DayZ - After 950+ hours I finally found it!

After 950+ hours I finally found it!

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 04:37 AM PST

The first time I found the orienteering compass from the Crunshin Crisps Cereal!

I thought it was a myth.

submitted by /u/NPSi
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I think we are too geared

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 02:34 PM PST

We see you

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 06:53 PM PST

Finally finished my first leather outfit, and the aspens are on point.

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 09:17 PM PST

On our way to Staroye, my friend and I are greeted by an adventurous taxi. Chernarus Forest Taxi service has a 5 star rating in my book.

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 05:27 AM PST

So I bought the game...

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 09:01 PM PST

After having over 2k hours in the A2 mods and A3 mods (the few and scarcely populated good ones), I took the plunge. Going into it, I already didn't want to like the game due to it's business model, it's overly military seeming vibe, it's glitches, it's lack of base building, helicoptors, a functioning in game map, so on and so forth. But I gave it a try, and for 4 hours, grew more and more hopeless as i searched empty building, after empty building, only meeting players without mics or who were seemingly completely illiterate, and of course, dying of starvation. But as i'd already invalidated my refund by playing over 2 hours, I decided to keep trying.

Little by little, I learned how to spot apple trees, make a makeshift stone knife, create bandages, and eventually my map knowledge started to come back, and I could recognize a Berezino spawn, Skalisty spawn, Factory spawn, ect. A few quick google searches later, and I realized loot spawns were intentionally decreased the further south east one goes, so I took off into the north, finding more and more decent loot as I went, until i've reacher where I am at now, having a shotgun, a scoped SKS, chest rig, 3 kills, 2 friends added on steam, and a suspicion that I may be on the verge of dumping another 2000 hours into a DayZ game. Here would be why; The foliage is awesome, lighting amazing, fps solid, gun fights acceptably smooth, learning curve managable within a few hours, and the looting/scavenging and exploration is exceptional (excluding the coast). So yes, I enjoy the game. Not the same extent as my original newfound love for the A2 mod, but enough for me to stick around. It took me 3 deaths, and 4 hours to see the beauty of this game, and i'm incredibly glad I stuck with it. That does not however mean it is perfect.

I'd like to list some issues to the game and just get feedback on how agreed upon it is that these are shitty features.

1) What in God's name is this abomination of an inventory system. It is so horrendously difficult to learn, it makes A2's inventory look flawless, and the whole purpose of re-doing it was acknowledging how bad the A2 system was. It is so easy, to drop items, weapons, ammo, magazines, with no on screen indication. Not to mention how unnecessarily hard crafting, eating, drinking, refilling, and repairing items is. If i have a bottle of water, i don't want to go through 3 animations, click 4 seperate buttons, and solve a fucking minigame just to take a drink. Adding animation after animation, button press after button press is not immersive. It makes simple tasks, done in real life with no concentration, tedious time consuming messes of immobility. The eating, drinking, crafting, healing, weapon drawing and re-arming method absolutely must be overhauled, because many player will not want to spend 4 hours figuring out the needlessly complex system, which results in losing gear, time, and detracts from immersion.

2) The coastal region is in absolute disarray. This alone almost made me quit, and almost prevented me from seeing all the good stuff about the game, just from how bad it is. The perpetual fog kills the color vibrance, hinders eyesight, and is an annoyance. It doesn't feel spooky, it feels bland and ugly. A starting area showcasing the amazing visuals this game has, in order to hook player would be Ideal. As for loot however, i'm not sure how I feel about it. On one hand, the incentivization to explore and move inland is great. On the other, without prior experience or a map, new players will have 0 Idea how to migrate towards better loot areas. Even as an experienced player who can navigate without a map, it seemed bizzare to me how many large towns and cities were completely empty. While I am certainly not a fan of making the coast a high loot area, there should at least be enough to enable players enough time to run north before dying of starvation or depending on apples. Maybe a tier of backpack (fanny pack?) Smaller than the children's backpack, and partially empty food/water, and basic mele weapons, and maps or even posted boards like trail maps partially destroyed or burned saying "you are here" at major cities.

As a recently new player, those two factors were the biggest detriments, and almost prevented me from falling in love with the game. I feel like it was some sort of trial to pass, and suffer through enough shitty game mechanics, so I could prove myself worthy of the actually fun portion of the game. For the sake of a returning or new player base, I think these two factors will inhibit enjoyability and decrease player activity.

Anyways, I have rambled long enough. In short, the game lacks content, and has an awful initial impression and inventory system. I think recognozing those flaws is key to gaining players, and Allows them to experience the fun of the game. I sincerely hope BI keeps up to their promises, refines the inventory system, releases beta, and allows modders to fix issues such as the coast at their own discression. If all that happens, and the stars allign, i don't see any way it won't be the biggest game of 2018-19.

submitted by /u/ValorousGames
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First Snow

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 07:13 AM PST

Does anyone know how to fix this. Only seens to run on windowed if i try any other resolution it doesnt help. Also alt-enter doesnt do much ever

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 06:55 AM PST

Desync or lag, ended up on a roof.

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 09:10 PM PST

Many, Many Suggestions

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 09:48 PM PST

Hey All, i've got a few suggestions, i know that all of you have probably seen a few of these, but i hope you're interested in my spin on it. My apologies for some bad Concept Screenshots.

  • Vehicle in Vehicle Loading

  • Dynamic Seasons

  • Sleeping

  • Vehicle Customisation

  • Advanced Medical System

  • Military Vehicles

  • More Dynamic Events

  • Wildfires

  • Police, Fire & Ambulances

  • More Tents

  • Junk Loot

Vehicle In Vehicle Loading & Inventory Items Appearing in Vehicle

Vehicle in Vehicle Loading & Inventory Items Appearing In a Vehicle would be pretty cool, and it could look like This.

How will it affect an Average player?

Well, it could be used to have a Car and a Bike at the same time, without a base. Eg Carrying a Bicycle in the Trunk of a Sedan

Wait? Inventory Items appearing in a Vehicle?

Yeah, as you could see in the screenshot, there was medical supplies sitting on a seat. The idea is there is a option to "Place on seat" and you could pick it up while driving and without entering the inventory, so if you get ambushed you don't have to stand still to pick up a certain gun. The downside is that Players can't sit in a seat with a weapon sitting on it, but a seat could have multiple weapons and Supplies on it.

Dynamic Seasons

Dynamic Seasons would be pretty interesting. It could look like this Credit to Reddit User /u/zombieland78 For the Artwork!

How would this affect gameplay?

It would affect gameplay with Realistic Animal behaviour, such as Bears not spawning at winter, but being more aggressive in autumn, and wolves being very aggressive during winter.

How Could this be Implemented?

This is Speculation! Perhaps the systems used for Dynamic Ivy growth could be used to coat roofs of buildings with snow. The main issue would be Dynamically Changing Textures to affect Trees and Grass. Just having all the grass being snowy, but when stepped on being a bit less snowy, would all require Dynamic Texture changing.

Winter wouldn't have Bears or Small game spawning, and as a result wolves would be more aggressive. Rain would be replaced by snow. Temperature would also have to change dynamically, to adjust for both winter and summer.

Sleeping & Caffeine

In Our Lord Birans blog post, he speaks about bases and beds, but I disagree. Beds being a place to spawn is nearly a Cliche, Perhaps Dayz should use beds as a way to get the Energised State. A similar effect could be achieved with caffeine, but to a lesser degree to encourage bases.

How would an average Player use this?

An average player, could use this to rest up before a base raid or going to Tisy, or a long run. The optimal time for Sleeping should be around 5 -15 minutes, so if a player needs to go AFK they could set their character to go asleep so when they return they are fully rested.

How will this affect gameplay?

I think that this will increase the amount of camps as people will want a safe place to sleep. It could be further encouraged by only being able to sleep in a sleeping bag item. Caffeinated Drinks could be drunk before a base raid so players would be in the energised state when they raid a base, eg, British Players Drinking tea before Heading into tisy.

Vehicle Customisation

Vehicle Customisation would be a Useful feature, as it could be a endgame for vehicles. There should be 3 Types of vehicle customisation. Camouflage,Upgrading,Customising.


Camouflaging vehicles would be extremely useful so people with Helicopters can't fly over finding helicopters. It would probably need Green & Black Spray Paint, with it the paint jobs being Green, Black or Both. It would probably look like this.


Upgrading vehicles could be Mounting any Gun on a vehicle to make a stable weapons platform, or adding Snow tyres to your offroad. Combined with Junk parts (A later suggestion) you could make a Improvised Turret.

Wouldn't that be Unbalanced?

I don't think so, as it could be balanced (Quite Literally) by Changing the Vehicle's Balance, Handling, and Centre of Mass so it's more likely to roll over when moving, it there's a person in the turret, meaning that if you wanted to shoot at something accurately, the vehicle would have to stop, making both the driver and the gunner a stationary target.


Customisation is a general term, but i'm referring to being able to place sleeping bags, or stretchers into vehicles so you could essentially have a mobile home , or an improvised ambulance.

Advanced Medical System

A Better medical system that could encourage Player interaction, and make Small Calibre weapons a bit more lethal. This'll Cover Advanced and Basic Medical Systems. The Option for a Player to choose where to treat another player is important, and they could be aided by Visual indicators, such as Different amounts of blood on each leg.


The Basic side of this would be just like the Current system, but the Bandage Option is the Bandage most Wounded Body part. Tourniquets would Slow Bleeding, and would be applied in the menu just like the bandage. I'm calling this Basic, as it only delays and doesn't fix the problem.


The advanced system would be for after the Gunfight, when you're tallying up the loot. The idea is that you treat the bleeding, but the bullet is still inside you. You'd need a Scalpel and Tweezers to Pull it out. The cons of not pulling out a bullet would be the wound reopening when taking damage to that area of the body, and a slight limp.

Well, how would this make it better?

This would make lower calibre weaponry even more lethal, as a fresh spawns (who are more likely to use lower calibre weaponry) wouldn't have the tools to do more advanced medical care.

Military Vehicles

Military Vehicles, such as the BRDM-2 and UAZ.


The BRDM Would be a endgame Vehicle, with a Powerful Gun, Ideal for Base Raids, but Consumes a lot of Fuel.


The UAZ would be a the Military Equivalent of the Offroad, except with it being easier to access the Back seats, and having more storage.

More Dynamic Events

More Dynamic Events, such as Destroyed Convoys and Crashed Trains

Destroyed Convoys

Destroyed Convoys would spawn nearby Tisy, with 2 Bmp's and 3 Urals, all Smoking, but would have High Tier Russian Gear. It would also be a way for the BRDM to Spawn, as this way groups would have to secure and hold the convoy while repairing it.

Crashed Humvee/UAZ

Around Chernarus, there is A Lot of Destroyed UAZ's and Humvees. Turning these into Dynamic events (Like in Minidayz) would be a good way to Sprinkle Gear around the map

Crashed Train

Crashed/Derailed Trains would have a Variety of Civilian and Military Goods, and would be a good area to find fuel.


Wildfires be a great thing both gameplay wise, and server side, as it would destroy bases & Supply Caches. It'd only affect a Few Square kilometers at a time, but it would drive wildlife out of the area. Perhaps it could spawn near bases that are going to be despawned, and despawn because of the wildfire? This way players may rush to wildfires to loot bases before the fire gets them.

** Emergency Vehicles**

Emergency Vehicles would be great, and have additional uses, such as treating people in ambulances, as well as Fighting Wildfires or moving water to your base in a Firetruck, or locking your prisoner in the back of a police sedan, or Trying Stop a Car in a Police Offroad

More Tents

More Tents, such as a Greenhouse Tent, or just Hospital Tents, and Reskins of Current Tents would help improve bases, as the Grey, Black, Blue and Grey coulors may get a bit old.

Junk Parts

Junk parts would be very, very common parts, such as Pipes, Nails, and Wooden Planks and Such. they could be used for fortifying houses, or for upgrading a vehicle, Eg an Improvised Bike rack.

Join the Discussion on the Dayz Forums!

Edit: Formatting & Forums Link

submitted by /u/Hawken_Rouge
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Tips for Noobs/People who haven't played for a long time.

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 06:15 AM PST

Been seeing a few more posts than usual from new or returning players - thought it would be good to have one thread to point them towards rather than repeat stuff, add whatever you think would help...

You need to survive long enough to find the best of anything, don't worry about guns for a while - learn the map and what you can craft, how to cook etc. first.

Learning the alphabet will save time, even just knowing a few letters will help you navigate. There are roadsigns at each end of roads in and out of towns.

submitted by /u/judge_ned
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DayZ Village - Old ship Riffy, trader base

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 05:21 PM PST

Barbecue at midnight

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 12:21 PM PST

Best DayZ RP group

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 01:59 AM PST

Hi, I'm just wondering what the best RP groups are for either Standalone, or the mod. I'm interested in playing some more DayZ, and I want to get with a good RP group that has plenty of active players.

I should also mention that I live in America.

submitted by /u/CastledCard
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My leg is broke

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 01:31 AM PST

Alright I just got this game and the first building walk into has a loft and I walked off of it and broke my damn leg how do I fix it or just plain out restart this is making me mad lol

submitted by /u/XxSupremeBeAnxX
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Half a zombie

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 09:12 PM PST

Funny Moments (Im a noob)

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 06:51 PM PST

UMP Mag spawn?

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 04:13 PM PST

Does it only spawn at crashsites?

submitted by /u/SirTinyTim
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Friend and I chose to play the game more tactically, this is an example of how it keeps you both alive.

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 10:17 AM PST

PVP Hotspots?

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 12:50 PM PST

German DayZ players?

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 09:20 AM PST

Title basically says it all

submitted by /u/DMNCOFFICIAL
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