DayZ - Made my first DayZ background.. hope you like it :)

Made my first DayZ background.. hope you like it :)

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 04:54 PM PDT

Thank you Bohemia

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 06:13 PM PDT

just want to say, i really love dayz, although people hate really alot on this game. for me, personally, its the freagging best hardcore-survivalgame ever. 2 years im playing it now. and 1000 hours of fun, scary moments, heartpumping moments, and alot more. i tried h1zh1. miscreated...but they are all really crappy (in my opinion). in dayz you have: broken legs/arms, getting unconscious, bleeding, hunger,thirst, and so many things i dont want to mention now ( cuz it would take many lines xD) although i dont think, the devs way was the best, i think, they do a freagging great job on making new content/getting the new engine into game. I still think its so funny, that a game, in his genre, got so many hates, but got still no real competitor in points of realism, atmosphere, and generous gameplay. i could write hundreds of words now, why i love dayz, but last thing id just want to say is: Im waiting patient (as always) for the patch .63/// and will hope my wet survivorfanboy-dreams will come true

submitted by /u/Alistair86
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Blinktactics name change + uploading again!

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 07:41 AM PDT

My Best Game Of Mini DAYZ So Far

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 07:37 PM PDT

The Western Escapade - DayZ Standalone 0.62

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 07:27 AM PDT

Suppressor NATO?

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 04:02 AM PDT

Where does it spawn? Is it even in the game? Anyone found it yet?

submitted by /u/Jasa004
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I suspect there is a new duping method (server crashing)

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 07:42 AM PDT

I'm trying my best to play on Gents of Novo, the NA server, and the last hour its been crashing every couple minutes, at least 10 times so far. It seems to be the same pattern as a group getting their dupe session in on the server. Anyone have a way to get in touch with the admins?

submitted by /u/ThorstenTheViking
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DayZ SA or DayZ mod?

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 06:33 AM PDT

As the title suggests, which one should I play? It'll be my first experience so I don't know much about it. Also which one is the most active?

submitted by /u/mrsb98
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Zombie 1 Hit Slap Death

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 08:39 PM PDT

Okay, so my most hated type of zombie just came up to me with one Ric Flair slap and my character instantly fell on the ground and died. I was all decked out in military loot too.

Wtf? Why does this happen? My guy was pretty healthy.

submitted by /u/fatandhilarious
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Clothing Idea

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 01:58 AM PDT

I thought that the clothing in DayZ needs some variety. Of course if they ever take these into consideration, do it after the beta comes out but it would be cool to see.

I think that more items should be attachable to other pieces of clothing. For example, attaching a headlamp to a hardhat or some other hats. Maybe having a leg holster for a gun, or a belt holster for a knife. What do you think?

submitted by /u/Sobelek11
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Anyone else do this.. you have intentions of being bad but end up being nice?

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 09:03 AM PDT

I do this every damn time.. I run around find some stuff and get killed by someone.. I think ok screw this gear farmville crap, I'm just gonna go find a gun and start killing everyone I see..

So you get your gun head out looking for someone to kill.. Then every damn time it's some bambi with almost no gear worth killing him over so you just let him go..and next thing you know your back to gear farmville..

submitted by /u/crockett5
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2d trees wtf help plz

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 06:22 PM PDT

Since about a week ago trees and bushes stay in 2D until very close to me. I have to run objects on very high to basically make them render at the distance they used to render at. I just don't get it. And its not .62 I had put several hours into it with no prob.

Anyone else have this prob can I edit something in notepad to force render bushes and trees to render further its annoying af. And dont understand why over night I can't run my norm settings..

submitted by /u/T4lkinghands
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Trust as a Constant - 1PP - Risking it all, Despite it all.

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 09:08 AM PDT

Why I think PUBG is a good thing for DayZ...

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 12:22 PM PDT

PUBG is a fast, match based game, you rush towards the loot, you try to stay alive. Matches take about 15-20mins or so. That caters to a large part of the old DayZ hardcore pvp'ers in the community. So they will be playing that game. I remember where there was a point that the community was divided between survival <-> hardcore pvp (KOS) type of gameplay. Both games will have their own audiences. There is also no interaction between the players other than killing eachother. In PUBG you will never say "are you friendly??" for example.

Meanwhile, DayZ (at least the base game) will be designed as a slow paced, hardcore survival game. PUBG doesn't have any food or drink mechanics, DayZ will have all that and a lot more. You will be able to talk to eachother, trade your stuff, build bases etc etc. It will be a game that has a lot more to it than what PUBG has to offer. DayZ will go back to its old playerbase I think. So that means (at least at the beginning) we'll have a small, niche community that loves deep mechanics and enticing gameplay.

So the fact that PUBG is now a thing, means that the players that love that kind of gameplay will stay away from DayZ. And hopefully we'll have a better, interactive experience overall. Both games aren't mutually exclusive either, so you can have fun in both games without limits. I know I will!

And finally to the developers of DayZ and Bohemia Interactive: Thank you for staying with your product and developing this awesome game. The dev blogs tell me we have nothing but awesomeness coming. Sorry you have to go through so much negativity, you really don't deserve this imho! So hang in there, good things will come for you once things start falling into place!

submitted by /u/RasmanVS1
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I don't understand the effects of cholera...

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 06:04 PM PDT

I just don't understand what just happened. We could say that the cholera took it in a conscious way, because it would die from dehydration, and came the wolves in the middle of a forest on the lake.

And I said, well, I'll try to fight it. I know the effects it causes and how to minimize them. But to my surprise, being in Medium or Medium Colera, I was standing with little blood, and in theory I was only consuming hydration, besides it was Hot and Stuffed, but without values of hunger or thirst. To which my PJ falls unconscious, without receiving any damage, neither of AI nor another player, was inside a house lying down.

Can anyone explain what happened here? Something has changed?

PD: Obviously in the end I die, but I don't finish understanding as if according to the marker of my PJ, I was not losing blood/second, but only hydration. The states were subject. Ah, I hate global server messages while unconsciousness.

submitted by /u/Whippiin
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Stuff I wish I could see in DayZ

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 10:38 PM PDT

Friendly dogs who will follow you around. Going to the bathroom when needed. Farting. Motocycles and mopeds. Drugs like meth and PCP. Alcohol too.

submitted by /u/fatandhilarious
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JOE JAX - making friends in DayZ

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 12:00 PM PDT

Questions regarding Central Loot Economy?

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 08:31 PM PDT

So I have my own notions of how this works based on various devblogs, etc. but I wanted to ask the greater community about their experience, both because I'm probably wrong in my suppositions, but also because moar data.

There is, obviously, a certain rarity of some commodities. Is this not just in spawn rate, but maximum allowed? Examples: Highly valued rifles, car/military tents, etc.

If I'm not mistaken about the maximum "hard limit" of rarer items, overall, how does the server work out the number available when it rolls what loot will spawn where?

How much is # of items "owned" a factor? Literally in-hand, on a logged in character? In barrel/tent/other long term storage? On a character that went to another server or hasn't logged in for a month? Which factors do, or you think they do, factor into spawn rates?

How much, if any, do you think "over-farming" affects certain areas? Obviously, if someone came through 15 mins. before you, there won't be much to find in certain places, but do you know, or feel, the frequency has a mechanical impact on how much is available in a certain location in the long run?

submitted by /u/Plynceress
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DayZ .62 Sickness?

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 01:31 PM PDT

what's causing the seeminly random sickness all the sudden. I watched 2 of my friends get sick and neither of them have drank any pond water or stuck needles or drank gasoline, they were fine and just randomly got sick out of nowhere. One of them said "their wounds were infected." How do you survive this?

Edit: one of them was from stitching up their wounds with a leather sewing kit lmao, anyway, the other is still unknown how he got sick?

submitted by /u/darkraiusa
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Why does my game restarts when joining a server?

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 11:41 AM PDT

Everytime I join a server, the game will restart, and only then It'll let me join the server. It's always like that since the last stable pacth, and checking the files or reinstalling the game didn't help.

submitted by /u/dimzombie
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