Smite - Fat Basterd Bacchus Concept by Andy Timm

Fat Basterd Bacchus Concept by Andy Timm

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 07:03 PM PDT

Why can't we DuoQ with someone who is two divisions apart, but we can be matched with/against them?

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 02:44 PM PDT

We were picking gods, suddenly someone from the other team leaves the lobby. Just for curiosity i stalked the profile of my team's first pick... and he is Grand Master. I'm Gold V, dodget a bullet there.

Now, i don't want to DuoQ with people in highers divisions than me beacuse i know that would just mess with the matchmaking, but... i don't know what to think right now. How is this even possible?

submitted by /u/josekapde
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Hun Batz Skin Concept

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 09:23 AM PDT

This is why people don't play ranked.

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 05:04 PM PDT

TFW assault gives you the man lane

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 08:21 AM PDT

Hel Inspired Nail Art

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 09:15 AM PDT

Hi guys! As a bunch of people liked my last post and wanted to see my Hel nails, i finished them. I wanted to incorporate her stance switching into the nails, as I felt doing 2 seperate sets wouldnt be good enough. Yes, I know she is purple, but I liked the blue color better lol. This one took the most ( failed ) attemps, at 7 nails trashed to figure this out. I even made a huge talon for her dark stance only to discover it was fugly. Thank you for the support!

submitted by /u/theladyplague
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TFW it's 3 AM and you can't sleep, since you are thinking about what happens if you wear Mystical Mail inside out

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 03:38 AM PDT

I never feel more useless in a game of smite while playing Kuzenbo

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 04:44 AM PDT

And I main Raijin.

His CC is extremely frustrating for anyone I play with, to the point where I prefer not to use it so that my allies won't miss there abilities(since they can't predict where I will put them with my 3 or in which direction my ult will knock them back). I wouldn't mind having to deal with this if he had some damage to make up for this lack of setup but his 2 is actually useless in the early game, and really risky in the lategame, I hate this ability because 90% of the time it doesn't do anything for my team, and not mention that lategame I feel like I can easily kill Kuzenbo without killing myself if he doesn't have a thorns.

I'm not mad at Hi rez because I hate this character, I'm mad at them because I find it extremely disappointing to make such a cool design with really nice voice acting and give him the worst kit in the entire game.

I have so much hope going in to this next patch notes that maybe, since he's getting a cool new skin, Hi rez will finally do something about him, nobody cares about the nene Kappa doing 2 more damage or taking 1 more hit, that's not the issue, he needs more synergy in his kit.

submitted by /u/Blaziken2222
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The Worst Hercules Play Ever

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 08:12 AM PDT

Smitemon v1.8 ALPHA is out!

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 04:12 PM PDT

Game info

This is a fan project

Current version: v1.8 ALPHA

Patch name: "Thoth's bane part 2"

This patch's DLC password letter (1/8): A

Next patch: 18.7.2017

Download link: HERE

Discord chanel: HERE

Developer sign up: HERE

Question poll: HERE

Lead developer's note:

Okay, so as you can see we redesigned our posts. We also released this update early! Even though it has some placeholders, it is quite good and has 4 story endings!

Hope you have fun!




What is Smitemon?

  • Smitemon is a Smite game that has all the elements of a Pokémon Game

Is there anything special in alpha?

  • Yes, there is "8-Bit" Ra skin which you can claim in Rewards center only while the game is in alpha.

When will updates release?

  • Each update releases 1 week after the last one, however, each 5th update takes more time to do, around 2 to 3 weeks

Will there be purchasable content for real money in game?

  • Nope, you won't have to purchase anything for real money, ever.

Will there be limited and exclusive skins?

  • Yes, for example, Ra's "8-bit" skin is limited which is given away by red square with L in it.

WIll you ever be able to play on your mobile phone?

  • While you should never say never, it is very unlikely. Pokémon essentials changes a lot of things in itself so it would be very hard to make it playable.

In which program was this game built?

  • We are using RPG Maker XP and Pokemon Essentials. Sprites are from Smite and everything else is ours.

Can I record playing the game?

  • Sure, but please read THIS first.

I recieved an error while playing the game

  • Please PM it to us here on reddit or post it on our discord chat under bug reports.

I would like to donate and support the project.

  • Thank you for wanting to help us but we aren't accepting donations yet. However, we will when the game gets into Beta. Donations or not, we appreciate it!

Isn't HiRez able to take this down?

  • They can shut down this project anytime they want, and we will respect that.

I am unable to unpack this rar file.

  • I use WinRar to pack it so you can try to unpack it with it.

What are gems?

  • Gems are Smitemon's special currency that are currently only avialable through quests. They have no connection to Smite's gems currency.

How do quests work?

  • Each 5 patches, you will get a quest that gives you 100 gems and may give bonus rewards depending of events.

Most assets used in Smitemon game belong to Hi-Rez Studios alone, and we take no credit for material used and respect their rights to shut this project down at any time. This is a non-profit project purely intended to provide entertainment.

Hope you have fun!


Best of all,

Smitemon Development Team

submitted by /u/Smitemon
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Concept- Ammit, Devourer of the Dead

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 11:45 AM PDT

Pantheon: Egyptian

Class: Warrior (Because Egypt already has a monopoly on non-human guardians, and warriors need more monsters)


Lore: All those who walk the Egyptian sands must one day come under the harsh and judgmental gaze of Anubis. Their deeds and sins are tallied, vice weighed against virtue, to see who is worthy to proceed... or who deserves to wander in eternal darkness.

That is where Ammit comes in. She is a dweller in the dark, a sin eater who hides in the shadow of Anubis' throne. And those who do not meet Anubis' standards have their hearts fed to the beast, her hunger insatiable and her wickedness unlimited.

But, ultimately, her hunger has outgrown her patience. The world is full of sin, and Ammit shall taste it all.


Passive- Sin Eater. Whenever Ammit kills an enemy minion or god, she takes their sin into herself. This steadily fills her four stomachs, maxing at thirty stacks per stomach. For every full stomach she steadily becomes more awake and alert, gaining additional physical power and movement speed.

Ability 1- Smoldering Bile. Ammit opens her jaws wide, spewing up a spray of vomit from the lake of fire at a ground target location. Enemies caught in this bile are slowed, taking tick damage every .5 seconds

Ability 2- Hoof Stomp. Ammit raises her front hooves up, driving them down hard enough to create a shock wave in front of her. Enemies directly in front of her are briefly silenced, while those at the far end of the shock wave are knocked upward.

Ability 3- Famished bite Ammit charges forward, stopping on the first enemy hit and rooting them in place. If this ability hits an enemy god, she deals damage and steals a portion of their protections for herself for a short duration. If this ability hits a minion, she instead swallows that minion whole, regaining a percentage of HP in the process.

Ultimate- Expose Evil Ammit turns her harsh gaze in a cone directly in front of her, drawing out the sin of all enemy gods in the area until they are weighed down by their own corruption. This ability deals damage, slows enemies hit, and causes a temporary reduction in power.

Directed Taunts

Bakasura: "There's only enough fresh meat here for one of us, little man."

Ao Kuang: "A heart heavy with avarice and cruelty. How delightful."

Bacchus: "BLECH! Good gracious, how much wine have you had?!"

Neith: "Nothing personal. I just don't like you."

Chaac: "How can a man who constantly showers smell so bad?"

And that's about it. I just thought Ammit was a cool figure from mythology, and she'd definitely feel unique among the goddesses of Smite (Not that that is particularly hard). I didn't really waste time on things like damage numbers, figured it would be better that way.

submitted by /u/jockeyman
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Anyone else glad they are adding new dances to characters?

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 02:39 PM PDT

Taunting someone with the new ullr dance is so much fun. Im glad the last few patches have included new dances.

submitted by /u/flintswater
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SWC Ama's Face is still messed up...

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 08:49 AM PDT

Skin Idea: Cobalt Knightmare Xing Tian

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 06:10 PM PDT

Inspiration: Nightmare from Soul Calibur (Specifically Soul Calibur 4)

Look: Something similar to the image, though with a Soul Edge-esque axe and shield instead of a sword. Proportions would also likely be different to fit Xing's model.

1: Xing Tian spews dark energy from the gap in his chest.

Voicelines: "inhuman roar" "Fear the nightmare!"

2: When Xing Tian slams into the ground demonic fire blasts from where he landed.

Voicelines: "Your soul will be mine!" "Scream for me as I end your existence!"

3: When Xing Tian lands from a leap demonic fire blasts out of the ground from where he landed (So basically the same as the 2).

Voicelines: "Nowhere to run!" "This is the end!"

4: Xing Tian's axe takes on a red glow as he starts to spin and leaves fire trails during the spin.

Voiceline: "Spirit Axe...BURN!" (He says "Spirit Axe" during the build up and yells "BURN!" when he throws the enemy gods)


"I know Cobalt Knightmare is a strange name but other shades of blue were already taken!"

"Doomy, doomy, doom. Doom-doom, doomity doom!"

"How am I staying together? The souls of the fallen obviously!"


"I will devour your soul!"

"Stand aside, or die like the rest!"

"Your soul is powerful, and soon it will be mine."

I wanted to make a Xing Tian skin that wasn't just taking a face and putting it on his chest so after a bit of searching I wound up with this Nightmare concept!

submitted by /u/TheGraveKnight
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It's been 2.5 years since Hi-Rez started updating mastery skins and it's still not finished.

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 06:07 AM PDT

How much longer is it going to take? The current system (updated mastery skins when there is a new skin for that god) isn't even followed anymore.

EDIT: I'm not angry or upset, just generally interested in when it's gonna be completed and yes, slightly annoyed that they said they would update mastery skins with new skins for that god, and haven't stuck to that.

submitted by /u/nl_alexxx
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I got the ultimate solutions to make Kuzenbo good

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 04:45 PM PDT

Nene Kappa should get increased damage off a ricochet on both the initial hit to a god and the Nenes damage.

His thorns should heal him after it wears off. Not crazy herc kevels, but something

His ult needs one more hit. Thats it. One more tick and I'd really like it.

submitted by /u/Go4theEyesBoo
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Penalty for sitting in fountain.

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 05:49 PM PDT

Played a game of conquest the other day. We were doing great, but we had one team fight that we lost miserably (mid game or so), and one person on our team wanted to quit despite still winning. When it was declined that simply sat in fountain all game. Why isn't there a penalty for sitting in the fountain too long?

submitted by /u/Hydra680
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Give Kuzenbo a taunt?

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 03:10 PM PDT

Pretty much the title. Wouldn't it make sense? His niche is based around people attacking him, which is fucking crap since you can counter him by literally just slightly turning your camera to the other direction, so why not give him a taunt? It would fit with his kit pretty well, plus, it's CC that he so desparately needs, maybe give him protections when activating his taunt, and make it circular or something to avoid it being a total copy of Athena's.

submitted by /u/SirCuluuuu--
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TFW Ymir goes into overkill mode...

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 04:14 PM PDT

Create a god kit using one ability from each class.

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 01:08 PM PDT

My kit would be Kali passive, Skadi's one, Bacchus's Belly Flop, Herc's 3, and Chronos' ult.

submitted by /u/UnholySpirit447
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Make replay available for ALL Smite modes

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 04:25 PM PDT

Just finished my casual game where happened something that I think would fit to Top-5 plays. Then I rembered - oh, replay is not possible in casual games, unless someone spectates it.

I'm sure that I'm not the only one who would want this. Replay possibility in all modes would make Top-5 plays much better in quality and much more clips could be sent. I'm sure there's happening even right now something special that can never be recorded because no one spectated or recorded them.

In my opinion this would bring so much more visibility for smite, because more clips could be shared.

Let me hear your opinions about this.

submitted by /u/Promethos
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Hold on...(from Final Fantasy XII)

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 12:38 PM PDT

God leaderboard constantly loading on Xbox

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 08:28 PM PDT

Does anyone have the problem where their god leaderboard constantly loads on Xbox so you can never see your full rank? Is there a fix for it or what?

submitted by /u/DgamingHQ
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Capitalizing on Different Aspects of The Morrigan in Smite: A Team Dignitas Guide

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 06:48 PM PDT

I love Smite but I am afraid to play it

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 09:41 PM PDT

Hi, I am completely new to Smite; a complete noob, with no MOBA experience. However, I have always been fond of the game (I love being Hunter/ADC cause of them being ranged).

I have an account that I use to practice against AIs but the problem is, I can never bring myself to actually 'play' it against actual people in co-op. I guess you can say I am afraid of people being upset that I suck or 'feeding' the enemy team (as some players are only trying to win and win every single time;; ).

What can I do to be more comfortable with playing with/against other players and expand from just playing with/against AIs?

  • I am level 5 as of the moment
  • In love with using Nieth
submitted by /u/Elnelia
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