Destiny - [D2] Trials of the Nine Megathread [2017-11-24]

[D2] Trials of the Nine Megathread [2017-11-24]

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 09:00 AM PST

This thread is for all general discussion, questions, thoughts, musings, wonderings, etc. for the Trials of the Nine.

When does Trials of the Nine end?

  • Trials of the Nine ends at normal Weekly Reset at 9am UTC on Tuesdays.

Trials of the Nine Map


Game Mode


7 Win Options

Beep booo awaiting results

Flawless Options

Beep boop awaiting results

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Removing all depth from the game "because casuals" is insulting to their intelligence. Make the depth understandable instead.

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 08:59 AM PST

Casual gamers are people who don't have a lot of time to play games. That's it.

They can still read. They have the same cognitive capacity as anyone else to make decisions on what perks may or may not interact with other perks. They won't foam at the mouth in utter confusion if you give them more than two options on a subclass. They aren't infants that only want to punch aliens and see flashing colors and story be damned.

They just want their time to be respected and not feel like they have to play 8 hrs a day to progress in any meaningful way. That was "the grind" that everyone hated in vanilla D1: playing for hours and only having worthless blues to show for it. They don't want to have to go outside the game to know what the story is about. They want to read a perk and know exactly what it does instead of having to scour the internet to see what "handling" or "accuracy" actually means.

The solution isn't to strip the game of anything that resembles an rpg element, dumb down the story to a "villain of the week" plot, make the loot have unchanging rolls with only one real perk, and reduce all progression to token slot machines. The solution is to make the depth understandable and make activites rewarding for players that don't have a lot of time.

Give players things to chase and make clear the way to get them. Go deeper into the story and give scannables a reason to be sought out. Make adventures and lost sectors have better value than two tokens and a blue. Give players some actual agency in their character builds other than "A or B". Do better and stop using casuals as an excuse for lazy ham fisted design.

submitted by /u/SuggestedPigeon
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How can I defend this game anymore?

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 01:16 AM PST

I VEHEMENTLY defended Destiny 2 to my friends I played with on console. I convinced friends to buy the game for PC. I have tried and tried to find some sort of silver lining. I now feel like a complete asshole because I KNOW I was wrong.

Crucible is unplayable at worst and infuriating at best. If you're not a team of 4 your chances of winning are slim to none. There is no place to showcase individual skill. Kill times increased across the board and ability damage nerfed to shit has made the game a "team shot or die" fest. You can't get good flanks because everyone has Knucklehead Radar or Mida on, and they effectively doubled the detection range on you showing up on radar. (I was vehemently against stickies and other one-shot kill mechanics in D1 but fuck I want them back now)

There is ZERO reason to play Strikes. They are well designed but pointless. The loss of modifiers and Strike-specific loot has all but ruined them.

Tokens are not a viable loot option when your vendors are RNG based and not selling specific loot. I have spent close to a thousand tokens on IO trying to get a full Gensym Knight set for my Titan and I have yet to get the pants or class item. WHY did you get rid of vendor weapons and armor? WHY do we have access to factions only once a month? WHY do you think ONLY TOKENS are a viable option for loot?

The stat system...really? Past 5 the only stat worth a damn is Recovery.

The mod system is shallow. punch more, throw more weak grenades, get a super negligibly quicker, run negligibly faster, straight recoil patterns for weapons not in the Precision Frame archetype.

Please, for the love of Destiny...fix your game. That's all your community wants. A game worth playing again. Not shallow content. All my friends on console have moved on to other games. The guys I played Trials with mostly? They now play Fortnite. A free-to-play game has more meaningful and consistent updates than a AAA developer. Most of the Crucible streamers from Twitch have done the same. Can you not smell your own shit right in front of you?

EDIT: Did not expect this kind of response for me eating crow, lol.

EDIT # 2: I play on PC. I am drastically better there because I spent thousands of hours playing competitive Counter-Strike back when CAL League was still a thing. Played on a CAL-M/P team, and did very well.

I have a 50%+ win ratio in Crucible. It is still infuriating to get in to a game where no matter how good you are, a team of 4 will roll over you because you are playing alone. Not to mention when people feel the sting of competitiveness they back out.

submitted by /u/mchlmacdonald
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Please remember, Bungie is not what it's used to be, and bad decisions are common now for them, don't forget Staten.

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 04:00 AM PST

Who doesn't know, here is a Staten's story, this is what Destiny could have been and as you can see what we're experiencing now is still the continuation of THAT, all this was made long ago (content of Destiny 2). We're still being fed that frankestein-like game with stitched parts. The plot and the narraitve for the game was so good that it still ables to shine through all the damn flaws.

I'm really, really sad that we will never see this in full glory.

I feel like Mass Effect all over again. Where they scrapped all the ideas about "Dark Antimatter", Element Zero and so on. Where 2 original writers were fired and their original script from first ME was scrapped. If you never heard about it, use wayback machine site and go to "hold the line" and find "Datamining the beta and mass effect". So much was cut, so much was put back and changed in order to sell DLCs. This is the same.

Update: added the link to Mass Effect story because people asked and it's hard to find

p.s. Javik should have been the catalyst, heh.

submitted by /u/ArchTroll
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Honestly, with how Destiny 2 is standing, I would not mind going back to Destiny 1 and bring back support for it..

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 09:21 AM PST

The original destiny is MILES ahead of Destiny 2 in most aspects. Many people dislike Destiny 2, especially the crucible, which was a big part of Destiny 1. I would like to see Bungie being back support for D1, as in bring back Trials and the Iron Banner. I wouldn't even mind if they kept adding to it with more paid DLC, it would be better than the situation we're in, in D2.

submitted by /u/Tjah78
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How about an exotic armor which ability is to equip 2 exotic weapons at the same time. Looks like fun, they're not that powerful anyways

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 05:38 AM PST

And here I am among all the salt on that sub. Don't mind my narrow sight, please.

submitted by /u/cha_zz
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It needs to be stated clearly to Bungie: if will be unacceptable for the final CoO stream to end without details on the Season 2 patch QoL changes.

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 08:57 AM PST

I love Destiny. I love Destiny 2. But it's getting harder and harder to defend what is happening here.

They're barely acknowledging the community's biggest issues right now. I don't even have a big issue with the amount of content in Curse of Osiris. It comes down to being a $17.50 expansion and I don't expect a huge new Raid. Based on what was described, I think I'm going to be happy with the content itself.

But the lack of details on QoL updates, a week and a half from launch, is very worrying.

  • Increased vault space? Bungie pushes D2 as a collection game but I'm almost out of vault space and am missing many sets for my Warlock and Titan still. Maybe the collection page can be expanded to... everything?

  • Two pages in inventory for mods and shaders, so we don't need to worry about the vault for those?

  • Is the emote wheel coming with this update?

  • How will buying stuff from vendors work?

  • Will Eververse items be added back into the kiosk/collection, as they were in Destiny 1? (This means ships and sparrows, obviously, but also Ghosts and Eververse armor sets as well. Eververse is here to stay and will likely always be part of the Destiny end game from now on. But if that's going to be the case, it should be more player-friendly as it was in D1. Simply let use pay with Legendary Shards to pull duplicates out of the kiosk once we unlock it through Eververse.)

  • On the same topic, perhaps a collection page/kiosk that would allow us to spend glimmer/shards/whatever on shaders that we've already held? I think this can be worked out in a way that balances with Eververse in a fair way.

  • Changes to Crucible, such as actual rankings for Competitive mode and punishment for players who leave.

  • Some sort of update on when we can expect Rumble back. (Or for myself, Rift. I know Rift could be divisive but I adored it.)

  • What are the better rewards/replay value for Lost Sectors and Adventures?

  • Are the Heroic Adventuers just on Mercury or everywhere now?

I'm sure there are more that I could think of and that others have already thought of. But Bungie needs to give us something here. The community is frustrated. Splitting the mini-expansion reveal into three separate hour-long streams has only made it worse when QoL changes haven't been mentioned at all.

I love Destiny and I love Bungie. But we need more information, faster updates and better communication. I've defended this game a lot but for D2 to come out and go backwards in some ways (the removal of ship/sparrow kiosks is mind-boggling), is demoralizing.

submitted by /u/ZeoVGM
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Kurt Vonnegut foresaw the Destiny 2 balance philosophy

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 09:05 AM PST

It has become clear, particularly in light of Jon Weisnewski's latest comments in a CR interview, that Destiny 2 was purposefully designed to cater towards casual, lower-skilled players. In effect, they tried to make the game play equally for everyone so that everyone feels successful. When Gigz was discussing the issues with bloom with dev Grant Mackay on twitter, he noted that the result of bloom is RNG gunfights, where anyone, regardless of skill, has a chance of winning. We got confirmation on Twitter from Josh Hamrick that in-air accuracy is very low in D2 in order to prevent high skill plays from dominating by using their vertical space. The higher TTK likewise prevents high-skill players from "making plays" and necessitates everyone just sticking together and team shooting in the simplest fashion.

All of this has made me think lately of Kurt Vonnegut's dystopian vision of the future in "Harrison Bergeron". It's a short and poignant story, here's a link to the full text for those who would like to read it:

The TL;DR of it is, Harrison lives in a world where the government has "made everybody equal," and the way they did it is by nerfing anyone with any extraordinary ability, bringing everyone down to the lowest level. Those who are extraordinary dancers are weighed down with heavy bags. Those who are great thinkers have radio headsets constantly blaring in their ears in order to disrupt their thought. And thus everyone is equal. Harrison is a gifted individual who tosses off his weights and for a brief moment we see him and a ballerina show the world what beauty can be, before he is gunned down by the "Handicapper General."

It's amazing how much this idea parallels what Bungie actually did in D2 in "catering to the casuals." Our lead weights are the low in air accuracy keeping our boots on the ground; the bloom on hand cannons (which I'm betting will go up, especially on PC, in light of the dev comments on twitter) is the radio blaring in our ears are messing up the shots of anyone who worked to achieve better aim and gun skill. It's purposefully handicapping us.

Now to be fair, there is still a a little bit of a skill gap left in Destiny, sure. No one is saying that there isn't. But the effort to lower that gap has weighed down players, like the weights on the dancers in "Harrison Bergeron." And ultimately this has made the game less fun for everyone. Nobody wants to watch a bunch of dancers with lead weights keeping them down, and the result is that Destiny 2 has dropped way down in Twitch viewership. No one who is talented and works hard at streaming wants to play that kind of game, either.

I wonder if any of the Bungie devs have read Vonnegut. He really called this one.

submitted by /u/MagnusM5
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Gamespot: "The main Mercury map is just a circle that's not terribly interesting to explore, and the new Strikes are uninspired"

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 04:45 PM PST

So we had a stream on the new activities Tuesday and they seemed fairly underwhelming with little content, let alone end game content.

We also have a raid lair that is smaller than the leviathan (In which doesn't capitalise on the next generation of hardware itself but rather plays it ultra safe. It doesn't feel like what we expected a D2 raid to be like when compared to the shire scale and atmosphere of Kings Fall)... Whilst a lair is better than nothing, like everything else in D2 at this point, its not breaking boundaries or exciting fans because the sandbox itself and QOL is not ideal.

We saw that the reforge doesn't allow for reforging weapons or armour but rather gives us (easily), 11 statically rolled re-skins of vanilla weapons. That is our end game grind. For example the Jack King Queen handcannon is a reskin of the down and doubt omolon vanguard hand cannon.

Don't forget that the most rewarding public event gives 2 tokens.

The whole thing is turning into a bit of a meme really.

And then this:

'Mercury as a destination is actually a rather small, circular area on the planet called the Fields of Glass, which is connected to the Lighthouse that Bungie showed off last week. The most notable thing about the new map is the assortment of powerful, "high-value target" enemies you can fight--there seems to be more of them in the Fields of Glass than at other locations in Destiny 2. Other than that, it's an unremarkable donut map, and we couldn't even summon Sparrows there--seemingly to mask how small the area is'

For whatever its worth IGN has also made a video expressing very similar concerns. The author of the video is also a diehard destiny fan and runs igns fireteam chat podcast

After listening to the latest crucible radio podcast, I'd like to show appreciation to those at Bungie who tried to keep rng rolls, 6v6 pvp, a higher skill ceiling in pvp and a plethora of other things that made D1 a great journey. It appears there was massive conflict in-house with regards to the games direction. The live team (our only hope) also seemed to be shocked when they were told about certain changes and responded 'but we've always done things this way, why change it'.

Big up to Sir Demetrious, DPJ and Gernader Jake for expressing an honest opinion across social media channels, unlike many who sit on the fence and make the odd passive aggressive comment to try and appease the general consensus.


As somebody in the comments stated, stop making the experience broader, start making it deeper.

And communicate with us. If the current community managers aren't willing to then try offering a nicely paid job to datto, briar or another well respected and knowledge filled community figure who is able to help navigate these waters and be the conduit between player and franchise.

submitted by /u/ILLZtheGOD
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Early previews had people complaining that Destiny 2 looked like a glorified expansion, Months into Destiny 2 people wish it was an expansion of Destiny.

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 05:43 PM PST

Never Forget - Bungie's Destiny Design Philosophy

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 10:25 PM PST

We're going to continuously update the game from now until the end of time. That's always going to be part of the philosophy of Destiny. We always wanted to build a new universe but keep building upon it, rather than to do a complete and utter restart periodically.

So, is a giant step back a "restart"?

submitted by /u/Korvun
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[D2] Xûr Inventory Infographic [11-24-2017]

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 07:40 AM PST

at least he's selling Merciless for any raid teams that have members still missing it?

again, if you're not into checking the sub every Friday and Tuesday for these, you can find them on my Twitter or my Discord as well =)

shop smart!


EDIT: it's worth nothing that Merciless has also been offered twice now, but my design is going to need an adjustment as to how I display the amount of times an item has been offered. you can see that the column for Merciless doesn't give me much room.

submitted by /u/thatdudereeg
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If all of Destiny 1 were to be released on PC, it would probably sell better and be more well-received than Destiny 2.

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 06:06 PM PST

TL;DR- Destiny 1 was fun for years, Destiny 2 is boring after weeks. I'd pay to have fun like in D1 again.

Just think about it, If Bungie were to make Destiny 1 available on PC for sale, i wholeheartedly believe that it would sell better than Destiny 2 in it's current form. I would literally buy it just for the classic PvP, but all the raids, strikes, and content of classic Destiny on PC sounds good too, in fact, I'm more than sure that's what we were all expecting with D2. In all honesty, D1 is the better product as ridiculous as that sounds, and believe me, that is not seen through rose-tinted glasses. Ask yourself this, which one did you have more fun with? Which one kept your interest over 3 years even through content droughts and a spew of issues? It completely baffles me how the older product is preferable over the newer one.

In my mind, I'm comparing the first 3 years of Destiny to what is year 4. Ignore the fact that it's a sequel. Imagine if Destiny 2 was sold as another expansion, bringing all the changes it has with it. Imagine the kind of backlash if that was the case, but because it was sold as a sequel, the hype helped soften the initial blow.

The recent streams and interviews only confirming that what we have now is what Bungie wanted from day 1 and what they want to continue with in the future, with their attitude and lack of communication only exasperating the salt among the community. Look at the streamers, almost nobody is bothering with D2. Look at the subreddit, I've been around since the beta and we've never been this vocal or consistent with our disappointment than these last couple months. Any hope i have for the future of this game is being destroyed little by little, and I don't think im alone on this.

At the end of the day, you buy a game expecting to have fun with it. I had YEARS of fun with D1 and i bought the sequel expecting more of what we all loved. Unfortunately with D2, I'm already bored and frustrated after a few weeks. I'd gladly pay to have classic Destiny on PC, and from what I've seen over the past few months, so would most of us.

submitted by /u/GypsyIsaac
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In D1 I earned my Valor in Darkness emblem. In D2 I bought it from the Bungie store.

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 03:16 AM PST

I was pretty disappointed that my team didn't earn an emblem for collecting all of the challenge mode and raid emblems this week. The Valor in Darkness was a great emblem from AoT and was the PVE equivalent of a Scarab. We were really hoping it might return for raid completionists.

Imagine my surprise when i see it's Destiny 2 equivalent put up as part of a Black Friday deal on BungieStore's Twitter. It sums up how much they've taken out of the game that even the cosmetic rewards that you used to get in D1 are purchasable items in D2.

Hope I'm not too negative. Just found it a bit disheartening.

PS: I do support the Bungie Store as their dedication to charitable donations is outstanding. These are good people. Please keep that in mind when commenting. Thanks!

submitted by /u/davidtobin100
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Bungie, if I play crucible solo, I do NOT want to play against premade 4

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 09:37 PM PST

For the first time today, I left a crucible (iron banner) match. Just a minute or two in, they had triple our score, were rotating together, and teamshooting like crazy. If I wanted to play hard core 4v4, I would queue with my friends, not solo. Normally I stick it out for my team but with the bullshit tokens and the loot rng it's just not worth playing anymore.

submitted by /u/naglebagel
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I feel like Bungie will never say "We screwed up" or "We're sorry" about Destiny 2

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 11:53 AM PST

It just feels like a major part of Bungie are robots!

Some signs of humanity would be appreciated but it just seems like owning up to mistakes isn't a part of their programming.

submitted by /u/NFSgaming
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2 years ago TTK was a black friday deal at 35 bucks. Today D2 is 30 dollars or less at many places 2.5 months after launch

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 09:33 PM PST

Everything is fine, nothing to see here...

Sad. Disappointed. Cmon Live Team.

Gamestop BF ad in 2014... D1 was 10 dollars off. I did not see it in BB or Targets 2014 ad, D2 is 29.99 at target today and 27.99 at gamestop.

submitted by /u/mzoltek
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Destiny 2 needs endgame changes more than it needs Osiris

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 12:53 PM PST

I wrote an article about how Bungie needs to be showcasing change and addressing feedback more than they need to be showing off new content.

Three live streams seems like overkill that takes away a lot of the player discovery in the new DLC, yet they are keeping meaningful endgame changes and addressing player feedback under wraps. I would have rather had a single stream to tease Osiris content, and two streams to address endgame changes and how the live team is approaching feedback about the game. Their current strategy isn't doing the game any favors, especially after the whole "most rewarding public event" gaffe that occurred on the most recent stream.

Honestly, the live team needs a better open channel of communication on a regular basis, not the content teams. Why are we being spoon fed nearly all of the content in Osiris prior to release rather than allowing for player discovery? I want to see the live team get a dedicated segment in each week's This Week at Bungie. I want to see Chris Barrett and his team appear on the live streams to hype coming changes. And I want to see more attention and frequent updates to improving the player experience and making me want to play this game. Because I do want to play it.

submitted by /u/FinchStrife
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Random rolls in year one were bad, random rolls in year 3 were perfect.

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 11:02 PM PST

Random rolls in year one were bad, random rolls in year 3 were perfect.

With additional ways to aquire guns in year 3 random rolls were nearly perfect: 1. Weekly rotating rolls at vendors. 2. Arms day weekly rolls 3. Perfect rolls of weapons to buy during Iron Banner. 4. Variks had great weapons with only god tier perks, rolls were random but every one of them was good/amazing

Because of those things gamers weren't at the mercy of the RNGeesus. In time everyone could have his own perfect roll. Yes, there still were white whales like Luna but it gave us small incentive to play crucible.

I miss having "my own rolls" that maybe were not god tier but were mine and ideal for my playing style :(

PS. Sorry for my english...

submitted by /u/NeyPL
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Towerthought: The thing D2 is really good at is making me want to re-experience Destiny 1 all over again.

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 12:59 AM PST

I wonder how many guardians are playing D2 “just in case”.

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 09:23 AM PST

I can't be the only person who occasionally logs on just to try to "suffer thru" events and challenges to collect loot for the sole purpose of having it "just in case" they fix D2. I literally play D2, not for enjoyment, but to avoid risking regretting that I missed something on the off chance they turn it around, to a game that I want to play.

I wonder how many of us actually log on at this point for that sole purpose, and not because we want to play for enjoyment. I actually hate myself after hitting all my milestones and avoid playing it the rest of the week.

submitted by /u/Master_Jedikid
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[D2] Xûr Megathread [2017-11-24]

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 01:02 AM PST

Agent of the Nine, Xûr


Xûr comes and goes freely, his strange curios too valuable to risk.


Io, Giant's Scar

Exotic Item Class Power Level Cost
Merciless Fusion Rifle 270 (265+5 Legendary Mod) x29 Legendary Shards
Lucky Pants Hunter Leg Armour 270 (265+5 Legendary Mod) x23 Legendary Shards
Mask of the Quiet One Titan Helmet 270 (265+5 Legendary Mod) x23 Legendary Shards
Starfire Protocol Warlock Chest Armour 270 (265+5 Legendary Mod) x23 Legendary Shards

What's a Xûr?

Xûr, Agent of the Nine is a strange vendor who randomly appears in a Public Sector in each of the four Worlds, depending on planetary alignments and Bungie's whim. Xur sells Exotic equipment and only takes Legendary Shards in exchange for them.

TL;DR: He's the Santa Claus of Destiny and every weekend is Christmas. Sometimes he brings you what you want, sometimes he brings you coal. Mostly it's coal.

When does Xûr visit?

Xûr visits every Friday at 9:00AM UTC and departs at reset. If you would like to see all the live conversions of Time Zones, please follow this link here.

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Data provided by DestinyTracker

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When The Fun Stops, STOP!

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 10:45 AM PST

Just putting it bluntly, if your not enjoying the game anymore then stop.

Don't shove it in peoples faces that the games dead, pointless, a joke etc.

Just stop playing, Bungie/Activision will notice a nose dive in daily log ins and a massive drop in microtransactions.

Go and enjoy some of the other games out there.

Hopefully see you all in the new DLC ;)

submitted by /u/IX_THE_ENEMY_XI
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After completing prestige raid, "F*** YEAH!"... After receiving rewards, "WHAT THE F***?"

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 06:16 PM PST

Beat prestige raid = feelsgood

Get a shitty full mobility armor and an aura that disappears on tuesday = feelsbad

submitted by /u/nickwithtea93
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The live team does not seem like they’re in total control of the game.

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 12:23 PM PST

I was listening to the crucible podcast yesterday and they asked this Jon guy if there were communication issues between the main team and the live team in the making of destiny2. He said there was no miscommunication that all they wanted was a clean slate for destiny 2. He went ahead and stated as well that bringing the live team up to destiny 2 has brought up many conflicts (don't quote me on exact words, sorry it was 4AM for me). They have had to tell the live team what stuff they do not want to add to destiny 2 and with the way he made it sound it sounds like there has been disagreements in that aspect. This pretty much means the live team will not be able to make the changes they think destiny 2 needs since this is the vision the main dev has for their game. It also sounded like there's some sort of conflict in bungie regarding what destiny 2 should be. I couldn't finish all of the podcast but I'm sure there are more hidden gems Ike that. You know I'm also curious of how much these main devs read reddit. Honestly it doesn't seem like they do or else they see the state of the community and would issue some sort of statement.

submitted by /u/DirtyJerzElmo
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