DayZ - Today's Status Report has been moved to November 28

Today's Status Report has been moved to November 28

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 07:05 AM PST

If Hicks doesn't have anything meaningful to discuss in today's SR I hope he stays out of it altogether.

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 05:15 AM PST

It seems that every week while Peter, Eugen, and other members of the team are trying to show us whatever they can, Hicks is going down reflection lane.

I don't think I'm alone in that nobody cares about this special ride that he's been on which he wouldn't change for the world. Every "update" from Hicks seems to regurgitate this theme. At this point all we want to hear about is progress towards .63. That's it.

If Hicks has nothing meaningful to say it would be nice if he said nothing at all.

submitted by /u/harpuajim
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Wobo is going to stop making videos to take care of unwell mother.

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 02:54 PM PST

I wish we could do this, or at least carry 2 guns instead of 1 gun and 1 melee

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 09:38 AM PST

Nothing like taking a break from it all.

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 07:24 PM PST

This Chicken is OP

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 11:29 AM PST

Timelapse of Building a Camp (Found on Steam Community Hub)

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 08:44 PM PST


Posted: 20 Nov 2017 10:30 PM PST

Anyone know a way to just make this game work fullscreen all the time. im sick of having to open and close my game several times to hope i get a lucky fullscreen open. ALT+ enter works rarely, iv tried the minimize thing i read on here doesnt work. double clicking the window does nothing.

submitted by /u/PorkHuntt
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Memory crash often.

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 05:46 PM PST


Posted: 20 Nov 2017 08:47 AM PST


Posted: 20 Nov 2017 03:41 PM PST

DayZ - me and my friends

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 07:23 PM PST

Short PVP story on The Village from last night

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 05:05 PM PST

Here is just a quick and dull story I'll relate in the hopes the 3rd player is in this sub; Last night Prophet and I are on The Village, it is night time and we are overlooking an un-named town scoping it for activity. It is clear so we venture down to the green elevated where I start filling up my containers at the well while he loots the house and out buildings. While I am stuck in an animation and in my inventory I hear footsteps both in front and behind me, I'm trying to cancel the animation, kill my inventory, and start moving so I can bring a gun up when Prophet yells there is a second player directly behind me. Then the shooting starts and I only catch the last couple muzzle flashes in front of me as my inventory finally closes, at this point I'm fully expecting to be dead but instead the player behind me takes 6 AK rounds center mass. What appears to have happened is while I was at the well and Prophet was just exiting an out building this 3rd player spawned in behind me, sees me, and was moving closer and un-slinging his Mosin to shoot or hold me up when Prophet saw and engaged him. Of course I'm just standing there like an idiot holding my water bag.

Anyway, probably longer than I promised but if the 3rd guy reads this I'd be interested in hearing from him. Like to thank him for the blue rock boots and Mosin, and ask if that was his car tent we stole.

submitted by /u/TheCoffee66
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I want to defend this game, but it’s becoming increasingly difficult.

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 06:04 AM PST

December will mark the fourth year of DayZ being in alpha. Four years. I used to be angry, i hated that i gave these guys money. I felt scammed.

The past couple of months i just told myself to wait and be patient, but how long do they expect us to just sit there waiting for this game and then dare raise the price?

I really want to keep defending this game, and i want it to be good, but by god why release such an unfinished game and charge so much for it? I understand that we were warned, but did anyone expect we would have to wait four years before it even entered beta?

submitted by /u/ChiliCheeseFrito
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Hardcore Experience! ...I met the Psycho... ["short"Story]

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 01:19 PM PST was late. about 9 o'clock

i walked into a little Town called Solnichniy. At the outskirts of the town i found a dead body lying on the road. looks like a straight shot in the back. i picked the rag, pipsi and nice looking prestine boots.

i walked on.

after a few minutes of looting some houses i notice a person standing at the town's end in the middle on the street doing nothing. i walked to the person. tryed to talk to him, hello'ed him by using my hellohand, but nothing. seems like he was frozen or something...

i tryed to tickle him a little bit with my finger- nothing. said dirty words- nothing. ... after some minutes i realized a person walking on the street, coming from Kamyshovo.

the froozen one still does not speak or do any movement. I sayed hello to the new arrival and cleared him up about Freezy and that he do nothing. I told him also my name and started a little conversation with, Danny... thats how he called him self. I also checked his Dogtagpulshand. . .and yes, absolutely a Danny.

Freezy unexpectedly startet to move, pointing around with his forefinger , but say no words . . . i asked him something, but no words... only forefinger pointing. scared forefinger pointing. seems to me something scared him to aphasia. then he starts sprinting a way, like acting totally crazy - bumping into 2 infected,turns left, disappears behind a wall and was no more seen.

I was a little bit confused but i didn't question it further and asked danny what he thinks this was. . . after some theorizing and planning we decided to team up, loot Solnichniy a bit and start our tour into the wasted outback of Chernarus.

After i looted some houses, i saw a person standing on the trackbed - looking like a mid-geared person, mostly dressed in black. He was snooping around and look out for something. I greeted him and walked slowly in his direction - no weapons in my hands. He made some steps back, sayed something in a good vocalised english, but i didn't heard him well ...and he started running away towards the woods way to orlovets.

After i alarmed danny and told him about the stranger. We searched the area quickly, but nothing. Danny seemed to be worried about the BlackFellow and i got a odd feeling, ..for two seconds.. , what thoughts flash through his mind. gun in his hands. holding watch into the woods. but i sayed something about continue our journey to Dolina . let him go. . . bla bla bla... and we carry on.

Danny seems to me like a decent, attentive and honest soul. We shared food. Guarded us. Smashed Infected. Crafted goodies and he donated me rare burlapsack. i shared with him, in confidence ...ammunition. We had a good talk about god and the world and i catched that he likes Chicken... awwwwwrr yumm.

After we checked half Dolina, get some decent loot, but nothing special - we were lucky enough to kill a chicken and get us a yummi diner. :) Danny asked me about a good place to cook the chicken and after some consideration we decided to make a campfire in the northern woods of Dolina -way to Polana

After we startet the Fire, settled down for cooking our diner, we talked a little and i said to Danny, that i have guests in my room and that i have a little 1 minBreak and that iam right back.

In the next Moment i saw me enchained, laying on the ground in front of the fireplace -my face in the muck. Danny pointing his Axe in my direction.., kneeling,.. silent..

Danny ordered me to kneel down.

Straight looking in my direction. pointing the axe in my direction and saying...

so, here we are. no wriggling. His Voice entirely changed. not in the pitch.. but up to that point, his voice was trustworthy. ...more peaceful. now his tone color changed into something/one, who was hearable detached, cold, commanding, ... freezing cold.

i said yes. no wriggling. Than he told me, that he needs my blood and that this has to be for good wherefores... i asked him why -told Danny that we can do this all in a way where no one has to die...

next moment, my sight wents black. unconscious.

...4 maybe 5 minutes went by and i came back. to my amazement my sight was clear and i can see colours. . . wow, i thought. . . its all a bad movie. a test. something bigger... next moment i thought... shit. ...Saline...

He asked me for any last words...

i said many things. karma. bad dreams. i hate him. i love him. i dont wanna die. bla bla bla... at a point he stops me and said. Thats enuff... next thing -a strike hits my face -my sight went black again. [END]

[thanks to the Player Danny. This was a real intensive experience...and very ugly. and strange. i have to think one that one who will bring you to your knees -and that moment when he opens your backpack and see 10 or more human bloodbags. Well played.]

submitted by /u/ZorkVanDoom
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anyone know when .63 is coming out?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 04:40 PM PST

been wanting to get back into standalone for a while and i figure beta is a perfect time, any one got any idea when it comes out as ive had no luck searching for it

submitted by /u/ReignPls
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Should I buy this game?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 08:47 AM PST

I love everything about this game, and have tossed around buying it for literal years. I'm staring at it right now on Steam, telling myself that it is finally time, but I just keep seeing the "Mostly Negative" reviews that keeps trying to push me away. I just need some reassurance that I can and WILL have a blast with this game. Plus, does this community TRULY have faith that the devs are going to do the game justice this time around?

submitted by /u/JustinReverse
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