Halo - Majestic Master Chief at ComicCon Montreal.

Majestic Master Chief at ComicCon Montreal.

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 09:12 AM PDT

Daughter was bored, asked if she wanted to put together this Mega Blocks Halo set, she said sure but didn't finish, sent pic to her at work "you left yer bros hanging"

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 11:30 AM PDT

Promethean Knights in H5 have reused mini Cryptums in their backs

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 12:09 PM PDT

Playing it Smart - The Power of Radar

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 01:12 PM PDT

Just Got Halo 5 Today and I'm Mad at Myself for Not Getting it Sooner.

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 09:07 AM PDT

This game is amazing. I play alot of first person shooters and I haven't had this much fun on a FPS in a long time.

I really like the community map sharing and custom server browser. I always seen Halo 5 go on sale and just kind of brushed it off for other games at the time not really knowing how much this game actually had to offer.

I've always been a Halo fan. I grew up on the classic couch gaming split screen Halo 2 on the original Xbox with friends. But for me personally there was just something about Halo 5 that kind of put me off and made me not really care about it as much as the others. I think the biggest thing for me was the exclusion of split screen.

But all in all it really is worth the money. I've only had the game for max 48 hours and even though I'm not that good quite yet. I'm still having tons of fun playing the maps and modes the community has made and I plan on trying to make a few myself.

If you like Halo then Don't be hesitant like I was about picking this game up. It really is great especially for such a cheap price.

(Reposted from Halo_5_Guardians)

submitted by /u/AmadeusGamingTV
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Monolith has to be one of the prettiest forerunner maps in the entire series. What are some of your favorite?

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 12:02 PM PDT

After that viral clip, I made a level-headed discussion about Halo 6

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 05:01 PM PDT

Halo Wars 2 spartan gamerpic with orange visor

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 12:59 PM PDT

Shields wouldn't recharge during HCS MM

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 05:49 PM PDT

Backwards Compatibility Playlist Refresh?

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 10:47 AM PDT

Since H3 and H4 are coming to bc program and Reach already bc, would it be fair to refresh the current playlists one last time from each game? Let's face it, MCC is dead (for the most part) and I highly doubt any more resources are going into it for patches or in this case refreshing any of those playlists.

Considering now that ALL DLC IS FREE from those respected games, why not re-open them up to re-balance the map rotations for the now all accessible dlc from those games? It's true that any set parameters that is already in place will notice people having those maps downloaded already and match people up respectfully but, that doesn't mean you're guaranteed to play those dlc maps over the standard maps or in Reach's case forge world maps 24/7.

Will there be a high population/high demand for these set games? No, BUT it would be nice compensation to consider than asking everything for free to make up those that have MCC and want compensation.

any possibility to do a playlist refresh for backwards compatibility games when they come out? u/ske7ch343

submitted by /u/VieTham
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What is the best way to play Halo 2 on Windows 10?

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 11:42 PM PDT

I've been struggling for weeks. Every time I try to install it I can't it working right it always has low framerate or the framerate will gradually go down until it gets unplayable. I just want to know what's the best way to get it working. I only have a PC and Halo 2 is my favorite Halo game if not my favorite game of time.

submitted by /u/xX_Andr3w_Xx
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Can't we just get HCS settings for FFA?!

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 06:12 AM PDT

Seriously FFA is a shambles, it's current state it horrible to play, sure they made some okay changes to FFA but most maps actually encourage use of automatics which is generally agreed on that they don't require much skill to use. Riptide is a perfect example of how much of a shit show FFA is with automatics.

If needs be couldn't we just get 2 HCS Playlists (1 for 4v4s and 1 for FFA) and leave the default FFA settings in social?

I pretty damn tired of this camp and spray shit to be honest and I think a lot of people who play FFA can agree we should do this to keep FFA a skill based competition.

submitted by /u/XI_DeViLz_IX
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Thought you were sneaky huh?

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 11:55 AM PDT

Red vs Blue Season 15 Episode 14 - True Colors.

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 07:04 AM PDT

Can all Downloadable Content codes such as the FOTUS Armor in Halo 4 be free as well?

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 07:47 PM PDT

Downloadable Code List:

• Legendary Armor Effect

• Halo Reach Recon Helmet

• All Halo 4 Armor Codes and Skins

submitted by /u/The_Taken_Dick
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Halo 3 Mountain Dew Game Fuel iPhone case

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 02:38 PM PDT

I was wondering if anyone has come across a high resolution design for a phone case that looks like the halo 3 game fuel label. If not, it would be an incredible thing for somebody to make on redbubble.com. I haven't been able to find a high resolution image of the label either. Any thoughts?

submitted by /u/KingMoney1331
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Halo: CE Trippy Game

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 01:39 PM PDT

Halo 5 Forge Crashes at Microsoft Studios Logo

Posted: 10 Jul 2017 12:08 AM PDT

The game just crashes right then and there. Ive tried uninstalling and reinstalling the Halo app, resetting Halo 5, resetting the Store, everything short of redownloading the game. The game is too big for me to download at a reasonable time on my WiFi so any help would be appreciated

On Windows 10

submitted by /u/Portalfan4351
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[Rant] Is the Halo 2 BR really so fucking impossible to get?

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 11:32 PM PDT

I've grinded for so many hours with about 300 games in the Warzone categories and have yet to get anywhere near a H2 BR or any of the special permanent pistols. I refuse to give a cent for the req packs and will do it myself. This goes to show an absolutely terrible fucking aspect of the randomized req pack system and has drained much of the fun of the game for me. I love this game and love playing it casually as I'm not very good, and have tried to grind while keeping the fun and casual aspect at the forefront and staying the thought of potential weapon unlocks in my subconscious so I don't always think about it. I don't play just for the unlocks and have always enjoyed playing every Halo released. It pisses me off that there are so many fucking tiny useless variations of every single weapon and armor that just constantly lower the chances of you getting anything you want. About 75 hours in, I realized the best chances are just getting all the weapons until it gets narrowed down to the point where you'll practically have to get that one unlock, but it still doesn't happen. Through doing most of the methods to maximize your req point spending to get the most out of them, you get a little optimistic but then realize how massive the req collection inventory is and how little you're progressing. Granted I'm level 63 right now, but the amount of points you get for each game is ridiculously low in my opinion - I don't want a million point per game, just a reasonable amount. I don't mind the system, in fact I thought it was good and promising when the game came out and people bashed it. It just drives me up the wall that it's optimised so that you get very little for the amount of hours put in. In hindsight, Halo 4's system was 50 times better than this robbery. I'm speaking mostly out of frustration right now and may not make the most reasonable argument but just had to say this.

submitted by /u/MiddleEasternWeeaboo
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My girlfriend just made my day

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 01:56 AM PDT

TL;DR: Just read it, I took the time to write it.

So she's off work on study leave because she has big exams coming up. She spends a lot of time around the house now by herself because I still have work and things.

Before I left for work today I blasted the Xbox on to play some Halo before leaving. Couple of SWATs and Super Fiestas. I noticed when I signed in that her profile was at the top - last one signed in. I thought it was odd but didn't really focus on it. She doesn't play that much so it kinda stuck out.

Fast forward to tonight, we were just chatting and I decided to just ask out of curiosity. She started smirking and joking around saying she didn't know what I was talking about. I laughed too since I thought she had played peggle or something, but it's far better.

She had started playing Halo CE on MCC while I was at work, and had finished two levels. She wanted to do it in secret so she could finish it and then she was going to drop story information into conversation to confuse me, but I cottoned on. She even went to the trouble of loading other games up when she was done so that my dashboard didn't have MCC as the most recent game, but failed to load my profile last.

I couldn't believe it when she said it. I was so happy because I'd been trying to get her to play for the past 6 years we've been together, but she couldn't get used to the speed of play and the controls under pressure. Now she's going to play it on easy on her own because she just wants to get used to the controls, enjoy the story without me breathing down her neck and offering friendly advice ("NO NOT THAT WAY") and just explore the game. She works so hard with her studying that she loves the escape that it brings (she would usually just watch tv, but that wasn't truly relaxing her). She has had a great time playing it and she was telling me about her first experience getting used to the Warthog on Halo, and how she nearly gave up when she needed it to cross the chasm in the tunnels after giving up and walking into them instead. We chatted for a good 20 minutes about the first few levels and a bit of the story too.

This was a ramble but I just wanted to tell some people who would care. I'm so excited to hear her thoughts and get updates.

submitted by /u/peppersrus
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If I didn't get the classic helmets when they were out can I get them through random REQs?

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 01:57 PM PDT

I'm just wondering because I never got the chance to get them. I really want to wear Mark V Delta. Not this ugly shit https://cdn1.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/001/866/013/large/airborn-studios-h5-a090-marmo.jpg?1453975533

submitted by /u/shitpostlord4321
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I've been feeling nostalgic, so I thought i'd share my old Halo 3 Montage from years ago, hope you enjoy.

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 06:46 AM PDT

Solitude is a very unique colorful and sweaty Customs map:)

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 09:01 PM PDT

When was a Covenant species' "real" name first used in-game?

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 06:18 AM PDT

Such as Sangheili or Unggoy. It's a fun lore inclusion that helps flush out the universe, but I'm not sure when these names first started appearing. (I would guess one of the H1A terminals but I'm not sure)

submitted by /u/Top_Hat_Squirrel
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