Smite - [WARRIORS] God Class Discussion Megathread - Week of July 17, 2017

[WARRIORS] God Class Discussion Megathread - Week of July 17, 2017

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 04:50 AM PDT

Welcome to /r/Smite's weekly God Class Discussion Megathread. This is a place for the community to get together and discuss, theorycraft, and ask for help on playing each class.

This week we are focusing on WARRIORS.

Some ideas to get you started might include:

  • Tips and advice for playing any or all Warriors
  • Good builds, bad builds, and everything in between
  • What roles in each gamemode to play Warriors in
  • Where Warriors fit into the meta
  • Buffs or nerfs you would make and why
  • Questions about the gods or class as a whole

And anything else you can think of!

Please stick to gods that are WARRIORS. This includes:

  • Amaterasu
  • Bellona
  • Chaac
  • Erlang Shen
  • Guan Yu
  • Hercules
  • Nike
  • Odin
  • Osiris
  • Ravana
  • Sun Wukong
  • Tyr
  • Vamana

See here for an archive of all the previous Class Discussion Megathreads!

Check back next week when we'll be discussing Assassins!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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The Ganesha skin we need

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 04:46 PM PDT

Hirez updated the icon for Hastened Fatalis at the same time they removed it from the game. Logic.

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 03:32 PM PDT

Not saying chests are rigged buttttt.....

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 04:31 PM PDT

I wanted to do an experiment and I had the money so why not. The experiment was how long would it take to get the Beamy Chibi Ra skin.

So I had myself, my girlfriend, and 2 of my friends over my house. I started first with 0/55 on PTS (because I already have the skin on my account). It took me till 55/55 to obtain the skin. I was like "ok I must be the unlucky one"

(My orignal account I got it 55/55 but it didn't really matter since when the chest came up I had everything in it besides the 2 new skins.)

So then my girlfriend tried it she was I believe 10/55... It took her till 55/55 to obtain the skin. I was like "ok, that's really weird wtf"

So my first friend tried it he doesn't really spend money on smite so he was like 2/55 at the start. It took him till 55/55 to obtain the skin... At least he was happy hes Diamond Ra lol.

So my second friend had a little bit better odds he had 20/55 and yet again he landed it on 55/55 ...

Like, come on how are the odds of getting the skin 55/55 on every single attempt. (Btw yes I bought everyone their chests it was over 200 bucks Rip My wallet.)


submitted by /u/DrDuber
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The Smite Walk of Shame

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 12:29 PM PDT

When you're solo and you accidently walk to duo lane at the start. (Or vice versa)

VVS: "Sorry!"

submitted by /u/RGinny
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Early Surender needs an update.

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 11:34 AM PDT

The only thing I want, is for early surrender to work if someone has been gone for 5 minutes. If someone loads in, dies, rage quits at 2:00 why should we have to wait until 10:00 just to surrender a game that we all know is over. If someone is gone for 5 minutes, it shouldn't matter when in the match they DC'ed. Waiting up to 9 mins in a game that you know you can't win is ridiculous.

submitted by /u/HolyCrapMo
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So Ichival is untouched but Dynasty gets nerfed???

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 12:42 PM PDT

EU finals, not a single pre nerf dynasty helm was ever built.

50 mins into the game, the hunters still have Ichival.

Yet, Dynasty gets nerfed because it gives too much, when Ichival is way over statted at the same cost??

Edit: Not saying Ichival needs nerfs, am more upset that dynasty got nerfed.

submitted by /u/AceApache836
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Eonic Leaves Trifecta

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 04:59 PM PDT

This Herc is a God

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 03:54 PM PDT

A Weak3n Quote to Remember

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 03:13 AM PDT

On Weak3n's newest YouTube video he said to a player he was coaching something along the lines of:

It seems like since you've fallen behind you're getting anxious and making mistakes. Players somehow think that if you Fuck up you need to do some weird shit. No, you need to stop making mistakes, not make more. If you fall behind it means you need to play safe and stop doing what you're doing. You don't need to make a big play. You need to get your buffs, farm up, and play it safe.

That's a paraphrase, but man if every player could just listen to those words and really take them to heart, we'd have an amazing playerbase. Especially that last part "You don't need to make a big play" SOOO many players think this is the answer to losing and they are flat out wrong. Farm is the key to victory. Trust in Weak3n. Stop fighting.

submitted by /u/Gozii55
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So you finally add auto walk to console but...

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 09:19 AM PDT

So you finally add auto walk to console but it stops when I open the store??? What? That's literally the only thing we needed auto walk for since we don't have a chat window to type in. Hi-Rez, pls.

submitted by /u/ChrisDoom
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Why did hirez so drastically change the blade and ring tree instead of items like Blackstone hammer or soul eater

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 10:23 AM PDT

I see winged blade quite often, witch blade was decent still (I think old one was better), ritual blade has a really underrated passive, the rings were great for magical adcs. Meanwhile I suspect that soul eater was never bought once and I can't remember a single time seeing black thorn? I feel like there was an underlining reason behind this that we aren't getting. Plus it's not like the blade and wing trees were under used or over powering either to warrant such focus.

submitted by /u/mcknightrider
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I'd rather have the Sunder meta back

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 02:35 PM PDT

Why is HR not nerfing Bracer?

submitted by /u/TheWriteThingToDo
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Queuing for Ranked Duel but lightning strikes (be careful headphone users!!!!)

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 05:08 PM PDT

I will miss Trials of King Hercules

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 07:06 AM PDT

I played a lot of it from his first introduction on PC until now. Run on it killing a lot of mods was really stress free and rage free queue. Hoping for the Odissey time they will make it coming back with some modifications.

submitted by /u/dany881dkv
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Next announcer pack.

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 06:52 PM PDT

Let's toss around a few ideas as to what the next announcer pack after the summer event should be. I say it should be Tina.

submitted by /u/AstroGlidingGiraffe
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Ordered this pendant today (Anubis, Isis wings, Apophis serpent, Kephri, Wadjet serpent) - So EXCITED! :D

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 02:07 AM PDT

Smite Guides: Aphrodite

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 06:11 PM PDT

Is it so hard to update the results in season ticket regularly?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 04:42 AM PDT

This is the third time I'm making a post about this. Before it was only for the smaller regions and console but now they didn't even update results from Dreamhack. I know it is a stupid, little thing but it is a stupid, little thing that takes one push of a button on their side. It's really annoying and it shows negligence. It looks like HiRez took the money for the ticket and then just stopped caring.

submitted by /u/Frementem
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[God Concept] Hera - Goddess of Marriage,women, childbirth, and family

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 01:09 PM PDT

[Hera] Is the Goddes of Marriage , women, childbirth and family.

Hera is a Ranged Mage Healer

PASSIVE - Motherly Love - Hera gives a buff to her team , making them stronger. When there is one or more of her children in the team, it is given a stronger buff. The children are: Ares , Apollo , Artemis , Mercury and Aphrodite , and the only true Child is Ares

Only one of the children is granted a stronger buff, as some of them are not truly her children

-Power Increase : 20 power for the teammates and 25 power for her Children

ABILITY 1 : Flower Field - Hera creates a magic flower field , giving her teammates health per second and a movement speed buff .Her children are granted more health .

In this instance , all of her children are given more hp

-Healing per second (10/15/20/25/30)

-Movement speed buff (6%/8%/10%/12%/14%)

-Cooldown 8 seconds

ABILITY 2 - Pomegranate Seeds -Hera throws 3 Pomegranate seeds at the ground, damaging and slowing her enemies. Her allies may eat them for a boost in Health Regen.

-Damage per seed (2/4/6/8/10)

-Slow debuff (1%/2%/3%/4%/5%)

-Health regen boost per seed (1%/2%/3%/4%/5%)

-Cooldown 10 seconds

ABILITY 3 - Light Beam -Hera creates a beam of light from her scepter, shooting it in a straight line that goes for 20 feet. The beam deals damage to minions and heals her allies.

-Damage (40/60/80/100/120)

-Healing (10/20/30/40/50)

ULTIMATE - Queen Of The Heavens

  • Hera calls her chariot drawn by peacocks, carrying her to the heavens , shooting rays of light with her scepter at her enemies and allies, damaging the enemies and healing the allies.She may only shoot 4 rays of light

  • Damage per ray (20/40/60/80/100)

  • Healing per ray (80/100/120/140/150)

    *Cooldown (140/120/100/80/60 seconds)

submitted by /u/Boriselll2
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Someone else left the match lobby and I get punished? =(

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 03:29 PM PDT

Double favour, worshippers and EXP for July 21-23

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 07:23 AM PDT

How Would yall feel about hi rez bringing back 3 man qs for ranked conquest for next split

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 05:53 PM PDT


Posted: 17 Jul 2017 09:05 AM PDT

why tell me we need wards when you're never gonna buy them yourself 10 is always better than 2

submitted by /u/FatProtagonist
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Dissertation on Smite character pick preferences RESULTS

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 03:18 AM PDT

Thank you so much to all 3117 people who took part in one, the other or both of my surveys. With the data this subreddit provided the final grade for my dissertation AND my degree was a First (>70%). Below I will provide links to the survey results and the final write up for those interested. (Unfortunately as I am no longer paying for SurveyMonkey only 100 results are view-able)

Survey 1 -

Survey 2 -

Dissertation -

Thank you once again for everyone's support, I literally couldn't have done it without you! (Also I know it's a bit late, I was waiting to get my final degree grade back before posting the results. I'm sorry for the delay).

submitted by /u/steamthorn
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How to effectively use gems?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 06:39 PM PDT

The current gem sale is the first time I've had enough gems to buy anything cool. Are skins the best use of the gems, or should I buy into events or a season ticket?

submitted by /u/rrjarajello
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