Fallout - Fallout 2 atmosphere is amazing

Fallout 2 atmosphere is amazing

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 02:10 AM PDT

Fallout 2 is sometimes very silly, but most of the time it shows you a crapsack world with a bit of hope. I play the game on average once a year, so I play hardcore (max difficulty, no reloading, you die and thats it). I usually just go through the motions, I know the game by heart. I've won even throwing characters, and throwing sucks ass. I also pla with the nice restoration project that fixes many bugs and puts some missing content into the game.

Anyway, I was in the Sierra army depot, with Sulik, Cassidy, Vic and Myron. We were down to floor 3. It was a very successfull raid so far. Vic failed 3 times in a row at deactivating a forcefield, and the alarm rang. I had completely forgotten that could happen. A shotgun bot and a Heavy Security bot I had accidentally repaired instead of deactivated woke up. I see the Heavy robot moving, but it hasnt entered combat range, so we have 2 seconds to escape. Then I notice: Sulik had lagged behind, and he is gonna run into the Heavy bot alone. We enter combat, and time freezes. I was too far away, and I was unprepared for such a battle anyway. I had to drug myself to hell in order to take the brunt of the attacks and protect the rest of the party while we slowly whitled the Heavy bot with our weak guns. Sulik is dead. The guys pick most of his items, but they can't carry his Metal Armor Mk. II. I was way over my normal strength, so I pick it up. While bandaging the team, the drugs run out. I'm overloaded and we are all hurt. The music is eerie. I can barely walk. We slowly limp back to the surface, and through the enormous parking lot in the entrance, filled with the corpses of the riders that tried to get in. As if it were his corpse, I lay the heavy metal armor into the trunk of the car. Sulik is dead. Even Myron is not complaining from his wounds. I don't know how his sister will react to the news when we rescue her from the slaver camp...

submitted by /u/Svankensen
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What if in FO4 you don't play as Shaun's father/mother but as his sibling

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 09:47 AM PDT

So I was reading this discussion about your character's backstory in Fallout 4, in which one side was criticizing it due to the game forcing you to care for a 10 minute spouse and a potato baby and in the game you can have gay sex with a follower and cannibalize your son in less than 1 month in game, while those defending this forced backstory because of first time players who didn't played the previous fallout games and didn't had any idea what were ghouls or deathclaws.

So I got myself thinking, what if you didn't play has the soldier husband or attorney wife? But then how would you fit with the game's introductory and plot? After all it's because being the backup for Shaun's DNA that saves you from suffocating in the Vault like the rest of the inhabitants of the Vault. And then it occurred to me, what if you played has Shaun's sibling?

The game could start with you visiting your parents in Sanctuary for a few days after they had Shaun (the game could freely throw any background story to the father or the mother without damaging the roleplay of your character), you could have some heartwarm conversation with your parents, antagonize them, ask for money, tell them about your life or lie about it (bonus if you could tell your dad about being in the army and he asking if you have tried those new power armors). Then the Vault-Tec rep would show up and revealing how your family has earned a place in Vault 111 much to your confusion until your parents tell you that they also included you just in case. After filing your name and stats, you start arguing with your parents about registering you to a Vault or instead you show amusement for being registered in a Vault, either way the conversation would end with your dad saying how proud they were of you and how they want you to take care of Shaun if anything happen to them. And then the sirens rang.

The rest is pretty much the same. You four ran and enter the Vault. Vault-Tec puts all of you in cryogenic chambers. A cereal killer happens. Your parents are dead, your brother kidnapped and you being a backup. You wake up years later and now you survive in the wasteland.

So what do you think? It kinda sacrifices less roleplay than being the parent and you still have a baby to rescue but this time it isn't forcing you to go for it.

submitted by /u/VaultDweller911
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I just started Fallout: New Vegas for the first time, and I picked a mostly charisma build and the trail to go with it and wacky wasteland. Was the charisma build a good idea? And what does wacky wasteland change?

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 11:32 AM PDT

What processing power do you think a pip boy would have?

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 01:24 PM PDT

300mhz-500mhz i would say. They dont seem awfully powerful. But ive always been intrested in old computers

submitted by /u/marked-one
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Favorite Fallout NPC?

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 10:40 AM PDT

Not even necessarily companions, just NPC's you like. Fallout is known for amazing side characters so who's your favorite? I'd have to say Joshua Graham just because of how badass he is, and Fawkes.

submitted by /u/PenisDinklage
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I have an amazing idea

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 02:37 AM PDT

Okay in all the fallout games there are caravans.And they get shot at a lot because you know its the apocalypse.but they could subvert all the raiders by using eye-bots I know that sounds stupid but think about it, the enclave had hundreds of these things and the enclaves dead so why dont people re purpose them it would be so cool it would kinda be like drone delivery you could tie like 20 lb's of stuff to one and it could just float on over or you could tie like 8 of them together and they could carry the same amount of stuff as a caravan and not to mention how cool that would look to see like a swarm of eye bots trying to carry a suit of power armor or something well anyways that all I had to say.

submitted by /u/EvildoomToaste
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Did I (hopefully) break Preston?

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 01:55 PM PDT

Early in a new character/run through. Sturges is pleased and happy with all the crazy bullshit I did to Sanctuary. Told me to go talk to Preston.

Instead I went exploring, found a bunch of settlements, companions, opened up some work benches. Came back to Sanctuary and now Preston only says hi to me. Won't give me messions, I can't recruit him to be my companion. Nothing.

Anyone know what the deal is?

I mean I don't -care- all that much. On this go-around I'm ignoring the settlements. I'm just curious what might have happened.

submitted by /u/Lots42
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Should I get New Vegas Ultimate Edition on Steam, GOG, or Xbox 360?

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 11:13 AM PDT

My laptop is okay, it can run it on medium graphics pretty fast, high causes FPS drops that make it not worth it, and ultra is really bad. I was planning to get it on Xbox 360 brand new for $12 but my laptop handled it better than I expected. So 1. What do you think the price will be for ultimate edition during the steam summer sale? 2. Is it better on GOG? 3. Is it worth it to avoid the trouble and just deal with the worse controls on Xbox?

submitted by /u/VinentPlayzCR
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Need help with Fallout have 119 days left

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 12:45 PM PDT

ok I made it to the hub waters to expensive. I have Ian with Me I'm doing a pistols character need better gun for Ian and Me and need armor real armor not a leather jacket.

so fastest way to solve these problems?

submitted by /u/H311LORD
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[FO4] [X1] Vertibirds and Settlements

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 03:22 PM PDT

Is there a way to change where Vertibirds land during a drop-off in settlements? It would be super helpful when creating custom helipads. Any mod suggestions for Xbox One?

submitted by /u/ComradeCaylor
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Is there a decent interactive map for Fallout 3?

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 11:04 AM PDT

I need some help with new vegas

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 02:19 PM PDT

I was having an unmoded play through in new vegas when suddenly the orange tint seem to have disappeared so is there any way to get it back and also I am using windows 10 if you were wondering

submitted by /u/xXwadeXx
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Planning on starting a very evil warlord on fallout 3. What mods help this experience?

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 02:10 PM PDT

I have all the major mods downloaded like texture packs and such. But I'm wondering if there are any mods that make the evil play through better?

submitted by /u/j_skiddles
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Possibly Unpopular Opinion: I Quite Enjoy the Fallout 4 Settlement System

Posted: 09 Jun 2017 06:45 PM PDT

Well. At least the idea of it anyways. Maybe not so much in the actual execution of it. Here, allow me to explain what I mean.

I'm a fan of all the Fallout games. Though some of them have their faults, I still believe each one is a pretty good game. From the gameplay, to the stories, to the exploration. Each one manages to be a new and unique experience for me in the strangely welcoming wasteland. When it comes to Fallout 4 though, it added something very different from the other games. Something that I loved the idea of, and loved using it, but I felt lacked a bit in execution.

As you can tell by the title, I'm talking about the settlement system in Fallout 4. Before I start going any farther into this, yes, I do believe the Wasteland Workshop DLCs should have been included in the base game, and not as an add on. Actually, that is where some of my problems with the execution lies, but we'll get onto that later. I am a very large fan of base building games like Minecraft, and a multitude of RTS games. I am a fan of RPG games like Fallout (wow, imagine that) and other games. This system then was like a match made in heaven, or that's how I felt when I first got my hands on it. Things started to waver a bit after I got about 200 hours into the game, and that's when I started to really thing about the system as a whole.

As I stated before, I love the idea of it. Creating your own settlements made of scrap lying around to help house the survivors of this brutal wasteland. Basically trying to rebuild society out of the ashes of war. Having towns filled with people, with citizens running shops, defending the area, and more. Something feels missing though. It doesn't feel alive enough. And that brings me to the execution.

You have these settlements with about twenty people in them, but they never interact with one another. They just walk around and do random things if not assigned to a job. The only time they ever speak is if you're near them, and they usually say the same line of dialogue over and over again. Even the companions only talk to you, and don't interact with one another until you switch companions. Even then their exchange is short and rushed. Heck, the settlers don't even care what faction you've sided with, even if you're with the institute! Everyone in the commonwealth is supposed to hate the institute, and they don't even look twice! What I'm trying to say is that the settlers don't feel alive enough, they just feel like moving manikins.

Another thing that bothers me is the DLC. Why are basics things to build settlements, like displays, or light up signs, or even a key building material locked behind a paywall? If I were to make a game with a base building system, I would include all of that in the base game. Heck, I wouldn't lock any piece of the building system behind a paywall, because that just blocks people's creativity. Speaking of DLC, let's be serious about the Contraptions DLC. Half the stuff in that add on doesn't even make any sense in execution. How can someone whose making scrap houses out of whatever they can find suddenly make perfect working machinery? I mean, at least make people unlock a special settler that excels in that field or a special perk to make it somewhat realistic as to how we've made that jump technologically.

Something that also bugged me with this system is how it paid no mind as to which faction you sided with. Like for example, if I sided with the Brotherhood of Steel, wouldn't it make sense to have Brotherhood soldiers defending at the very least my key settlements? Or if I sided with the Institute, shouldn't there be synths walking freely, with settlers keeping their heads down out of fear? I just feel like the roleplaying aspect of choosing a faction to side with could have been fleshed out more with the settlement system.

All in all, I could go on for hours talking about this. I could talk about why I enjoy the system, and ways I would improve it to make the immersion better, but I don't want to make this post too long for you guys. Honestly, I would be fine if this system made a come back in the next game, only if they fleshed it out more to be as good as it possibly could be.

What do you guys think?

submitted by /u/Hosh_Jubbs
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Fallout New Vegas Lag Issue.

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 02:01 PM PDT

Having decided to replay Fallout New Vegas again. I downloaded it on my desktop, which hasn't had issues running it before.

As normal, I get Project Nevada and all the extras and patches that come with it. MCM menu, all of that.

I'm experiencing a massive lag issue that I've never had before, despite my specs being more than capable of running Fallout.

Is there anything I can do? And any more information I should give?


submitted by /u/Bedomp
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Very Upset with the Mechanist bug (Xbox 1)

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 01:37 PM PDT

Hadn't played Fallout in a while and then got hooked again, finished the game and realized I had the pass for all dlc's so I fired those up and beat Far Harbor which was great, came back to the commonwealth and had started the robot quests which lead me to the mechanist lair. Here I encounter the issue after I have killed waves of robots, the spotlights are still on and running and my current objective is to Stop the mechanist. I'm furious and have tried every internet suggestion. Uninstalled and reinstalled the game. You can even jump on top of the generator that powers the lights and then continue to the ledge in front of the mechanist and actually get a talk to command button but nothing happens!! Please Bethesda don't ruin the end of the game for me. My last save is minutes after I defeated the robots and before that it's 8 hours before this objective. If anyone has another suggestion I'm willing to try it. Thanks.

submitted by /u/kdhazey
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Power Armour Stuck in the Floor?

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 01:19 PM PDT

So I thought I'd play with the console commands and tried to spawn a Power Armour frame but it spawned at this wired angle and is no stuck. When trying to get in the game will try to get me into the frame but it freezes and after a minute it said that I can't use it as this time. Any clues? I'm on PC and have tried no clipping. Screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/YmzGX

submitted by /u/Doktor-P
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How do I add the minute men emblem on normal combat armor in Fallout 4 (Xbox One)?

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 12:02 PM PDT

I have a friend who's trying to add the minute men emblem onto normal combat armor in Fallout 4. Is there any way this can be done in the game? Is there any way a mod can be added so that he can add the minute men emblem on normal combat armor? Also he is playing Fallout 4 on the Xbox One.

submitted by /u/Sound_Flames
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Wasteland Treasure- A fallout inspired short film

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 11:59 AM PDT

Why don't caravaners just make wagons out of the some what still in tact cars still laying around?

Posted: 09 Jun 2017 07:33 PM PDT

ok , ya know the cars in fallout? seems kinda odd no one took the nuclear battery out since it can't be any larger then like a fission core. then basically mod the body and remove the windshield replace it with makeshift bullet shields and some slits so aim an fire though and just have any animal haul the thing.

basically a scrap wagon I mean You'd still need to hire guards maybe do shifts for letting one sit in an ride a few hours and the other guy walks an they swap out but I mean you could store the water and bramin food an extra stuff thats not cargo in the trunk if they have trunks I noticed something like that in Fallout when I got to the Hub

submitted by /u/H311LORD
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