Guild Wars 2 - PoF pre-order FAQ

PoF pre-order FAQ

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 04:59 AM PDT

Only like week late, but lets get this out of the way since people are still asking the same questions

Q: Where can I pre-order PoF?

A: From ArenaNet or the official retailers

Q: The retailer has the game listed as region only key. Are these region locked?

A: Only China has separated keys. For EU and NA they don't have region limits

Q: Can I still buy HoT?

A: Yes, from ArenaNet or from some of the official retailers. Note: ArenaNet doesn't sell the deluxe editions anymore but some retailers still might and...

Q: If I buy the normal edition can I still upgrade to deluxe?

A: Yes, you can buy the upgrade from gemstore for 2400 gems. Both HoT and PoF upgrades are available if you own that expansion. You can't upgrade to Ultimate cause that would be upgrading to gems with gems...

Q: When will I get the pre-order bonuses?

A: Within 72 hours of purchase

Q: If I buy both expansions will I get two 80-boosts?

A: Yes

Q: If I pre-order from X vendor will I get the bonuses?

A: You get them any source, there is no difference

Q: What are the account type differences/What if I only buy the other expansion?

A: See here

Q: I had a problem with the purchase, what is the support wait time?

A: Usual response time is within 72 hours. You will get an automated mail upon successfully leaving a ticket so see spam if you didn't get one. Read more here

Q: Any help/guides for new players?

A: See our wiki

Q: I have question I couldn't find an answer

A: You can leave your question in the weekly Q&A

Something I missed? Leave them in the comments and I will add them

submitted by /u/RandommUser
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[Fluff] Even the sunsets are hyped for PoF!!

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 01:41 PM PDT

Please let us buy a nerfed version of the Level 80 Boost with 80 Tomes of Knowledge

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 09:05 AM PDT

So you can buy one Tome of Knowledge for 20 Writ of Experience, why not let us buy 1 Level 80 Boost for 80 Tomes of Knowledge? Obviously without stuff like armor, weapons, buff food etc. Give us absolutely nothing, not even the level-up rewards, I don't care, I'm just so tired of all the clicking.

submitted by /u/Nooki_
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Gw2 might be moving away from traditional gear drops

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 08:08 AM PDT

As seen from this: , gw2 might be changing up the way we receive gear drops. It may indicate that we'll receive gear in a stackable unidentified item (based on rarity??) that wont crowd up inventory space. The item may then be converted into identified gear (random? selectable?) through vendors - or directly salvaged for mats (maybe some gold too?).

submitted by /u/novamatrix
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There can be a lot of trash talking in pvp, but the moments like this are pretty nice. Thanks bub.

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 03:56 PM PDT

Shocking Details on the Better Expansion for Guild Wars 2

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 07:41 AM PDT

WP Soulbeast Gameplay

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 11:37 AM PDT

Now THIS is a guild I can get behind.

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 12:01 AM PDT

Guild Wars 2's 5th anniversary marks the day that the game has been out longer than it was originally in development for

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 03:41 PM PDT

Crazy shower thought occurred to me earlier. Guild Wars 2 was in development for 5 years before it released in 2012. This month is the games 5th anniversary which means very soon the game will have been out longer than it was in development for. Those 5 years of waiting were murder, whereas the last 5 have gone by in the blink of an eye.

submitted by /u/InternetKillTV
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PSA: Dont buy Gemstore items YET wait for SALE

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 11:30 AM PDT

To anyone who bought the ultimate edition, dont spend your gems right now. There will be an Anniversary sale very soon where several usefull items will be dicounted.

In case there is no sale (even though there should be) its better to wait and see.

submitted by /u/rhok
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Inspired by WP I decided to post this on r/games, if there are things I'd love to have feedback and add other stuff that might help convince people gw2 is a great game

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 03:53 AM PDT

Black Lion Chest Exclusives - is this our future?

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 02:42 AM PDT

It's been creeping up on us since the Candelabra Staff ( last year and it has gotten worse. Few people made a fuss when it was a skin no-one cared about but then it was the Elemental Sword (GW1 nostalgia).

A similar skin to a GW1 nostalgia one, like the Hourglass staff, would cost 600 gems. The chest exclusive skins have a misleading rarity (green which is almost a guarantee drop in most player's experience in other game modes) but it will drop far less often than even gold items from the chests (wardrobe unlocks, mini pet claim tickets etc). Many people who desired this skin spent far more than 600 gems and didn't even get the item they desired (some who didn't want it got duplicates they can't share).

We saw multiple threads of people critical of their experience gambling with the chests.

And we saw people spend exorbitant amounts of money for these things without getting them, resulting in despair (from financially supporting a game we should want to succeed). Read some of the experiences of people in those comment threads. These people don't feel good about this situation and how sustainable is it to continue to exploit them in this way?

Chest exclusive gamble skins is an anti-consumer practice which preys on vulnerable and addicted people. It's not a long term strategy for promoting good will from the players and too often it's unfair to players who help financially support a game we love and want to succeed. We should feel good about the money we give ArenaNet and we should feel good about the value of what we get in return, this is not the goal of the gamble box system. As a community we were cautious when they dabbled with this practice during A Crack in the Ice (when Braham's Wolfblood Outfit was available in both the Black Lion Chests and as a gem store purchase) but they have continued the practice with one of the nicer glider skins in the game and if they keep going down this road, any legendary mount they might make could easily be dwarfed by a much nicer RNG chest mount.

When ArenaNet kept bundling gliders and outfits with consumables players didn't want for a 2k gem package, we spoke up and changed that practice. When ArenaNet sold HoT for the price of the core game despite having far less content than the core game, less skins and no character slot - we received a character slot and likely influenced the price of the subsequent expansion. It's not enough to blame vulnerable members of the community with a gambling problem or an addiction to the game promoting unhealthy financial choices in regards to the gamble boxes - there will always be whales to buy whatever ArenaNet sells, and many of them are not wealthy but rather vulnerable people. Maybe you're not convinced that whales of any kind deserve better treatment from the company they financially support, but can you at least agree it would be better if any future mount skins are available through a guarantee means of acquisition rather than a gamble box exclusive?

Part of the reason PoF is cheaper than HoT is because ArenaNet is moving more towards micro-transactions and away from box sales and a way of making a profit. Expect to see few to no mount skins in-game (aside from possible legendaries) and most/all to be in the gem store. Fewer armor sets are made and almost no costumes are obtained from in-game (it's one thing to say the later are easier to make, it's another to make them exclusive to the gem store). We don't pay a monthly fee and this is a good quality MMO so we accept and support the micro-transaction model. We've already seen the increasing disparity between earned cosmetics (like armor sets or even legendary armor and gliders) and those purchased (nicer outfits with dye channels compared to legendary armor, many gem store gliders and subjectively nicer than the two legendary ones).

Do you really want a future where the nicest mount skins in PoF are random Black Lion Chest exclusives? Remember back in 2015 when Crystin Cox was interviewed ( we got this:

During Living World Season 2, Crystin took charge of a new team that was organized to improve in-game rewards in Guild Wars 2. Previously, no single dedicated team handled in-game rewards, and individual content teams were responsible for deciding how players would be rewarded. Crystin felt there should be a greater balance between Gem Store item offerings and in-game rewards, and she and the rewards and commerce teams have worked on creating a clear division so that items will fit their method of distribution. For example, armor sets are now exclusively designed as in-game rewards while outfits are primarily Gem Store offerings.

The conclusion was that armor was an earned reward while outfits were a purchased reward.Many of us thought this would mean more armor. The result was far fewer armor sets (four from HoT if you include legendary armor) and far more outfits which come out almost every other month. We've also seen armor pieces creep back into the gem store with the pirate pieces and the previous chest exclusive, the Zaishen helmet (the only head gear in the game with dye-able particle effects).

As MMO players we are constantly working on our virtual collections. Aesthetic customization is a huge part of how we engage with both our MMO world and other players. It's why many people first got into raids, it's why some of us stepped in Ascalonian Catacombs for the first time, it's why the PvP inept among us dragged themselves through matches, many coming to enjoy it, to earn those glorious wings. It allows our WvW friends to show off their T3 WvW exclusive armor and it will be a big part of how we engage with Elona, both with the gameplay and the content as well as the gem store.

Random chest exclusive cosmetics are a flawed system and we simply don't need it in GW2. There is no guarantee way to get the only item you want(not even selling them for Black Lion tickets), the vast majority of keys will produce nothing of value, players uninterested in the exclusives can't sell them, and players with duplicates can't sell them or gift them to friends who greatly desire them. The system wasn't designed to reward the consumer for financially supporting the game but rather to exploit them as much as possible before they get lucky or give up.

We can do better than this. ArenaNet can do better than this. When asking ourselves to promote GW2 to our friends and family, trying to bring them into our community, keep in mind the business practices ArenaNet has begun to implement. It was only a few years ago they stopped exclusive skins from the chests and allowed them to be sold on the trading post (this also became the primary source of new weapon cosmetics in the game - and we only have them on the trading post because we stood up for it). They have begun to put cosmetics ranging from weapons, armor and now gliders in the Black Lion Chests, the new weapon skins sell for two tickets instead of one. There is an increasing trend of more aggressive monetization taking place over the last year and regression on decisions they had made in the past. Now, at the same time we are being asked to help ArenaNet bring in new players without even offering a refer-a-friend promotion, they have the least consumer friendly monetization in the games history. It's not too late to influence the future of PoF and how we allow ArenaNet to monetize us. How long before your favorite mount, weapon, armor, outfit or glider skin is locked behind and RNG gamble box?

tl;dr: People who financially support a game we all want to succeed are being exploited by an anti-consumer gamble box system. Whales are often vulnerable people who are depressed or addicted and they are being targeted by this system. A guarantee method of acquisition at a reasonable cost would still financially support ArenaNet without exploiting some of our most vulnerable community members. It may not be long before something you personally care about is in these chests.

submitted by /u/KormirOneMoreTime
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A music guild tries to host an event: [Cmaj] Anniversary 3

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 01:16 PM PDT

The Cmaj welcomes you to the Vigil Keep on the 12th of August. Will you accept the invitation?

Summer is upon us, and Minstrel's Waypoint [Cmaj] has awoken from its 11 months a year slumber. As such, we're back to bring you our third annual concert/community event/thing to celebrate our anniversary!

What is The Cmaj, and what will the event contain?

Minstrel's Waypoint [Cmaj] is a guild of musicians who play music with the ingame instruments without the assistance of third party software. Basically; we do not use macros. We're also known to have attempted raids, but have since decided that we're probably better off playing music instead.

As the word annual implies, we as a guild have hosted events annually at which we play music in form of a concert as well as host fun games for the attendees to play. However, this time around we've decided to put a greater focus on the music and less on the games.

The event will occur at 20:00 CEST on the 12th of August, in the Vigil Keep on the EU servers (waypoint [&BJIBAAA=]). It will be an experience to never forget. To make sure you get in the right flow, type /squadjoin Silverdisc or /squadjoin Splot Jacuzzi .

You might now be thinking, wait, the 12th of August?! That's when the PoF preview weekend is! We know this is a little unfortunate, but if you need a break from riding raptors, you should totally join us and listen to some music.

Path of Fire Beta you Say? More like Path of… Please come..

YouTube channel

-The Cmaj

submitted by /u/Silverdisc
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NCsoft's Earnings Report 2Q 17: lower Sales for GW2 lead to a new All-Time-Low; new Star Lineage M hits Lineage Sales hard

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 04:46 PM PDT

NCsoft published the current earnings report 2Q 17 (April to June). The sales of GW2 dropped once again to now 13.6 bln Korean Won - a new all time low. The reduction in price for HoT did apparently not lead to much higher sales.

The new star Lineage M (93.7 bln Won) hits Lineage very hard. The Flagship created only 33.8 bln Won of sales.

Figure of sales:

In general 2Q17 exhibited falling sales on the traditional MMORPGs and a strong boost on the mobile segment resulting in higher profit and income QoQ.


Conference Call:

  • Lineage M marked a new record of daily revenue on the Korean market.

  • They look forward to increased sales for GW2 in the 2nd half of the year due to the launch of the 2nd expansion.

  • They are working on a console version for B&S.

  • No clear answer whether there will be a mobile version of GW2. It seems Arenanet is testing things internally, but too early to talk about it. A mobile version would have to meet the standards of NCsoft.

submitted by /u/Morlewen
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The news about GW2 second expansion is being pretty well received over at /r/games

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 06:12 PM PDT

With HoT break bars were introduced but no break bar tutorial. Can we get one with PoF ?

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 03:34 AM PDT

While break bars are an awesome mechanism which turned out to be in pretty much every encounter in the game from personal story and open world to fractals and raids, there was no proper tutorial to explain to new people and veterans alike how they work, what are the benefits and how you can deal with them.

This lead to really annoying situations with a certain degree of toxicity coming from players that knew how to deal with them towards new players.

I remember The legendary Vinetooth Prime at eastwatch in auric basin, you had 50+ people in there which lead to a massive scaling making the cc bar quite hard to deal with, especially when 30 players had no idea what to do while everyone else was spamming in map/say chat "CC with insults following sometimes"

TL;DR we most likely get open world bosses which require players to break a CC bar and the lack of a tutorial may cause problems and toxicity among veterans and new players

submitted by /u/Snipoukos
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Excited to play this game!

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 11:45 AM PDT

Hello! I recently built my first PC and decided that I really wanted to play this game. The game looks breathtaking and as we speak I'm installing the game and reading up on all of the new player guides. I noticed that there were also two (or one?) expansions that were available and have already put aside funds so that if I end up liking this game I can invest in more content.

I just wanted to say that I am incredibly excited to immerse my self in this wonderfully created world! I hope to see you all in the game!

submitted by /u/ikujuju
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Can we Please Get the China Exclusive Hairstyles?

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 12:56 PM PDT

If you're wondering what I'm talking about, there are some hairstyles exclusive to the Chinese GW2 client. You can see one of these exclusive hairstyles on human female Villagers in Lake Doric and another on female White Mantle Clerics.

There are more (for all races and genders, I believe. Lake Doric just uses a couple human female ones). Unfortunately, I can't really find any other pictures or sources of China Exclusive hairstyles, but I'm going to assume that the assets exist.

submitted by /u/A_Freaking_Potato
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now that we have level 80 boost, is there a way to skip this tiring clicking mash? or maybe change it to auto random loot all the things inside it?

Posted: 05 Aug 2017 11:17 PM PDT

My pre-PoF QoL Wishlist

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 10:40 AM PDT

I have a dream...


  • build templates - let us save armor/weapon/trait builds and one-click to restore them at will

  • fashion templates - let us save skin and dye configurations and one-click to restore them at will.. at a cost of "x" transmutation charges

  • library in home instance to store "book" items from various sources. For example, the books from living story season 3

  • theatre in home instance to view previous cinematics from story / dungeons / raids. For example, dungeon explore path cinematics

  • stackable food and utility in terms of duration. For example, let us eat two seaweed salads to have it last for 60 minutes

  • make sigils freely swappable on legendary weapons

  • allow us to queue what items we want to sell on the TP with checkboxes, and then sell all queued items at once with one click


  • add ascended rings / accessories with HoT stats (and PoF stats when it comes out) to the drop pool. Right now I tend to convert rings to attuned and then salvage.. would be nice if some rings or accessories that drop could actually be useful to a character I have

  • allow us to "open-all" fractal encryption boxes


  • ability to re-spawn bosses for practice / training purposes

  • ability to re-do raid challenge motes with some sort of nice reward similar to the fractal challenge motes from nightmare and mistlock observatory

Special Forces Training Area:

  • ability to select food/util without having to consume a real one

  • buff configuration presets, i.e. let us save buff configurations for the golem arena for future use

submitted by /u/emptor8838
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Is Guild Wars 2 'solo friendly' ?

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 11:56 AM PDT

Hello, I'm interested in playing guild wars 2 but I wanted to know if the game was solo/ very small group friendly, because I have a pretty limited play schedule and I don't have as much time as I would like to have for games

thanks !

submitted by /u/Retromastery
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I have some things to say about this game and the community around it

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 05:50 PM PDT

First up, I've played since launch. I've only ever been a casual player, I've a few lvl 80's none of them have ascended gear and I've never done any of the raids very few of the dungeons and I've only done a few fractals. But it's the only MMO that I keep coming back to. My girlfriend is not much of a gamer but I got her the game before it went free to play and she started to enjoy it. Over the last month or so we have been Paying more and more. With the announcement of POF I got very hyped and started to tell her all about the new stuff that's going to be added, I didn't expect the reaction that I got got back, she saw that we will be able to get a 'bunny' as a mount and got super excited. Now shes super excited about it and going as far as to research the best build for her ranger and trying to get the lvls she will need to do the endgame content. Which has made me super happy and even more hyped for POF. In regards to the community. Last night I was trying to get the hero points in Auric Basin, and the Meta event popped up, I've never done this one before so I found a roaming group and tagged along. After a few minutes I realized that I didn't really know what I was doing and I asked chat what the go was, a random started to whisper to me and explained the whole event and what I needed to do. We won, I got a shit ton of loot and I just had an awesome time with awesome people. I spose all I'm trying to say is that this game has given me so much joy and brought my other half into the world of MMO's im and big way. Thank you arenanet for creating the best MMO on the market and thank you to the community for just being generally awesome!

submitted by /u/Spannerbunny
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Path of Fire Login Screen - Gw2 Launchbuddy

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 09:44 AM PDT

Hello reddit, long time no... well... read/write?

This time there is sadly no Gw2 Launchbuddy update, but I have something else to offer. :)

As Guild Wars 2 Launchbuddy supports custom Login screens I made two small Path of Fire cinematic loginscreens. So I "remade" the old Gw2 Betalogin screen with the new POF theme. I hope you like it.

I also included the POF image mask so you can also use this in slideshowmode with your own music and pictures in the background!


Login Screen Nr.1 Artwork

Login Screen Nr.2 Trailer


Result Screenshots


How to use this as a login screen:

1.Get Guild Wars 2 Launchbuddy:

2.Download the videos here.

3.Start Gw2 Launchbuddy and select the Cinemamode Tab

4.Check the radio box "Video Mode", and set the video file location.

5.Press the cinema icon in the top right corner. Done


Support the Gw2 Launchbuddy Project here

submitted by /u/TheCheatsrichter
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PSA: HoT and PoF boosts auto stack. Still got HoT boost? Buying PoF = clean shared slot

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 10:57 AM PDT

Please Do Not Give Individual Map Completion Rewards for PoF

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 05:54 PM PDT

There is no reason for us to get individual map completion rewards like Gift of the Fleet, Gift of the Tarir, Gift of the Chak, and Gift of the Jungle just to make Gift of Maguuma in the Mystic Forge.

If they had other Mystic Forge or crafting uses, then it'd be warranted. But it only is used to make the Gift of Maguuma.

I understand it's there to make us feel like we're progressing towards something big.

But in the end, these items just stack up in our bank or inventory until we finally finish all four maps and can make the final product. Or - worse - we only finish one map like Verdant Brink on nine different classes just to finish something like Specialization Weapons, and then we're stuck with nine Gifts of the Fleet unless we throw them away or finish the other maps.

TLDR: Just give the final product when ALL maps have been completed. Please.

submitted by /u/FelixCarter
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GW2 Cooking - Mushroom Yakkington by MayoChef

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 04:09 AM PDT

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