Overwatch - Weekly Role Discussion Thread: Tank - July 15, 2017

Weekly Role Discussion Thread: Tank - July 15, 2017

Posted: 14 Jul 2017 10:07 PM PDT

In this weekly thread you can discuss the Tank roles of Overwatch to your heart's delight. What are the characteristics of those heroes?

Tanks specialize in protecting allies, disrupting enemies, and occupying the front line. They have high survivability and abilities that protect themselves and others with shields and crowd control.

Overwatch Wikia

You can find a list of the current tanky heroes on the Overwatch Hero Overview.

Share guides and strategies that are valuable to a tanky Overwatch Hero or other tips and tricks that helped you to get better. You can also propose ideas why a certain hero is bad in your eyes and how to make it better. Please do so in a constructive way!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Blizzard, there is a HOLE on Gibraltar that eats projectile Ultimates

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 06:42 AM PDT

Sometimes, the ones who try to hurt you the most isn't the enemy team

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 03:26 PM PDT

Jeff Kaplan as a lukewarm bowl of water

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 10:39 AM PDT

Could it be... coffee with Reaper?!

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 10:56 AM PDT

What Cyberspace Sombra would look like with a mask

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 10:53 AM PDT

I went full Clint Eastwood in Hollywood

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 10:55 AM PDT

How embarrassing

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 07:09 AM PDT

I did a painting of Jeff

Posted: 14 Jul 2017 10:07 PM PDT

Forcing the current meta on your team (especially in lower ranks) can do more harm than good.

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 03:32 PM PDT

TL;DR below

I've mainly been playing around the 3k SR and I just wanted to mention a recent trend I've been seeing lately - Almost every other game there's a player or two that try to force the dive comp meta regardless of what players are comfortable with.

Dive comp, for example, works well when you have good coordination and know how dive works (a combination of Winston and Genji going in with the help of zen is a huge part of why it is so strong). Forcing a Rein main (which you should be happy you have a tank main at all with the way people DPS ONLY nowadays) to play a Winston because it's 'meta' isn't going to get you better results the majority of the time. I can almost guarantee that making a decent comp with heros your team are comfortable with will always be better than raging at people until they play what the pros play.

There are definitly times where a switch is necessary, such as if a player is being hard countered, but to make someone play a hero or role they aren't comfortable with just because it's Meta is pretty ridiculous. Your 500 hour mercy main is going to do SO MUCH MORE for you on mercy than on Zenyatta, even if you don't like Mercy.

There are some heros right now that are a bit stronger than others based on what your team and the enemy team pick, but more often than not that strength is not worth more than hours of experience with a character.

Just my 2 cents

TL;DR Don't force people to pick a hero they aren't comfortable with just because you want to copy the pro meta.

Edit: I do think it's important to try to build a decent comp (Usually with at least a tank and a healer, preferably 2 2 2 in many cases) but you can make a very solid comp with many different combinations of heros other than just what you see Rogue and EUnited use. Also added TL;DR

submitted by /u/AhkoRevari
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Papa Jeff drawing

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 12:08 PM PDT

As a new player of Overwatch, it astonishes me that there is such a high frequency of leavers in competitive games.

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 12:10 PM PDT

I got this game 3-4 weeks ago, and its been quite fun. My main issue is the fact that there are so many leavers (about 1 every 10 games), for a game with such a low time commitment. I have been playing league of legends for years and I can't remember the last time I've had a leaver. Does this game have harsh enough punishments for this kind of behavior?

submitted by /u/bluepancake69
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This Can't Be Happening In The Pro Scene....

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 03:55 AM PDT

Healer next hero please

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 12:17 AM PDT

Hey blizzard, can we please get a new healer next? We have PLENTY of DPS now. Your fan, B.

submitted by /u/Alcantab01
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The old bear trap/mine combo. 60% of the time, it works every time.

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 05:18 PM PDT

This felt pretty darn good!

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 08:23 AM PDT

S:76 thought he made it to safety behind Reinhardt... Unfortunately, his salvation turned out to be his downfall.

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 01:16 PM PDT

I like dumfist.

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 06:12 AM PDT

I drew a Zenyatta skin

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 02:38 PM PDT

Orisa and Doomfist Spray Combo

Posted: 14 Jul 2017 08:44 PM PDT


It's nice that Doomfist and Orisa have more than just one voice interaction considering Orisa was made for Doomfist.

submitted by /u/JustHarmony
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How to not jump on the ledge

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 02:15 AM PDT

A simple buff for Junkrat

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 03:15 AM PDT

Right, this nice guy here is Jamison Fawkes. People call him Junkrat, Trashmouse, or NotMetaPlsSwitch.

And this nice guy is Tavish Degroot. People call him Demoman, Demoknight, or MahSentry.

Now, these are basically the same person. One's a Black Scottish Cyclops. The other is a White Aussie Biclops. As far as I can tell, these are exactly the same in every way.

Now let me tell you about the Demoman's primary weapon. It's called the Stickybomb Launcher. He apparently also has a second weapon but that forces him to give up his pirate legs.

Anyway, here's a little demonstration of the Stickybomb Launcher: https://youtu.be/5VgD7BzSW5U?t=55s

Let me grab the relevant text from the Demoman Instruction Manual: By holding down primary fire, the launcher can be charged up to launch a Stickybomb over greater distances [...] A fully charged Stickybomb travels at a speed equivalent to approximately 230% of that of an uncharged one.

Now, that's what we need in our Trashmice. We can simulate high projectile speeds with custom games, so we know there's something we can vaguely do.

Now look at this girl. Here name is Fareeha Amari and she has three abilities. She can fire rockets, she can fly, and she regenerates 60 HP per second. She is the enemy of Rubbishrodents everywhere, from Bronze all the way to low Silver.

Well no more! By making the 'splody bombs go faster (without even painting them red, such tmagic!) ClutterShrew can do more to combat Rocket Dude. It also raises the skill cap without changing the skill floor too much.

Also to balance out Flotsamotter, it forces him to make a terrible choice. Does he make lots of booms over a short time, or does he make less booms with accuracy? Trading his precious DPS for actually hitting stuff. His accuracy could, and I shudder to say this, rise the 9% it needs to get into double digits!

TL;DR think of your poor Litterhamsters. Give Junkrat the ability to fire faster grenades by holding down the trigger.

submitted by /u/CocoKyoko
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I Drew Young Ana Drinking Tea ~

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 07:57 AM PDT

Oh. . .well, bye.

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 04:58 AM PDT

Made a short game about Jeff Kaplan!

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 02:58 PM PDT

Sora Play of the Game as Reinhardt

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 05:27 PM PDT

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