True Dota 2 - Sometimes when I try to make the right decision, I make the completely wrong decision

Sometimes when I try to make the right decision, I make the completely wrong decision

Posted: 13 Jun 2017 09:56 AM PDT

Decision making is pretty hard in this game. Often times when I'm thinking through gameplay choices (laning, split push vs team fight, item choices), I think it through, make an educated decision, and later I find it to be completely wrong or countered in some way I didn't realize.

For example, playing as Jugg vs Viper/LC/Ursa yesterday, we pulled out to an early 2 rax lead. Using my extra rax + building money, I bought a butterfly, because I thought the evasion mixed with the huge DPS boost would mean I would win any 1 on 1 fight with their physical damage heroes. I even thought about the extra armor from the agi helping me out. In hindsight, the good item was a linken's sphere to block duel, because immediately afterwards we lost three fights from me getting dueled and eviscerating myself on LC's Blademail.

In a different game where I played lich, I bought a late-ish midas because we had several cores, I thought I wouldn't get much space to farm, and midases are good the later the game goes. What ended up happening is 20 minutes later, I had only one more item and my team fight impact was super small. If I had two items (force + glimmer, as opposed to force + midas), I could have helped out a lot more.

How do I make sure that when try to make a correct decision or counter play, I don't accidentally shoot myself in the foot by doing the wrong thing (kinda vague but I think I've explained my meaning).

For reference, I've been hovering around 4k mmr for several months.

submitted by /u/maxisawesome538
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Critique / add to a Morphling spammer's understanding of the hero

Posted: 13 Jun 2017 09:41 AM PDT

I've been spamming Morphling for my last 40 games or so, all the while I've been reading guides, threads on this subreddit, and watching high MMR games / player perspective.

Right now I'm ~4k MMR and about top 5k in the opendota morphling rankings. Below is my collective understanding of the hero. Can you please add anything I'm missing or correct anything that's wrong?

Starting Items

  • Tangos, salve, two iron branches, circlet/ring of protection (circlet if against a spammer like bristle/veno for the early wand), and faerie fire / another branch (depending on danger of lane).

  • The salve really helps for stalling creeps right before the tower or filling back up after the offlaner has spent all their mana bringing you low.

  • If I feel safe (trilane/weak offlaner), I'll ditch the salve for another circlet.

Skill build

  • Typically max waveform and morph before taking a level of ult, but will take ult in the moment or if i need to tp back to base, and will take adaptive strike if i need to stop a TP.

  • Rationale is that ult duration is too short and manacost of activating a replicate is too high to make it worth it early, and each level in morph adds a lot of survivability.


  • Almost always take mana, CDR, damage, and waveform range.

  • Will take replicate damage if the other team's carry is doing better than me (especially if luna/TB).

  • I don't understand when I should grab agility or movespeed instead (both have better dotabuff winrates).

Item Progression

  • Early on, typically, wand, basi, brown boots, aquila, ring of protection -> perseverance. RoP timing depends on when i run out of regen.

  • Worth noting that wand is huge because, early game, your strength and intelligence are low enough to make the active very significant (~half your mana/hp pool).

  • Will get treads early (generally after basi but before aquila) if I'm dominating the offlaner but I find that holding out for BoTs makes me feel really strong at my peak timings (after eblade). I understand treadswitching for more waveforms can increase farm speed, but with perseverance/linkens and a raindrop I rarely run out of mana and replicate makes it easy to fill up.

  • After that, typically linkens (15-19 mins) -> eblade (23-28 mins depending on game) -> BoTs (if no treads), with an occasional raindrop thrown in between item progressions. If I'm absolutely needed in fights, there are no squishies, or we're losing badly, I'll typically get a yasha/manta/dragon lance instead of (or before) eblade.

  • After eblade either manta/bkb (if silences / lots of magic damage/cc) or, if they're mostly physical, skadi/butterfly. Will generally get all of these items eventually, and outside those items, I find myself rarely buying other popular morpling items (e.g., pike, satanic, diffusal).

  • Occasionally will grab a rapier as a last item or an mkb to deal with evasion.

  • I've seen pros get blight stone, bottle, and silvers edge (against timber/bristle). I understand the rationale for all of them, but I'm just not convinced and I don't fully understand the timings if I were to get them. I've also seen pros get phase boots, but I don't understand the rationale for that one.

  • I generally think stats/regen increase farm speed way more than midas, but if I'm having trouble finding farm (stuck defending highground, map unsafe, etc.) I've found it's not bad as morphling really benefits from levels and it keeps my items progressing.

Laning Stage

  • Pretty straightforward, abuse your high damage to deny and secure cs. Pull or ask for pulls when necessary.

  • I feel like most people think Morph should only farm in lane, but I love to join in on ganks. I think the kill potential with morph is much higher than some other farm heavy cores like spec/AM.

  • I like to keep strength around 10. I like to take advantage of the armor and how quickly tangos/RoP fill you up when strength is low.

  • Morphling is great at trading physical hits, and with RoP you regen faster. If the offlaner is low mana (and I know where the enemy roamers are / have a deep lane ward to spot rotations) I will often waveform in and try to trade as many hits as possible.

Post-Laning Stage

  • Especially after the jungle nerfs, I find that power-farming lanes is much faster for GPM than staying in the jungle / freezing the lane. I'll typically push one lane while I send my replicate to another -- giving me an escape and putting me closer to the most efficient creeps to kill.

  • Always hit towers with your team when they are pushing. Morphling destroys towers with his high attack speed / damage.

  • I try to split push as much as possible as Morph is very hard to kill and he takes towers very fast. In doing so, I try to send a replicate to my team so I can join when necessary.

  • I generally try to show up near a tower as soon as the enemy commits to a push, so if the enemy TPs it destroys their push, and if they don't I can take the tower and catch the second half of the fight, after enemy lockdown is blown.

  • I've found that, especially in games where your team is far behind, split pushing and taking towers/shrines is one of the most effective ways of getting your team back in the game. You can really feel the global gold and map control in a losing game, and it has led to a lot of comebacks. This is another reason I heavily favor BoTs.

Team Fights

  • Generally speaking, blow up supports with the eblade combo, try to float around the edges and keep attention off you so you don't have to morph and sacrifice damage. Try to save morph, manta, and bkb until they are needed.

  • If I feel safe, if we need the damage, or if they have Luna/Spec/TB, replicate their carry for additional damage. If none of the above, send the replicate illusion to a safe place and use it as a "get out of jail free" card.


  • I really like manta -- maybe more than e-blade. I view it as a really strong defensive item (removes silence, morph's biggest weakness) but the illusions are also great for damage in teamfights and pushing due to morph's high agility, the movespeed is great on morph (who has low base movespeed), and, of course, the agility/stats are fantastic.

  • The general mantra I read on morph guides is to keep strength "high enough to survive the initial burst" but I find that many of the high MMR players I see have agility maxed. I think because it increases damage/GPM and it's rare that someone can both pop linkens and silence you before you can turn morph-strength on. Unless there's a silence that goes through linkens (Death Prophet) and I don't have manta, I generally keep agility maxed or very close to maxed.

  • As long as eblade has been cast, waveform and adaptive strike will do the amplified damage. This means you can start waveform -> cast eblade adaptive during the waveform, causing a big damage burst with less time for enemy reactions.

  • I generally like to build skadi a bit earlier if they have diffusal carriers or AM. Morphling really needs the mana/intelligence to be effective.

  • Replicate an ally -> tp back to base and buy items / morph back to agi /regen health -> replicate back.

  • You don't take damage during waveform, so you can dominate abbadon in lane. Right click once or twice and waveform over his shield.

Again, I'd really appreciate if you guys could add anything I'm missing or correct anything that's wrong. I'd love to build my knowledge base on the hero.

submitted by /u/Odin_the_Husky
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Why does SB have a 56% win rate in 5k+ on dotabuff?

Posted: 13 Jun 2017 12:27 PM PDT

I've been thinking about this for the past few days and am really stumped. The hero doesn't seem that much better than previously. Maybe because of the ember/cm/treant/mk nerfs?

submitted by /u/Dat_Speed
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Battle Fury + Blink Dagger Kunkka in 7.06?

Posted: 13 Jun 2017 12:56 PM PDT

Mandatory text

submitted by /u/attendantdota
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Razor bad late?

Posted: 13 Jun 2017 12:33 PM PDT

I was in a pretty easy laning phase but as the game got longer I could just do nothing during the team fights even while stealing +200 dmg from my enemies. I faced pudge, underlord, invoker, and medusa. Are these heroes just too good late and too tanky for me to help even when I steal all their dmg? Does pipe help against razors stolen dmg?

submitted by /u/womenrstoopid
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Common team fight mistakes

Posted: 13 Jun 2017 03:36 PM PDT

Where do you save your custom.cfg files?

Posted: 13 Jun 2017 02:58 PM PDT

I am getting different responses as I try and figure out why my healthbar.cfg files do not work.

Are your custom.cfg files still working, specifically any health bar manipulations? If so, where is the location?

This is driving me crazy, I have had it working for the longest time and now I can't seem to anymore.

If I move the file in the "userdata" path, as one user told me to save the files in that location, they say the file is unreadable.

But if I save the same files in the "dota 2 beta/game/dota/cfg" path it says it is execing, but the health bars are not manipulatable.

Edit: I also don't seem to have the same paths available on all my systems, which I find strange. on my xbuntu and windows partition, I have similar paths. On my arch install, I don't have the same folder structure. I am missing the "userdate" folder among others, and that was the folder one user told me to save my .cfg files. anybody know anything about this?

submitted by /u/svene
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Issues when having to many activable skills/items.

Posted: 13 Jun 2017 02:27 PM PDT

This might be better suited for r/learndota2 but I always enjoy the discussion here a lot more and take more away from this sub in general.

One of my most played heroes is Skywrath Mage. I started playing this hero solely as a position 5 support and once I was comfortable with the hero and felt strong consistently I decided to try it mid.

The trouble I am experiencing is now that I have access to multiple items early I am having issues actually using my items efficiently.

I believe the strongest build for mid Skywrath in this current patch is veil into atos then picking up force/ghost/glimmer/dagon depending on how the game is going.

Trouble is when I have picked up my third activatable item I find myself in the situation of having to perform the following sequence Force Staff, Concussive Blast, Atos, Veil, Arcane Bolt, Silence, Mystic Flare, Arcane Bolt

I know it sounds bad but I get overwhelmed by the number of unit target abilities as well as the number of different hotkeys that need to be utilized in the space of a couple seconds.

Because of this I tend to limit myself to two activable items on Skywrath and opt for items like Lens/Aghs/Octarine instead to improve the ease of execution on the hero.

This is working, for the most part, I have a positive win rate in mid lane but I still feel I could be doing better if I had access to the full store of items without gimping my execution by taking an extra second to cast arcane bolt meaning I miss one in my combo or accidentally force staffing my target out of ult (This, unfortunately, happens more then I want it to admit)

Do you have any advice for how I can improve my execution with many activable abilities/items?

Is it ok to limit a hero to 6-7 different hotkeys instead of 9-10 if the net gain is better performance on the hero?

For reference, I am 3.9k MMR currently. I play with Quickcast to try and minimize the number of actions I need to make.

submitted by /u/dalmathus
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Thought on dark seer's vacuum

Posted: 13 Jun 2017 01:54 PM PDT

Is dark seer's vacuum too strong, even after all nerfs ?

Should it no longer be a hard disable (like defeaning blast / flamebreak) ?

submitted by /u/Lfir
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Thoughts on Atos Centaur Warruner?

Posted: 13 Jun 2017 09:47 AM PDT

I'm curious about everyone's opinion on this combo. I personally like the idea of building Atos on Centaur. Two early bracers really helps his early game, and the intelligence helps his mana pool a lot. I rarely find myself running out of mana. Not to mention that the active is crazy good against lots of slippery heroes.

I've only been able to try it in two games, but the concept seems to really jive with me. It's good for initiation, and all the stats work in centaur's benefit. I don't really see it as a replacement for blink dagger, but something that improves its efficacy.

What do you all think?

submitted by /u/shapplesauce
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Mid Jakiro

Posted: 13 Jun 2017 09:27 AM PDT

In one of my recent ranked games, I saw the enemy pick a Shadow Fiend, a very snowball dependent mid. I thought of what to pick, and my eyes fell upon a Jakrio. Since I was against a SF, I spent the first 10 mins of the game pushing and denying as much farm as I could. THis worked actually. I got a Euls, which let me gank easy. After that I began to fall off so I left the lane to one of my hardcarries at about 15 mins so they could reap the benefits of the gigantic mid advantage I have created.

I could see Jakiro mid working alot against snowbally mids/weak earlygames. Anyone else try him out?

dotabuff -

opendota -

submitted by /u/Cultr0
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How do you LC offlane

Posted: 13 Jun 2017 02:01 AM PDT

I see the pros play it and it seems really strong and they get some great stomps on the enemy carries, but I don't get how they could go offlane and still get blink fast. How do you play this hero?

submitted by /u/cheese_ausar
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How often do you guys buy Aghs on Phantom Lancer?

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 07:00 PM PDT

I play him quite often and I'm surprised that high MMR players go for Aghs a lot in their games.

While it's undeniable that it gives a lot of stats and speeds up farming, is it wise to actually spend 4.2k gold for a farming item on a mid game fighting carry?

My personal preference is the usual Aquila>BoT>Diff so some opinions from PL players who are frequent Aghs purchasers would be good.

submitted by /u/Hyeri_0609
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What will it take for Lich to be viable?

Posted: 12 Jun 2017 08:56 PM PDT

Icefrog has continuously buffed Lich over the last couple patches, but he is still almost never picked at higher levels. How good is he in the current meta (especially for lower levels), and what will it take for him to be viable at higher levels and in pro matches?

submitted by /u/Kurry_King
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