Diablo - We need more new zones. The Temple of the Firstborn is amazing.

We need more new zones. The Temple of the Firstborn is amazing.

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 01:49 PM PDT

The Temple of the First and the Shrouded Moors are awesome additions. I salute the artists that worked on those. I really liked the weird story Greyhollow Isle and the Ruins of Secheron are filled with nostalgia.

I don't know what a reasonable time frame for a new zone must be, but I wouldn't mind if we get more and sooner (like everybody else I presume). I'd really like to see places from D2 or other mentioned in the books, like Kurast and Bramwell.

What are your favourite new zones thus far and which zones would you like to see in the game?

PS: Honorable mention goes to Ureh, which was planned to be in the game, but was cut. I think Ureh deserves a whole act of it's own.

submitted by /u/Doomscream
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Season 11 GR 20 (for Haedrig's Gift) Guides for ALL Classes

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 03:08 PM PDT

From easy to hard:

  1. Barb = Crus = WD

  2. Wiz

  3. DH = Monk

  4. Necro

Full GR 20 clear (no para / no legendaries / no pylons / no cube):


There is no perfect build for a GR 20. For example, some players might want to use sprint instead of overpower on the barb or wolf companion instead of sentry on the DH. Feel free to adjust the builds. In the videos you will see what I prefer to play and it works great for me.

For DH, Monk, Necro, you should really reroll your items to achieve about 500k dps, which will enable you to clear the worst possible GRs aswell. Rather reroll your items than farming new GR keys.

submitted by /u/fst_d3
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The top Diablo III stream right now on Twitch is farming using the exploit

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 10:31 AM PDT


What a shame. That's so bad for the community in general.

*Edit: It was one of the streamers from "StreamerHouse" channel.

submitted by /u/DamnGus
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Plea to Blizzard; Don't nerf Inarius

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 05:02 AM PDT

A simple request. Because Inarius is not the top preforming build for the Necro, the proc rate of bonestorm doesn't need to be adjusted, right?

This build is just so much fun, and quite different from basically anything else that's currently in D3. Please just let it stay viable.

Thank y'all for reading!

submitted by /u/HCHMolatov
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I just killed a rift guardian and died at the same time, and received this bug where I'm still alive but I'm a grave and can't actually do anything (but my abilities can still be "used", there is just no animation or anything for them).

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 01:17 PM PDT


The map said I was in New Tristram and let me port there, now I'm alive but can't move as it just teleports me back to the center.

submitted by /u/zirasvg
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Challenge rift cache

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 04:51 PM PDT

What if season 11 goes live, i create a seasonal character, i complete a challenge rift, can i redeem the reward right away to my brand new character and get free mats, money and 300 bloodshards right away? :)

submitted by /u/ngongo1
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Lich King TXIII LON SpeedFarm Build!

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 01:54 PM PDT

[TwitchClip]SGDQ MrLlamaSC Diablo 2 Speedrun with the name, Chris Wilson

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 05:26 PM PDT

Did anyone hold onto their pre-RoS character?

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 12:47 PM PDT

Just starting playing again after a long break, I found myself feeling nostalgic about the real money action house and wanted to share my legacy WD. It was the worst class at the time and my build was far from optimized but I loved this guy and almost made it through pre-nerf Inferno solo with him.

submitted by /u/Stitchface
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I thought you can't role ResAll and Other Res

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 01:20 PM PDT

Well I thought this is impossible.
Is that new now?

submitted by /u/Goth667
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Finally uploaded :D [S10 HC] 3man Rank 3 EU - Tier 106 (sup barb PoV )

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 10:50 AM PDT

Story mode Skip ?

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 04:12 PM PDT

Hey ! Just switch Region from Europe to NA/America and I'm stuck not being able to do rifts until I complete the story mode.

Is there any way to skip that completely or is someone available for a few minutes to rush the last quest ? My BTag is Killarena#1134

Thanks !

submitted by /u/olokdurdo
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Angelic Wings PS4

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 07:54 PM PDT

As I understand it, a patch a while back made the Angelic Wings tradable on PS4, anyone feeling exceptionally generous?

submitted by /u/Calavphin
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Realms of Fate

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 09:23 AM PDT

Anyone else seriously despise these levels when they pop?

The colored cloudiness is just obnoxious. The red, in particular. Makes it hard to see the obstacles (that are already slightly difficult) and that red one makes me think I must have taken some serious damage and am nearly dead, now...

Has anyone found a way to dull this effect? I'd love to be rid of it.

submitted by /u/CheTranqui
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Season 11 Meta for pushing GRifts? 4 Players

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 10:02 AM PDT

Hey all,

As the title implies an keen on finding out what the current (or season 11 meta) will be for 4 player group GRifts.

I was looking for groups on the leaderboards but it is just filled with people that have abused the exploit.

If anyone can let me know that would be fantastic :)


submitted by /u/TsuyoKawaii
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Should I wait a season before playing the necro?

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 06:35 PM PDT

Serious question. I'll be playing the season regardless, and have had some fun with the necro pack (5-10 hours) on release. Considering its current state with:

  • Some clunkiness with most sets
  • The 'farming' set not being quite there yet (not really usable)
  • The available options of Haedrig's being extremely strong with at least 3 classes

I'm seriously considering ditching the necro in favour of a wiz/wd and maybe making an alt to gear a necro on the side. I'd like a 'full' experience with the necro, and it just doesn't feel like i'd get that if i dedicated a complete season to it right off the bat.

I'm sure there's other people in the same boat; I never really questioned whether i'd play a different class other than a fresh release on the first season it's available, but i can seriously forsee rapid burnout with limited options considering the above.

Anyone else asking the same question to themselves?

In before 'just play what you like'. I'll be playing it, whether it's the season or next. I just don't want to burn out in its first season and have a negative image in my mind that would prevent me from picking it up in the future.

submitted by /u/fear022
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Transmute Question - Do Legendary Powers Stack?

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 10:49 AM PDT

Hey there,

I've checked the Kanai's Cube FAQ page and it doesn't answer this question. What I'd like to know is, if I extract a legendary power and equip it will that cancel out the effect of my duplicate legendary weapon with the same legendary power?

For more of an explanation, I've extracted Schaefer's Hammer's ability and have the power equipped. I have another Schaefer's Hammer than I can equip in my weapon slot. With the legendary power equipped and the weapon equipped, will i get the 800% weapon damage effect twice? Or does one cancel out the other?

Schaefer's Hammer power:

"Casting a Lightning skill charges you with Lightning, causing you to deal 650–850% weapon damage as Lightning every second for 5 seconds to nearby enemies."

submitted by /u/billingsworld
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Social Sunday - 07/09/17

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 07:00 AM PDT

Welcome to week 20 of the Social Sunday thread!

Monster slaying is fun, but killing monsters in groups is better! Looking for a group of like-minded players to play with? This thread is for finding Clans, Communities, or other players to defend Sanctuary. Feel free to promote your Clan or Community every week.

If you have any suggestions for this thread or any other ideas, please message the mods.

submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak
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Is there a list containing the location of every piece of armor and weapons?

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 01:50 PM PDT

I bought the game 4 days ago and I already leveled my Barbarian to level 70. Now I want to get certain armor and a certain weapon I saw in a build, but I have no clue where to find things.

So I was wondering if there is any site where I could check the location of items in this game.

Edit: I have Reaper of Souls so I have access to everything in the game.

submitted by /u/ZDuskFP
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Returning to Diablo 3

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 05:25 PM PDT

So basically, I played diablo 3 up until reaper of souls, played that for a bit then I stopped playing due to school and other responsibilities and just now reinstalled. Can anyone give me a quick guide on what has changed since then? I'm lost on the most efficient way to get gear, what to look out for, where to head, and any other tips are appreciated

submitted by /u/Handsy805
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How can I obtain portraits other then Paragon/Rainbow/Necromancer Ones?

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 04:58 AM PDT

Im just curious as i have seen people with other cool and exotic ones. Im new and on Playstation if that helps :/

submitted by /u/GandalfTheWitch
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What does everyone think about this idea?

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 03:27 PM PDT

Sooo you know how they had a limited Diablo 1 anniversary event right? Well, you know how blizzard adds new zones for rifts and adventure mode? What if they added a brand new act/realm with classic Diablo 2 levels? The blood raven area, the chaos sanctuary, tals Rashas tomb, travincal, worldstone chamber, etc? And if they added the druid into the mix, either for free like the crusader, or for pay like the necromancer.

I think it'd be amazing if they remastered the most loved areas of Diablo 2 and gave them new life. Imagining rifting through the path to the chaos sanctuary all over again?

Just an idea, my first post, if these type of posts aren't allowed please let me know. Thanks!

submitted by /u/Chris__XO
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