Learn Dota 2 - Where is Gyrocopter?

Where is Gyrocopter?

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 04:13 PM PDT

in TI4 TI5 we saw him in the finals with EG and fear playing him, but recently it feels like I never see him and all I see are other heroes. Is there a hero that does what he does better or something? what am I missing here..

Because I've been copying item builds from the top ranked players in dotabuff and the hero seems like strong semi-carry at the very least least

I have no idea what im doing but i max the stun missles first and get flak cannon last and i always end up doing really well, usually i combo a missle with my ult right after it lands since it does so much damage so early and it results in lots of kills and farming enemy heroes early. i get phase boots into drums and then a sange and yasha and by then im usually killing wave creeps with flak cannon and sitting on 6-7 hero kills.

submitted by /u/LordGabenCommandsIt
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How to deal with Slark when he wasn't destroyed in laning?

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 10:53 AM PDT

Just got demolished by a Slark who went 36-6. How do you deal with and counter this hero when he has a good lane and comes out of it with an SB or almost an SB and starts ganking the crap out of your team? He's hard to lock down on. His Q breaks basically every single stun out there. He has 3 escapes, W/R and SB. What could we have done to avoid this snowball, aside from destroy him in lane (which I was mid minding my own business and unable to leave because DK would just take tower with his ult if I did).

EDIT: Forgot to link the Dotabuff for the match ;D


submitted by /u/Furkman53
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6k+ NA team streaming scrims

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 05:21 PM PDT

Hey guys, NA based team here, we stream scrims almost daily starting at 7EDT and going until we run out of scrim partners or to about midnight. We'd love to get some more viewers on our pos 5 players twitch channel, feel free to come watch, ask questions, and enjoy the stream. www.twitch.tv/lain1234

i can understand the negative sentiment vs streamign scrims but we're currently playing teams that nobody knows and are by no means even close to t1/t2.

when we play vs any somewhat notable team we always turn the stream off to make sure we dont leak strats.

submitted by /u/nadotasfinest
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How To Check This Recent Damage Taken In Replay?

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 01:20 PM PDT

Can anyone analyse my match history and tell me what's going on? I feel I'm doing what I need to do in games yet I just can't seem to win.

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 02:22 PM PDT

Just calibrated, 649.

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 06:17 AM PDT

So, I thought I was going to be somewhere betwen 1k and 2k. Well, seems like i'm alot worse then I thought.

Not looking for coach, just want to know what to practice.


submitted by /u/311william311
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Is it a viable tactic to pull as an offlane?

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 08:09 PM PDT

To deny the enemy carry the gold?

submitted by /u/tryndajax
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Could someone please recommend me some heroes?

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 07:37 PM PDT

I am wanting to branch out my pool as the only real comfort picks I have are mid, so I am looking for 1 hero for each role, bar mid. My 3 favorite heroes are Storm TA and SF.

Any help will be appreciated

submitted by /u/seige7
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Whenever all enemy hero missing, any guide for what to do in this situation? Also, when enemy camp in our jungle, any efficient solution for this?

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 10:38 AM PDT

I need your opinion/suggestions on the idea of Centaur Carry.

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 07:10 PM PDT

I know it -can- work, but I'm trying to figure out how to get it to work, build/skill wise.

submitted by /u/Dekarus
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How do I counter heavy split-pushers?

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 06:45 PM PDT

Something I have noticed when playing against AM is that all he needs to destroy towers quickly is a manta. You leave him unattended next to a tower with a creep wave for 15 seconds, its gone. This is something that they commonly do, especially when they're playing from behind.

Many games I find my team taking an early lead against an AM due to how weak he is at the start, but as soon as we are ready to group up and take the highground, there he is pushing our waves at the other side of the map, taking towers, cutting creeps, forcing a reaction from us. Of course, we have TPs ready but AM is very mobile and can usually get out before any of our TPs even finished. This usually leads to an endless cycle of pushing lanes out, grouping, then going back to react to AM, especially if they have very good highground defense. What decides the match usually comes to who gets the next big item, who lands the biggest ult or who makes a mistake first.

Other than pushing waves in, what are some good ways to counter this? One thing that I find working is only TPing 2-3 heroes with the key spells to pick him off, but this still really delays our push and usually have 2-3 ults down.

submitted by /u/knetic-nrg
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How should I be using ODs ultimate, and teamfight with him in general?

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 06:40 PM PDT

I've been playing a lot of OD lately, and he's super fun, outside those times where he's plinking uselessly at towers or ancient creeps.

Should I skip his ultimate until the mid game? Generally I max out Aura and Imprison early, and keep orb at level 1 so its mana cost stays low enough to avoid draining my mana pool. When I skip the ult I can be 1-4-4 at 9 and have the talent at 10. With the ult at 6, I have to decide between the talent or maxed prison at 10, and they're both amazingly good.

Most of the time, I'm only getting it early if I happen to level up during a chase and need a way to finish off a juking runner.

There are a few examples where I can see it worth getting his ult early. Against WK, Medusa, or CK, being able to open with the burst damage and mana drain could be very effective, but those seem like edge cases, 40% mana drain is rarely effective as far as I can tell. Or should I be getting it early to empty out the mana of the opposing laner?

Once OD's spell maxed, Arcane orb makes his ult crazy powerful, but it does put me into this annoying dilemma. Every orb hit makes the eventual ult do 40 more magic damage (and 80 more if hitting the orb'd target). The funny thing is, by the time I think I have "enough" and drop the hammer, the fight is usually already decided. Should I be using the ult early, weakly nuking and mana draining most of the enemy team, or saving it for last, strongly nuking one fleeing enemy?

How should I use Prison in teamfights? I've come up with a few specific cases, like if there's a lot of blademail, save prison for myself to dodge reflected orb damage, and don't imprison someone with a natural escape or BKB. In crowded fights, what should be my target priority for prison? an enemy disabler/healer/durable/dps? locking down the next target while you're focused on an enemy already? hiding an ally who was targeted by enemy lockdown?

How's the new Agh's? I can't help but feel that the item is effectively a weaker Sheepstick. Or is it preferable over sheepstick?

submitted by /u/Prezombie
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How to gain MMR?

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 05:45 PM PDT

About a year ago, I started ranked, and calibrated to 1K. As of right now, I am 933 MMR. I really need some tips on increasing mmr. In a lot of my games, the enemy team will go all (hard) carries and I keep telling my team to just end, but they generally don't. At other times, my teammates just pick horrible heroes for the situation. Here is a link to my dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/47163060

Thanks for your time in reading this.

submitted by /u/MaxRevenge
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I want to get better playing QoP

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 07:10 AM PDT

So QoP is my favorite hero, but clearly im not that good at her. I was wondering if anyone would watch a replay and help me understand what I should be doing differently.

Match ID: 3326988381 (~2k mmr average in SEA)

A few disclaimers: I know I skipped boots and scream to max blink early, my reasoning was I wanted to be able to outposition their pudge and tusk snowball given any situation or always be able to outrun AM, and id argue that in this game it did pay off. I know in general its a bad decision.

submitted by /u/TheWardenShadowsong
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pre-setting control groups

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 02:37 PM PDT

So control groups are pretty important for dota. Control groups persist between games so it's fairly easy to just get the max number of eidolons or treants and bind them to the groups then never look at it again.

But is there an easy way for me to do this with neutral creeps? If I play enchantress or I buy helm, then I have to set the control groups every time I brainwash the creep. Is there an easy way for me to get every neutral creep bound to a key at once?

submitted by /u/Aretheus
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What are the advanced stuff that an intermediate player should know?

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 02:35 PM PDT

I play LoL so I know what a MOBA is,I also used to play DotA 2 in 2014 but I stopped after two months or so.

I need an explanation for the more in depth stuff like roles,what is the meta of each lane,pulling,stacking,creep blocking etc.

Would be nice if you could contribute a piece of your knowledge here :)

submitted by /u/OriginalName123123
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How can I play core being a support player?

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 02:11 PM PDT

I ABSOLUTELY love playing support, but sometimes I get bored. Whenever I try to play core, I suck so bad that it hurts. I can play a decent support on 4.2k~, but when I try to play core (specially mid), I lose the lane even to the AI. I get bullied hard, miss all the lh and usually lose my lane 90% of the time. I know some fundamentals I have to practise, like lane control, LHitting, etc. But what are the ABSOLUTE essentials I have to know to, at least, stop losing the lane to the bots?

submitted by /u/jsantos-1
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It's been a while...

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 01:52 PM PDT

Hey lads and lasses,

So when the 7.00 update came out, it ended my Dota career if you could call it that. I had racked up around 900hours on the game, and I know that isn't a lot, but for a school kid sitting exams at the time it was. Cutting to the point, I miss Dota. I miss the heroes, I miss the tension, I miss the skill, the knowledge. I miss everything. I thought the update fully ruined the game, and would never give it a second chance, but what is it like now? Would you recommend giving it another chance? Is it worth coming back to? Is it still the same Dota I knew and loved?

Thanks guys for any comments I appreciate it a lot. Your friendly Storm Spirit lover <3

submitted by /u/LittleJuiceCartoon
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How do I get better? I feel like I'm stuck

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 05:57 AM PDT

I have 50 hours into the game but I still feel like I know barely anything. I play support, primarily cm/vs/lion because those were recommended by friends as the easiest supports. I know how to pull and stack and put wards up but is this all I'm meant to be doing? I do all of that early game but mid to late I have no idea what to do. I also build items that's recommended. Usually tranquils/arcane, magic stick, blink dagger, wards/dust. If I'm rich enough an aghs

submitted by /u/NotaWeebiSwear
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Is Euls SF still an okay build? If so what is the standard build order for it?

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 11:48 AM PDT

Thinking about giving up

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 02:01 AM PDT

Greetings all, long time lurker here.

For the past 6 years i've been playing dota2 and i have been enjoying it. The past 2 weeks though i'm starting to feel different about the game.

Since 2 years or so i don;t really play solo games anymoer so my solo MMR isn't really a good read to go on, it hovered around 3k for a very long time, while my party MMR was around 500 lower.

I play about 10-20 games a week depending on how busy i am with work and always play with 1 friend. We've steadily gone down and down in MMR ever since :)

For the Past 6 months my games have been TERRIBLE (~40% winrate...). dotabuff last 6 months I'm sure it's also me, im not the best player but i feel my games all have the same 3 scenarios:

  • I have a good lane and the other lanes feed hard as hell or dont feed but give freefarm anyway trying but losing in 40

  • I have a bad lane as do the others and we get stomped in 25 mins

  • I have a bad lane and our mid does good we get a good game

And sometimes:

  • We do decentish but the enemies were bigger party (a lot of games we are as 2 party + 2+1 vs 5 stack or 4+1) and play together more.

What i'd like is we all have decent lanes and we win! I'm no longer even winning game that i'm playing good in i feel

It's starting to drag me down. I'm quite ok with losing 50% of my games but there are weeks when the losses far outweigh the wins. And then obviously the sometimes terrible teammate flamers.

Last week 1 cracked. i had a hard time mid as invoker vs a viper had a late bottle and TWICE the courier was taken from me. When i returned it to me the safe laner started ranting and i lost it.. my deepest point in dota yet i did it.. i fed mid, and again, and again and it still took 30 mins to lose...

Anyways what do i want with this post you might ask? A simple question actually. Is it me? and if so any tips?

I love the game, i love watching the game and playing it but i'm no longer enjoying it because i feel like im always losing.

submitted by /u/Vridiano
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How do i end games with idiots?

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 07:50 AM PDT

Most recent game example, match ID: 3327165149

I'm the meepo in this game and this was a 3.7k game.

The game went like this:

  • Had a pretty good start leading to a big avg GPM advantage.

  • Couple of pick offs and a few sensible plays = 20 min rax.

  • At this point i'm over double the networth of all of their cores, crazy gold advantage and the game is basically over if played properly.

  • At around 24 mins i call to my team to wait for rosh and my scythe to push, the team refuses and thinks it's better to force a fight, which we lose.

  • Clinkz then proceeds to try to rat against backdoor 2 or 3 times, feeding underneath t3s solo and we continue by losing every fight following...

  • Spectre comeback gold... etc etc

What the hell could i have done to close out the game for tragic team?

I doubled down this game as this was a pretty good meepo game, most of the team communicated and i thought it'd be easy. I'm so tilted right now i wanna take a break for a few days frankly.

submitted by /u/NaCl66
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Brown Boots/Pipe of Insight Lich - good or bad idea?

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 06:48 AM PDT

Disclaimer - 2k MMR player here

I've been playing a lot of Lich lately, and noticed a lot of builds tend to go for Tranquil Boots + Mekansm as "core" items. I've been playing that way and, while it seems good, I've also begun experimenting with the following build:

After brown boots, start building for Pipe of Insight. If speed is an issue, add a Wind Lace, but lock boots from combining. During the build up for Pipe, you're constantly adding +HP regen items, and when you're finished, you're at +12 HP/sec, all the time, compared to +14/HP sec with active Tranquils. If you've picked up Wind Lace, you can transition to a Eul's as your next item.

In any case, Pipe/Boots/(Wind Lace) with Frost Armor feels pretty strong in the mid game, and it seems to cover the same bases as Tranquil/Mek, but maybe someone with a little more game knowledge can point out any flaws in my reasoning.

submitted by /u/thepainetrain
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