Diablo - Diablo II Soundtrack on Spotify

Diablo II Soundtrack on Spotify

Posted: 06 Jul 2017 09:30 AM PDT

2.6 Hotfixes LIVE

Posted: 06 Jul 2017 05:42 PM PDT

Nothing will be done about the level 140+ gems that people illegitimately acquired with exploit.

Posted: 06 Jul 2017 06:04 PM PDT

With the addition of the two new blue posts, which you can read here and here, it seems to be that exploiting players will be able to keep their exploited gem levels, which would be impossible to obtain legitimately.

NS-players don't care about leaderboards until the very end when season is about to end for the final push. The leaderboard wipe actually did NS-exploiters a favor by getting rid of all the exploited crap, so they can use their exploited gems to push. Leaderboard wipe actually did NS players a favor.

How are players allowed to keep exploited gems? That's what this entire exploit was ABOUT. It was solely used to make high level gems that you otherwise couldn't. If you were smart and used the exploit correctly, you should have 135+ gems.

Congratulations on being able to keep your gems. As far as I'm concerned, this hot-fix did nothing but wipe the leaderboard so they can all use their exploited gems to get levels again.

R.I.P. Non-Season.

submitted by /u/NestleOverlords
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Non-season leaderboard wipe INC. Ban-waves? Too much work.

Posted: 06 Jul 2017 06:02 PM PDT

Legendary gems need to function like Kanai's cube.

Posted: 06 Jul 2017 09:16 PM PDT

Think how great it would be if we went to little locker by Covetous Shen and all we had to do is select our three gems. No more stash cluttered with gems (often multiple copies). No more having to shunt gems from one character to another. No more having to scrounge through your characters trying to find that one Esoteric Alteration you have leveled to a decent level. It would be like paradise...

(just make it do an empty socket check on jewelry or head/weapon where applicable before equipping)

EDIT: I thought of one minor issue with this, Caldesan's Despair. But I think that could be easily worked around by creating an item that behaves gems do now, ie not placed into Shen's Locker. An item that can be leveled as gems currently are and then used in Kanai's Cube. I mean lets face it, no one is sacrificing useful gems in the cube anyway, it's always something like Iceblink.

EDIT 2: Upon further thought, you would also need to exclude Gem of ease and possibly the Red Soul Stone and just have the locker apply to gems that only go in jewelry. Another thought is to just add gems as a tab in Kanai's Cube...since probably 75%+ of the code is already in there, just needs a UI. And after all, Legendary gems are just legendary affixes.

submitted by /u/Marius_de_Romanus
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Diablo 3 - I want a lazy pet build for S11

Posted: 06 Jul 2017 07:13 AM PDT

Im tired of rolling wiz and firebat WD (im returning for the first time since like s8 or 9 if you cant tell).

Necro doesn't seem like it will have a lazy pet build, although im hopeful for the blood set summoner variants.

How high do the WD pet builds get in GRs these days? Back when people used the 3 garg build it used to easily do 70-85 range but after that it got difficult.

submitted by /u/Belile254
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Now that's a proper number of skeletons!

Posted: 06 Jul 2017 06:13 PM PDT


Unfortunately they are expectedly buggy. they would follow me around but not through waypoints or "doors," and they did not attack enemies.

submitted by /u/misho1721
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Hello guys, I tested around hotfix for rathma and if anyone is intrested I added little of the results to bottom of this.

Posted: 06 Jul 2017 09:36 PM PDT

My idea to fix the overlevelled gems due to the bug/exploit.

Posted: 06 Jul 2017 10:15 PM PDT

OK first of all, no bans. The players literally used the games skills and didn't hack or "break" the code. (and before anyone asks, no, I didn't use it)

Blizzard should review the highest gem levels from the last backup before 2.6. Then revert any gems greater than that level to that level. Yes, I'm sure some people will get some undeserved levels, but the truly out of whack ones can be removed.

submitted by /u/Marius_de_Romanus
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If Diablo 2 Remaster is in the works, would you change anything?

Posted: 06 Jul 2017 11:35 AM PDT

I am greatly looking forward to a D2 remaster, and in playing D2 again I'm reminded why. I love this game. I struggle with the idea of anything changing in the remaster. However, I would only change two things, and I honestly can't see the downsides to them if trading remains as it is.

  1. Auto gold pick up. I also love D3, and in going back, this is just painful. If we leave the gold caps already in place, I don't see any negative consequences.

  2. Instanced loot. Holy shit guys. I love D2, everything about D2 makes it what it is and is beautiful, but this. It's part of the games character but I just cannot believe how archaic this feels now. It's awful. However, definitely not smart loot. Only instanced loot, so that you don't have to fight everyone for drops in multiplayer and everyone doesn't stop attacking the boss at the last sliver of health to crowd it and click like madmen.

That is all I would change. I can imagine people will disagree, and I want to hear everyone's ideas!

submitted by /u/Pyrothei
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What's your opinion on the most fun current class and build

Posted: 06 Jul 2017 05:32 PM PDT

I'm not looking to hit any kind of rank or leaderboard or anything. I just want to work toward a set and have a hell of a good time. What, in your opinion, is the MOST FUN build out there? If it can do decently on gRifts, even better. Thanks!

submitted by /u/LordAutumnBottom
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Army of the Dead TXIII Rathma SpeedBuild

Posted: 06 Jul 2017 02:25 PM PDT

[BUG] Wisdom of Calan additional stacks stays after changing item in cube.

Posted: 06 Jul 2017 11:39 AM PDT

I found it by accident while doing bounties solo and decided to open game to public - my Unity didn't work, so I've teleported back to town to change item for Wisdom of Calan (legendary amulet that gives additional 5 stacks for Bone Armor). I haven't seen much difference in toughnes, so changed item in cube again and stacks didn't dropped to 10. I was manage to finish all bounties and keep 15 stacks. Not a game breaking bug (you can only use this in rifts and bounties), but still not found during PTR...

submitted by /u/Baronik
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Looking at the top all time posts in r/Diablo, I realized how much truly has changed since the launch of D3.

Posted: 05 Jul 2017 10:53 PM PDT


I bitch when I don't get the drops I want, but I've sunk a ton of time into this game and I wouldn't have without these kinds of updates. Out of all of them, the removal of the AH and the Loot 2.0 change was the biggest, I think.

submitted by /u/Oddity83
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Does anyone know if Scythe of the Cycle damage bonus works with the Blood Nova from Iron Rose?

Posted: 06 Jul 2017 10:44 PM PDT

Paragon 862 GR95 Blood Lance!

Posted: 06 Jul 2017 02:21 AM PDT

anyone farming rainbow goblin these days?

Posted: 06 Jul 2017 06:10 PM PDT

Or are there any chat groups I can join to help hunt?

submitted by /u/sonictech170
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Questions about challenge rifts

Posted: 06 Jul 2017 05:58 PM PDT

  1. Is there a way to view how many challenge rifts I have done?
  2. Is there any visual indicator that a new challenge rift is out other than directly checking it in the menus?
  3. Is the reward always statically going to contain the same act mats?

Thanks guys!


  1. Why is there 2, 3, and 4 player options?
submitted by /u/Rain1622
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Anyone seen a cool Bone Spear build?

Posted: 06 Jul 2017 07:48 AM PDT

I just got an ancient 2H Scythe that boosts bone spear damage. I've looked around to see what people have theory crafted on Icy Veins and other websites and haven't found much. I'm only at GR40 and Paragon 200, but what skill, gems, or items are people running with bone spear?

Currently I'm using the Blighted Marrow rune, with the essence of Johan Amulet and it seems to work really well. Clump up enemies, deal area damage, and hit the back minions like a truck.

I loved bone spear in D2 and would like to try to make a build around this skill.

submitted by /u/Tipakee
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Mirinae itself isn't getting "nerfed", its the Inarius 6pc proc coefficient that is getting reduced from '1'.

Posted: 06 Jul 2017 03:20 AM PDT

**EDIT: Hotfix NOT live. Proc Coefficient still 1+

So the change will affect a ton of other procs that use that coefficient, and not stuff like Pain Enhancer that occurs 100% on crit or Andariel's that is 100% on attack (with an ICD). So whatever the proc coefficient ends up being, its 15% x _% instead of 15% x 1. The 6 pc deals damage every 24 frames or so, so you have ~2.5 chances at 15% per enemy in range of proccing Mirinae right now so it's the most obvious when that changes.

I've been running the Spacebar with physical only speed T13s with just PE/BotT/Hoarder and it works almost as fast, need to hit some more buttons than I'd like tho! (LotD/CE/CL/etc)

submitted by /u/Davlok
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Odd Diablo 1 Crash Situation

Posted: 06 Jul 2017 05:29 PM PDT

So I've been playing old Diablo 1 (+ Hellfire) on my desktop for some weeks, and I felt like taking the game with me. I attempted to install Diablo 1 on my laptop.

Despite having the same operating system, the laptop refuses to run the application properly. The crash occurs after the opening cinematics finish. The Diablo logo + flames begin to loop vertically across the screen, before crashing seconds later.

I've searched the net for this type of issue but failed to see it mentioned anywhere. I found that I have this issue regardless of what version or patch I have installed. Even base game 1.0 crashes at the logo loop.

I have a hunch that my GPU is whats causing the problems, but I'd like perhaps more 'expert' opinions on what could be happening.

Laptop System

  • MacBook Pro 17 in.
  • Windows 7 Ultimate x64
  • Intel Core i7-2820QM @ 2.3Ghz
  • AMD Radeon HD 6750M
  • 8Gb RAM

P.S. I am aware of the Diablo 1 HD mod (Belzebub) and have that installed, but I wanted to experience Hellfire vanilla game.

EDIT: I can attempt to record the screen doing the logo loop if that would help explain the issue...

submitted by /u/fractalwizz
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Diablo 3 Necromancer Tragoul's Blood Army Build Guide - Revive summoner build

Posted: 06 Jul 2017 09:09 PM PDT

Diablo 3 Rathma Army Of The Damned Necromancer GR Solo Build 2.6.0

Posted: 06 Jul 2017 09:07 PM PDT

GLOBEamancer Build

Posted: 06 Jul 2017 01:02 PM PDT

I have posted this in all the mediums I know and trying to perfect the build, but need some input as there are various iterations of this and folks way smarter than me. Lay it on me with your critiques:

Thanks in advance!




submitted by /u/_p0o_
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