League of Legends - Monday Megathread! Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged! |
- Monday Megathread! Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged!
- Imaqtpie does his... thing.. on corki
- I just hit rank 1 on EUW, AMA
- Kayn has a pretty big clarity issue
- Support player, IMT Olleh hits Rank 1
- Adrian: “When I played on my other teams, everyone else was trying hard and I was the one falling behind, I guess. Now on Dignitas, I’m the one who wants to try really hard.”
- Why Annie is better than every other champion, explained alphabetically.
- It would be nice if we had daily/weekly "quests" which results as IP rewards.
- How teams use delayed lane swaps to get first turret
- I made a skin concept for Vi "Boxer Vi"
- QT takes Dardoch on a ride with Darshan
- [x-post] Let's workshop a better Kayn E tooltip
- Reminder that just a tiny bit of armor goes a long way to make lethality champions not deal an insane amount of damage
- PBE Mundo can kill himself and proc keystones
- Jankos on catching up to NA: “If you go to (worlds), you have one or one and a half months to prepare for the international meta.”
- LCS WEEK 6 FUNNY/FAIL MOMENTS - 2017 Summer Split
- Major Vel'Koz bug involving his Q slow and Warlord's Bloodlust mastery.
- Remove "unique" from League of Legends, what becomes the strongest item(s)?
- LCS Rookie CLG Omargod: 'I think if I didn't go to scouting grounds, I would still be in school'
- Shouldn't Mundo's E - Masochism and R - Sadism have their names swapped?
- Greatest League Talkshow (GLT) - Episode 6.2
- Duskblade hotfix incoming
- Duskblade needs a nerf.
- EC Global Power Rankings week 7
- EBL- First profesional Esport league on Balkan will include LoL and CS:GO with 120000€ prize pool
- Team SoloMid vs. Team Liquid / NA LCS 2017 Summer - Week 6 / Post-Match Discussion
Monday Megathread! Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged! Posted: 16 Jul 2017 07:35 PM PDT Welcome to the latest Monday Megathread, where you the community get to ask your questions and share your knowledge. This is an opportunity for the more experienced LoL players here to share some of your wisdom with those with less expertise. This thread will be a weekly safehaven for those "noobish" questions you may have been too scared to ask for fear of downvotes, but also can be a great place for in depth discussion if you so wish. So, don't hold back, get your game related questions ready and post away, and hopefully someone can answer them! If you wish to just view top level comments (ie questions) add ?depth=1 to the end of the page url. Come check out our discord channel here! If you are willing to learn, /r/SummonerSchool is always willing to teach. Basic Mechanics explanation in our Wiki New Player Guide by /u/The-All-Tomato Other: Check out /r/lolstreams for all your streaming needs. If you wish to talk about LoL in real time with other people, check out our IRC channel. Full info here --- Webchat here. Please sort this post by new, so that you can see the newer, unanswered questions. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Imaqtpie does his... thing.. on corki Posted: 17 Jul 2017 07:26 AM PDT https://clips.twitch.tv/MagnificentDepressedHerdPJSugar edit: youtube mirror: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTX_HFKIhro&feature=youtu.be thanks to u/wop-wop [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 17 Jul 2017 12:11 PM PDT Have time off practice today so figured I'd do this. Will be around for 3-4 hours. Proof http://imgur.com/a/9BJhX Edit: I've reached the point where answering all the new questions and refreshing doesn't give me any more questions so I'll head off to bed and answer a few on phone. Sorry for short answers, tried to get to everyone equally. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Kayn has a pretty big clarity issue Posted: 17 Jul 2017 08:52 AM PDT When ulting someone as Kayn while you have Guardian Angel's passive up, the person you are ulting has the visual effect of Guardian Angel. This is pretty disorienting as it makes you think mid-fight if their GA came back or something. It will even happen if the person you're ulting doesn't even own GA. Here is some video evidence of this interaction below. http://plays.tv/video/596cdcb4f0cfac3f6e/weird-kayn-ga-ult-interaction [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Support player, IMT Olleh hits Rank 1 Posted: 17 Jul 2017 12:05 AM PDT https://twitter.com/JJOOSUNG/status/886842885571616768 IMT Olleh has just hit rank one as a support main at 1176 LP surpassing Licorice with a 58% win rate and a 73% win rate on his most played champ (Thresh). Not many support players have hit rank one on the NA server so it is quite impressive to see IMT Olleh hit it. His OP.GG: https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=humblediligent [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 17 Jul 2017 08:52 AM PDT
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Why Annie is better than every other champion, explained alphabetically. Posted: 17 Jul 2017 03:54 AM PDT As every challenger player knows, Annie is currently the strongest champion in the game right now. Offering extreme burst, big stuns, and the kind of childlike optimism that's sure to carry your team to victory. Unfortunately, the bronze/silver scrubs on this subreddit seem convinced that champions like Orianna and Syndra are "Broken," completely overlooking The Dark Chid. I'm going to break down why Annie is better than every other champion in the game regardless of role, so all of you can start abusing her in your ranked games to reach challenger. Aatrox – He only has single target damage, as opposed Annie's ability to smash down entire teams with the press of one button. Ahri – Skillshots? What are those? Akali – Akali needs two weapons to be effective. Annie doesn't need anything but the moral support of her best friend Tibbers. Alistar – Alistar may have tons of CC, but he can't instantly delete you off the face of the earth with one item. Amumu – He's a real sadsack. Annie just needs a few matches to light up the party. Anivia – Fire beats ice. Ashe – FIRE BEATS ICE. Aurelion Sol – As much sass as he has, Aurelion is way too jaded. Where's his teddy bear? Azir – He just won't shut up about Shurima. Did you know that Annie is from Noxus? No. Because she's modest about where she came from. She never talks about it. Bard – OooO oOOo oOOooo OooOOoOO OOOOOOo? OooO. Blitzcrank – The time of man may be coming to an end, but Annie is no man. Brand – Sure, buddy. You may have more fire at your disposal than The Dark Child, but you look like you came out of a Mad Max/Magic Mike crossover. Put on a shirt, dude. And some skin. Braum – It's scientific fact that Braum's moustache is the source of his power. Those burn off easy. Caitlyn – There's not a hat in Piltover big enough to save you from Annie's one-shot. Camille – You may be thicc, but Tibbers is thiccer. Cassiopeia – At least Annie can put on boots. Cho'Gath – The guy just keeps putting on weight, getting bigger and bigger. Annie's in perfect shape. Corki – Mid lane? Bot lane? Doesn't matter. Unless you're going full MR tank Corki, you ain't nothin' but a whiskey delta. Darius – You may be scary, but when stun-ready Annie is walking towards your ADC, go ahead and ask them who the more dangerous Noxian is. Diana – You're making this one-shot thing way too complicated, honey. Dr. Mundo – She may not be able to kill you, but even TIBBERS is more likely to get a medical degree. Draven – You think YOU'RE the Noxian executioner? Annie has 25 Mejai's stacks. Ekko - Annie was oneshotting entire teams at half your age with half the effort. Git gud. Elise – What, you have to switch between forms and weave together abilities to kill a carry? That's too many buttons. Chill. Evelynn – A real assassin doesn't need passive invisibility. Ezreal – He was so busy kissing Shyvana's leg that he didn't notice his winrate fall into the gutter this season. Fiddlesticks – A scarecrow? Dry hay makes for a quick firestarter. Fiora – For Annie, your whole hitbox is a vital. Fizz – Put on some clothes. Galio – The old you was better. Gangplank – Beard smells like old oranges. No thanks. Garen – Annie was hiding in bushes and killing carries before it was cool. Gnar – You may be cute, but Annie is just as cute, and she knows how to speak. Gragas – He needs help. Graves – Smokescreen? Silly Graves. Annie doesn't need to see you to kill you. Hecarim – Turns out that when you stun him, he's useless. Can't outrun a Q, buddy. Heimerdinger – People call you Donger. Donger. Seriously. Why do you let them do that? It's demeaning. Illaoi – Get those tentacles away from this pure little girl. Irelia – Balance? Annie doesn't know the meaning of the word. Ivern – Time to start a forest fire. Janna – The ultimate peeling is murder. Annie support is better. Jarvan IV – Your name is Jarvan. That's a dumb name. Plain and simple. Jax – Even if you had a real weapon, you couldn't come close to The Dark Child. Jayce – One hammer, two modes, zero chance of survival in a duel with Annie. Jhin – Annie had 4 charges before you did, loser. Jinx – You're dangerous and a bad influence. Get out of here. Kalista – Kiting? You're spelling "Killing" wrong. Karma – You don't even have an ultimate, just an extremely annoying Q every 20 seconds. Karthus – You're dead, so I'm pretty sure you're disqualified. Kassadin – You don't have an ultimate, either. Just a shitty blink. Katarina – Too edgy. Kayle – You're literally only useful when you're ulting a Master Yi in Duo Q. Kayn – You haven't been out for very long, but everyone sucks at you right now, so that'll have to be enough evidence. Kennen – You don't know whether you want to be AD or AP, and that kind of mistaken identity is disastrous. Kha'Zix – See Evelyn. You're just her, but shittier. Kindred – Try to ult as fast as Annie can kill you. I dare you. Kled – Two health bars? So what? Annie can wreck 'em both. Fried lizard, baby. Kog'Maw – This dog is no fun to play with. He spits acid. LeBlanc – Killing you is, like, 95% of what Annie does. Lee Sin – Insert blind joke. Leona – Annie is just a little girl, and is therefore exempt from the brutal fucking you give every squishy on the rift. Lissandra – After convening with the council of Annie's, we've decided to uphold our decision that fire does, in fact, beat ice. Lucian – You couldn't save your wife from a support. How are you going to save yourself from a fed mid laner? Lulu – That squirrel looks familiar… Oh, right. Because Annie burnt it alive. Lux – Can't sidestep Annie's ultimate, buddy. Malphite – You're a walking nose. Malzahar – Annie is actually still a champion without her ultimate, so... No contest. Maokai – See Ivern. Master Yi – Your goggles look stupid. Miss Fortune – How do you even WALK? Mordekaiser – You may hurt at melee range, but you're not getting that close. Morgana – Skillshots?????? What???? Nami – Fried fish sounds great. Nasus – Bears are cuter than dogs. Checkmate. Nautilus – Doesn't even have a face. Disqualified. Nidalee – If you land a spear from halfway across the map, MAYBE you'll do as much damage as one of Annie's Q's. Nocturne – You can only block one spell with that shield. Better make it count, because she's got two more one-shots ready. Nunu – Yeti fur? Sounds flammable. Olaf – Your ult makes you immune to crowd control, except the greatest crowd control of them all: Death. Orianna – Tibbers is a whole lot cuter than your metal ball. Pantheon – You block auto-attacks, huh? Cute. Poppy – Even a little girl could tell that she's the hero. Poppy's way too slow. Quinn – There's something weird going on between her and that bird. Rakan – All of Annie's CC, none of her damage. Yawn. Rammus – Not ok. Rek'sai – Needed to have her ult changed to fit her playstyle. Tibbers, however, never goes out of style. Renekton – You know, I hear they cook alligators in Florida. I wonder if they'll like crocodiles… Rengar – Bad kitty. You don't know how to play nice. Riven – Too complicated. Stay away. Rumble – Ripped off his Q from Annie's W, except it's a lame DoT. Ryze – 40% winrate. Sejuani – Ice. Fire. You get it. Shaco – Clowns are gross and bad. Shen – Says he's a ninja, but he's a tank. Tanking is the least ninja thing that could ever exist. Shyvana – Your ability, Flame Breath, is absolute bullshit. It does no damage. That's not how you're supposed to use fire. Singed – Disgusting. Not even going to humor this… Thing. Sion – It's extraordinarily rude that you make Annie kill you twice. Sivir – See Nocturne. Skarner – People get to walk away when you're finished ulting them, and frankly that's disgusting. Sona – It's amazing that you can be this annoying without ever saying a word. At least Annie talks to you while she chunks your health bar. Soraka – I hear grilled bananas are delicious. Swain – Damage over time? Sounds cowardly. Annie knows how to frontload the pain. Syndra – Your Q+E combo seems suspiciously like a skillshot, and this scares and confuses me. Tahm Kench – See Nami. Taliyah – Your wall trick is cute, but it's just unnecessary. Your ult does no damage, and is therefore useless. Talon – Annie would respect your ability to murder people in 2 seconds flat, but you just use knives, which is pretty lame. Taric – Have fun stacking armor against Annie. Teemo – A blind? That's cute. Thresh – When you hook Annie, all you're doing is saving her a flash for her flash tibbers combo. Tristana – You're cute, but you're still an ADC, so you're Annie's sworn enemy. Trundle – Troll pick. Tryndamere – Your ability to not die immediately is terrifying and an abomination against nature. Twisted Fate – You can try to ult away all you want. You're just giving Annie an easy target. Twitch – Does someone smell rat fur burning? Udyr – Four forms, none of them can save you from Annie's burst. Urgot – Your rework isn't out yet, but it's still ugly, so… Pass. Varus – Too edgy. Vayne – TOO EDGY. Veigar – Q is s skillshot. Unplayable. Vel'koz – Q is actually two skillshots in one ability, which makes me physically sick. Vi – You get that fist away from this little girl right this instant. Fisting is not appropriate. Viktor – He has a weird metal arm on him that looks incredibly silly. Vladimir – More than half of your lines are puns. Volibear – Furry (A bear, which is bonus points.) Warwick – Furry (Not a bear) Wukong – Furry (Not a bear) Xayah – Furry (Not a bear) Xerath – Look at your dance. No, seriously, I want everyone reading this to stop what they're doing and load up a custom game to watch Xerath dance. Take a good, long look. It's the worst thing anyone has ever seen. It looks like he's being godtrashed. Like he's fragmenting reality itself. It's unnatural and bad. Xin Zhao – Your ponytail is ridiculous. Yasuo – Can't windwall Annie's W or ultimate. He's nothing. Yorick – Creepy old man always talking to himself about a maiden. Not an appropriate friend for a little girl. Zac – Too gooey. Zed – You're a better ninja than Shen, but Zhonya's still makes a joke out of you. Zzz. Ziggs – You know you're lame when people have to play you bot lane to make you momentarily relevant. Zilean – Wrinkly old man needs to get away from this little girl. Zyra – See Illaoi. I hope this comprehensive list has showed you the error of your ways for maining a champion that isn't Annie. If you're an Annie player already, I hope you've enjoyed being told what you already know. Otherwise, I look forward to your inevitable acceptance of the truth, and reformation into an Annie one trick. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
It would be nice if we had daily/weekly "quests" which results as IP rewards. Posted: 17 Jul 2017 06:08 AM PDT I kinda like compendium from dota2 idea of rewarding players with doing quests. In league it could look like:
You got the idea. This would be extremely useful for new players who need to learn game mechanics, champions and their abilities, last hitting and so on... EDIT: Maybe instead of IP key fragments/chests would be good option, if not better even. It would reset weekly/monthly, depends on quests and rewards. Quests could/would change with every reset.
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How teams use delayed lane swaps to get first turret Posted: 17 Jul 2017 10:55 AM PDT
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I made a skin concept for Vi "Boxer Vi" Posted: 17 Jul 2017 06:44 AM PDT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
QT takes Dardoch on a ride with Darshan Posted: 17 Jul 2017 11:20 AM PDT That shit was hilarious to watch, Maokai's W travelling with the thresh lantern [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[x-post] Let's workshop a better Kayn E tooltip Posted: 17 Jul 2017 03:08 PM PDT (Cross-post from /r/KaynMains) Hi friends! I'm the gameplay designer who worked on Kayn and I wrote the current tooltip (with plenty of input from others, but it's my confusing word salad in the end of the day). I want to create a better version of it, and I'd love your help! First of all, to set constraints: we're not talking about changing the way the E works. We're very happy with what it does in the game. Now, here's my full, way too verbose description of what goes on with the E (focusing on durations). I'm going to use Shadow Assassin Kayn as the example here because he is the more complex case. For base and Darkin, ignore everything to do with higher MS and slow immunity. So the moment you press the button, you get the baseline MS (40%) and slow immunity, if you're Shadow Assassin. If at this point you are in combat, the duration is set to 1.5s. If not, the duration is set to 5-9s (by rank). The moment you enter a wall for the first time, we set your MS buff to the higher MS (70%). Every 0.25s we check how long it has been since you were last in a wall. If at any point we find that it's been 1.5s or more since you've last been in a wall, we drop the effect entirely. If at any point you enter combat (as always, with champions), we set your remaining E duration to the lower value between current remaining duration and 1.5s (so we cut it down to 1.5s if you were above that, and don't touch it if you were below that). Here's the tooltip that went live:
So obviously this is a mess. It lies about Assassin Kayn getting slow immunity outside of walls (which he DOES but the tooltip makes it sound like he doesn't), it lies about the additional MS persisting after leaving walls (which it DOES, but the tooltip makes it sound like it doesn't). Here is my proposed new version:
What do you think? How could this be clearer? [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 17 Jul 2017 08:43 AM PDT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PBE Mundo can kill himself and proc keystones Posted: 17 Jul 2017 08:52 AM PDT
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Posted: 17 Jul 2017 08:31 AM PDT
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LCS WEEK 6 FUNNY/FAIL MOMENTS - 2017 Summer Split Posted: 17 Jul 2017 05:55 AM PDT
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Major Vel'Koz bug involving his Q slow and Warlord's Bloodlust mastery. Posted: 17 Jul 2017 12:37 PM PDT Having been gone for a couple weeks I haven't been able to play league so I'm not sure what patch this bug came into play, but as of Patch 7.13 and 7.14 Vel'koz's Q won't slow champions at all when they're hit during a Warlords proc, and sometimes it just doesn't slow them at all even if they're not procing it and just have the mastery. https://plays.tv/s/LLoF7vejwXuF In This first clip you can see that Jhin procs the Warlord's and is able to escape my e w combo, also note in the clip that same q hits Annie and is able to slow her. My second q in the clip does manage to slow him but he's not procing Warlord's. https://plays.tv/s/LLoFuNWMHkt3 In this second clip I think its very important to note that my q doesn't slow Jhin but he doesn't even proc the mastery just having the mastery is enough for the bug to occasionally occur randomly. This is a major bug for Vel'Koz as his Q slow is arguably one of the most important aspects of his kit, he uses it so set up just about every combo he can do. With this bug existing it makes playing Vel'Koz highly inconsistent in your play making ability. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Remove "unique" from League of Legends, what becomes the strongest item(s)? Posted: 17 Jul 2017 11:45 AM PDT As title states, if there was no word "unique" in League what items would become simply overpowered? [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LCS Rookie CLG Omargod: 'I think if I didn't go to scouting grounds, I would still be in school' Posted: 17 Jul 2017 12:13 PM PDT
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Shouldn't Mundo's E - Masochism and R - Sadism have their names swapped? Posted: 17 Jul 2017 02:17 AM PDT Since Sadism is enjoying hurting others, it makes sense for his E to be called Sadism since Mundo headbutts enemies and increases his AD. Since Masochism is enjoying being in pain, it makes sense for his R to be called Masochism since he cuts 20% of his current health. Thoughts? ¯_(ツ)_/¯ [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Greatest League Talkshow (GLT) - Episode 6.2 Posted: 17 Jul 2017 10:24 AM PDT
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Posted: 17 Jul 2017 03:20 PM PDT /u/RiotMeddler just tweeted this out
You all got what you wanted, a duskblade hotfix [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 16 Jul 2017 10:07 PM PDT I've played Talon and the damage hits like a truck, but Jhin is also 3-shotting people right now (we don't need Draven 2.0). Who needs Youmuu's for speed when you've got a 99% slow? Duskblade is hella outshining the other lethality items and is singlehandedly bringing back a lethality-abusing champ meta. NOTE: I'm not suggesting that lethality as a whole is OP. I like what they did with the stat... it's just Duskblade is overtuned right now. Also [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
EC Global Power Rankings week 7 Posted: 17 Jul 2017 10:00 AM PDT
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EBL- First profesional Esport league on Balkan will include LoL and CS:GO with 120000€ prize pool Posted: 17 Jul 2017 04:59 AM PDT This is huge for this part of Europe, and i am very excited. More on http://balkanesports.com/en/ . [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Team SoloMid vs. Team Liquid / NA LCS 2017 Summer - Week 6 / Post-Match Discussion Posted: 16 Jul 2017 04:53 PM PDT NA LCS 2017 SUMMEROfficial page | EsportsWikis | Live Discussion | /r/LoLeventVoDs/ | New to LoL Team SoloMid 2-0 Team LiquidTSM | Wiki Page | Best.gg | Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Subreddit MATCH 1: TSM vs TLWinner: Team SoloMid in 34m | MVP: Bjergsen
MATCH 2: TL vs TSMWinner: Team SoloMid in 39m | MVP: Doublelift
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