Learn Dota 2 - how to decently play night stalker? |
- how to decently play night stalker?
- Why does EG like earthshaker mid so much?
- I thought 1k was the worst but actually 2k is the literal worst MMR to be in. How do you break the 2k standoff?
- Almost impossible to break 600 gpm?
- Why Don't People Build MoM + Armlet on DK?
- 6 months pause
- I need help learning Invoker
- Anyone willing to throw some quick tips to climbing the 3k bracket?
- I've decided to accept one of the most shameful things about myself... I want to get better at Huskar
- Tinker ability build?
- What am I doing wrong with Earth Spirit?
- AM aghs vs linken's
- What is the best way to practice for a beginner?
- when do you push
- Rapidly losing huge amount of MMR, need help.
- AM When to build vlads
- Stuck on 1k, carry/support player
- Should I concider buying Skull Basher/Abyssal Blade on WR and Huskar?
- I'm a long-time League player (6 years) who has always been looking to move onto Dota2
- As invoker, what should I value more: Hero damage or building damage?
- Keeping up item progression in the mid/late
- How to push an advantage from an item timing.
- Advice on Captaining?
how to decently play night stalker? Posted: 05 Aug 2017 04:31 PM PDT i love this hero and i have been wanting to play him for a long time now. but every time i do i just end up not contributing a lot to my team at late game. now i have been watching some of the international games and most games he is banned, but when he is not, he is almost always picked. can someone please help me discover how to play him properly? what do i do in daytime? do i still keep roaming? when i play with my friends we almost always go above 50 minutes. is that bad for him? [link] [comments] |
Why does EG like earthshaker mid so much? Posted: 05 Aug 2017 11:27 AM PDT |
Posted: 05 Aug 2017 08:19 AM PDT The 1k standoff is fairly easy to break. Farm up early, get picks, roll through. 1k players are ALWAYS ready to fight, which makes them fairly exploitable as far as winning and pushing goes. In general, you always know where 1k players are and what they're doing, as well as how you can exploit their movements to get kills or objectives. They aren't subtle, they aren't good, they're just having fun playing Dota. 2k is a different monster. Oh. My. God. As I'm entering 2k range (currently 1.5), I'm seeing a lot of THAT shit. That absolute fucking bullshit. This is where Pudge, Legion, Sniper, Wraith King, and Invoker live. Players at this bracket are defined by a set of very annoying rules governing play. I understand these rules very well because they are great rules for making it TO 2k FROM 1k.
What eventually ends up happening when you follow these 5 rules is that you climb MMR as long as the 9 other people in the game are having a fun time with a gigantic orgy of buybacks and tps while you peacefully farm a lane. HOWEVER. In 2k, you end up with a massive population of people who follow these 5 rules. So what happens is that I'll happily pick Dazzle or Crystal Maiden, my team will smile, say "We Need Wards!", then fuck off to all 4 corners of the map so that they can farm their necrobooks and bkbs and whatnot until it's 60 minutes into the game and Wraith King has literally 9 slots filled and you can finally group with your team and end the goddamn game. I Want To DIE when this happens. I am a support - I'm stronger in the early game, I protect powerful carries so that they can come online quickly. There's nothing quick about cores in the 2k bracket; everything is about that late game power fantasy. I play a lot of Dazzle and Shadow Shaman, but I'm still not sure how I'm supposed to push down towers in the early game when the enemy team will TP in the instant they hear "Your bottom tower is under attack!" with duels and hooks to fuck me over. I die, I respawn, I head back to tower, but Lina is sitting under it and she just hits QW for a perfect clear that I can't do anything about. I can't kill her, I can't push, I can't get my teammates to come to kill her...maddening. So now that I have bitched and moaned, I'm ready to listen. I'd imagine that the answer is related to VISION somehow, but I don't understand what kind of vision I should be creating or how to do it without getting caught out (Yes I know what smoke of deceit is, but sometimes accidents happen). [link] [comments] |
Almost impossible to break 600 gpm? Posted: 05 Aug 2017 02:13 PM PDT Why it so hard to get high gpm? I remember even when the jungle camps spawned on the off-minute, i was still able to get 700+ gpm, but now, even with camps spawning every minute, I can't seem to break 600. Even RTZ with 500 last hits in a 48:00 minute game is only getting 700. Not to mention 10 kills 16 assist and no deaths. Does anyone have any tips on getting higher gpm in this patch? RTZ Druid game: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3352505678 [link] [comments] |
Why Don't People Build MoM + Armlet on DK? Posted: 05 Aug 2017 01:38 PM PDT I don't see many do it, but I think it's really strong. Attack speed is one of DK's most important needs (along with movement speed) and MoM is the most cost efficient attack speed item in the game. His armor passive negates the armor reduction and Armlet's added armor negates the cost too. After having tried it in pubs to a mostly successful degree, I noticed that he hits a huge powerspike after level 12 when he puts a second level into ult because it allows him to farm really fast. It also allows him to demolish illusion heroes. In this build, I've tried maxing his passive first, but it doesn't work as well as maxing his Q first. I max it 2nd after maxing Q because you will definitely have MoM by the time the armor passive is maxed and Q is more useful earlier on in lane. I'm just curious why we don't see MoM + Armlet on DK. He has and builds enough armor to counter the negative effects. I think that it would make break much more threatening in the mid game because you have yet to build AC and are more reliant on your passive-based armor. Other than him not being a super meta hero, I don't know why MoM + Armlet isn't seen being built on him. I think Treads > MoM > Armlet or Mom > Armlet > BoTs is stronger than Treads > Drums > Armlet because it allows him to farm faster and be active sooner, but that's just me. I like to know your guy's thoughts. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Aug 2017 03:08 PM PDT Hey I've been playing Dota 2 since mid 2014 I think and I had to take a break for several months due to health reasons. When I open up the game now it feels like I'm starting all over again. Almost no muscle memory, etc. Anyone else took a long break and came back to Dota? How did it feel? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Aug 2017 05:37 PM PDT he looks fun and i still cant play him after four-thousand hours in the game. Is it best to just jump into bot games and practice him? Edit: is he easier to play with legacy also? [link] [comments] |
Anyone willing to throw some quick tips to climbing the 3k bracket? Posted: 05 Aug 2017 03:02 PM PDT Just as the title states looking for some quick tips to reach 4k in a couple weeks (current 3.2k). [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Aug 2017 09:31 PM PDT I hate this hero. I hate how bad I am with such a cheesy pick. I don't know how to Armlet toggle like RTZ. I don't know what to do in lane to start the domination. I don't know when to get lifesteal, or Blade Mail, or something else! I would really like some general pointers, and can link to my 17 games with the hero, if that helps. I usually end up with about a 1.5 KDA, which I know is laughable, but Jesus it is easy to die with Huskar. Please help. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Aug 2017 02:29 PM PDT Hi Im playing Tinker using this one guide that tells me to max march first. But wouldn't you want to max laser and rockets first since they only get worse as time goes by, and use them to get kill money early on so you can afford travels faster? [link] [comments] |
What am I doing wrong with Earth Spirit? Posted: 05 Aug 2017 02:26 PM PDT I decided to train my earth spirit recently, i currently have around 10 games with him.I know its a hard hero to master but it doesnt feel like my loses are about the knowledge I have with the hero.I always roam with him and my objecitve is to always help other lanes and try to annoy heroes that dont escape easily.I buy some wards but it really depends on the other support help , if I have one.I always go for the same build but again, I dont think at this mmr, the build matters much.Of course a carry player wil have more problems deciding their build but I still dont think about it much, maybe when i get more games with earth spirit I will have a better idea on what items i should get.The buy order is usually this one:Orb-1ward-Some regen(mana and hp)-tranquil boots-urn(if no one on my team has it)-Blink dagger(if i have enough money).Besides that, some wards as i said, some smoke and dusts. When the enemy has a jungler i always try to have vision on them and annoy their role as much as I can. In conclusion, im doing something wrong with my earth spirit.I dont know if its my objectives on the game, my mechanics with the hero.I just want to have a bigger impact on the game as a roamer and have my teammates fed. Here are some matches(loses):3357930110 3358174826 A win:3357829092 I have also seen some professional matches, more specifically Jerax because hes considered one of the best players on that hero. I tought that he had a bigger impact on the game but it doesnt seem like it.Not saying that he doesnt impact the game ,of course(im talking mainly about his ganks).So maybe his objecitves in the game are way better than mine, I seriously dont know but help is appreciated. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Aug 2017 02:12 AM PDT Why are the pros still building linkens on AM even in games where there are no "adverse" aghs interactions (like duel)? In the long IG.V vs Empire game yesterday, AM first bought a linkens and then switched to aghs after like 60 minutes. Are the +5 stats, damage, regen, really that much more worth than throwing a spell back on your opponent? I mean, even for sieging highground, the aghs seems like more of a deterrent because it's like a counter-initiate in itself. [link] [comments] |
What is the best way to practice for a beginner? Posted: 05 Aug 2017 03:52 AM PDT I am absolutely new to Dota or MOBAs in general, and so far I've read quite a lot, including Purge's guide. I get the idea that I now have a very basic understanding of the game. I've played several games in unranked, but these are quite depressing, since everyone just picks carry/flaming/all that bullshit etc. etc. I'd love to get better at this game, but it's really difficult this way. I just wonder, will I learn more if I actually play bot games too? Or is there a better way for me to practice what I've learned? EDIT: Thank you for all the responses! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Aug 2017 11:31 AM PDT i just realized i have no idea when the best time to push is, i kinda just do it if i think im sure i can do it and get away safely or when weve been dominating the lane. or i try to get a good pushing heros stuff setup, like ench ill dominate a catapult and get a double catapult wave or ss ill put down wards if i can push up safely is this right?? [link] [comments] |
Rapidly losing huge amount of MMR, need help. Posted: 05 Aug 2017 09:34 AM PDT Finally making this post because I don't know what to do. Starting a couple months ago, I've lost around 500 solo MMR, dropping from 3.7k-3.1k and I'm not sure why. Ever since 7.00 came out I've had issues winning in my pubs. I typically would play mid and did pretty well, stomping games as OD , Ember, TA, and Mirana. Since 7.00 though, I've had issues winning. I don't feel like I've played any different. I occasionally travel to Europe and feel like I play better on EUW, is it just NA toxicity making me lose? Any help analyzing my ranked solo games would be appreciated. Thanks. (All the single draft LP games aren't mine, I play L.P. with friends for fun). [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Aug 2017 08:11 AM PDT When do I build Vlads, I tend to just do Battlefury into manta skipping vlads [link] [comments] |
Stuck on 1k, carry/support player Posted: 05 Aug 2017 12:46 AM PDT Just need tips how to get out of 1k/ how to get generally better at the game. Should i play alot of casual and come back to ranked or? [link] [comments] |
Should I concider buying Skull Basher/Abyssal Blade on WR and Huskar? Posted: 05 Aug 2017 05:39 AM PDT Skull basher isn't a popular item on ranged heroes becaus of less chance bash proc. Same with Vanguard except the numbers are less. However, WR ultimate give WR MAX AS. Meaning the chance is bigger during her ult. And the same is with Huskar except when he has low HP. One bash can save many fights. Also, Abyssal should be very good on Huskar to as his ultimate make him jump right next to an enemy. [link] [comments] |
I'm a long-time League player (6 years) who has always been looking to move onto Dota2 Posted: 04 Aug 2017 08:43 PM PDT Honestly I always envied Dota2. I was always envious of seeing so many unique aspects of Dota2 (incredible sounding hero kits, 80% pickrate at worlds, depth, items, the amount of impact a solo player has), yet I never made the switch from League of Legends (a game I consider incredibly addictive but not good). But every time I download and play Dota2 im instantly turned off of the game somehow. Something always feels off, the game just doesnt quite feel right in my hands, mostly because I haven't put enough time into the game I guess. I also have a few questions/requests and I'd be incredibly appreciative if you guys could provide me some help. 1) Is there an in-depth guide to Dota2 in general? I really dont know anything about the jungle, don't know what any hero does and im still struggling with controlling the game properly and I'd like to invest some time just reading about the games mechanics. 2) Whats the best way to get into competitive Dota2 and eSports? Any content creators and streams you guys can recommend? 3) Are there any tips you guys could give me to just properly control my hero? I'm really struggling with the camera, the movement (turning delay is bs), the animations and really everything. I know that the more I play the more comfortable I get but im struggling so hard that the game is getting unfun. 4) Is Dota2 just an incredibly beginner unfriendly game or is it just me? League of Legends feels like a breeze to play in comparsion to this and even though I love hard-to-master games (Melee, Dark Souls etc.). How steep is the learning curve really? 5) Lastly (sorry if this is disallowed) any hero you'd recommend me to play which play (or fit a similiar role being bruiser-assasin) like Riven? This has become quite a wall-of-text and im sorry if im asking for too much, but im really sick of wanting to play Dota2 but not actually putting the effort to get into it. Thanks in advance. EDIT: If any of you guys want to add me on Steam [EDIT²]: I don't wanna make it sound like im coming to Dota2 just to play a Riven clone, matter of fact is that im so used to Rivens way of playing, that I nearly auto-pilot as if im playing Riven. After 6 continious years of League of Legends I can't play a ranged hero on Diamond level and jungling is also something I struggle with pacing wise, so naturally to ease into Dota2 im looking for something familiar to hang onto as I die 29 times with Pudge in an 85 minute long all pick. [link] [comments] |
As invoker, what should I value more: Hero damage or building damage? Posted: 05 Aug 2017 04:30 AM PDT Had this game earlier: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3356985830 I went mid against QOP. Knowing her, I tried to play safe, but I still died during laning. After the laning phase, I just went on to farm, helping my team mates and landing a few sunstrikes. Because of my farming, I got flames for not fighing with them so I got tilted a bit and made a few bad calls (like joining unfavorable team fights). When my tilt was gone, I decided to splitpush to create space, that eventually allowed lc to get enough duel damage to finally turn the tables. Eventually, we won the game. While my damage is not what I aimed for (30k compared to lc's 50k), I did 11k building damage, even more than the total building damage of radiant. Playing invoker, which is more important, hero dmg or building dmg? tl;dr: question above [link] [comments] |
Keeping up item progression in the mid/late Posted: 05 Aug 2017 03:23 AM PDT Having analysed my stats for the last few games trying to work out where I fell behind having been ahead in the early game, I've noticed my net worth graph almost levels out after 35/40 minutes consistently, which is obviously a major issue, especially in cores. It's partly due to my positioning in late game fights being..,not the best so I often die early and therefore lose unreliable gold without getting much from kills, but I feel most of it is from poor farming. Any tips on keeping up my gold income while also being around the team if anything does kick off? [link] [comments] |
How to push an advantage from an item timing. Posted: 05 Aug 2017 02:33 AM PDT in mid/high 1k atm, (however I am climbing out really fast due to getting back into ranked a couple days ago after a 1000 hour hiatus), and i just feel lost when it comes to pushing power spikes. For example my 3 most played are TA, SF, and Storm, and due my laning being my strongest skill imo, I will often end up with a 12 minute deso on TA, or 10 minutes shadow blade on SF or something completely ridiculous like a 15 minute bloodstone + orchid on storm. However unless I happen to be near a fight I just sort of push towers awkwardly until my team catch up. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Aug 2017 09:50 PM PDT This might be a weird question, since it's not necessarily about mechanics or hero knowledge, but I've been put into a role as the default captain of a 5 stack that plays with each other a few times a week. None of us are very good (3 players coming back from a 3 year hiatus, 2 players who just started last month) but I'm still feeling a distinct lack of leadership in our games. When we start team fights I'll try to call out what I feel is an important target to shut down, but it's often a spur of the moment freak out call. Between fights I never have much input, whether it's on our position 4 rotating to a specific lane, ward positioning, or when to jump on a gank. I feel like I'm not aware enough to quickly coordinate my team. Any advice for a noob team captain? My group is fairly good about following directions, I just have no idea where to lead them. Final note: I want to be clear, I'm not trying to order anyone on my team. Our carry complained once that he never knows what our plan is, and our position 4 told me last night that he often feels directionless when we stop laning. [link] [comments] |
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