Diablo - SURPRISE PATCH with no patch notes - already bugs discovered. Blizzard, please.

SURPRISE PATCH with no patch notes - already bugs discovered. Blizzard, please.

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 05:45 PM PDT

As usual, Blizzard patched Diablo 3 a little while ago without posting any patch notes. If you're interested in seeing what was patched, you can look at the data-mine here for yourself: http://ptr.d3planner.com/diff/powers/46006/46494

After patching, you are unable to see how many stacks you have of certain skills that have stack identifiers on the skill icon on your tray. It just shows you gained the buff, but the player has no idea how many stacks he or she has.

So far this includes:

  1. Soul Harvest
  2. Bone Armor
  3. Sacrifice - Provoke the Pack (# of dogs available)
  4. Blackhole

and I'm sure many others.

Blizzard, first off, you didn't address any of the fixes that the community wanted for Necromancer. There are certain skills and passives that aren't working properly and you might just let them go as they are for S11. Secondly, why is it that every time a patch goes through, something breaks?!

You should feel embarrassed. I'm embarrassed I'm still playing this game, but I can't bring myself to quit.

Please put some effort into your patches. This is getting really old.

P.S. Thanks for adding the missing transmogs back in the game because that was so game-breaking.

EDIT #1: OFFICIAL PATCH NOTES: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/d3/topic/20757567689 Makes a lot of sense to put PATCH NOTES in the GENERAL DISCUSSION section instead of PATCH NOTE section.

submitted by /u/NestleOverlords
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Season 11 Low Level Gambling

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 09:26 AM PDT

Here is a useful link that shows what level you can start receiving specific legendary gear from Kadala.

For anyone new/returning like me wondering why this is useful; There is an opportunity with rolling for gear at low levels mixed with the use of the Kanai Cube to get a better shot at some specific legendary gear you need for level 70. If you get the item early you can extract the power and use it to jump into builds easier later on.

One caveat is that doing regular rifts while leveling doesn't give a ton of shards. This will likely be more useful for your second toons. Rifting to level is also slower than an efficient grinding method, but a lot of us will rift our way to 70 I'm sure.


I'm a wizard main, so there are a couple items I'm going to be looking to roll for while I'm leveling. I'll list the item and what level it's available, as well as the number of possible other legendary items you could roll at that level.


Manald Heal (EDIT- This ISN'T level 24, but 27 as /u/Bagstone points out in the comments): Level 27: This is likely the easiest chance to find a specific piece. From level 27-28, there is only one other ring you can roll. Rings are expensive shard wise, but this ring is such an important piece for a lot of farming builds that it's worth trying to get it so early.


Goldwrap Level 8: Only one other belt here too. Goldwraps seem to drop a lot for me, but getting the gold trifecta going makes farming regular rifts for DB and stuff a breeze. This might be a good option to spend some early shards on as well.


The Swami Level 27: At level 27/28 there are 4 possible legendary helms * hats for wizards. Some builds use Swami in the cube, so it might be a good one to gamble for if you get lucky with the other two.


I don't want to speak for other the classes because I don't play them. Tell me what you guys are shooting to gamble for on the leveling up to 70 phase, or for your secondary characters.

submitted by /u/MissingBrain
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Diablo 3 Update Today?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 05:08 PM PDT

I noticed an update getting downloaded when I logged onto Battlenet tonight, anyone else get an update or know what is in it?

submitted by /u/MarcOfDeath
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Patch 2.6.0a Live - Less noisy Squelch, Sharper Portraits, missing cosmetics fixed, and a few more bugs for everyone to find!

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 06:18 PM PDT

Just managed to clear GR100 as rathma non-glass cannon build with para only 1k.

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 05:42 PM PDT

Greetings friends!

I am posting this just because i just wanted to celebrate this achievement and none of my friends are online :(. It also serves a secondary purpose of hopefully inspiring people out there to give rathma a chance and not worry whether or not it is competitive or not. I went with a non-glass cannon build with no land of the dead or w/e. I didn't think i'd actually manage it so i couldn't record but my name is Qristalx on the EU necro board. So yea i guess i just wish all ma armymancers out there good luck and to never lose hope!

Peace, Qristalx

submitted by /u/Qristalx
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No scheduled D3 maintenance this week = no pre season patch?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 04:25 PM PDT

Looks like there's no scheduled maintenance for D3 tomorrow, only for Warcraft and SC https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/breaking/20039305 . This very likely means there'll be no patch dropping before season Thursday start. Disappointing given that there are still multiple bugs in the game not to mention promised balance changes.

submitted by /u/iglet007
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I spent all this time and effort to MSpaint a complaint about those dang orbs I had to walk a mile pickup this weekend and they go ahead and patch it out, ruining my effort.

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 06:28 PM PDT

Thorns Revive Trag'Oul Necromancer Diablo 3 Patch 2.6 Season 11 Build

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 12:23 PM PDT

This Week's Challenge Rift too easy?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 03:52 PM PDT

This week's challenge rift features a Wiz with 6 pc Tal Rasha's, an ancient Starfire, and a Manald Heal in the cube... And it's tasked with clearing - wait for it - a GR 25 rift.


submitted by /u/kataris
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New to seasons? Want to level efficiently?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 04:44 PM PDT

Seeing a fair few posts around talking about levelling guides, build guides, Kadala guides etc etc.

This is just a friendly reminder that the following resources all exist and are updated constantly (for now, at least). Bookmark them!

Seasonal Pocket Guide

Drop Rates & Blood Shard Prices

Difficulty Overview

submitted by /u/WeaponizedKissing
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All Hail Spagetto, GOAT in Challenge Rifts!

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 04:07 PM PDT

Diablo goes death metal. You guys said you wanted lyrics? Dream Void - "V: Tor'Baalos"

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 01:40 PM PDT


Posted: 17 Jul 2017 07:00 AM PDT




submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak
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Will we be able to finish a Challenge Rift and claim the reward with a level 1 seasonal character as soon as the season starts?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 10:58 AM PDT

I read conflicting statements about this. Blizzard wrote in their bluepost, that only rewards can be claimed with a seasonal character, when the crift was done while the season is active. But are there any other requirements? At the moment I am planing to create a hero, do a crift, claim the reward and benefit from it while leveling. Will it be possible this way?

submitted by /u/the_gum
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Season 11 LFG Thread

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 11:12 AM PDT

Season 11 is starting very soon (this Thursday)! If you're still looking for someone to play with, please use this thread!

Things to include:

* Battletag: * Region: * Console?: * Hardcore?: * Class: * Time: * Goals: 


Don't just post your info, actually look at other people and initiate contact!!

submitted by /u/ThisIsReLLiK
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Diablo 3 crashing

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 04:37 PM PDT

For users that are expiring the crashing of the Diablo 3 game. The crash is being caused by the battle net launcher. Close the launcher after clicking play on D3. Whatever is happening to crash the launcher takes D3 With it.

submitted by /u/Shikatanai1
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Necromancer T13 Competition looking for participants

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 02:50 PM PDT

Two necros

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 03:04 PM PDT

Hey everyone, I duo with a friend 99% of the time. We both play necros. What are some good Builds we could use that would compliment each other rather than fight over corpses?


submitted by /u/theancientofdayz
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Best Solo WD build other than LON?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 08:10 PM PDT

Just wondering about the viability of HT Garg mostly.

submitted by /u/Boogahboogah
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Looking for some Friends to Lvl up with for Season 11

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 08:07 PM PDT

Accepting anyone we can do rifts, Bounties or whatever Btag is- Daaro20

submitted by /u/Dario_Naharis
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[NA][SC] Looking for S11 start group

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 10:53 AM PDT

Hello! I would like to join a group for the start of Season 11 that can play for 12+ hours straight when the season starts and also play for a good amount together that weekend. I would like the group to have voice chat (Discord or any other kind).

My Battletag is Sundubu#11236 , and I plan to play Wizard for my first character for S11. Please Reddit message me or comment here if you have a group. Thanks!

submitted by /u/gamingryan235
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Necro - Simulacrum frustration

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 06:37 PM PDT

I am doing T13 with a Death Nova, blood build. Simulacrum is a big part of the build. My frustration is with the little helper dude. He is basically NEVER in the fight. He's always off, on his own adventure, blasting death nova's on either 1 mob, or often no mob at all. Just standing in the back, watching me get my butt kicked.

Any tips for bringing him into the middle of the fray? I imagine this isnt a big deal when using this with a skeletal mage or ranged build, but for Death Nova....you kind of have to be in the middle of it.

submitted by /u/quigley0
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Does Krysbin's work with pet damage?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017 06:29 PM PDT

When Krysbin's procs, will my skeletons and mages hit 100% harder? Or just my own abilities?

I couldn't find any pet damage stat on the stats screen to explore this.

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/L3GIONARIVS
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