DayZ - PSA: You can engage in global text chat while connected to the radio.

PSA: You can engage in global text chat while connected to the radio.

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 07:53 PM PDT

I didn't realize this until I was on DUG the other night and saw some text in the corner. I thought someone was stalking me, but it turns out you can text chat over the radio.

submitted by /u/wolfgeist
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Radio Contact

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 01:45 AM PDT

Recently I've been trying to make a video. Based primarily on using walkie talkies to make contact then see where things go. I've had very little luck. Until I managed to talk to someone who agreed to meet up. Obviously it was a bit tense We got talking. Turns out he's from the same village as me in the Uk which has about 1000 people population. This game continues to blow my mind or this is some messed up truman show :)

submitted by /u/JHandz
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Arrow in Arrow x3! Bow shooting contest with a rodeo clown hiding behind a pan from 20m. One archer went full on robin hood.

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 08:36 PM PDT

Dayz New "Procedural Old Road" Model(Development)

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 02:32 PM PDT

I was looting some deep north towns and found this. Never found one at a heli but I found one in a house XD

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 06:27 PM PDT

Don't you dare to eat my apples!

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 11:33 AM PDT

What's the longest, or best life you've had in DayZ?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 08:24 AM PDT

Sititng here on 72 hours of the same character being alive in my 12 tent base with an SVD, FAL, UMP45 and others, plus 10 kills and 6 hold-ups to my name, this is easily the longest I've been alive and the most fun I've had playing DayZ in 500 hours of playtime.

I'm interested to know what's the longest you other survivors have stayed alive, or stories about your best lives whilst playing.

submitted by /u/jeckyy_
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Gun butt hitting

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 06:11 AM PDT

Is that coming in a patch? I know they are redoing the animations but are we getting the ability to use the guns as weapons even with no ammo?

submitted by /u/smellbadda
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Battleye issue

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 04:59 AM PDT

I've looked around different post but cannot find a solution. So if you have advice on how to fix this it would be great!

I took a break from dayz for a little while and recently wanted to come back after the latest update. Once i load up the game and jump in a server i run around for about 20 seconds or so then i will get kicked back to the menu and a message pops up that says ive been "kicked from the server battleye is not responding"

I have tried.. - verifying my cache. - deleting my battleye folder in the dayz files then verifying cache again. - re installed the game - allowed dayz and battleye through windows defender - updated my modems firmware

I still cant play the game for more than 20 seconds before being kicked. Anyone experienced soemthing similar or know of a solution? I just wanna play the game but can not work out this issue... Any help greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/RaisedByWolves9
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If only playing dayz SA what processor-gpu or better settings would give steady 60+fps?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 04:39 AM PDT

Ok so I am a middle aged man who works long hours, I used to game on console a lot before the last 2 issues got in the way. My son introduced me to Dayz and I watched many many hours of video before getting hold of a Lenovo laptop that has a nvidia 940mx and an i7 processor. It is reasonably stable but I get best results at 720p and the graphics look like a PS3 game with between 20-40 fps with a few peaks and troughs above and below depending on location and if it is raining. I am prepared to spend some money on a desktop but I will only be playing dayz and reading a few forums I get the impression I don't need a high spec cpu and a 1060 would be enough to make my eyes water on a 1080p monitor? So the question is whether my laptop can get to a stable 60fps or how little I need to spend to get a set up for a single game? I have the peripherals including a good monitor and will get a legit windows10 for any new pc.

Thanks for any help

submitted by /u/Buddha0m
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"I walk a lonely road..."

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 02:40 PM PDT

Just Switched to an SSD

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 01:21 PM PDT

100% worth it, the difference between HDD and an SSD is incredible.

submitted by /u/SideHug
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How to make a suppressor?

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 06:03 PM PDT

Hey guys, are you able to make an improvised suppressor and if so how? Any help is appreciated.

submitted by /u/toot6788
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AE3 Mod

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 10:58 AM PDT

I would LOVE to see something like the in depth medical system in AE3 for Arma3. As someone in the medical field they got it pretty spot on. Having different types of injuries, from contusion/abrasions to puncture/lacerations, along with the medical tools to treat them are awesome. Packing bandages and quick clot. It'd be beautiful to see in dayz and would tie in nicely with the soft skills system. Thoughts?

submitted by /u/Muppetchristmas
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Karma repeats itself three times for me and base raiders.

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 09:16 PM PDT

SVEN - making friends in DayZ

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 12:01 PM PDT

How do the Zombies work currently?

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 07:09 PM PDT

I know the zombies are on a dynamic spawn system, but how do they work exactly? Do they only spawn if there is a player nearby? Are there always zombies in cities but more can spawn if there are a lot of players nearby? Anyone have a lot of experience with this and can explain some of the details? Can the presence of zombies tell if you players are around?

submitted by /u/paradox242
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I just downloaded steam on my macbook air. If I buy Dayz will i be able to play? it has a windows sign by it

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 04:39 PM PDT

Held Captive

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 10:13 AM PDT

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