get more ammo for rockets than before, but less for snipers, for example. Who thought this was a good move? I hope community feedback + data helps Bungie understand that this new weapon system was not a good idea.

submitted by /u/SamHPL1
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Halo 2 is broken. Luke Smith's article from 2005

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 10:43 AM PST

I would love to see the Luke of 2005 take on the current state of Destiny. He was a very outspoken journalist. Could be just the youth of things but you should never lose that passion for what you love.

I also would like to point out that Luke was against the D2 weapon system changes. Who knows how many battles have been won & lost inside the Bungie Studio but right now whomever has that deciding vote is really hurting this franchise in my opinion. - Youtube Link

Apologize in advance on the formatting as I could not find the the original source article - RIP 1up.

Halo 2 is broke
by L.M. Smith 08.27.2005
Halo 2 is broken.

The problem isn't the cliffhanger ending, because then you'd have to hate The Empire Strikes Back. Nor should you blame the prelaunch marketing plan that had consumers believing Halo 2 would be a battle for Earth -- it was documented before launch that the adventure would take place across the universe. It's not the Metal Gear Solid 2 hero-fakeout trick; while Master Chief represents Halo to many people, Bungie's use of the Arbiter to show

Halo: Combat Evolved was a better designed, balanced, and tuned multiplayer experience than its sequel. another facet of the Halo universe demonstrated the company's commitment to the world of Halo and not the characters of Halo. And it's certainly not because Halo 2 didn't have cooperative online play. No, Halo 2 polarizes fans because of its multiplayer mode... and, more to the point, the problems therein.

"Polarizes fans?" you ask. "How so?" Simply put, Halo: Combat Evolved was a better designed, balanced, and tuned multiplayer experience than its sequel. The mass appeal of Halo 2 meant the game had to be designed with a little more flexibility for the consumer's experience. After all, Bungie knew that a vast array of people would be buying the game, and it recognized the need to satisfy the full spectrum of their interest. That flexibility still offered solid gameplay, but also resulted in some serious changes to the fundamental design of Halo's multiplayer experience.

We've narrowed the problems with Halo 2's multiplayer to five specific breaking points. But never let it be said we're simply complainers -- after some careful consideration, we've found ways to make our criticism constructive, too.

image 1 Every few minutes there is a battle to control this room on Damnation.

image 2 You can look for the rockets, but if someone is holding them, they aren't coming back.

image 3 Colossus has its own 'I Win button' and it's the beam rifle.

1. The Weapon Spawn System

How's It Broken? Control-based weapon spawns allow players to hold a weapon almost indefinitely. In many situations, this completely breaks the map.

Halo: CE was designed so that on most maps and in most situations, players already had the best weapon-the human pistol. While the pistol is tremendously overpowered (two body shots and a headshot is a kill), everyone starts with one in most situations (Wizard was an example of where they didn't). By starting everyone with an equally powerful weapon, Bungie's map design demanded performance from the players. Victory is determined by skill rather than the randomness of the weapon. After all, if everyone has the same weapon, it's a Tombstone-style shoot-out.

As a companion to having the human pistol holstered, Halo: CE included power weapons and power-ups (overshield, active camo, rocket launcher and sniper rifles, usually), all of which ran on timers. These timers were different on each map, but controlling them became central to each game type in Halo: CE. On Damnation, as the timer for the rocket launcher respawn ticked down (there was no in-game timer or clock; top teams and players timed on their own with programs written for PDAs or things as simple as a tape recorder) the battle turned to controlling the rocket launcher room in Halo: CE. It was like this on each of the maps, with each of the power-ups and power weapons. This created a constant ebb and flow of power and the struggle for map control. Halo 2's design includes the need for map control, but the mechanics of map control have been twisted by the game's design. Forgoing timed respawns on power weapons in favor of a control-based spawn system, Halo 2's power weapons stay in the hands of the team who grabs them, unless they empty the weapon or drop it. When the weapon is dropped, it idles and then despawns and respawns on a timer. These control-based spawns are central to the broken game design of Halo 2. Once a team has the weapons, it's only their fault if they lose them.

On Colossus, the first team to get the beam rifle should win. Because there is a singular power weapon on Colossus with no counterpart, even shoddily organized teams can get a beam rifle, use it to get a fast lead, and then hold the beam rifle with a couple shots left in it for the rest of the round and use their lead to win. Strategic? Yes. Skillful? No. As a result of that map's design and weapon-spawn system, Colossus is a broken map in matchmaking.

The control-based spawn system in Halo 2 is the single most broken aspect of the game. It allows teams on Zanzibar to collect both sniper rifles and the rocket launcher and wade out into the water, and in a slayer game, the opposition has no recourse other than to file over the wall like lemmings to their death. I know, I've done it to people and had it done to me. As long as you have decent snipers and don't waste rockets on people, and a couple of your teammates have battle rifles, camping in the water on Zanzibar is a fast way to get people to quit the game because they are behind by 30 kills.

How Can it Be Fixed? Weapons should spawn on the same timer, regardless of the weapon being possessed by a team or player. This change would create combat situations built on holding down a specific area in which a weapon is about to respawn and would revive some of the most exciting parts of Halo: CE.

Banshee > Battle Rifle?

2. Nerf the Vehicles Next Time

How's It Broken? Because of the way the weapons spawn (or don't), controlling a vehicle-killing weapon (the rocket launcher) and a vehicle breaks the map in almost all situations. As long as you don't die in the vehicle (and the odds of your death are greatly reduced if you or your team hold the rocket launcher), your team should win easily.

The poor mechanics of the control-spawn system bleed into the gameplay on all of the game's maps, but it's most nefarious on maps with vehicles. Bungie likes its vehicles and likes them to be a central part of the action. Take the dramatic Warthog-driving conclusion to Halo: CE as an example. However, the great vehicle combat in the game's single-player environment does not necessarily translate to great vehicle combat in the game's multiplayer. On Coagulation, the Banshees in the bases are countered by the rocket launcher or a well-placed sticky grenade. There are other ways to take them down, but these are the two most likely and efficient ways of doing it. However, if a team gets to the center of the map, collects a rocket launcher, and swaps the guy with the rocket launcher into a Banshee, he just became pretty much unkillable. Since the rockets on Coagulation don't respawn when someone is holding them, the Banshee pilot (unless he's maladroit) is invincible. Similarly, two guys riding around in the Warthog when their team has the rocket launcher are pretty invincible. In the first 30 seconds of a Coagulation slayer game, it's pretty obvious what team is going to win.

That's the pattern with the spawn system and implementation of weapons and vehicles in Halo 2 vs. Halo: CE. When combined with the weapon-spawn system, vehicles and maps become horrifically unbalanced. How could this have slipped by Bungie? It probably didn't. These problems stem from a problem with competitive balancing and not tuning the weapons and games for accuracy and performance. These flaws in game design are deeper than 2-2 games resulting in a tiebreaker going to a particular team's color.

How Can it Be Fixed? Because so much of the problem stems from the control-based weapon spawns, the fix to the vehicles would first have to incorporate fixing the weapon-spawn system. In Halo: CE, despite the fact that the Warthog was indestructible, the weapons respawn system coupled with the grenades' physics kept the vehicle's indestructibility in check. Ironically, in Halo 2, the totally destructible Warthog is overpowered because of the reduced effect of the grenade and the control-based spawn system for the weapons that can destroy the vehicle (i.e., the Rocket Launcher). With the 1.1 revision, the grenade damage was upped, but not to the Warthog-flipping point that it was in Halo: CE. Not having the rocket launcher in Halo: CE wasn't as big of a problem, because a well-placed grenade would take out a Warthog. So, in addition to redoing the broken control-based weapon spawns, Bungie needs to further retune the grenades making them a suitable counter to the Warthog.

The Banshee itself is horribly powerful in this scenario, too, because sticky grenades and the rocket launcher are the only reliable ways to take it down. While Bungie wants the Banshee to be a part of the multiplayer experience, the vehicle needs to be rethought, reimagined, and rebalanced completely in order to have a place in competitive Halo 2.

3. Two Guns Are NOT Always Better

How's It Broken? Dual wielding was supposed to change the way Halo was played. It certainly did. The elegance and skill of a good pistol battle were lost in the pray and spray rock/paper/scissors of dual wielding. At launch, when players spawned with an SMG, it was a mad scramble to find a secondary quickly, because if a player found someone who was dual wielding, they'd soon be watching the respawn timer. At least with the 1.1 adjustments, grenades give you a glimmer of hope. See, the way the weapons were balanced made certain combinations more powerful than others. That's perfectly understandable and viable: It forces players to make decisions about what weapons to grab. However, when a combination like plasma rifle/SMG or SMG/Magnum (pre-Magnum nerf) was a dual-wielding "I Win" button, problems arose.

How Can it Be Fixed? Actually balancing the weapon combinations so that all combinations were created equal might have been a possibility. That way the still-laughable dual needlers might have had some utility other than making the other team point and laugh instead of play (the needler is useful against snipers, however). Rebalancing the dual wielding from top to bottom and making it less of a "this combination beats this one" situation would be a good start. The second fix, improving the melee and the strength of the grenades is something Bungie has already addressed (more than adequately) with its 1.1 update.

4. The Plasma Pistol Is the Best Weapon in Halo 2

The Halo universe hasn't seen anything so grossly overpowered as the plasma pistol/battle rifle pairing. The plasma pistol locks on and fires a charged shot that depletes shields and a quick tap of the Y-button followed by the R-trigger fired the battle rifle: easy kill. Now, this put tremendous importance on the plasma pistol in all game types because of the gun's honing charge shot. Eventually, Bungie realized that the plasma pistol was broken and removed it from maps in matchmaking.

How's It Broken? How could the plasma pistol have been handled differently? Had the plasma pistol retained its overheating function from Halo and that overheating served to prevent the player from switching immediately to a secondary weapon, the plasma pistol would've been more tolerable. To nerf the gun to functionality, the PP could've used a locking target system, much like the rocket launcher in Halo 2 has. When the trigger was pulled with the pistol at max charge, the reticule would lock red like the rocket launcher's and then the charged shot would fire upon release and the overheat animation would prevent players from switching weapons. Furthermore, this change would've fixed the PP in dual-wielding situations, as well. Was this something Bungie worked on and scrapped? We'll never know.

5. Matchmaking and the Host

How's It Broken? Bungie's matchmaking system was designed to be a ladder system to allow players to be matched against players of even skill levels. However, Bungie's matchmaking degraded quickly to e-peen taunting, "What's your level?" and fell prey to the community. That's not Bungie's fault. What is its fault is that this system is so exploitable. Players were able to "boost" their levels and receive ridiculous rankings. Bungie acted accordingly (a little slowly, but the coding is probably far more complicated than writing a sentence about fixing problems slowly) and banned accounts.

But an inherent problem in matchmaking became being the game's host. When you are a host, your Xbox essentially acts as a server and everyone is running their signals to you-this is an obvious advantage; anyone who has played XBC for Halo: CE knows the host has a profound advantage (glory was gained by beating people on their own host, rather than beating them on yours). This host advantage translated to Halo 2 as well. This is a server-side issue, and unless Microsoft were to dedicate Halo 2 servers in

No one can argue that Bungie doesn't make a good game engine, but some design choices in Halo 2 left much to be desired. a neutral site, it's something that will always be encountered. (Microsoft wouldn't invest the resources to dedicate so many servers to gamers playing Halo 2 anyway; especially considering Halo 2's extremely deep custom-game system, it simply wouldn't be feasible.)

How Can it Be Fixed? Recognizing this host advantage system and designing elements into the matchmaking system that make teams acutely aware of who is the host and Bungie then switching the host to the other team would be a fix that could've been viable for competitive balance. There's nothing impressive about beating someone on your own host, anyway. In Bungie's defense, the system it designed is built around optimizing Internet performance, so players who have reliable hosts (i.e. better Internet connections) are hosts more often to get the best performance. Here, Bungie is only trying to provide gamers with the best possible experience online, though the company didn't take into account the advantage the host has. Perhaps the guys at Bungie are looking into these issues for whatever unannounced game they are working on next.

Matchmaking's game types are sometimes lacking. From the horribly boring neutral bomb coagulation game type to rifles ascension (with a Banshee still on the map!), Bungie has made its share of matchmaking blunders. But it has also created some really nice game types as well, Three plots lockout comes to mind, and a couple of its upcoming game types, team slayer pro, team snipers, and a new 3v3v3v3 system could make things more interesting in matchmaking.


Halo 2 is not a bad game. The gameplay itself is fun. Playing with your friends is fun. It was my favorite console game from last year. However, the problems with Halo 2 are numerous, from ill-conceived spawn systems to imbalanced vehicles and iffy matchmaking systems. For a legion of Halo: CE fans that expected Halo 2 to be the second coming, Halo 2 was not. No one can argue that Bungie doesn't make a good game engine, but some design choices in Halo 2 left much to be desired. It'll be interesting to see how things change in its next title.

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submitted by /u/wrecluse
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Bungie literally went from grind and grind activities in D1 for really cool activity specific gear (which worked), to - we'll stop you from grinding too much with xp caps, for not cool, non activity specific gear.

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 06:04 AM PST

I'm sure this has been mentioned about how completely backwards and stupid this is.

But, Bungie encouraged grinding in D1, they gave us this strike specific, raid specific amazing gear so that we would grind these activities out, keeping us coming back. There is nothing remotely close to the cool activity specific loot like Fatebringer, Saladin's Vigil, to name a few of my favorites. Getting both of those guns were incredible feelings, after my 50th or so VoG run or my 100th or so Archon's Forge run (still hilarious to me how there is no Court of Oryx or Archon's Forge-like activity in this game, absolutely mindblowing, but.....besides the point).

In the matter of a couple years, they now go to non-activity specific gear, to generic RNG reskinned loot (yes, I know Fatebringer is technically a reskin), while adding soft XP caps (without telling anyone, then lying about their intentions). Literally telling everyone to do the exact opposite of what we wanted you to do the first time around.

Mainly just a rant, but I'm so curious as to how you can completely change directions so much in a sequel, after ironing out so many QoL updates and ending with a solid system at the end of Y3 of D1. Let's just negate 3 years of consumer research on what works.

I feel lost.....and confused....Bungie, give us hope, please.....Curse of Osiris is literally the first update you guys have done in 3 years that I am not getting day 1, might not get at all, and am just geniunely not excited about, at all.

Or you could just give the game to Blizzard to fix, I'd be cool with that too.

submitted by /u/papamurf13
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Amid all the outrage over the state of the game...don't forget Xbox and PC players have to deal with all of that and the exclusivity deals.

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 07:43 AM PST

Even if you don't care, it costs you nothing to still speak against it. In addition, it's perfectly possible to talk about this AND the other issues the game faces without having to pick and choose. I don't understand this idea where you can ONLY care about one thing at a time. Lastly, I'd argue that if you actually cared about destiny as a whole and not just Destiny when it affects you personally, that you should speak up against this. If you honestly want destiny to be the best game for everyone, that includes pushing back against this. Even if nothing gets accomplished, it feels good to see a united community

Let's see:

A exclusive quest

A exclusive ship

A exclusive sparrow

A exclusive PvP map

  • April 2016 update (Yes, the free update for everyone has exclusive PS content)

3 exclusive armor sets.

  • The taken king

3 exclusive armor sets

An exclusive strike

An exotic scout rifle

An exclusive PvP map

Exclusive PvP map

*Darkness Below

Exclusive Strike

Exclusive Exotic

Exclusive emblem

  • Launch of the game had:

an exclusive strike

an exclusive PvP map

three exclusive armor sets

two exclusive exotic weapons

two exotic ships

*edit, sorry forgot about the other free for PS players that wasn't on xbox exclusive:

That was just Destiny 1...THIS WILL GET WORSE every new major update/event/expansion for PC/Xbox!

submitted by /u/A_Fhaol_Bhig
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a Youtube comment made a perfect analogy about D2

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 11:14 PM PST

it read "If you look at it from a sports standpoint, they basically looked at the people in Major league baseball and the people in Minor league baseball and said "how do we get it so these two divisions can play together?" They then pushed the fence back 200 feet so everyone on both teams had the chance at a home my opinion. But for the audience the thrill of seeing your favorite team get that home run is gone and the sport gets boring, And for the 2 teams playing; the minors see no skill improvement and neither do the majors because they're not playing people at their skill level."

submitted by /u/Gold3nSun
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Nightfall variety (lack there of) is a big killer for people that still find some joy in this game

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 08:09 AM PST

My wife picked up D2 and we have been playing nightly and sherpaing her through things and what not has given me enough fun to continue to play this game periodically. But even my wife was like "Didn't we just do this Nightfall with the exact same modifiers? My wife didn't even play D1 or understand how many modifiers are in the game and she noticed the lack of variety. ADD SOME VARIETY TO NIGHTFALL'S PLEASE. There are more than 2 strikes and 4 modifiers.

submitted by /u/smyers3432
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Friend and I decided to go back to D1, and it truly feels a more refined experience in almost every way than D2

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 06:45 AM PST

Of one very notable exception:

I love being able to open up a map, and the Director, without having to return to orbit. Words cannot express how spoiled I am to that.

Beyond that, however, the original Destiny simply feels like a superior game in almost every other way. I went back expecting to have my rose-tinted glasses shattered, but honestly? I've had a lot more fun with it.

The loot system and path to upgrades seems much more robust, it doesn't feel and grindy. RNG is a fickle mistress, but you at least feel like you could get great loot, instead of the token system, which would be great as a back-up but should never be your primary means of acquisition (I'd even be happy with them knocking the tokens required for gear from 20 to 50, if drops were more common).

Now admittedly, I really like Nessus in D2. Aesthetically and in terms of gameplay. I also really dig Titan, though it needs more content either inside the "city" portion of it, or perhaps having us traveling aboard some of the ships in the wavy ocean.

However, I also really miss Old Russian and, surprisingly enough, the Moon. There's something really cool about traveling to the Moon, and it suits the Hive absolutely perfectly. Seeing the Hive on Titan is kind of a cool change of pace, but for me, the Moon is just too iconic to pass up (and who doesn't remember how terrifying the descent into the Hellmouth was the first time?).

And then there's the Weapon system. The simple truth is, in Destiny 2, you might as well just have two weapons, because you're either leaning on your Kinetic, or your Energy, but you will almost never switch between them. The reason why is simple; because they're ALL mid-range weapons.

The first Destiny's system worked beautifully, because everyone got that mid-range option, but for your secondary weapon, you actually got to make a personal choice. I loved Shotguns, for example (despite being far too weak in PvE, barring an Exotic like 4th Horseman).

Now, I don't think Destiny 2 is without hope. That is, not if Bungie is willing to make dramatic changes.

First and foremost, the weapon-system needs a complete overhaul, bringing it in line with the first game (though I'm fine with some Exotics remaining as "Special weapons" if beefed-up a bit, such as Sunshot gaining explosive rounds).

Next, adjust the way Loot and Tokens are acquired. I actually think the Token system is great, but it should be regulated as a backup option to combat poor RNG luck. I'd recommend bumping the required tokens up (maybe 50, or 100 if universal), but put more emphasis on actually finding gear.

Rounding things out, I'd say maybe give weapons more random perks (perhaps leaving each Legendary one guaranteed perk, just to have some identity?), to create a little more excitement for seeing duplicates. I also wouldn't mind being able to "merge" duplicates, taking one perk from each, creating a little more agency towards creating those "perfect rolls".

Finally, break the Subclass "groups" up again, allowing players to mix-and-match the effects they actually want. In doing so, perhaps add more options to round them out (ie. Sunbreakers hurling a hammer as their Melee skill, Strikers "losing" their Melee ability but punching much more quickly, or Sentinels "punching" a teammate to grant them Overshield).

While these changes are absolutely dramatic shifts, I think they would completely reinvigorate the game. Not simply "improve" things, but wholesale fix the most egregious issues we currently suffer from. Everything else, I think would naturally improve with the addition of new content (such as wanting a larger pool of Exotic armor to choose from).

submitted by /u/Jcorb
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Are you kidding, Bungie? You're not selling an exotic emote the week before season 2?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 02:55 AM PST

Come on, Bungie. You literally open the week up at reset saying, "Don't miss out on the Ramen emote!" and yet you don't sell it? You're not selling ANY exotic emote for that matter? Why even make a point to tell people to, "Make sure they get it!" Oh, I know why, you want us to buy Bright Engrams so that we don't miss out on the chance to get those limited time emotes.

Your entire game is RNG. Even when I bought your Bright Engrams with Silver, there was a chance I wouldn't get the one exotic emote I was missing (salty, both describing the emote and myself). You can't even have the decency of putting something for us to chase in the eververse store the week before season 2.

The exotic emotes will disappear after season 1. Why bother putting one of them on sale for Bright Dust in case someone is missing something, eh Bungo?

Edit: To make it clear, I personally am missing out on the Salty emote, not the Ramen emote. I know the ramen emote was sold last week, I'm not specifically complaining about not having access to that emote in particular, but to literally any of the exotic content this week. The point is that exotics can only be collected during the season they're introduced in. Making a point to tell us to "not miss out on" the different exotics and then not selling one the last week you have a chance to earn it through a Bright Dust purchase is scummy. Maybe that's just me.

Edit 2: To make another point clear, I don't care that I spent money to get silver and bright engrams. That's not what this post is about, I'm not complaining about spending money, just the RNG nature of how the real money vendor works. Even if you did spend X amount of money on the game, there's still a chance you wouldn't get any of the items you actually wanted. That's a problem that's been highlighted as of this last week of season 1 and after the debacle of the XP throttling situation.

Edit 3: I don't know who will see this, but just to say it: I bought the silver that I bought to sate my own personal curiosity. You can disagree with me doing so if you like, but I simply did it for that reason, no more, no less.

That said, I bought the silver near the beginning of October before we started seeing the cracks in the game as a whole. Now that we know what we know, all I have to say is don't buy Silver. Don't buy Bright Engrams. Just go watch a video of someone buying silver and opening engrams, it'll achieve the same effect. For what it's worth, I agree with the people saying not to buy loot boxes, this is the first loot box type purchase I've made in years, it's been so long I legitimately can't remember the last time I made a purchase similar to this. So yeah, just don't buy Silver. There's no need to do so.

Edit 4: Sorry, one last edit. I just wanna quote myself as I feel I made a post that sums up my thoughts better than this original post did in its first iteration. This should be the last edit. Apologies.

I disagree. I spent an amount that equates to a lunch. I don't care about Silver, that works as intended, it does its job without tricks, you buy silver, you get bright engrams, something I knew the result of. I tried it for the sake of seeing for myself just because I was curious, nothing more, nothing less.

I'm not complaining about an emote, I'm complaining that the ways in which these pieces of content are obtained are stuck behind XP Throttling or now a doubled XP bar. I'm complaining that the bright engrams you earn are completely random, which is fine to a point since you can earn bright dust regularly if you choose to, but then I'm complaining that if I wanna purchase the items I want, it can only be done if those items randomly roll into the weekly inventory. In the case of the salty emote, it hasn't been in the store once since I started playing in early October.

That's multiple layers of RNG. Forgetting the silver purchase, which again I'm not even complaining about that since I made that choice for the sake of sating my own curiosity, sue me. Forgetting that, the average player who doesn't spend any money has multiple layers of RNG going against them. If they want to get these cosmetic items, they have to deal with a system designed to get them to spend actual money on things that should have been in the actual game, not in bright engrams. Getting a shell or a sparrow to drop from a bright engram is silly when I could have earned it from running strikes or what have you.

Is this a bottom of the barrel problem? Absolutely, but that means it's still a problem. Me spending money doesn't stop me from also still being able to complain about a system that I don't think is working well or in favor of the game's players. If I think something scummy is happening, I'm gonna say it.

submitted by /u/Requiem191
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Kotaku Article: As Destiny 2 Players Rage, Bungie Struggles To Respond

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 02:00 PM PST

Link to Article by Jason Schreier that breaks down the recent XP fiasco and Bungie's Communication problem or lack thereof

As much as I love Destiny, I'm glad the problems with Bungie's lack of communication and Destiny 2 gameplay problems are picking up more traction. As I felt the only reason Bungie changed the XP Situation is because they were caught red-handed and called out by the media.

submitted by /u/danimal511
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I just want to let you guys know that I have never used a sniper in D2.

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 01:10 AM PST

and the game knows.

my legendary drops for the past month and a half have been nothing but snipers. I did get a last hope a few weeks ago, but otherwise it has been snipers. my exotics, if not armor, have been marcy darci. I could outfit every single person on this sub with a sniper.

and I don't care. I'm not going to use them, they are not, and will never be, a heavy. they are not worth replacing a rocket launcher for.

submitted by /u/retartarder
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Slayerage's thoughts on the new weapon system

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 05:37 PM PST

Slayerage just posted this video and I think it pretty much sums up what the new weapon system does wrong and why it plays a big part in why we feel less powerful in D2 compared to D1.

He definitely has a lot of valid points and I encourage everyone to watch this.

submitted by /u/-Snickers-
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Is anyone else lurking the reddit for a glimmer of hope to return to the game?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 05:22 PM PST

I just want to start by saying, I'm sure there are people who are still enjoying the game. Whenever I try to come on, I only see like 4 of my friends list on, but I'm glad you are, whoever you are.

But I am literally waiting for anything. "Dude, there's a black spindle like quest in that one mission," would be ideal, but I'm also looking for Bungie to say anything about the game, and their future plans.

Like even Luke Smith coming out and just tweeting, "Hey broskis, I'm totes paying attention, we hear you dudes and dudettes." As simple as that, and I'd be in again.

But I find myself staring at Mario Odyssey, wondering if I should pick up the Switch again.

Update: Holy balls! Front page! I'm genuinely shocked. And so far without someone quoting Anakin Skywalker.

I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling this. And honestly I just posted this and left, and only came back because I knew that Bungo canceling the stream tomorrow in favor of a blog update next week was going to cause a storm of shit.

submitted by /u/fantasticox
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Towerthought: I used to check this subreddit daily for new discoveries/techniques in Destiny. Now I check it daily to see what else Bungie managed to screw up

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 08:35 AM PST

It makes me sad.

submitted by /u/ClarkeFishing
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The Destiny community have been reviewing this shirt and they haven’t disappointed.

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 05:49 PM PST

EDIT: I did not make this shirt! Stop asking me where to buy it outside of the USA. Looks like it's on Redbubble so you can stop DM'ing me now.

EDIT 2: Link to reviews

submitted by /u/CraftyBadger
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Cozmo went on leave at the perfect time.

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 08:00 AM PST

Just think, if he wasn't on paternity leave, he'd be in charge of trying to put out the fires D2 has caused while being armed with a bucket of water to do it. Instead, he's at home looking at all of this like one of us and probably thinking "not my problem" lol.

Cozmo if you happen to come by this, hope everything is going well with the new addition to the family!

submitted by /u/ThirdRamon
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Seems like even Planet Destiny is getting fed up with Bungie's BS...

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 04:49 PM PST

A heartfelt thank you to everyone still queuing up for D1 Crucible.

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 10:25 PM PST

First lets be clear that D1's multiplayer was indeed flawed with lag, cheap deaths, a very defined meta, but it came through with the promise of making you feel like a badass.

"Hey so you've been shitting the bed for most of the match with a pathetic KD, well in a span of seconds you can single handedly change the tide of the match with a well timed super, kill-streak, flanking etc etc"

D1 made players feel like they could "Become Legend", not artificially inflate their self worth with a new "efficiency" stat.

As someone who has deleted D2 in October, I've returned to D1 and never looked back. Over that time span, given the smaller population of the game, Ive repeatedly matched up with the same players, so much so that we give one another friendly tbags and kept in touch, sending each other Holiday wishes. Even though the matchmaking time takes a bit longer and the still prevalent lag sometimes rears its ugly head, Im thankful that this game is still as active as it is.

Playing Crucible in D2 felt like a chore to get the weekly done, playing D1 feels like unabashed fun. This past Thanksgiving break of unapologetically spending countless dozens of hours playing Crucible brought back a little bit of that magic that reminded me why I fell in love with this game to begin with.

submitted by /u/Cyronix-
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Bungie you did an awesome job with D1

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 05:51 AM PST

Just thought I'd remind them that there was something they did right.

submitted by /u/4ever1der
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Worth picking up d1?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 04:23 AM PST

I'm just curious if it's worth buying destiny 1.. I'm a pc player who never got a chance to play. I know I'm probably not going to do most of the content do to people not playing anymore but like everyone constantly talking about it makes me want to play.

submitted by /u/tonbop
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Bungie has literally destroyed every power fantasy this game had.

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 10:23 AM PST

And for what? The sake of balance? For esports and twitch views? (With no rankings in PvP) To make it less overwhelming for casuals? Apparently an answer given was to make the times we do use powerful stuff more potent tho the community has unanimously agreed against this.

Something I have been thinking about lately; in contrast to the game we play today the power fantasy's of the first game were so potent. The first time I used first of havoc right in the starting zone of old Russia I was blown away, it felt incredible.

The fact that you could wield a 'dmr' a sniper and a rocket launcher all at once was a halo players life long dream.

All of the exotics seemed based around this idea of being pretty extreme, I'll take one example and my favourite exotic: the No Land Beyond. Put a slow firing old school sniper rifle in your primary spot, it rewards the perfect shot and precise timing. Pair that with my hunter that can throw knives at you and there it is. I am not just me or a space soldier but a Lone Ranger wandering the wastes with power and patience. And it felt great!

Contrast that to the current experience which is so safe so tame and so balanced, and for what sake? What were they thinking? No one can really answer this question? Where is the vision and the fun? Where is Becoming Legend. Why do they want their game to be the way it is today?

Bungie please give us more depth and more power, trust us enough to become legend.

submitted by /u/pokegoing
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