Pokémon GO - Newbie [Megathread] - Please check here first before posting!

Newbie [Megathread] - Please check here first before posting!

Posted: 01 Jul 2017 10:13 AM PDT

Temporary FAQ:

  • Search system:
  1. Can evolve: evolve

  2. Nicknames: e.g. Sakura, Jolteon

  3. Species: e.g. +jolteon, +jolteon, +pikachu

  4. Dex number, e.g. 123, 123-151

  5. CP and HP, e.g. CP1000-1200, HP100-110

  6. Types, e.g. type:fire, type: psychic

Consider asking your question here, instead of making a post and have it buried!

Also, to prevent redundancy, do consider doing a CTRL+F in this thread or a subreddit search query for your question!


Please note: ONLY AR Screenshots are allowed as image posts. Any other screenshots MUST be submitted as text posts with a link to the image

Past Q&A Megathreads

Known bugs (some have possibly been fixed):

See here for Niantic-recognized bugs.

  • New: Shadow-Bans If you have ever used a third-party service (such as an IV checker) that required you to log into your Pokemon Go account, and/or you have ever received a warning message about unauthorized access, you may have recently been "shadow-banned". You can still play the game like normally, but only common Pokemon will show up and you will not see "rare" spawns while others will. You will need to remove any such services, revoke their authorizations, change your password, etc. Roughly a week after doing so, people have reported the shadow-bans being lifted for legitimate players.

  • New in 0.59.1 The Pokédex displays genders for Pokémon you have caught, if applicable. However, code for genders was only added sometime in December/January. Any Pokémon caught/evolved prior to that will have a (randomly assigned?) gender in the Inventory, but will not properly display the gender in the Pokédex.

  • Sometimes while the game is loading it will get stuck on a white screen. This seems to be due to an anti-bot "Captcha" screen that didn't load correctly, and can usually be fixed by restarting the app.

  • There is a bug with the GPS not connecting properly, which results in nearby Pokémon spawns disappearing for a few minutes.

  • The game will randomly crash sometimes. Having the most updated version of the app and the most updated version of your operating system tends to minimize this, but it still happens.

  • There are graphical glitches sometimes where a Pokémon will spawn as a "miniature" version of itself. If you restart the app and are still close enough, it should reappear normally and be clickable.

  • There is a bug sometimes while battling a gym if you don't have a great connection. If you dodge an attack that would otherwise kill you, sometimes the game won't register the dodge and your Pokémon will "faint". Then the game will sync with the server and undo the damage that you dodged, but your Pokémon still shows as fainted and you can't actually attack.

  • If phone time is not set to Automatic, Incense and Lures may not work properly. Fix this by setting time to Automatic (in your phone's Time/Date settings)

Instruction Manual

Useful Links

I'm sick of the memes here, I want the discussion posts!

try http://nr.reddit.com/r/pokemongo for desktop users or this for mobile/app users.

Niantic support : https://support.pokemongo.nianticlabs.com/hc/en-us

/r/PokemonGO FAQ: /r/PokemonGo/wiki/FAQ

There's this Pokéstop/Gym near me which seems inappropriate. Can I report it?

Use this link. However, Niantic seems to be preoccupied with other things now, so don't expect too much.

We have Niantic representatives on both here and /r/TheSilphRoad - please do not ping them for bugs which are in the known issues page unless you have found a niche yet gamebreaking issue/exploit.

Where can I find other players in my area?

Try our regional subreddits list! Also, see the related subreddits for more niche needs!

If you have any suggestions for FAQs to append to this thread or for meta questions, message the moderators or mention /u/PokemonGoMods!

submitted by /u/PokemonGOmods
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[Idea] A Pikachu-Hat viewer in the dex. Like Unowns or shinies.

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 12:44 PM PDT

My town celebrated PoGo's 1 year anniversary yesterday!

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 09:46 AM PDT

[Discussion] Everyone should have been given a free anniversary box, with the option to buy more for around 500 coins.

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 09:17 AM PDT

It might actually have felt like an anniversary event and not a middle finger to all the players. I work full time and there's 6 gyms in my town that are dominated by team valour. As a mystic this means I've got little chance of getting any coins, let alone 1200.

More of a rant really.

submitted by /u/Sidbob
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[Idea] Regional exclusive Pokémon should have an increased spawn rate at airports

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 02:07 AM PDT

Regional exclusive Pokémon should have increased spawn rates at airports. I've visited two carribean islands with high hopes of catching a Corsola. However, the only place I can get cell reception is the airport or in the hotel. I think there should be an increased spawn rate to give travelers a better opportunity to catch whichever regional exclusive they might be after while on vacation.

submitted by /u/vikings0326
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I was happy to find this little guy at the Baltimore Aquarium!

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 07:22 PM PDT

[Discussion] I LOVE the new gym system

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 07:29 AM PDT

Now, hear me out.

I love that gyms seems to have different people than they used to who occupy them. Some might say it's because they're easier to take so people don't bother/so many people are taking im just seeing less of the same i used to... but i think it's because you can't just pop a Dragonite down, walk away, and keep a gym for a month and collect the spoils. You have to play more actively, which is kind of the point of the game. I'd bet most of the people who had the gyms around me until a few weeks ago haven't played Pokemon Go since January, but who wants to burn the resources to take a 12000 prestige gym with literally all the best mons in the game stacked? It brings back one of the funnest aspects of Go for me, territory control. I don't mind if I only hold a gym for an hour or two, but it's the fight I'm interested in.

I don't find the motivation a bad thing, or the casual play a bad thing. Hell, if a Lv 10-15 can start having fun battling again, I say good on Niantics. There's no reason for the game to be competitive imo.

The complaint I have though is the 'Pokemon Hostage' situation. There's really no reason not to implement being able to take your own Pokemon out. It seems like an easy fix though so hopefully it gets changed pretty soon.

submitted by /u/DrMatt73
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Been folding cranes and leaving them at the gym spots in airports to pretend it's a legendary summer. (This is what delayed/cancel flights does to you.)

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 03:56 PM PDT

After nearly 17 days my Muk has returned to me, and I don't know how to feel.

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 07:56 AM PDT

As the title says nearly 17 days I put him in a couple of hours after the new gyms went live, I checked on him daily and gave him and his Lapras buddy some berries and for all that time they stood guard. Now he's back and brought back his 50 coins which is good, but under the old system it would have been 170. It just feels like he should have had something else like maybe a few candies or something for holding a gym that long.

Oh well I'll try and take the gym back tonight see how long he can stay in there this time round.

submitted by /u/TwoSips
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Does anyone else find normal Pikachus as being rarer than the special Pikachus with hats?

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 10:22 AM PDT

I'm L36 and as a hoarder, am now reaching my storage limit. So I was forced to thin out some of my Pikachu collection (sadly) and I noticed that I literally have a couple of normal Pikachus with the rest being special Pikachus with hats. I'm only just almost halfway to the gold medal for Pikachu fan and its dawned on me - the irony that I see so little of the franchise's mascot except during these special occasions.

submitted by /u/GhostIntention
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[IDEA] Incense should give double stardust for catches.

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 03:47 PM PDT

It makes them a Lucky Egg equivalent for catching. (as opposed to evolving)

It would also mean that there would be a point to buying them even if you have a full dex. Especially if there is a double stardust event.

submitted by /u/Ceryn
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First time ever doing raids and found a group!

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 07:09 AM PDT

10km Eggapocalypse

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 02:49 PM PDT

I´m trying to be positive with eggs but after 1 year we all see a lot different garbage pokemon in 10km: Eevee, Pinsir, Magmar, Pineco, Mantine, Gligar. The only two that was common for some time that is usefull was Onix and Dratini. I have 3000+ eggs hatched in my account.

Now Niantic introduces Chinchou as the only "common" pokemon in a 10km (after they gone with mantine, pineco and gligar).

After the changes myself and my group noticed that in 10 eggs that we collect 8 was Chinchou. EIGHT!

Niantic always introduces a lot of awfull pokemon as common in 5km (now they have more!), the 2km now has spinarak...

I'm going to stop buying incubators. It´s hard to beg for 10km only drops rare stuff?

submitted by /u/ravencrawler
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[Discussion]What Pokémon Go needs most is not trading or PvP, but some serious fixes

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 06:07 AM PDT

In this subreddit and other places I often see people asking Niantic when trading and PvP will be implemented in the game. In my opinion, trading would ruin the game. Everyone could get a full Pokédex and a strong team in a couple of days, so there wouldn't be anything left to play for. I don't think PvP would be bad, but I just don't see what it would add to the game besides a a way to waste items. Even though everyone keeps talking about these things, I don't think they are what the game needs most now. Instead, I would suggest that fixing some current issues is way more important for enhancing gameplay.


Unfortunatelly, bugs are part of almost every game. However, in Pokémon Go bugs are so abundant that they have a significant impact on the game. Dodging is a vital part of gym battles, but for over half a year it doesn't work properly. Often it is better not to dodge to save time. This is a well known bug, but it still isn't fixed.

Another example is the bug which causes the app to crash on iPhones. This started in December and has increased in frequency since then. Before the gym rework, the app crashed every 2 gymbattles. This means that you could fight at most 19 Pokémon before restarting te app. After the gym rework, this has become even worse.

With the recent gym rework, a new bug appeared. When you defeated a gym and want to place a Pokémon in, you have to do it carefully. Otherwise, you exclude some teammembers for 10 minutes. Even if you get in the gym, you often still get a 'Network Error', so you have to restart the app. This is just one of the possible ways to get a (network) error, but sometimes the app crashes or freezes when playing the game. I haven't even talked about login issues, server problems, lag and so on.

I'm not saying all bugs have to be fixed. I'm not expecting a perfect game, but at some point it's just too much. The game gets increasingly buggy, which demotivates people to play the game.


Another big source of irritation is the existence of spoofers. Since the beginning of the game, spoofers and botters have poisoned the game. They make some gyms completely unplayable by retaking them in a couple of minutes without actually going there. Almost everyone in the local community knows them by name, and has reported them. However, Niantic has never used these reports to ban spoofers. Recently they have slashed Pokémon from botters and snipers, but these people already have over 10 Blisseys. Hence they can still continue to screw real players.In my opinion, Niantic is not putting nearly enough priority on combattnig spoofers and botters as they should.

I've often heard that it is impossible to determine of someone really is a spoofer or not. I completely disagree, and I think Niantic should be able to distinguish the spoofers from the real players.

  • The local community knows who the spoofers are. They can provide evidence in the form of pictures, whitnesses, etc. One spoofer can say he lives in a house near one gym and works next to another, but if he got caught at 6 different gyms there is just no excuse. In addition to that, some gyms are lacated in open fields, which directly proves someone is spoofing.

  • With the gym rework, you can see how long someone is defending a gym. Since spoofers can transport way faster than real players, this could help to find them. If someone gets into a gym 5 minutes after he has gotten into another one, and it takes 10 minutes to travel between those gyms, then that player must be a spoofer. Also if someone gets in a gym at a time he isn't allowed to be there (for example in a zoo or in a theme park) that player must be a spoofer. Even the staff has to leave at a certain time.

  • Niantic has collected a whole library of GPS data from players. They can use that to find spoofers. Normal players will give the signal of a walking person, a biking person or someone sitting in a car, together with some GPS drift. This means that the player will travel parallel to streets, if not on streets. Spoofers go right through buildings in a straight line, and will pass through streets at all angles. This difference is detectable.

TL;DR The bugs in Pokémon Go have increased to a point where they significantly impact normal gameplay. Spoofers and botters are ruining the game. Fixing these issues should have a higher priority, since solving them would hugely improve the game.

submitted by /u/Zepdoos
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Niantic liked and then unliked this tweet requesting an in game chat

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 01:23 PM PDT

We celebrated pokemon gos 1 year anniversary

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 12:31 AM PDT

Nineteen people showed up for a four star Tyranitar raid in my small town at 9pm tonight! The new gym system is awesome!

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 10:50 PM PDT

[Story] I broke out of my shell and took on a level 4 raid!

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 07:43 PM PDT

I went to woodfield mall today to hopefully hit a raid up and as I arrived there was a level 4 raid about to happen! But no one was there... Fired a beacon on the silph road. No one showed up. 3 Minutes until the raid started, 2 players showed up. Then a family of 4 with three playing. Then 2 more showed up with someone sitting nearby whipping out their phone. 4 more showed up on top of that. The clock ticked down, 5. 4. 3. 2. 1...



We all stormed in and defeated the blastoise. I had only 6 premier balls to catch it. I failed. This didn't upset me because I already have a blastoise and it's not too good either. But I did get 3 golden razz and 6 rare candy so that's good! Most of the people there were instinct with 1 or 2 valor and 3 mystic. Overall a great experience!

submitted by /u/Dragoscale9
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[Humor] With all the changes and bugs this game throws at us - at least Vaporeon is confound as well

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 03:28 AM PDT

My girlfriends uneventful journey in finding the special PIKACHU

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 09:12 PM PDT

TFW you don’t want legendary raids because....

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 05:52 AM PDT

You live in the desolate rural part of a second world country where even if you drove a good 10 minutes to the closest gym to get the legendaries you could not win the raid bc ur probably the only player around in a 50 KM radius

submitted by /u/pkmntrainerehmed
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Increase lvl 3 and 4 raid on (Friday, Saturday, Monday) and Raids on night time!

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 12:09 PM PDT

1) Since the update roll out we´re getting a lot of low lvl raids in the weekend.

2) A huge number of player base has 18+ years, we have jobs and we need raids on night time.

PS: I´m not saying to put late in the night but between 7 and 10pm will be great.

It´s very hard to get players in rural areas to make raids with lvl 3 and 4. In the weekend we have this players but the game only give to us low lvl raids.

I hope that you put in action this suggestions.

submitted by /u/ravencrawler
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[Complaint] The GO+ should spin gyms too

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 09:01 PM PDT

Something that I noticed is that the GO+ will not go off when in range of gyms. While it is minor, it lowers the amount of items I get while I'm walking the same route I always do.

submitted by /u/NexasXellerk
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Where is Porygon?

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 04:44 PM PDT

I have been playing almost literally daily since the game launched and I have yet to see a Porygon at all, not even on the tracker or in a gym (although I have seen Porygon 2 at gyms). Adding insult to injury, I have gotten at least 5 upgrades. Is there some trick to finding them or are they just extremely rare and I am so far unlucky?

submitted by /u/alabasterasterbaler
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What's the cheapest possible device you can buy to run Pokémon Go?

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 12:05 PM PDT

Hey Guys, my daughter often comes out Pokémon hunting with me and I've been considering getting some sort of device for her to have of her own for the game, she's only 5 and will literally only be using it for Pokémon and will be tethering to my device so doesn't need to have a SIM card or anything, does anyone have any recommendations for super cheap devices I could look into?

submitted by /u/Xaoxinn
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Swap your pokemon on after battle screen.

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 06:49 PM PDT

So i don't know if someone came up with similar idea, but i thought about option to swap your pokemon after defeating pokemon in gym (screen with "next" or "leave" buttons). It would be very usefull to don't waste time and hp on swaping pokemon at beginning of the fight and just start every battle with pokemon you want. Lets say i picked Charizard and Magneton vs Exeggutor and Vaporeon, after defeating Exeggutor i would like to change my Charizard to Magneton so i can fight Vaporeon instantly and don't get free hits while swaping him mid battle. Sorry if my english is bad in some way, its not my native language :)

submitted by /u/TrueDantello
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