Civilization - When Friday night finally arrives...

When Friday night finally arrives...

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 09:55 AM PDT

How do you get negative amenities from great people?

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 06:06 AM PDT

[CIV:BE] I Made an Alliance with every player, then accidentally started a world war

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 04:42 PM PDT

[Civ V] Gandhi's escape attempt was caught off guard by Uncle Joe.

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 02:56 AM PDT

Civ 6 is a really good game

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 06:06 AM PDT

However I'm coming from Civ Rev and this is my first desktop Civ ;) anyone wanna complain about it and point out what's wrong with it to me because the only thing that pisses me off so far is barbs

submitted by /u/Ayylmao280
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Well this is awkward

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 12:06 AM PDT

There's always at least one...

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 12:24 PM PDT

Why haven't I won a religious victory yet?

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 12:02 PM PDT

Surely the richest man on Earth could lend me a penny?

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 08:10 PM PDT

We were playing with my friend last night, and his game got corrupted, here is a screenshot he sent.

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 07:28 AM PDT

Civilization V In a Nutshell

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 04:17 PM PDT

(Civ6) [Strategy/Data gathering] Intercepting Nukes: How, and How Likely

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 02:35 PM PDT

Hi all,

While playing a heated Modern Era multiplayer game with friends in the base game (no mods), we of course have found ourselves reliant on nukes for warfare. It's no secret that nukes in civ6 are quite strong.

However, we're struggling at estimating the probabilities of nukes being intercepted, and this makes the game a bit hard to play, so we'd like some help from the internets regarding the odds you've seen, or if people have gathered relevant data on this.

Defense against nukes, from what we understand/read online, is the same as defense against planes (air units). Any unit that has anti-air defense will also give you chances of intercepting nukes, granted that the nuke's destination is withing your unit's anti-air range. Therefore you can use units such as:

-Anti-air gun -SAM infantry -Missile Cruiser -Battleships -Planes and Jets on patrol mode

In order to reduce your chances to get nuked within their range.

From what I understand, thermonuclear nukes, however, have extremely small chances of being intercepted. Has anyone here ever had a Thermonuclear nuke intercepted?

From observations, regarding regular nukes, the different units listed above probably range from around 5% to 60% interception probabilities. It is also one of our assumptions that those percentages stack*; so if you target a tile with a nuke that has three anti-air defenders, then you have to get all 3 of them to fail their interception in order to land the nuke.

What do you think? Does the above seem accurate? Do you have any data or remarks that contradicts it, or would like to add more information relevant to protection against nukes?

*Not by adding the percentages obviously, but by the chance of the nuke landing being the intersection of all the interceptions missing. So if you have 3 units with interception chances 1/2, 1/2 and 1/4, then you probability of landing the nuke is 1/2 * 1/2 * 3/4 = 3/16.

submitted by /u/MaDSci4
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Where to build second city?

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 02:30 PM PDT

Any mods which expand diplomacy? (Civ V)

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 06:07 PM PDT

I've always thought the civ games needed more diplomacy and politics and so I wanted to know if you guys could recommend any well made mods which expand diplomacy/politics in Civ V that make it much more lively and intriguing! I want to do more than just become friends, denounce declare war or trade basic things. I want it to feel like I'm actually engaging in politics and diplomacy!

Please help me out!

submitted by /u/Binch101
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How does everyone feel about Civ VI's districts?

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 05:58 PM PDT

I'm kind of undecided about whether they're a good thing for gameplay overall. What can be done to improve them? What would you look for in an expansion?

submitted by /u/Esham1237
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has 6 been fixed?

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 05:54 PM PDT

Quit playing fast after launch due to the dreadful diplomacy late game lack of AI progression past the ancient fucking era reaching nukes in the 1500s and early game barbarian death walls

Has 6's critical flaws been fixed yet, or should I just play 5 rn instead?

submitted by /u/Rynian
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CIV 6 - Allow player's to customize what their civilization "cares" about.

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 03:05 PM PDT

I like the idea that each of the civilizations in VI have "motives"- it may not be perfect, but, having at least SOME idea of what makes a rival Civ tick is better than NOT having it, IMO. I'd ask that the ability be added during game creation for the PLAYER to also select the two or three (can't remember how many there are- I think two?) things that THEY care about. Just like a rival civ, one is known to the computer right off and the other is "found out" by developing a relationship- and then for those selections to have some form of weighted effect on the computer's decisions.

Yes? No?

submitted by /u/ASDF0716
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Sewers (Civ 6)

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 05:02 PM PDT

So, it strikes me that sewers in Civ 6 are over-priced and under-powered, given the enormous impact that sanitation historically had in improving the quality of life in large cities and in extending life expectancy, etc.

Given their cost relative to neighborhood districts, the +2 housing that they provide pales in comparison to the 2 to 6 housing you can get for building a neighborhood. Yes, you use a tile in building a neighborhood district, but if you've been laying out your city effectively that shouldn't be an issue when you get to the later stages of the game and both become available.

Civ IV had the city health mechanic, which almost guaranteed that you had to build sewers in your cites if you wanted to grow them large. are my ideas. For all of these, building the sewers still provides a +2 housing bonus, but they also work with other mechanics in the game to slow or speed city growth.

1) A hard cap on the number of citizens a city can have, which is abolished when a sewer is built in a city.

2) A soft cap on the number of citizens a city can have, above which city growth is automatically slowed by 50% regardless of the amount of housing available. This might be more realistic, incenting you to build sewers in your cities but still allowing you to bypass it by building neighborhoods at the expense of faster growth.

3) A -1 amenity penalty for cities above, say, size 7 which do not have a sewer.

4) Reduce the amount of housing provided by neighborhoods by 1; however, if a city has built sewers, then all neighborhoods in that city provide +2 housing. So neighborhoods could now provide up to 7 additional housing, if the city center has constructed sewers.

What say you?

submitted by /u/pm1966
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Starting bias can be a real pain sometimes...

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 03:31 PM PDT

I tried a one city challenge on Emperor Difficulty in Civ 6

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 02:57 PM PDT

Hi good peoples of the Civ subreddit,

I've recently completed a Civ 6 Emperor Difficulty One City Challenge and thought that some folks might be interested to see how it turned out.

In summary: Playing as Germany on Emperor Difficulty, I could only have one city. Simple!

Here's a link to the final part.

And if you want to see it from the beginning, here's the first part.

I hope you enjoy and, if you do watch, please let me know where I can get better! I am no expert, far from it, so I'll take any advice thrown at me!

submitted by /u/TheGeekCupboard
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How to Improve 6

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 11:45 AM PDT

I've been playing a lot of Civ6 recently and I couldn't help thinking "this is almost as good as 5". I want to share my ideas of how 6 could be improved and hear some from the rest of the community. Mine are as follows: 1. A greater number of Civilisations 2. Greater variety in Civilisation playstyle (Venice) 3. Take further advantage of the alternate leader bonus system. This could really spice up the game. 4. Bring back the world congress. Diplomacy feels bland without the ability to ban crabs. 5. Add a few Civs and leaders for free. This gives more of an incentive to try 6.

EDIT: 6. Add some of the more popular Civs next. Doesn't feel the same without Egypt, Austria, Korea or the Shosone

submitted by /u/JonathanBloggs
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[Civ 5] Looking for a group to play multyplayer with

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 10:10 AM PDT

all dlc's. Preferable in the evenings, doesnt matter the day

submitted by /u/Guusinator
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Question about the upcoming DLCs

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 06:29 AM PDT

In the upcoming DLCs, we know there will be at least 3 new leaders and 2 new civs. My question is the first one going to be just the 3 leaders/the 2 civs, or will all of it be in a single DLC?

Edit: spelling

submitted by /u/PenguinsFan2841
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