World of Warcraft - Official Guild Recruitment Thread

Official Guild Recruitment Thread

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 03:07 AM PDT

Are you looking for more people for your guild? Are you looking for a guild? Put your recruitment posts here! Don't forget about /r/wowguilds in the meanwhile; sometimes you can't wait a couple of weeks to find a guild.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Switch-up Saturday: Puns

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 10:58 AM PDT

Howdy /r/wow!

Anyone got any really Good puns?

submitted by /u/Dr4ven
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I waited 1000 days to be able to take this screenshot. Meant a lot to me to finally get it.

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 06:23 AM PDT

Something's Not Quite Right...

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 11:07 AM PDT

Started leveling my first Horde character after a decade of playing and asked for port to Dalaran if anyone could spare their time, since the Dalaran portals are useful while leveling. Guess I somehow hurt this guy's feelings.

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 02:08 PM PDT

Demise of Deathwing, Aspect of Death...

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 10:42 AM PDT

My step dad passed away recently. I introduced him to PvP when WSG was released. Former Grand Marshall with nearly 750000 honor kills, RIP Warhunter of Proudmoore.

Posted: 09 Jun 2017 05:08 PM PDT

Back when PvP was server based, people used to talk about him on the Proudmoore WoW forums and that secretly made him really happy.

submitted by /u/Minecraftstuff
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Why isn't the WoD soundtrack on Spotify?

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 11:47 AM PDT

I understand that it isn't the most popular expansion content-wise, but WoD has some fantastic music.

I like to use WoW music for my D&D games so it frustrates me that every expansion soundtrack is on Spotify but WoD. Does anyone know why this is?

submitted by /u/metler88
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Updated Sylvanas fan art

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 02:49 AM PDT

What about your class is OP?

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 09:58 AM PDT

Hello fellow Heroes of Azeroth! I'm interested in hearing all things overpowered in legion. Circumstantial appearances of RNGesus, talents, memebuilds, legendary combos etc.

I've mained a warlock since Vanilla so Ive had my ups and downs of OPness ;)

On Rokmora I bank soul shards and kill the 3 fish in the water when you jump down, this allows you to keep your 5 stack of wrath of consumption (20% dmg) pop a potion lust. Whispers and stormsingers fulmination charge procced perfectly... that's not all... I proceed to dump 5 UAs while 3 of them didnt consume a soul shard AND fatal echoes procced 4 times. I am 915 equipped so i was able to finish the boss at 2.7 mil dps!

Tell me your op secrets!!

submitted by /u/Elysianne88
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"Can you lend me a hand with this?" "Sure!" "Wait, actually make that two."

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 12:12 PM PDT

Officer in my guild makes amazing kill videos. His latest Mythic Guldan is beautiful

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 02:32 AM PDT

Breaking Burning Crusade Dungeons as DH

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 05:03 AM PDT

Drew one of my favorite character

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 01:26 PM PDT

They really did Hakkar the Houndmaster an injustice in Legion. This is what Hakkar is supposed to look like.

Posted: 09 Jun 2017 06:06 PM PDT

Goddamnit Magatha...

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 04:50 AM PDT

Maelstrom is fixed now, no more swirly, good work shamans!

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 01:53 PM PDT

So I found this video of Ion Hazzikostas commentating over his guild's ZA speedrun in TBC

Posted: 09 Jun 2017 10:41 PM PDT

World of Warcraft Patch 7.2.5 Survival Guide

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 05:42 AM PDT

Wowprogress m+ bug.

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 09:38 AM PDT

Hey, yesterday I decided to do some m+ runs for dungeons that were upgrades for my m+ score. But instead of updating my real profile, the dungeons I ran yesterday was instead to scored to another random bug profile on Well of Eternity realm. Same happened for all of our players who was participating on the runs with me. Here's my real wowprogress profile And here is the bug profile. Anyone has the slightest idea what would cause this? For example of another profile, Here another hunter who did the maw with us. Well of Eternity profile.

submitted by /u/Kepsuda
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WoW players new and old, what is your favorite zone and why?

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 10:11 AM PDT

This deer looks so derpy

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 07:08 AM PDT

someone put down this poisonous gas cloud in the inn and its been there all day and taken many lives.

Posted: 09 Jun 2017 04:12 PM PDT

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